"Swan, I believe our luggage got mixed up a bit." Killian told her as she came out of the bathroom.

They had arrived in Ireland for their honeymoon two days ago and they were still slowly unpacking. They had flown which was an interesting experience. Killian asked a hundred questions and felt a little airsick, but fortunately there were no trips to the tiny plane restroom. Afterwards he complained of course that that never happened when he flew the Jolly Roger. And she would have preferred that too, but flying was faster than a cruise of six days just to get there when they only had two weeks.

"No, my mom and I did the packing and got everything we needed. And nothing was misplaced during the flight." She answered and wondered what was missing. "What are you looking for?"

"It's not what I'm looking for, but what I found." He stated and held up a folded pink shirt for her to see. "I own nothing of this color!"

"Wait, I didn't pack that, let me see." She said and grabbed it from him. She unfolded it and couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, Killian!"


"Remember when my dad said he'd get you back for the jokes about the glitter lips? Well, the time has come." She told him and managed to keep the laughs at bay. But she lost it again when she turned the shirt around and saw his reaction.

"Bloody hell! What the…that's not funny, Swan! Your father will walk the bloody plank for this when we get home!" Killian yelled and then mumbled a few curses under his breath.

Despite Killian's thought, Emma thought it was extremely funny. Who wouldn't find a pink shirt, with a picture of the animated Captain Hook, and the words 'Rolly Joger' printed on the front, hilarious?

"And it isn't even spelled right. It's one thing to make fun of a man. But to dishonor his ship? That is out of line." He continued to rant.

"Actually, my dad isn't the one to blame for that one, not entirely." Emma admitted and gave him a sheepish smile.

"You mean you knew about this hideous, insulting, outrage?" He demanded and threw the shirt in question in the wastebasket near the nightstand of the cottage they'd rented.

"No, I didn't know about the shirt. He must have gotten my mom to sneak it in." She told him and put her hands on his shoulders to calm him a bit. "But I might have mentioned the 'Rolly Joger' to him. Remember when I was with Hook when we were back in time? He was pretty drunk when we got to the ship and that's what he very proudly called it. And I made a joke that since the Jolly Roger wasn't really at the wedding that the ship was the 'Rolly Joger'."

"My father-in-law using my wife and my past-self's drunken idiocy against me, wonderful." He stated sarcastically and threw his hand in the air as he walked across the room to the window.

"Killian, it's just a stupid joke that doesn't mean anything. But I'm sorry you're upset and that I told him about it." She apologized and came to stand behind him, grabbing his left arm and running her fingers over his wrist.

"You have no reason to be sorry, love. But your father does and very much." He stated but most of the anger had left him. Then he turned to her with a bit of a smirk. "But you may feel free to heal my wounded pride however you like."

"And how shall I do that?" She asked even though she knew full well what he was hinting at, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, we are on our honeymoon, Mrs. Jones. So I should imagine something fitting with that." He replied and put his hand on her hip to bring her closer.

"I'll see what I can do." She told him with a smirk of her own before she kissed him better.


They did many things that honeymooning couples would both inside and out of their little cottage. They toured some castles and museums on the rainy days, took boat rides and beach walks when the sun was out, and tried over a dozen pubs. But one of her favorite things to do was take a little hike to some nearby cliffs and watch the sunset.

"This is a first." Emma commented after she took a drink from Killian's flask.

"Watching the sunset from a cliff with a stunning view of the sea? This is hardly the first time on our trip, or in general. And hopefully it's far from the last." Killian replied, slightly confused, but still managed to make it really sweet.

"I hope so too." She smiled and took his hand in hers. "But I meant your flask, there's no rum in it. I don't believe I recall that ever happening before."

"Aye, I finished it off during our walk through Iveagh Gardens and I refilled it after we left the first brewery." He told her and she knew she had made a good choice in suggesting they visit the Guinness Storehouse as well as several other local distilleries. "Rum is still my preference but I've enjoyed trying some new alternatives."

"I agree, but Irish coffee is definitely a close second to cocoa and cinnamon." She nodded and moved closer to Killian's side. "Wish I had some right now."

"Sorry, I can't be of assistance there, Swan, though I could learn to make it when we return home. We certainly stocked up on whiskey and some other things this afternoon. You could drink it whenever Henry's at Regina's and you're in the mood for a more adult beverage. But you're the one with magic, why don't you just make a glass appear?" He suggested.

"We're outside of Storybrooke in the real world. Even if it could work, it's probably not a good idea." She shook her head.

"Then perhaps we should hunt ourselves down a leprechaun." He suggested with a teasing grin. "It rained not long ago so there may be a rainbow lingering somewhere."

"Leprechaun's are not real, Killian." She sighed and rolled her eyes for the hundredth time since arriving in Ireland.

"Says the woman on her second honeymoon with Captain Hook, who is the father of your son, and…"

"Okay, I get it, Hook." She stated with slight irritation, mostly because she couldn't make a comeback. "But you can't tell me you really want to chase after a short guy with a pot of gold when we can go back to the cottage and just make our own drinks."

"Well, I am a pirate and gold of any kind is highly tempting, love." He continued to tease her, as if it was actually up for debate.

"I guess it would be bad form to deprive you then." She said in mock seriousness to humor him. "But would you settle for playing with my golden hair while we sit in front of the fire with our drinks?"

"I don't think that'd be settling at all. Any pirate can have a supply of gold coins, but I'm the only one that has you." He told her and wrapped his jacket around her as the last rays of sunlight disappeared and they made their way back to the cottage.


Their two weeks in Ireland were arguably the best of their life. Whatever they were doing or wherever they went, they enjoyed themselves as they were together. But at the end of it all, they couldn't wait to go home and see their family and friends again. The trip was amazing, but even if another crisis awaited them, it was time to go back where they belonged. But they had one more stop to make before they caught their flight home.

They took ferry ride to Hook Peninsula, home of Hook Lighthouse, one of the oldest lighthouses in the world. Henry had suggested it to them before they left. Going to Ireland was actually his and Killian's idea since it was where he 'came from' in the cover story she made up in New York. And Killian thought it was the ideal place as it was nicknamed the 'Emerald Isle' and such a place would highlight her eyes according to him.

The lighthouse itself didn't have anything to do with Captain Hook but they still couldn't pass it up. And she took lots of pictures of Killian, who even put on his hook which he hadn't been wearing in public, with the lighthouse in the background.

"Remember when I took you to a lighthouse for the first time?" Killian asked her as they enjoyed the view from the top.

"Our first, first date, how could I forget it? You always made me feel special, like I was worth something, that you loved me. But that day, I trusted you despite having never ridden a horse before. And as we watched the sunset on the horizon, and I thought about how you orchestrated it all, for me, I realized I wasn't nervous about you anymore. Even though I had said 'I love you' I was still scared because it was so new, but I wasn't after that." She told him something she never had before.

"I told you the waves can wash away your troubles if you let them." He stated with a smile and gave her a kiss. "What I remember is what I told you, the only thing more beautiful than the rising or setting of the sun is still you and only you, love."

"And you're still the most dashing rapscallion in all the realms." She smiled and told him before sharing another kiss.

"Remember when that really bad storm hit us just before the wedding?" She asked after the kiss. "It poured for days, I got a little seasick, and the Jolly Roger took got some damage. I thought it would never end."

"I remember." He nodded and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I also remember you thought we would be stranded in the middle of the ocean forever. I'm still a little insulted by your lack of faith in me as captain."

"It wasn't you I doubted, it was the weather." She assured him. "I thought fate had it out for me. But when it was all over and the clouds went away, I could see the sun setting and I felt relieved. Then you came over and made some cheesy comment about the sun always coming out no matter how bad the storm. I wanted to tease you for it but I had to admit it was true. If fate went through so much trouble to bring us together and through that storm, it would make sure we had our wedding."

"I'll admit I was having similar thoughts that day." He told her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "But it wasn't seeing the sunset that gave me hope, it was seeing you. And before you say anything, you love when I'm cheesy and we both know it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She feigned indifference.

"For one who can detect lies you're utterly terrible at telling them, love." He stated with a smug grin. "Remember when you called me cheesy for the first time? I was so bloody confused trying to figure out how food was relevant to my loving words and whether or not it was a compliment."

"Yeah, your face is pretty hilarious when you're confused. And I saw a lot of similar looks when it came to other things or sayings from this world." She couldn't help but laugh a little. "Though I imagine mine was about the same with some of the things you told me about the Enchanted Forest. Mainly that it was actually called the Enchanted Forest."

"Aye, you looked at me as if I had been marooned for a decade and completely lost my mind." He stated and shared in the laughter. "It was worth the insult to my sanity though to see how you took to it all like a sailor to the sea. I certainly didn't adapt that easily to this realm even with the foreknowledge of it from you."

"Well, in your defense you didn't remember the things I'd told you about." She shrugged. "Remember when you thought the Jell-O in the hospital was a hallucination? Part of the reason I was annoyed was because of how badly I wanted to laugh but couldn't. And how I should've known you'd escape."

"Pirate." He told her just as he had back then. "And I'll have you know, the reason I escaped was to find you. I was still didn't know how to respond to what you'd told me about our past. But I knew I could trust you to make sure I wasn't being poisoned."

"I'm glad you trusted me and didn't think I was crazy enough to be the one poisoning you after what I revealed out of the blue." She chuckled a bit self-consciously. He really could have thought she was crazy and avoided her like the plague after her hospital visit. He might not have taken her to Neverland, his curse wouldn't have been broken, and they wouldn't be here today.

"I'll admit I had some doubts after the beanstalk." He said with a bit of teasing. "But if you wanted me out of your life or dead, you could have let Rumpelstiltskin finish me off after the car failed to do the job. But you didn't, you looked out for me. You made sure the Crocodile couldn't get to me and showed you cared by trying to talk me out of my revenge and telling me the truth about us, despite how difficult I'm sure it was."

"I was a nervous wreck that night, but I was relieved you finally knew the truth, regardless of what you did with it. Although for the record, I'm really glad you gave me a chance, despite what I did on the beanstalk." She confessed to him and gave him a kiss, and unlike the beanstalk incident she had no intention of running away, this time or any time. "I love you, Killian."

"And I you, Mrs. Jones, forever." He replied and gave her another heartfelt kiss. "Remember when the crew had a drinking game going and you insisted on joining in?"

"Actually that's one I don't remember." She shook her head and looked down at her feet. "But I do remember waking up the next morning hungover with a twisted ankle."

"Well, if it's any consolation you can in second after yours truly." He told her with a teasing grin then suddenly looked a little sheepish and he rubbed that spot behind his ear. "And actually the twisted ankle was my fault. I took my eyes off you for one bloody second and you nearly fell off the gangplank and into the water. You twisted your ankle when I caught you."

"I think I vaguely recall you explaining something like that the next morning." She nodded, trying to think about it. "Thankfully I learned a lesson though and I never drink that much. Speaking of drinking, remember when I tricked you and hid all the rum on board?"

"Like I'd ever forget such an act of cruelty?" He asked with sarcasm. "Remember when you found those puppies hidden near the docks? A boy had apparently hidden them so his father wouldn't drown them."

"I'll never forget the look on his face when you gave his father enough gold to take care of them until they could find homes. You were his hero and I felt so lucky to be in love with someone like you." She told him with a smile and gave him a deserved kiss.

"I remember when I got my memories back." He began and held her hand in his. "Even though you left before I could tell you, I didn't mind. I just counted myself lucky to have remembered what we had together. I couldn't believe that everything you said and even more was true. I loved you and it was even sweeter than before since I knew what it was like not to have it. Just like it was when you returned my heart."

"I remember when you found me in New York. I was so confused." She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. "But despite everything, even our little fight and how chaotic those first few days were, I was really, really happy to have you back. I couldn't believe you found me but I probably shouldn't have been. Henry did it in Boston and he is your son. I'm so lucky to have you both and I don't know what I'd do without you. I know I've been through it before but I don't ever want to face that again."

"Aye, love; I know precisely what you mean. In all my years I've been to many places and seen some amazing sights. But the place I want to be is wherever you are. I'll always find you, Swan, and you'll never be without me, not truly. Because I'm a pirate and when I want something, I make sure I get it. You're the only one I want, Emma Jones, and I love you with all my heart."

As he spoke she hugged him even tighter and barely noticed the tear that ran down her cheek. Once upon a time she couldn't even imagine being loved in such a way, but she was. A pirate had fallen in love with a princess and she couldn't be happier with him. But this wasn't a happy ending; things were just beginning again for them. She knew they had an amazing future ahead of them and they would be together to the end of the world or time.

"And I love you, Killian Jones, my pirate, my dashing rapscallion, my hero, and my true love." She told him and the words barely slipped out of her mouth before it was otherwise occupied with his.

They had kiss a million times, especially during this trip alone, but each one was always special. And she was sure they'd both always remember this one as it tied with Buttercup and Westley's as the perfect one. Just like her ancestors, she and Killian's love for each other couldn't be broken with a thousand swords. But when those swords came all she had to do was remember. Remember the kisses, the words, the hugs, the moments, and most importantly…their love.

"That's all folks!" A story I started 34 weeks ago to the day (yes, I actually counted that) is now finished. It's amazing but also bittersweet. Thank you for giving this story a chance and an even bigger Thanks You for making it to the end here and I trust you enjoyed it. And shout-out to EmilyBae, revanmeetra87, CShipper and so many countless others for your support and reviews! Writing and sharing this has been an awesome experience and it's been great to hear from everybody. For now the fat lady has sung but I may do a sequel in future after I write some other stories I have ideas for. So again, THANK YOU so so much and look out for a new CS story hopefully coming soon in a couples weeks.