So... It's been a few years, I get that. But just in case anyone still lurks around here I think it's about time I gave you your closure about what's going on with me and anything that might come after For Closure. As well as give my own thoughts on the entire situation.

I guess it's best to start from the beginning. I started For Closure as a distraction, something to keep myself busy, and I've always enjoyed writing. This was my first attempt at fanfic, which I'm sure anyone who's spoke to me knows. I wanted to write something short, actually, with a defined end and goal.

But as time went on, for some reason it kinda just... took off. I don't know why, I always just assumed blind luck to be honest. But seeing how many people were reading and enjoying what I was making; it spurred me to keep it going. To keep it running far faaaar beyond anything I had planned. As a result, the story suffered, it warped, and gradually it ended in a place I despised.

Despite the praise I'm of a strong belief that I failed. When I think about perhaps writing a continuation I just cringe. The truth is, I don't want to. The story went wild and has gone places I don't want it to go, so to continue where I left off would just be unpleasant for me.

I mean for crying out loud, it's titled "For Closure" and I couldn't even provide that. So if anyone was still around and waiting for some kind of sequel or continuation I'm truly very sorry, but it most likely won't happen.

Though I won't say that I regret writing it. Having so many people enjoy and sit through what I wrote gave me a very warm and special feeling in my chest. And I actually cherish the days I used to just sit here with the windows open, the sun in the sky, and just type away (at an apparently absurd rate).

You know I'm actually pretty forgetful too. If you asked me anything about For Closure now, I'd probably reply with, "Wait, I wrote what?". If I desired to keep it going, I don't think I could recall enough to keep it faithful to the story I've already put down.

But through For Closure I met some very nice people, some I still keep in contact with now and then (You know who you are). And I also feel I gained invaluable experience, as well as knowledge on what not to do if things start getting out of hand with people pushing my ego to heights it was never meant to go.

All that aside, I've been looking towards the future of what I want to do. Another fic maybe? If I did, it'd have to be from scratch, but still RWBY. Something original? I've tried, but I'm in a bit of a rut right now when it comes to creativity.

That asides, I felt I just needed to let people know what's going on, and what my intentions are. To be frank, I'm not sure myself. But if there's one thing that's safe to assume, it's that nothing more will come of For Closure. I'm pretty certain of that.

I'd like to thank you all again, everyone who helped me improve my writing skills, everyone who praised my work, everyone who criticized it. Thank you all. You've all helped me in one way or another.

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