Her Life Written in Lyrics

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters that are used in this story. Harry Potter belongs to the amazing J K Rowling.

A/N: PLEASE READ TO UNDERSTAND STORY! Hello! This chapter will probably be short, but it is just a bit of an introduction to the rest of the story. The next chapters will be much longer. I know that I have not finished my other story yet, but I felt like writing something and this wouldn't go away. Sometimes I can't focus on anything until I write whatever is in my head! I promise that I will keep regularly updating both of my stories. Please leave a review to tell me what you think!

Also, this story is AU. It is set after Harry's sixth year. Sirius never died and Dumbledore made Sirius secret keeper before he died so that they could keep using Grimmauld Place. James and Lily Potter never died either, instead James dodged the killing curse and Lily was tortured not killed at the request of Snape. As she was still willing to give up her life for Harry, and tried to die for him the protection still worked as it did in Deathly Hallows when Harry tried to die for everyone in Hogwarts and Voldemort couldn't hurt them anymore.

Chapter 1:

It was the summer after the Golden Trio's sixth year, and the three were sitting in the drawing room of Grimmauld Place along with Ginny, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Sirius, Remus and Tonks. Lily, James, Arthur and molly were all in meetings with various Order members discussing the prophecy as well as the secret that Harry, Ron and Hermione were keeping. Apparently they thought they were dropping out of school. Lily and Molly had not been at all pleased to hear this, and had immediately rushed off to try to find out why as soon as they realized their sons were not going to tell them anything. Anyone who knew Lily Potter and Molly Weasley thought that it was probably a good thing that Albus wasn't there; if he was he would be facing the wrath of two very angry redheaded mothers.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were as usual sitting huddled in a corner with a notebook and some parchment in between them talking in hushed whispers. The other four Weasley brothers were laughing loudly on the other side of the room. Every so often there was a loud bang and everyone would look up from what they were doing to find one of them with green hair or soot covered faces, or occasionally blood rushing from some wound that they had acquired from testing the twin's products.

Sirius, Remus and Tonks were talking quietly to themselves, mostly speculating about what the three teens in the corner could possibly be planning to do once they dropped out of Hogwarts. Little Ginny Weasley was sitting on an armchair, curled up with Crookshanks and writing in a large scarlet scrapbook with a cursive golden 'G' on the front.

Unknown to everyone else in the room, the oldest four Weasley brothers were actually talking about their baby sister.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" asked Charlie. All four had noticed that Ginny had seemed very upset since coming home from Hogwarts.

"I don't know," answered Fred.

"Yeah, we owled her a few times while she was at school. It seemed like she was really happy. She said that she and Dean broke up though, maybe that's it," George added.

"No, she never actually really liked him. I asked Hermione why she was dating him when she didn't like him and Hermione told me it was to get over someone else. Wouldn't tell me who though," Bill said, discreetly watching his little sister write in her book. "I wonder what she's writing." Bill asked the others.

"Oh, that's her song book," George told him.

"Her what?" asked Charlie, confused.

"Her song book," Fred said slowly with the air of explaining something to a very small child. "It's where she writes all her songs," Fred told him in the same patronizing tone.

"Since when does Ginny write songs?" asked Bill like it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. To be fair, none of the Weasleys aside from Fred and George even knew she could sing.

"Since she was about twelve or thirteen I think," said Fred.

"Yeah, they are actually amazing," George added. Bill and Charlie sat staring at their sister as if she had grown another head.

"Hey, I bet that songbook would tell us why she's upset. I mean, it's like her diary," George told the other three. "Don't call it a diary though, she goes bat crap crazy."

"Understandable," Bill growled. No one could ever forget what had happened to Ginny in her very first year at Hogwarts.

"Hey Gin, what are you writing?" Charlie called across the room. Ginny looked up at them, her eyes narrowed.

"Nothing that concerns you," she answered coldly. Everyone in the room was now watching the five Weasleys.

"Oh come one Gin-Gin, sing us a song!" cried George. Ginny glared at him angrily. She didn't like people knowing that she wrote songs. They were very personal. In fact, the only people who knew were Fred and George, who found out by accident when they came into her room without knocking, and Harry whom Ginny had told.

Another thing that not many people knew was that Harry and Ginny had been very close friends since Ginny's third year. Harry told Ginny about Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and prongs, and about Sirius being innocent. They told each other everything after their experience in the Chamber. Ginny told Harry about her songs, and Harry even helped her write some of them.

Ginny didn't want anyone else to know any of her songs. Her song book was a bit like a journal for her. She wrote songs about everything in her life. It was her way of expressing how she feels without actually telling anyone.

"No thank you, I'd rather not," she said, her face turning red with an angry blush, which in Harry's opinion made her look absolutely adorable.

"Oh please! You have a wonderful voice!" pleaded Fred. "What was the one you were writing just then?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just about my ex," admitted Ginny quietly before turning back to her book.

"Ooh, I didn't know you wrote songs. Can I have a look?" asked Tonks.

"NO!" cried Ginny, snapping the book shut quickly. "It's private," she explained to everyone seeing their bewildered faces.

"So this song…" Bill said slowly. "It was about Dean?"

"No, I broke up with him ages ago. It was about someone after him," Ginny continued to write in her book. If anyone had been paying attention to harry potter they would have seen him stiffen, and an expression of guilt and pain passed quickly over his face before disappearing a few seconds later, replaced by an expressionless mask.

"Wait, you've had another boyfriend, after Dean?" asked Charlie, his voice dangerously low. "Who knew about this?"

"Er… Ron, Hermione and Harry," Ginny answered. No one had heard the slight strain in her voice as she said Harry's name.

"So, who was this jerk?" Fred and George demanded at the same time. It was fairly obvious that whoever it was had hurt Ginny. They could see it on her face, the pain in her eyes when she talked about him.

"No one you need to know about," Ginny told them. She was getting quite annoyed with her brother. It wouldn't be their business if she dated half of the male population of Hogwarts.

"Alright, why don't you sing us some songs about him and then we'll guess who it is. Oh and we get to choose the songs," said Bill. He wanted to know who this idiot was so he could kick his ass for hurting his little sister.

"No," replied Ginny.

"Ginny please!" pleaded Charlie. No one got away with hurting Ginny. Once they found out who he was, he would have five very angry Weasley brothers unleashed on him. Well perhaps four, as Ron didn't seem very concerned by it. Traitor.

"Please Gin-Gin!" Bill said making puppy dog eyes at her. The three adults in the room watched on in amusement.

"Yeah Gin, we're not giving up you know," said both Fred and George.

"Ginny come one I want to hear you sing!" said Tonks. "And I doubt that your brothers will ever leave you alone unless you sing.

"Fine, but I'm choosing the songs." Ginny sighed in defeat, realizing that she wasn't going to be going anywhere until she sang for them.

"No way, we get to choose the songs," said Charlie. He tried to grab the scrapbook from Ginny's hand but she pulled it out of his reach.

"No," she said again.

"Ginny, what are you hiding from us?" asked Bill suspiciously. Ginny wasn't usually secretive about her things.

"Nothing, it's none of your business."

"If Ginny doesn't want to show you then she shouldn't have to," said Harry looking at Ginny. He knew what was in that scrapbook that she didn't want her brothers seeing. He had helped her collect many photos and sketches of the two of them together, and each song had a detailed explanation on what it was about. There was no way her brothers could ever see that.

Remus looked at harry suspiciously when he spoke up for Ginny. Usually, Harry was just as protective of Ginny as her brothers were, if not even more so. Remus had thought Harry would have wanted to know who this boy was that hurt Ginny.

"Ginny come on please, we need to choose a song for you to sing!" said Tonks.

Ginny shot a pleading look at Harry. Only he knew what was inside the book that she didn't want everyone to see. "Why don't Hermione and I go outside and choose the first song, then you guys can choose the next one," suggested Harry. Ginny knew what Harry and Hermione were going to do and handed the beautiful red book over to Harry. Hermione followed Harry out into the hallway with a confused expression. Harry closed the drawing room door behind them.

Once they were out of earshot Harry turned to Hermione. "I need you to cast a glamour charm on this book," said Harry urgently. "Hide anything to do with me in there, as well as the parts explaining what the songs are about."

"OH, okay," said Hermione, before waving her wand in a complicated pattern over the songbook. "There, the only people who will be able to undo this charm are me and you," Hermione told him. "Well you'll be able to undo it in a few hours when you turn seventeen." Harry quickly flipped through the book to make sure there was no evidence of him and Ginny.

"Actually Hermione, were there any photos of me and Ginny just as friends? She's got photos of her and everyone else but not me, her brothers will get suspicious," Harry noticed that he was entirely missing from the book. Everyone had definitely noticed that Harry and Ginny were both very close friends, hence the reason they didn't question why he was allowed to look at her book. No photos of him would definitely cause suspicion.

"Sorry, I didn't think about that," Hermione said as she made another pattern in the air over the book with her wand. A couple of photos of Ginny and Harry goofing around and being silly appeared in the book, and a few of them when they were younger flying on brooms. "Thanks Hermione, you're a lifesaver." Harry quickly hugged his friend before rushing back inside the drawing room before people started to wonder where they were.

"Sing Better than Revenge," He grinned at Ginny as he opened the door and sat back down on the floor next to the parchment he had been reading with Ron and Hermione. Ginny grinned back at him. This song was one of her and Harry's favorites; it was one that they had written together.

"Alright, this song is called 'Better than Revenge.' Harry helped me write a lot of it." Ginny smirked at Harry as he mock glared at her.

"Why?" asked Bill.

"What?" replied Ginny, confused.

"Why did Harry help you write it?" Bill clarified.

"Oh, because neither of us sleep very often and he was in the common room."

"So… Harry's seen what's in this book? Can we see?" asked Charlie.

"Let me sing my song first," replied Ginny. "By the way, this is before me and my ex got together, it's about his ex-girlfriend." Ginny then started to sing.

A/N: Hello! I know this has been done quite a few times, but I haven't found many finished versions. Also, I love music and writing and I thought that this was a really great idea. I hope that you enjoy! Please leave me a review telling me what you think. Milo.