"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."

— Amy Poehler

Hyacinth Potter was known as the Ice Queen of the Slytherin. They listened to her, followed her order, and helped her win the war against You-know-who. Her words were absolute.

She befriended with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Daphne Greengrass ever since the first year, she ruled the school with an iron fist. Rescuing and returning the Philosophy stone to Nicholas Flamel had helped her earned a place being the Flammel apprentice.

Year two, she killed a freaking basilisk; earned herself a new loyal minion…friend in Dobby-the-house-elf, and an ally in Lucius Malfoy; meanwhile also rescuing Ginny Weasley and generally worried Draco and Blaise out (they swore ever since they knew her, they always have grey hair on their head and they haven't even entered adulthood yet. She just shrugged, told them they would miss her and that their lives would also be boring without her in it). Daphne would just sniff disdainfully at her and told her to stop being an idiot Gryffindor.

After that, with the help of her best friends, she discovered the diary was a Horcrux and was appalled at the idea split your soul.

"I don't think You-know-who just split his soul into two, you know" – Blaise told them – "the Magical world viewed number 7 is a magical number, and based on the name the Dark Lord had chosen for himself – Flight of Death – he would make sure he immortal, don't you think? So why just split his soul in two?"

So they searched high and low, found all the Horcruxes, asked the goblins for their help, and generally trying to end the war before it even began.

Don't get her wrong, Hyacinth would love to see the Wizarding world would burn down by themselves but then they would find her and make her their 'saviour' one way or another. They were sheep, which was true. But they were sheep that have powerful, manipulative, and ruthless leaders that would do anything in their power to guarantee their wins. So, she figured, better destroy one first then deal with the other one later.

Hyacinth loathed the manipulated old coot, the one who had left her on the front doorstep of her aunt Petunia house as a mere baby in the middle of the night after losing both of her parents on said night. She despised him, even more, when she found out the wrong imprisonment of her dog-father. She could not fathom how he still has some sanity left in him after all the years he spent in Azkaban.

She adored Sirius. It's hard not to be fond of someone who loves you enough to sacrifice their own sanity for you. Although sane or not, Sirius was still a Black, and Black educated their children ever since they were young. He maybe a reckless idiot, but Sirius Black was anything but stupid. After he escaped, he blood adopted Hyacinth, made her his heir, made her became his daughter in every way possible, and did everything in his power to prepare her.

In her third year summer, he told her about Dying Will Flame, about their power, and about how the magical world viewed them as 'black magic'. At this, Sirius howled with laughter. Those idiots didn't know how accurate it was.

He told her that the Black originally came from Italy, where most of the underworld use Dying Will Flame as their tool to survive and to gather Famiglia. In the Black family books, they said that everyone has their own Flame, it's just the matter of Will for their Flame to be active. He began to teach her how to meditate, to find her inner core, and to find a connection with the energy that flows through her body.

Meditating helped a lot. It had helped her calmed her mind, control her anger, and helped her found peace within herself. Not only that, she had also found her inner Flame – she has Sky and Night Flame (and couldn't help but feel a bit cliche about it), and figured out her inner Animagus animals (thank Merlin for Sirius!) – Turned out she had two, midnight Phoenix and snow fox.

Fourth Year? Well, let just say it was when shit began to hit the fan.