Here is chapter one! (The very first part was prologue)
Thank you RangerSparky, Rogerzheng, Awolf24 and Evergreendusk for your reviews, I really appreciate it
Again, sorry if there are any typos and if I wrote some information wrong.
So now, onwards into this chapter!
„Are you ready?" a soft, female voice called out. However, Taneka didn't answer her mother.
She was still in her room, lying on her back in her room. Her black, long hair was tickling her in the face, but she didn't move an inch.
Her mother was a nice, tall woman, with a few wrinkles on her face. She has never summoned a spirit animal, but she always had some kind of inner strength.
„Taneka!" another female voice, this time younger, shouted at her. Taneka immediatly recognised the voice of her older sister, Jasmin.
Jasmin was three years older than her and had a spirit animal on her own, a Hawksbill sea turtle called Tiamat. Jasmin often teased her younger sister, saying that she would never summon a spirit animal.
This was the reason why Taneka didn't answer: today was her Nectar ceremony day. She wasn't excited at all, because she did not believe in herself.
She was never very confident, and words Jasmin said in the past were often hurting her. However, Taneka did not tell her sister that she was hurt by her words.
Right now, she was stubbornly staying in her small room, thinking about the possibility of her summoning a spirit animal.
She heard footsteps in front of the door to her room, and seconds later, someone (Taneka knew very well who) slammed the door open. In the door was Jasmin.
Jasmin was a pretty teenage girl, with long black hair, a bit longer than Taneka's, and a tanned skin from the sun here in Oceanus. She was wearing a light green dress, revealing her arms.
She had turquoise tatoos all over her arms, in the shape of waves, circling around a spot on her left arm, as it's our tradition. There was a black tatoo in the shape of a swimming sea turtle, which meant that Tiamat was asleep on her arm.
Taneka got excited for a moment, but then grinned slyly at her sister in the door. Now was her turn to tease Jasmin, the other way around.
„Oh, if it isn't our beauty queen!" said Taneka. „Taneka, get up in an instant!" told her Jasmin, „The whole village is expecting you!"
Taneka only rolled her eyes. „Like if I care. I'm not gonna summon anything anyways, as you kept telling me all those years." Her voice was cold as ice.
Jasmin took a deep sigh. „Taneka, listen... I'm sorry for every single word that hurt you! I didn't mean to harm you! I was just cocky because of Tiamat... I.. am... sorry, okay?" Jasmin said, with tears in her eyes.
„Don't you think it's too late to apologise?" Taneka replied, standing up with crossed arms. She was still staring at Jasmin. Oh, the perfect Jasmin, that was always so much greater than her. Taneka, the second-born child that would always stay in the shadow of her amazing beautiful sister, and her great spirit animal, an awesome sea turtle.
But after all, Jasmin was still Taneka's remembered all the great times they had together, before Jasmin turned eleven and Tiamat appeared. She remembered when they swam together, when they made wicker baskets together, when Taneka was very excited for the Nectar ceremony of her older sister.
She did not hesitate now. She knew it was a perfect time to forgive her.
„What in the name of great Mulop?!" Jasmin shouted, as Taneka suddenly ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
„I forgive you, okay?!" said Taneka, still hugging her sister, and quietly sobbing into her clean dress.
„Wow, gross," told her Jasmin, even though tears were rolling from her face too, „but I admit it's a great relief to hear that you forgave me about teasing you about your nonexistent spi-"
She stopped in the middle of a sentence, and backed away from Taneka in a second, then facepalmed. „Your Nectar ceremony! We are late!"
Taneka's expression changed to fear and ran down the stairs, followed closely by Jasmine. Their mother must have already gone to the centre of the village. They ran as fast as they could, to the centre of their village, where a crowd of people already gathered, growing bigger and bigger.
Maybe we aren't even late at all, Taneka thought as she ran. She didn't look where she was going, tripped on a root of a tree, and fell down into the wet sand. Her clothing was now all dirty and covered in sand.
Jasmin stopped running and helped her sister back on feet again, when a bright white flash shot from the sky and the crowd of people gasped. Someone has summoned their spirit animal. As they kept running and breathed heavily, Taneka felt very uneasy.
The two sisters finally arrived, looking through the crowd who had the luck to summon a spirit animal. A young boy was standing on a bamboo podium, with a maccaw sitting on his shoulder. He softly put his hand on the head of the beautiful bird.
Taneka quickly made her way through the crowd. People were surprised by her hands pushing them out of her way, and were looking at her as she passed by. She climbed on the podium with a deep red blush. She looked terrible.
On a closer inspection, she realised that the boy with the maccaw is Zale, a black-haired boy that had his family hut near hers. Taneka's eyes moved from him to a tall woman, who was holding a bottle of an unknown liquid. Taneka knew it was the nectar.
The woman had a tanned skin, and dark brown hair in a tight pony-tail. She was wearing a brown robe, with a green cloak across her shoulders. Taneka saw a bit of a black tatto on the woman's arm. She couldn't make out what the animal was.
Taneka quickly brushed the sand off of her on clothes, threw her hair on her back, looked in the eyes of the Greencloak woman and spoke: „Sorry that I'm late..."
The woman only slightly nodded, she didn't comment Taneka's appearence. Meanwhile, Zale atepped back into the shadows on the edge of the podium, his maccaw still having a tight grip on his shoulder.
Taneka knew what was coming now. She was about to drink the Nectar of Ninani. The woman spoke first: „Taneka, come forward, and take the Nectar of the great swan Ninani." She uncapped the bottle.
Here it comes, Taneka thought, as she looked over to Jasmin and her mother standing in the middle of the crowd, waving at her slightly. She smiled lightly and gulped.
Few people had their spirit animals out, and there were animals in cages. Taneka saw an orangutan, a wild dog and some tropical birds she couldn't name. She looked at the woman, took a deep sigh and took a single sip from the bottle.
The Nectar tasted amazing. The taste reminded her of a cocoa drink her mother made her when she was little. Taneka wanted more of the Nectar, but the Greencloak already pulled the bottle away from her lips.
Tankea stood up, brushed off some more grains of send on her clothes. She looked around exicetdly, waiting for something to happen. There was no flash of light at all. She tried to hold back tears, when she felt a strange glowing feeling in her stomach.
She took a few steps back, trying to find out what is happening. Suddenly, a bright flash of light, much stronger than the one she saw a few minutes ago, hit the ground. Taneka closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, an animal was standing on the spot.
She took a deep breath and looked at the menacing creature properly. It was a reptile, with four massive legs supporting his heavy, scaled body. His head was massive, and as he raised her up, Taneka could see his yellow reptile eyes looking into hers.
A long tail hit the ground, and a snake-like tongue shot out of his muzzle for a split second, tasting the air. On a closer inspection, the creature was multiple colored. You could see on his scales a hint of grey, green, brown, blue and yellow colors.
He slowly moved, placing his huge paw with five sharp claws forward, closer to Taneka. Taneka couldn't move, she could only stare into the eyes of the giant lizard. When he reached her, he rised on his strong hind legs, and placed his front paws on her chest.
When he touched her, the weird feeling was gone. His claws could easily slice her chest open, but they didn't. He was almost as tall as Taneka. He was so close that she could feel his smelly breath coming from his mouth full of venomous saliva.
She knew that this creature was a male, she just knew it. Taneka quietly whispered his name, that popped out at the back of her head. „Kuwat"
She had summoned a spirit animal. An animal, that didn't show up in many years. She had summoned a Komodo dragon.
Kuwat slowly got back on all of his four legs on the ground. After an awkward moment of silence the Greencloak opened her mouth to say something, but Taneka spoke before she could say anything. „I say no. I'm not coming with you. I want to stay here, in my village, and help out."
Before anyone could stop her, she jumped off the podium, making her way through the shocked crowd easily. Her spirit animal surprisingly quickly followed her, and hissed at the people that still stood in the way of his partner.
Taneka could feel that they feared her. Well, not her, but Kuwat. She passed by her mother and Jasmin, who were as shocked as the rest of the village. Taneka walked into the dark jungle, Kuwat right at her feet.
She needed some space, that was all. She found a nice place to rest, sat down and watched Kuwat walk around. She thought he may be hungry, because he was sniffing around the ground. Finally, he came up to her and watched her rest.
Taneka slowly raised her hand, and put on the head of the komodo dragon. He was very calm and she knew he would never bite her. „If only we could be somewhere, where people are not afraid of you..." she said, patting Kuwat gently.
Suddenly, he raised his head, turned it around and hissed at something in the distance. „Your wish can be granted." A deep male voice said from somwhere. Moments later, the bushes Kuwat was looking at moved sligtly, and a man in grey coat stepped out, a strange animal that looked like grey fox, but smaller and sleeker by his side.
The man grinned as Kuwat stood in front of Taneka in a battle position.
So, that about wraps up chapter one!
You can easily guess who that man is, and things are about to get messy!
Once again, this is happening few years before Wild Born.
I'm gonna see you next time, and have a good day!