Silent Royalty Prologue

Miuna: Hope you enjoy! I do not own anything.


One rainy day Tsumugu Hinamori and Midori Hinamori made the mistake of going to view and take pictures of the wild birds. Upon their mistake came a miracle that changed their lives. "Hey Midoriā€¦" Tsumugu said.

"What is it?" Midori asked curious at what her husband was staring at. Midori gasped once she saw what Tsumugu was focused on, a little baby girl sitting in a basket on the water was crying all alone. "What should we do?" wondered Midori saddened at the site of an abandoned child.

"We take her and rise her as our own." Answered Tsumugu

"What? Are we even able to take care of our own child?" worried Midori at how they could possibly afford and be able to raise a baby.

"It's not a matter of if we have the money!" Tsumugu shouted surprising Midori at his seriousness, which you rarely ever saw. "It's a matter if we have the heart to." Tsumugu gently replied and bent down to wipe away the baby's crystal tears. The baby jerked at the sudden touch but then grabbed his finger and smiled the sweetest smile you could ever see.

"We'll take her." Smiled Midori walking up to her husband and the new addition to the family. "But what should we do about the name?"

"You should decide Midori." And as if she had already thought of a name she answered right away.

"Amu. Amu Hinamori." And for that moment everything was as perfect as could be, but then that moment ended. Once Amu reached 6 years old her parents knew something was wrong, for she couldn't talk and she could barely walk. They took her to doctor after doctor, hospital after hospital but no one could find the problem. Amu grew up being homeschooled to avoid being bullied by other kids, she learned to write what she wanted to say on paper, to nod yes and shake her head no. Midori and Tsumugu taught her as much as they could, loved her no matter what, but it went to the point where they couldn't tutor her anymore. Because they knew that she would have to decide things for herself by herself. Once she reached 15 she was off to high school.

In that year between 15 and 16 everything changed whether it was for better or worse no one knew yet. However, Tsumugu and Midori had hope in Amu and knew she would talk because deep down they knew she was different, a good different, they just didn't know how.