Off High Guard

by Aspirator

A series of shorts describing palace antics told by our favorite Council member, Koko.

Disclaimer: GA is not mine. Story is mine.


The advisor grimaced, but fixed his face to a grin as he turned around. Now that there are three children running about the palace, you'd think he was used to his full name being hollered angrily by hormonal mothers by now.

"Mikan, what a pleasure!" The advisor responded, grimacing inwardly at the quickly advancing stomps of the woman in question. "What can I do for you, Milady?"

"Don't you Milady me!"

Koko heard the rhythmic sure-footed steps of her husband right behind her, which could mean two things: either she was the softening blow, or he was there to soften her blow. By the way the former Commander awkwardly scratched the back of his neck when he came into view behind her, Koko was relieved to note that it was the latter.

"I'm sorry," Koko bowed deeply, but couldn't keep the mirth out of his voice, "pray, tell me what I have done this time?"

"Our little Aoi is asking - IT IS UNFAIR! I am their MOTHER!" Apparently, the mother of two was too angry to continue on, or perhaps it was the kindness of her husband who interfered. Natsume wrapped his arms around the petite woman, pulling her slightly back from an unfazed Koko.

"Aoi is asking for you," Natsume stated, apparently finding no problem in the request unlike his wife, "for you to tell her bedtime stories. And little Kei too." He shifted his wife aside gently, despite her nonverbal protests. "So if you would -" He nodded his head in the direction of his children, "and we will come in thereafter to tuck them in."

Koko grinned a wide thanks to the husband while shuffling past the wife, avoiding her narrowed glare. "Of course, my pleasure, always."

"Koko," Mikan hissed out threateningly, causing the Advisor to pause sheepishly and tilt his head towards her in question. "What have you been telling my children? Have you been telling them our story?" At that last part, she glanced up at Natsume. He glanced down at her blankly, the back of his neck flushed at the thought, then peered at the advisor curiously. No help from him there.

"No, of course not," the advisor grinned, taking a few steps backwards, "I finished that one already!" With that, and Mikan's protests after him, he skipped quickly to the Hyuuga childrens' room. Koko grinned as he spied the Queen's own Princess sneaking into the room as well to listen in on his stories. Oh yes, Koko had an arsenal of short stories for the children. He had never had a better audience.


(subject to change)

ONE: Retirement, or is it?

In which Natsume is never far away from the High Guard, or the Small Council for that matter.

TWO: Married Life

In which the Prince Charming becomes King, and our former Commander gives marriage advice.

THREE: The Case of the Missing Crown

In which everyone is a detective and the Queen is 'Not Amused'.