Allow me to self indulge just for this chapter. Nobody recommended this, but hey! A girl's gotta have fun!

Jay panted, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He took a step backwards, snapping a twig. Damn. The ninja were like hawks, just a tiny noise would be enough for them to swoop and claim their prey. He had to be careful. Or he could just panic and run. that sounded more like him.

He broke out into a sprint, panting as he passed the trees. He heard movement from behind him. He spun around and was greeted with a familiar face.

"Cole! Oh thank the stars, they didn't get you yet!" Jay cried.

"Shh! Remember, they could be anywhere!" Cole hissed, pressing a finger to his lips, "Have you seen Zane? We had to split up when Lloyd was cornering us."

"I didn't. You don't think they..."

Cole bit his lip. He did remember Lloyd chasing after the nindroid once they make a run for it in seperate directions. Zane being defeated seemed like a totally plausible solution for his absence. No. Cole knew that Zane was still out there. Somewhere.

Then they heard it. A gun being cocked.


Kai eyed his target from a safe distance. Jay Walker. The bane of his existence. If anyone was going to send that bastard to the Dark Island where he belonged, it was him. Nya gave Kai an approving glance and he grinned. Kai cocked his gun, preparing to fire. Bad move. Cole and Jay immediately heard the sound and looked towards Kai and Nya's hiding spot. They gave each other a frightened glance and dashed away. Crap.

"Sh*t! They're getting away!" Kai yelled, firing his gun. Cole expertly dodged the blast, letting a small smirk escape. Kai kept firing, but Cole kept avoiding the blasts.

Nya was starting to get impatient. She pointed her gun at Jay and fired. Cole heard Jay's cry and turned his head.

Jay was soaked with crimson. He fell onto his knees, then onto the ground.

Cole felt anger, bubbling deep from inside him. He whipped around pulled out his gun, screaming with rage as he pulled the trigger. Kai and Nya ducked as a barrage of blasts came from Cole's gun, but not before Nya got hit in the chest.

"NYA! I said that Jay was mine to end!" Kai yelled. There was no point in complaining. Nya was unresponsive since she was defeated.

Kai looked over the top of the bush he was hiding behind. Cole had disappeared.

"Great. Just...perfect." Kai muttered, gritting his teeth. He took off after Cole.


All Zane knew for sure was that he had to run. All Lloyd knew was that he had to take Zane down. They both knew that this wasn't going to be pretty.

Zane ducked as the blast barely scraped his hair. He bit his lip as he ducked behind a pillar. He peeked out and fired his gun at Lloyd, who managed to dodge the blast.

"Give up, Zane! I know your gun's empty! And I still have half a barrel left!" Lloyd yelled.

Zane glanced at his gun and winced. Lloyd was right. After the last shot, his gun was empty. Lloyd walked up to Zane and pointed his gun at him, Zane not even trying to run away. He gave Lloyd a terrifying glare. Lloyd smirked and went to fire.

A shot hit Lloyd on the back of his head. He fell to the ground, defeated. Cole wiped sweat off his forehead and looked at Zane, giving him a warm smile. Zane grinned. Then his face fell. Kai was sneaking up on Cole.

"Cole, look out!" Zane yelled.

Before Cole could even react, Zane pushed Cole out of the way. In doing so, Cole was saved, but Zane was hit. He collapsed onto the ground on top of Cole.

"Zane, NO!" Cole yelled, trying to shake Zane awake.

Kai slowly walked up to Cole and put the gun to Cole's forehead. A shiver went down his spine, as his last bit of ammo had been used up when he shot Lloyd.

"Game over." Kai said, pulling the trigger.


Cole face was doused with water, and he screamed. Kai laughed so hard he nearly fell over.

"Red team WINS!" Kai yelled in triumph, throwing his gun down. Lloyd chuckled, stood up and wiped his face.

"Great, now Cole, Jay and Zane have to do the dishes for the next two weeks!" Lloyd yelled, throwing his gun into the air with a grin on his face.

"Okay, fine, but I'm still pretty sure Nya cheated!" Cole said, pointing at Nya as she came out of the bush.

"What, me? No!" Nya said, feigning surprise. It was true that Nya swerved a few water blasts out of her way. To be honest, Nya was terrible at water gun fights.

"Kai, I still believe using red and blue coloured water was a bad idea. Will the stains even come out?" Zane asked, sitting up and tugging at his red soaked gi, "Food colouring is notorious for staining clothing..."

"It's for effect, Zane!" Jay said, climbing out of the bushes, "It wouldn't be as cool if we just used ordinary water. The stains will come out! I think."

"Fair enough. But don't you believe we might have taken it a bit too seriously?" Zane asked.

"No." Kai said, "Why do you ask?"