The Last Laugh

(Hey guys, this is one of the two stories other stories that I've told you about. This will be a AvaxPeter story. I know it seems like the show will be MJxPeter, but you all know that I feel that AvaxPeter is better for a number of reasons. I will be ignoring season 4 for this story, and probably the next one as well (because I'm still watching it despite how far it has sunk, also I'm still unsure of some characters and how to write them). I hope you guys enjoy this story! WARNING: Things will get bat shit crazy!)


(Unknown location)

A man in a business suit is at his desk, going over paper work. His eyes study the words written and carefully contemplates what he's reading.

'Hmm…I'll have to rethink that investment…' He thought to himself.

He then got a headache, one of many he'd been having more lately. It had been some time since his…anger management issues had been resolved.

'I just took Advil…what is causing these headaches?!' The man grunted in his mind.

Then the man thought he heard laughing in the room.

"I-Is someone there?" The man asked, looking around the room.

The laughing stopped, but this didn't ease the man. He thought he knew that laughing, but it was so low in volume he couldn't identity it…yet…it felt hauntingly familiar.

'It's probably nothing…just get back to work…you'll forget about it.' The man grunted in his mind.

The laughing got a little louder, and more maniacal in nature.

'Forget?...Heh heh heh, forget?...' A familiar voice cackled in the deepest reaches of the man's mind.

The man's eyes widened in fear and shock. At hearing that voice, he was overcome with great nausea at recognizing the voice.

'No…No…no, no, no, no, no! You…I thought…I thought….I thought I was finally rid of you! No! I just returned to my life! No! You can't still be here! You can't be!' The man gasped in his mind.

'I never left. Hahaha. Did you really think I could be gotten rid of so easily?!' The voice taunted.

'No, this can't be happening! No! You…you're supposed to be gone! No! NNooo!' The man cried out in his mind.

The man clutched his head in pain. Sweat began to pour down his face, stinging his eyes. His face became red with worry.

"Dad?" A voice gasped.

The man looked to see his son had entered his office. The teen's face is painted with worry.

"Just a bad headache…I'll be fine son…" The man said, rubbing his temples.

"Are you sure? I could…" The teen started to say.

"I'm fine!...Just…I need to cool off…I've head a stressful day…" The man groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"Dad…" The teen gasped.

"Please Harry…I'm still recovering." The man said.

Harry Osborn had been keeping an eye on his father, Norman Osborn. Despite being saved by Spider-Man from his time of…going green…SHIELD had told Harry to watch his father carefully.

"Maybe you should call it a day? Maybe we could go back home and just…" Harry started to say.

"I'm sorry son, but I have too much work here to do…later we can do…whatever you hoped we could do…" Norman sighed.

Harry crossed his arms, unconvinced by his father's words.

"Dad, you're not feeling well." The teen said.

Norman gripped the bridge of his nose between his eyes with his right pointer finger & thumb whilst closing his eyes and sighing.

'Look at how pathetic he is! We always knew he couldn't live up to your standards! Heh heh heh!' The voice cackled.

'No! He's a good son! No father could ask for a better son!' Norman grunted in his mind.

'Ha! I know what you really think of him you fool! He can't compare to us!' The voice scoffed.

Norman's eyes narrowed angrily. His fists clenched and teeth were bared as he became angrier. Harry's eyes widened in surprise.

"D-Dad?" Harry gasped.

"Sorry son…this headache isn't putting me in a good mood…" Norman replied.

"Dad…" Harry gasped.

"Please…just go…I will be fine son…" Norman said.

"…*Sighs*…I'll see you at home." Harry relented.

Harry then walked to the door, but stopped to briefly to look at his dad then turned to walk out the door. Norman sighed, rubbing his temples.

'Heh heh heh…we're not done here yet.' The voice cackled.

'Enough!' Norman growled in his mind.

'Oh will see about that…Won't we?' The voice scoffed.

To be continued…

(Well guys here's the start to this new story, I hope you like it.)