Hey guys! It's Time Flies In The Summer again with the twenty-third installment in the Dialogue Prompt Challenge!

Featured Characters:

-Yugi Moto as Yugi

-Yami Bakura as Bakura

-Yami Marik as Marik

-Yami Yugi as Yugi

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Dialogue Prompt: "You had this planned all along didn't you, you little shit."

"Hey Midget, where's the Pharaoh?" Bakura asked as he loomed over the teen in the game shop.

"Yeah. We need to have a word with him," Marik said to the short male with a wicked smirk on his face.

Yugi let out a sigh as he put down the rag he was using to clean the Duel Monster display case. Why did this stuff always happen to him?

The teen didn't feel like dealing with this right now. Grandpa had been away on business for the past week, leaving Yugi in charge of the managing and cleaning Game Shop on top of his own school work and the annoying antics of the two yami before him. Since his grandfather left, they constantly came over to annoy Yami in same way, shape, or form.

Then, on top of all that, a strange smell had filled the shop. It smelled strongly of melted glue to Yugi and he blamed that on the headache he was feeling at the moment. The last thing he needed was another problem that would most likely end up with something in the shop being broken.

However, the hikari knew that the two darker beings wouldn't leave even if he told them to and he himself didn't want to get in the middle of the drama. So he chose the lesser of the two evils of the situation even though he knew Yami would be upset with him later.

"He should be in the living room," Yugi said with a tired look. "Please don't destroy anything."

The two yami smirked likely ignoring every word of Yugi's last sentence and entered the back of the game shop. Yugi sighed, preparing himself mentally to clean something that they break later and returning to his wiping of the display case.

No sooner than half a minute after the two males disappeared behind him did Yugi hear a crash and screams. Curiously, Yugi left the rag and went to see what the commotion was about.

Upon entering the living room, the first thing Yugi saw was the bucket Yugi used earlier to mop the floor turned over with the water slipped over the floor. It appeared that the yami had knocked it over in their haste to find Yami and had fallen over one another onto the filthy water as a result of their clumsiness. Yugi had to stifle a snicker at the sight.

Marik did not appreciate the gesture. He stood from where he'd fallen over his fellow yami with a disgusted glare. "You had this planned all along didn't you, you little shit. You left that there for us to fall over."

Rather than dissecting the lack of logic in that statement, Yugi answered quickly in fear of bodily harm. "No I didn't! I was cleaning the floor earlier and forgot it was there! Honest!"

Marik stared the hikari down for a second before he seemed to accept the explanation and helped Bakura to his feet. "C'mon Bakura. Let's get out of here."

"Gods, I'm soaking!" Bakura exclaimed in disgusted toward the hikari after accepting Marik's help. "Do you really need that much water to clean the floor?"

Yugi could only shrug sheepishly at that. Both yami scoffed and pushed past Yugi to leave the shop. It was only when Yugi heard the door to the shop slam close that he burst into laughter. He continued to laugh until Yami came down from the attic bedroom a minute later to ask if he was alright.

That's it for now guys! Please tell me what you think! Remember, reviews are love!

Also, if you guys have any productive criticism or suggestions (or even requests), please tell me in the reviews or send me a quick PM.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!