Monkey D Luffy, a 19 years old boy, is the rookie pirate who shook the World Government to its core. He was known by the nickname "Staw Hat" Luffy, because he always wore a straw hat which before belonged to Gold Roger, the former Pirate King. Most refer to Luffy as a simple pirate searching for the treasure One Piece, but certain people see him as a carrier of The Will of D fulfilling his destiny. During his last journey he had lost all of his crew members except his first mate, Roronoa Zoro, now the strongest swordsman in the world.

They soon found One Piece, but in their hearts was a great hole, which couldn't be filled by the treasure. Seeing that, the spirit of Gold Roger couldn't rest in peace, knowing that the only one capable of finding his treasure was close to breaking down, so he gave them two possible choices. Keeping the treasure and becoming the Pirate King, able to find another crew, or...Time Travel. Of course, they chose the second alternative, now they have to experience their adventures once again, with the goal of saving their friends and fulfilling Roger's request...

...Both Captain and first mate were trying hard to fight the tears as they woke up on board of Going Merry, surrounded by the sleeping faces of their nakama. After taking a good look at the faces of Ussop and Nami, they couldn't help a few sniffs as tears of joy welled up their eyes. Noticing the fact that only those two were there, Luffy and Zoro gathered that this was before they met Sanji.

Not wanting to wake them up, Luffy and Zoro made their way to the deck silently.

"Man, I can't believe it actually worked! We are in the past, right before meeting the crappy cook." Zoro said, unable to stop a grin of joy spread in his face and in his heart he couldn't deny he wanted to meet Sanji again. The captain nodded in agreement and his gaze fell to the sea, a calm and relaxed expression in his face. At that time, he felt so alive, like he was reborn from death. Like he had just woken up from a very bad dream.

"This time, we will make sure all of them accomplish their dreams." He stated with a determined look and the swordsman couldn't agree more.

"Will we tell them?" Zoro questioned and Luffy closed his eyes, he always did when thinking.

"You better not be like that in front of the crew, seeing you think would creep them out!" Zoro laughed, half serious and Luffy also chuckled softly.

"No, we won't tell them for the time being." Luffy decided and then added. "But we should train them and make them ready for the Grand Land. Some Haki training would be good."

"Roger, captain."Replied Zoro before he yawned. Time traveling was pretty tiring that's for sure. Luffy smiled.

"You're tired so go to sleep. I'll take the guard." He ordered his swordsman, even though he sounded pretty tired himself. Zoro nodded, yawning again before he was off to the crow's nest in the top of the main mast. Luffy sat on top of Merry's head, really glad to have his friend back and promised to take better care of her.

"You know Merry," The captain started speaking, as he always did even in the first timeline when sitting on top of Merry. "Even after having Sunny's head to sit on, I could never stop thinking of sitting on you again. You are always there for me, so I thank you."

Merry remained silent as the stars of the night had began to fade...

Next morning Nami woke up first and after her Ussop. She was surprised to see Luffy awake on top of Merry, thinking only they two were awake. Though ,Zoro was also awake there in the nest, but she couldn't see him anyway. Nami, gathering from the bangs under his eyes, realized that Luffy had stayed up all night.

"Ara Luffy, I thought it was Zoro's turn to guard yesterday." Luffy turned and nearly went to hug his navigator, but managed to stop that urge. It would be weird.

"I wasn't sleepy so I thought I'd keep watch." He answered and then hopped off his favorite seat. Thinking for a minute, he decided to make a littl experiment. "Nami, I'm thinking of beating up a certain pirate."

That got Nami's attention and inside she hoped he was a great one with treasure, surely not expecting what her crazy captain had in mind.

"A pirate I respect told me about him and his bad deeds so I'm thinking to put a stop in his evilness, since he is here, in East Blue."

Luffy made up that, even if part of it was true as he was thinking of Jinbe. Up on the nest, Zoro opened one of his eyes and directed it at Luffy, knowing what he was about to do.

'Don't push your luck, Luffy.' He thoght and looked upon them, listening.

"Who's this pirate?"

Before spitting out the name along with the bad memories it brought, Luffy went inside the kitchen and told Ussop to eat as fast as he could and then to start target practicing with the cannon, knowing Yosaku and Jonny were somewhere near and call him when he is done. After dealing with Ussop, he went back to Nami, his tone turning serious, ready for whatever reaction as he spilled the name.

"Arlong, captain of fishman pirates. From what I've heard he has enslaved a village in an island nearby and the marines didn't give a damn to help, so all the more reason for me to now kick his ass."

Nami froze the instant he said that hateful name that haunted her dreams for eight long.

'No, if Luffy fought Arlong he'd die for sure!' Nami thought horrified, but how could Nami tell him that, without making him suspicious of her? How could she tell him that the village would be freed from him soon, so he should wait? Also, she didn't want them to interfere and possibly destroy her hard work of eight years.

Luffy, seeing her discomfort, used Observation Haki to read her thoughts and quickly made up another story.

"I was also told that Arlong was one hell of a cheater (sorry I couldn't resist), when it came to deals." Seeing he had her attention Luffy continued.

"Heard that he enslaved villages very often. On some rare cases, brave people were willing to buy the peace. Arlong usually stated a really high price and when that person was close to collecting all, he'd send a marine he had connection with to confiscate the money over some stupid excuse."

Nami's eyes widened in horror as she stared incredulously. What if it was the same with her? Would all the pain she went through those eight years...Was that just a game to him?!

Over them, Zoro appeared to be smirking. 'Nicely done, Captain.'

Nami put on a nervous smile as her hand went to her covered tattoo unconsciously, thinking about what Luffy told her. Even with the new information, it didn't change anything. The shark bastard was still too dangerous for them to handle it. As she thought of that, an image of Bellmère flashed on her mind, tears threating to fall.

'I don't want them to get hurt, but how do I stop Luffy?!' She wondered desperately, even though she learned from the experience on Ussop's island, that Luffy didn't let anyone hurt his friends. That pirate he respected was enlisted as a friend, she knew.

The rubber captain smiled kindly, trying to comfort her.

"Do you think I'm not strong enough? That hurts, you know?" He asked playfully as he walked towards her. Suddenly, Nami felt strong arms wrapped around her, and in an instant, she was on the arms of the black haired teen, who held her head pressed against his shoulder. "Believe me, Nami."He added with a firm face, but also whispering.

"That fish stick won't stand a chance." Nami was left there, too caught up on her little word to ask Luffy what he meant. It was impossible, her mind kept telling her, but to no avail. The nasty feeling when you hide something, it comes to you and makes you paranoid, as though the other knows what you're keeping from him.

But it was not the case with her, she was sure. Nami hugged her arms, where seconds ago laid the rubber skin and the corners of her lips didn't dare to curl upwards. After Luffy had let go and joined Ussop on target practicing, just as Luffy thought, everything turned out exactly as last time and the bounty hunters came there. Right after healing Yosaku they headed to Baratiè.

A/N: Yes, I have edited. Hope it was better than the first. Enjoy! And please don't ask why, I just felt like it.