I'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorry. I wish I had an excuse for you all, but I don't. My phone did break and I didn't have one for like a week, which is where i write these, but other than that, I've just been lazy. I really like this chapter, And i hope you do too. To the viewer who asked if they can post this on a different website, sure idc. I'd like the credit to it, but i guess there's not stopping you. Anyways here you go

Do you ever just stop and think of the extreme lengths you'd be willing to go to for someone? That arbitrary scenario represents nothing until it becomes a reality when you truly understand and realize your answer. But is all this really for her? For Lena?

Of course the end goal here is to rescue her, yet you feel something you don't want to believe. This thought that you're doing this solely to clear your conscious and to make amends with Lena so that she wouldn't hate you keeps reemerging.

You keep trying to tell yourself that this is for her, for her safety and freedom. It's possible that it is true. Truth be told, you don't know, conflicting thoughts of your own self actualization fire through your brain. Your morals and mind tell you that you can't become a soldier, you're better than that, but your heart and soul say you have to. It's like that age old scenario of would you steal bread to feed your family?

Except this is no petty theft. You will have to kill in the name of Talon and you know that this will come back to fuck your entire mindset over. The worst part about this catastrophe is that you can't do anything about and nothing you think matters

It doesn't matter if this is for Lena or for yourself. It doesn't matter if doing this makes you a bad person or not. It doesn't matter if it will haunt your brain or not. And it most certainly doesn't matter what you think. You are a slave now with a single goal in mind with no plan on how to get there.

Life just seems so surreal now. How could one possibly go through such a series of unfortunate events after being the happiest man alive. What you would give to return to your house in the city and spend all day everyday with Lena. No obligations. No worries. No war. Nothing. Those times of reminiscing of the good old days is what pushes you to keep going. Perhaps that could be your future.

But here you sit now at the edge of your disheveled bed. Your face in the palms of your hands massaging it thoroughly as you thought through the recurring problems and crises. Sure enough, Widow wasn't lying when she said soldiers don't stay in cells. You got your own room, not unlike the one in Gibraltar. Granted you were still being watched closely at almost all times of the day, but still you were classified as free.

It appears it would be nice to have your own place to be with a comfy bed and what not, but that couldn't be farther from the truth in your case. Talon is making you feel welcome, like you should trust them. It seems like they are trying to prove that they're not the enemy, which set you on edge. You didn't want to feel any positive regard for them and staying in a cell helped place boundaries between you and Talon

The past few days you've merely been getting situated in your new home. Various training exercises where you've been putting Bradshaw's soldiers to shame. There were also tours and few introductions of unimportant people you had no interest in meeting

Naturally, you became rude and spoke in an arrogant tone (if you spoke at all) due to the long exposure to the enemy that's trying not to be your enemy. You felt like a teen again with your miserable attitude and uninterested mannerisms when a superior spoke to you. Bradshaw and Widowmaker noticed this but never bat an eye. You were theirs now and there was nothing you could do. Your superiors both knew you weren't going to break free of their chains any time soon since you had a deal that you willingly accepted.

"Hey! Let's go you have 10 minutes" A voice through the door said after knocking twice, most likely a soldier that kept an eye on you. Of course your freedom wasn't limitless, but if there comes a day when it is, when Talon turns their back on you for tm even a second, you'll be sure to make them pay

"Yeah I'll be right out!...go fuck yourself" Your response trailed off into a quiet insult that you muttered to yourself. Having incompetent soldiers watch you on a cycle seemed silly. Especially when they tried to play it off like they weren't keeping an eye on you

So you took your time getting ready in rather athletic wear. You weren't too worried about the time limit they gave you due to the fact that half the infantry was scared of you. As you finished putting on your shirt, you heard more knocking on your door. You groaned and moved quickly to the door to stop the obnoxious knocking

"What?! I'm almost read- Oh…" When you opened the door you expected a soldier to be there, but instead it was Widowmaker. She glared at you with a smirk, understanding the confusion.

"Come. There's someone I want you to meet"

"Really...I've already met enough of you"

"I understand why you're reluctant. Introducing you to irrelevant officers was just a formality. But I really think you should meet this person"

You followed without any more words. After all it wasn't as if you really had a choice. You followed her through the base, outside, and over to a different building at the edge of the base. Inside it was dark, the only light being from numerous monitors and holographic screens as well as futuristic looking power sources that lit a bright purple

At the center of the smallish room, there sat a young Latino woman clad in a similar purple to the lights. Half her head was shaved, and in the place of her hair were bright lights that lined from her temple all the way back. She spun around in her chair, alternating between her screens with nimble fingers and lightning quick speed. The screens had a combination of lengthy code, odd applications that you weren't sure what they did, and video surveillance of god knows where. She noticed the two of you and with just one quick wrist movement, the screens disappeared and she stood up and smiled.

"(your name) this is Sombra"

The woman's smirk seemed devious and sly. She held up her hand and closed it one finger at a time gracefully "Qué ónda"

Her voice matched her facial features in that of she sounds young, too young to be working for a terrorist group. Then again, here you were

"I'll leave you two to it. We have a mission soon" Widow said before turning the other direction and exiting the building

You turned as well, but the door was already closed, so you lightly banged on the door, not wanting to be alone with the woman

"No need to be nervous, amigo"

"No. No, we're not 'amigos'. I don't know what you've heard but-" Your sentence trailed off when you glanced over to one of the monitors.

The screen saver was a flickering, simple looking skull, that icon you've seen before. Your jaw hit the floor and everything clicked. Your mind quickly raced through the events that happened at Anubis. You recalled the few times you saw that pinkish skull flash upon your monitor.

"You...you're the hacker" You said slowly

She grinned "Guilty as charged"

"You're the reason all this happened. You're the reason Lena's gone"

Sombra rolled her eyes "I'm not the one who stabbed her chronal accelerator. And I'mnot the one who marched off to fight an army alone. Élla es una idiota."


"I just can't believe you're not over her yet. How did you put up with her all the time. 'Cheers luv!' Ugh" Sombra imitated Lena by raising the pitch of her voice and giving her best British

Your eyes narrowed at her "Watch yourself"

"Mmmm...nah. Mira, if you put a hand on me, the prototype accelerator is gone,you're dead, Oxton will never be saved. Soooo…don't do it" She spoke in a taunting tone. You leaned against a wall and remained silent "The good news is, if you get on my good side, then maaaybe the accelerator will be made quicker"

She pulled out a small object about the size of her hand and she threw it in front of you. Then she phased from reality over to the object, a similar trait to the accelerator. You then understood she had some form of power over the recreation of Lena's anchor

She traced her long nails across your chest and walked to the door then looked back "We have a mission to go on, no?"

No one tells you anything here. You had no clue who, where, or why you were fighting. They were probably on your side and Talons making you slaughter them. Your side meaning Overwatch. It's important that at your time staying here, you never forget who you are or where you come from, lest you become consumed by darkness. No interactions unless absolutely necessary, no sympathizing with them, and never see the good in them.

It was you, Widowmaker, Sombra, and Bradshaw in the ship on your way to the drop point. Judging by the lack of numbers you have, this is going to be a mostly covert operation. Of course you four were skilled enough to be out numbered and by a fairly large amount, but that's besides the point.

It was completely silent in the ship except for the whir of the engines. You kept your head down, looking to the floor and not caring enough to see what any of them are doing. Suddenly Sombra cleared her throat to get all your attention

"Why is everyone so quiet? C'mon this is a big day!"

You saw Widowmaker roll her eyes, as if this was typical of the Hispanic. There was a certain aspect about Sombra that reminded you of Lena. Her energy? Her flirtatious mannerisms? Her stature? It could be anything that reminded you of the woman, but it didn't make you feel good. You saw Lena in an enemy, and you couldn't tell if there was an actual correlation, or you were beginning to relate Talon to Overwatch

Another example being Bradshaw. The more you were around him the more you got a Mccree vibe from him. Every time you had just a slight positive view of any of the members, you quickly shook it out of your head

You began to feel the ship descend below the clouds. The door slid open next to you and a powerful gust of cool air hit your body. You leaned over to see where you were and saw a vast landscape covered in snow and trees. You saw a rather large city in the distance on the coast, and next to it somewhat isolated was a factory that seemed to match the size of the city.

You looked back to the others "So is anyone going to tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do and where we are" you spoke loudly enough to speak over the wind

Widowmaker raised an eyebrow at you then looked outside. She was satisfied with the altitude of the ship, so she jumped right out of it. You leaned over and looked at her free fall for a few seconds before grappling onto a ledge and swinging to the top of it, getting a vantage point on the outskirts of the base. You turned back to the others and sought an answer

"Sombra, I'm marking the control tower on your map, your drop point is almost here!" The pilot yelled back to her

"Don't worry about it, amigo" She said before throwing a transponder out the door. She waited a few seconds before giving you a two fingered salute and teleporting out the ship. You weren't sure if she had intentions of taunting you by mocking Lena's gesture

"You can't possibly expect me to fight without knowing where I am" You told Bradshaw as the pilot continued to an undisclosed destination

The commander leaned into his knees as he sat down. "Alright fine. I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but we are at the Volskaya Industries factory in Russia, and our goal is to assassinate the head of the company as she inspects a new project they're working on" He expected you to freak out or argue against killing the woman, but you simply nodded and hopped off the ship

Bradshaw hesitated and thought for a second "You have no problem with this?" He said as he followed you off and gave a signal to the pilot to take off

"She means nothing to me and in no way does she help Overwatch" You said to him, making sure he knew where your allegiance was. "Where's the target. Let's get this over with"

"Widowmaker will be taking the shot. We're here to extract Sombra if things go awry."

"Then where's Sombra" You said in a mocking tone looking around the area

It looks like just a bunch of empty parts of the factory, covered in snow. You didn't see any guards yet around the area.

"We have to wait for her to turn off the turrets and open the door. Let's go"

He began running towards a building and you followed him. He ran up a set of stairs where there was a guard patrolling. Bradshaw caught his attention but simply ran past him, leaving you to draw your knife and attack him from behind. Up the stairs you entered a balcony like area where you could see the tops of the neighboring buildings

Bradshaw gave you a signal, and you drew a silenced rifle and took out two unsuspecting guards. Then the commander jumped off the balcony gracefully. You were going to follow him, then a pair of automated turrets turned their attention to the soldier. Right as you were about to warn him, the turrets shut off

"You're welcome you heard Sombra say in a somewhat arrogant tone into the comms

You two marched over to a closed steel door that would lead to your destination and you stopped in front of it. You looked at Bradshaw, wanting to know how good get passed it

"Sombra, the door" He ordered

The door opened slightly and when he went to take a step forward, the door slammed shut. He grunted in an unamused manner and you heard a laugh from Sombra before the door opened again. You contained your laughter, or a smile for that matter, out of spite

You two ran to the entrance of the main part of the factory and got on either side of the wide opening. You two didn't dare peek in, for you both knew there was high tech military equipment as well as dozens of Russian soldiers. You heard all the movement of the factory. Massive amounts of material being carried through with cranes, yelling from one worker to another, and the mechanical whirs of various machinery.

"Target has arrived" Sombra told everyone

You waited in anticipation for the inevitable gunshot from the sniper's nest, which you had no clue where it was. Widowmaker watched the meeting between the military and the head of Volskaya Industries. However, as the sniper tracked her target through thermal vision, just as the powerful woman was about to be vulnerable to the assassin, the alarms of the factory went off.

They roared through the premise as everyone was on high alert as they escorted the woman back to the elevator where she came from when Widow just missed her shot due to the poor angle. You looked to Bradshaw and he gave a head nod. The two of you rushed in simultaneously, guns blazing. The entire factory turned their attention to you two as both of you eliminated the soldiers. It was as if the two of you had been fighting together for years. You two constantly protected the other from bullet rain and seamlessly alternated targets

Then, Bradshaw rolled out to the open and attempted to shoot the elevator Volskaya was in, but the shots were blocked by the hand of a massive mecha that smacked the commander into a wall. You got a better angle and began to fire at the elevator, which was no use since it was too far away and merely hit the bottom.

"Sombra, she's getting away!" Bradshaw yelled from his hands and knees

"I'm on it!"

Just then, as you were firing at the mech, you saw the little Latina scale the factory with relative ease. She hacked the arm of an out of commission omnic which carried her a massive distance up to catch up to the target, until she was out of sight. You were punished for being distracted when the mech smacked you into a wall. It felt like you just got hit by a bus. You shook the pain off and aided Bradshaw in taking down the behemoth, which seemed to be no use

As the mech was focused on Bradshaw, you jumped onto its leg and climbed up to its head. Before the pilot could react, you called out to Bradshaw who tossed a grenade to you. You set it on the machine and back flipped off. The explosion still took a toll on you when it sent you flying off the tall mech right onto your back, knocking the wind out of you

While it was stunned, you watched as Bradshaw emptied a clip onto the now weak glass that protected the pilot. Once it was cracked, he jumped onto the torso, punched through the glass, and yanked the pilot out. He drew a rather longer knife and leaped onto the soldier, impaling him. He walked over to you, panting, and helped you up.

"Sombra, is the target down?" Bradshaw asked, but there was only silence "Sombra!...fuck"

"Bradshaw there are reinforcements inbound" Widowmaker told both of you

Both of you ran to the wide door both of you came from and looked skyward. There were dropships deploying various troops, then your heart sank. They were Overwatch ships

"(Your name) we have to stay here to protect Sombra. We'll set up a crossfire. I'll post up there and you-"

"No no no. I'm not doing this" You told him as you watched the soldiers deploy. You saw Raptura soldiers flying overhead, making their way towards you. There was an entire squadron of infantry being led by a particular crusader and you became uneasy.

Bradshaw grabbed your chest and pushed you against a wall "You don't have a choice kid" he looked back to the outside then back to you "Now get into position"

You pushed him off of you "They have a crusader. We're never going to hold our own anyway"

Before he could say anything else, there was a hail of bullets landing near you two, and he dove to the other side of the entrance. You saw this as an opportunity and you ran to the smaller walkway to the side of the wider opening. Bradshaw saw you run and he punched his cover out of frustration, immediately informing Widowmaker

As you made your way out of the factory towards the advancing Overwatch troops, there was a gunshot right at your feet when you turned the corner. You looked to the origin of the bullet and saw the glimmer of the scope in the sunshine and you stopped dead in your tracks

"Think about Lena, (your name)..." you heard the voice of the sniper "Do you really want her to be stranded in a distant reality all because you didn't cooperate?"

You caught your breath "I can't...I can't kill them"

Before any more persuasion was able to be spoken, there was a group of Overwatch soldiers that saw you and opened fire. You saw they were separate from the group behind Reinhardt who were advancing to Bradshaw

You took cover in a small hut, clouding the visions of the sniper. You couldn't bring yourself to shoot back, but when they realized this, they rushed your cover, and you had no choice but to attack. Instead of using your weapon, you engaged in melee combat with the four of them. Weaving through all the punches and kicks, you eventually had to throw your own blows. Obviously you were more skilled than them, and you rendered them unconscious. With every attack on your former soldiers, a part of you broke.

You threw your last punch at the soldier, you heard a feminine yelp from behind you and you turned to see who the owner of such a sound was. Your heart sunk once more. It was no soldier, you had nothing to fear. But still you felt nervous, scared, a feeling unexplainable. You stared into the eyes of Angela Ziegler as you caught your breath. She was utterly speechless, her jaw hitting the floor. She covered the gaping hole with her hands and her eyes began to glisten

"Angela...you're ok?" you said recalling that Widow told you her whereabouts were unknown

"(Your name)...you're alive? W-what are you doing? Why are you working for Talon?"

"What are you waiting for, kill her" Widowmaker told you as she watched the encounter through thermal vision

You had no words to explain yourself, so you watched as Angela was near tears as she gazed at her former commander. "...It's not what you think. Lena-" You were cut off as you yelled in pain as an electric surge traveled the length of your mechanical arm and through the rest of your body. You dropped to one knee until the pain stopped.

When it did, you no longer had control of your arm, and it reached to your sidearm and slowly held it up to the medic. Her look of sadness turned to one of fear as she looked down the barrel of the gun. You began to fight the cybernetics with all your might. Your finger pulled the trigger, but you managed to move your arm mere inches from her head

"Angela, run!" you yelled at her and she immediately obeyed

Once she fled the scene, you felt the control of your arm return "(Your name) what the hell was that" Widow asked

"Maybe if I had control over my arm this would be easier"

She knew that that was complete bullshit and that you couldn't kill Angela, but she dropped the subject for now due to the fact that Bradshaw was being overwhelmed by troops. You ran back into the factory to see that the soldier had fallen back a drastic distance because of the massive amount of suppressive fire he was receiving. You didn't want to help him, because the only way to do so was to eliminate the soldiers

"She got away, target has escaped" Sombra said as you were in an internal struggle

Bradshaw growled "Sombra!" he said frustrated with the fact that the target had not been eliminated. Over comms, all you could here from Bradshaw was the sound of bullets hitting his cover

"We'll argue about this later, amigo. Let's get out of here" She said

Seemingly out of nowhere, Sombra appeared in the middle of the Overwatch squadron "EMP activated" She exclaimed as the "enemy" became stunned and she disappeared again to Bradshaw's location

The two of them ran up a set of steps in the back of the factory and jumped off the railing to the safety of a Talon ship. You remained stunned. Not from the emp, but from the fact that you were fighting your own team. The look Angela gave you said it all. As you were in your daze, the Talon ship appeared at the ledge behind you. You took a few steps back, still staring at Overwatch

Sombra became impatient and she yanked you by your collar into the ship, which then flew to Widow's location who grappled on quickly and pulled herself in. You remained sitting on the floor of the ship, not moving a muscle, not even for Widowmaker as she stepped over you. She scowled at you and you knew damn well why.

Bradshaw took off his helmet and threw it to the ground then ran his hands through his sweaty hair out of frustration "There is no way the alarms should have been set off. Sombra are you sure you turned off all security measures in the factory?"

"Do you wanna do my job, amigo? Cause I'm sure you'd do great with all your experience, right?" She replied in a snarky tone in her own defense

Then his gaze turned to you on the floor. He stood up and grabbed a hand rail above him "You, (your name)...what do you know?"

You remained silent, still in deep thought. He walked over to you and kicked your side, knocking you out of your daze. You looked up at him "What?" In a somewhat aggravated tone

"Why were the alarms tripped, and most importantly...why was Overwatch there?" He said as he squatted down next to you in a threatening manner

You stood up and he mimicked your actions "Are you accusing me of this?"

"If the shoe fits"

"I didn't even know where we were up until an hour ago, how would I have contacted Volskaya or Overwatch" Your voice became increasingly flustered

"Look, I don't know how you did it, but this mission was covert. No one but us 4 knew about it, and you're the only one here with allegiance that lies elsewhere" He moved in close to you, both of you squared up to one another. Sombra and Widowmaker looked at each other as the tension in the room increased

"If I contacted Overwatch, I wouldn't be on this ship, and you would be dead"

Bradshaw turned his head to the sniper "Tell the white coats to cancel the construction of the accelerator, we gave this kid a clear warning" He pressed a button on the ship and the door opened, immediately a gust of wind hit your back and surged through the ship. He pulled out his sidearm and held it to your head

You put your arms in the air "Whoa! What the hell!" Now both of the women on the ship reacted to Bradshaw's brash actions (More like Brashaw amirite...I'm so sorry). They both stood up, but neither of them wanted to interfere. "We had a deal!" you yelled at him as you stared at his barrel

"Yeah you should've thought about that before you went and contacted Overwatch"

"You're a dumbass if you think it was me"

"When will you learn, kid? You're in no position to escape. Now your bitch is never coming back"

Widowmaker closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip, knowing Bradshaw's choice of words weren't the best. Imagine pouring gasoline on embers of a fire, the seemingly calm and controlled cinder turns chaotic and unpredictable. That's exactly what happened to you internally

Almost instantly, you quickly smacked the pistol out of Bradshaw's hands and spinning heel kicked him across his jaw. As he was stunned, you shoved him into the side of the ship and punched him on his jaw again. When you went to throw another punch, he ducked under it and uppercut you, causing you to stagger backwards. He went to kick your stomach, you caught it, but he jumped on his one leg and kicked your head with it. He pounced on you and you two began to aggressively grapple on the ground

Sombra took a step forward to intervene, but Widowmaker placed her arm in front of the hacker and shook her head "Let them" She told Sombra. The sniper pressed the button to close the doors of the aircraft

It seemed the brutal fight went on the entire duration of the flight back to the base. Blood was splattered all on the ship and one another's clothes. Eventually you two slowed down due to how aggressive you went at each other. Had you both had enough energy to keep pummeling each other, the fight would've gone on for days. But at one point during the fight when a grapple had ended and you two were separated, Widowmaker stepped in between the conflict as you two were panting heavily

"Are you done?" She asked you and him

Your gazes into one another's eyes never wavered. You wiped the blood from the corner of your eye which was beginning to cloud your vision while he did the same with the blood on his lip. He spit blood out onto the ground of the ship

The assassin stayed there, turning her head from one opponent to the other, until the ship descended to the shuttle of the base which was not more than a few minutes after the fight. The door opened and Bradshaw limped off the aircraft with Widow but not before giving you a dastardly look

Sombra walked up to you and stood next to your shoulder "I'm on your side, amigo" You shook your head and rolled your eyes before walking off the ship back to your quarters. Fuck this place…

A few days later, you had some downtime at this hellhole. Your procedure at Talon was not unlike yours at Overwatch in that daily you would do various training exercises, but afterwards you went straight to your designated room, no socializing with the crew, no researching enemy bases and patterns, no going to London for recreational purposes

They still kept a close eye on you, mostly due to the fact that Bradshaw ordered them to, who still hasn't spoken any words to you since Volskaya. It didn't matter, you didn't care what he thought of you.

Typically you didn't do anything noteworthy, but tonight, tonight you needed to have a few words with one of the Talon members. You walked out of one of the buildings you came from over across the base to where you first met Sombra

A soldier stepped in front of you. It was one of the soldiers that you fought in training on your first day "Uhh, (your name), where do you think you're going" He said trying to sound threatening, but obviously scared of you

Without words, you pushed him aside aggressively, not even caring about the weapon in his hands. He didn't say another word to you, he just let you pass by and go to the small building, what's the harm in letting you go explore right?

You entered the room where Sombra was doing her normal business, working on multiple monitors and using her advanced tech to her advantage. Except when you entered, you notices she closed out of one monitor that held a picture and various documents, but she moved onto the next screen seamlessly. Had you not been looking for something, you never would have noticed

"Qué? Estoy Occupada. I'm busy" She said in a firm tone

"We need to talk" You said as you turned back around and locked the door of the structure

"Are you deaf, amigo? I'm busy"

You nodded and walked over to the power source of all her tech and turned it off. The room grew significantly dimmer as Sombra stood up and began yelling in Spanish, presumably a wide variety of colorful language

You let her vent until she had to stop due to her shortness of breath. "Sooo? What do you need?" Sombra asked clearly still pissed

"So I've had some time on my hands recently...I've used that time to go through the mission report at Volskaya" You saw her narrow eyes raise at the mention of the mission, but she immediately returned to her angry look. If you were to have blinked, you would've missed it

"So? What does that have to do with me?" She asked

"I double, triple, quadruple checked everything on both sides. There is no reason those alarms should have been raised. Talon was destined for success"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you had access to all the alarm systems. And you just so happen to go dark after the alarms were raised. I don't know what you're scheming, and frankly, I don't really care"

"It's my word over yours. Why would Talon believe a word you say?"

"I have data waist high to back me up. Every single analysis of the Volskaya defense and preparation. Every single camera angle. Every single key you've pressed on that control panel. I have nothing to lose and it would be a damn shame if Talon found out you're conspiring against them. I don't think they take too kindly to traitors"

Sombra glared at you for a few moments before she realized the severity of the situation. She looked to the door and made sure it was locked "What do you want from me"

"I'm not one to blackmail for a lifetime, but I do expect a favor, a big one"

"Que es? They can not find out about this. I'm too deep"

"I'll keep you posted" You said with a smile as you walked to the door


"So long as I don't tell anyone about your betrayal, you're in debt to me" You said before leaving the hut. Sombra stared at the door rather confused. Then she began cursing in Spanish again as she turned back on her computers

The rash thing would be to tell Sombra to get you out of here asap, but then you're right back where you started: Without Lena. Your plan was to wait for the scientists to complete the accelerator then have Sombra break both of you out. That was the plan anyway…

God knows how much time has passed. It had to have been months since your meeting with Sombra, and there was still no sign of the accelerator being finished. You had been on numerous missions with Bradshaw and his soldiers, killing for reasons you weren't aware of, but thankfully there were no more encounters with Overwatch. The commander's animosity towards you has since dissipated, but yours still remained

All this time at the base and you made sure you never recognized this base as home. You had a mission that you will make sure will be carried out. However, killing terrorists who didn't deserve mercy was one thing, but this slaughter of seemingly innocent people was a whole different scenario which was taking a toll on you. Your mind didn't rest soundly at night, constantly having it race through various thoughts about your missions

Talon, however, rather enjoyed your company in battle. Having a skillful soldier on their side was a literal life saver. Little did they know, you only continued to out gun every other soldier because the pain that enters your arm when you don't was unbearable.

Talon has disregarded you and has become lenient with your freedom. They no longer recognize you as a threat, not even Widowmaker, who was probably the wisest when it comes to deceit and betrayal. You recognized this difference in treatment and you'd make sure they'll pay for turning their back on you

Widowmaker noticed how uneasy your mind became with time, but it didn't matter to her. You were stuck here with no escape in sight. After all, you were so blinded by love that you had not even attempted to devise a plan of escape yet. She thought of you as foolish. Foolish like Lena but in different ways

Lena was flat out just dopey. It seemed that danger didn't phase her nor did any threats. The girl would throw her life on the line for a stranger that did as little as let her cut in line at the supermarket. She was clueless it seemed. But you, you were quite the opposite. You were aware of everything that went on around you. You knew that with every action, there would be consequences. But the foolishness comes with the fact that you didn't care. You knew you'd be imprisoned by Talon after destroying the accelerator. You knew that you now take innocent lives, but it is all for a selfish act to return Lena to reality. And that is why Widowmaker didn't know if she should applaud your courage or laugh at it.

Regardless, the infantry was right when it comes to appreciating your presence on the battlefield. You were a very valuable asset that made her life as well as Bradshaws a hell of a lot easier on missions. However, outside of missions, your attitude and arrogant demeanor was nearly unbearable. You treated the other soldiers with no respect and you hardly ever talked to anyone. But hey, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink

Widowmaker approached your quarters in order to prepare you for another training session. It became routine to alert you when you had to go, and she thought nothing of it. She knocked on the door a few times "Hey. It's time to go." There was nothing. No response nor movement from within. After knocking a few more times only to have the outcome repeat, Widow opened the sliding door and entered

The door slid shut behind her. There she saw you. You sat at the foot of your bed, your elbows resting on your knees as you hunched over. Your head was down and there was a sidearm on the bed next to you

"(Your name), what are you doing? Let's go" Widow told you

"...You lied to me" You finally said in a low voice


You picked your head up and she saw nothing but pure anger "You lied to me. We had a deal"

Her eyes narrowed on you "What are you talking about?"

You stood up quickly, the motion causing the assassin to jump "Today I had nothing to do...so I went to check up on the progress of Lena's accelerator, after all it has been what, months? Do you know what those white coats said to me when I asked them about it?...They looked at me like I was insane and said they had no clue what I was talking about. I told them about our deal and they said that they were never assigned to recreate an accelerator...All this time. All this time and you didn't even tell them about the accelerator!" you punched a hole in the wall with your metallic hand

For the first time in your life you saw a look of fear in Widowmakers eyes as they widened at the retelling of the events. You were never supposed to know. "I killed innocent people in the name of Talon" You continued "For what?! For nothing!" You were now yelling as you stared at your captor "We had a deal. You fix that accelerator, you bring Lena back and I work for Talon...God I should kill you right now" you said as you reached behind yourself and grabbed the pistol and aimed it at her head

She held her hands up as she backed up against the wall. Then as quick as her training allowed her, she smacked the pistol from your hands then kicked you in the face, staggering you. You quickly refocused and you two engaged in combat. You channeled your fury into a skillful sequence of blows, powerful ones that the rather petite assassin couldn't handle. If she countered your attack, you merely kept the barrage going. You grappled her numerous times, aggressively throwing her to the ground.

She tried to throw a quick jab, but by the grace of your reactions, you ducked underneath it, grabbed her legs, then picked her up and slammed her to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. You picked up the pistol and aimed it at her head again, this time you kept one foot buried into her chest. She grabbed your ankle trying to push you off but to no avail

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put a bullet in your skull. You deceived me for the last time. I don't know how many hours I lie awake at night, thinking about what I've done. For the first time in months I had hope that I could see her again, and you took even that away" You shook your head. You leaned in closer to your prey and out the barrel of the gun to her head "Your life means nothing to me. You kill innocent men, not for the name of Talon. No...no, you kill because for that few seconds after the target is down, you actually feel something in your meaningless life. It's like a sick game to you. So I ask you again: Why should I let you live?"

You let that question sink deep into her soul as you felt her shake and stir under your boot. Finally she stopped and looked up at you "Because… You need me" You looked at her with narrow eyes. "You need me to get out of here. You're not allowed to leave without someone watching you. Let me help you"

"Why the hell should I believe you. The second I put my gun away you'll turn and run" The animosity still in your voice pierced through Widowmaker

"You have a gun to my head and I know you're not afraid to pull the trigger, I have everything to lose. Not to mention if you kill me, then what? Talon finds the body and who do they blame? You need my help"

You glared at her throughout the persuasion. After a few tense seconds where the assassin didn't know what you would do, you pulled the gun away from her forehead and aggressively picked her up and shoved her to the door

"You make any sudden movements, you die. You speak, you die. You try taking me anywhere other than the shuttle, you die. Now go"

You holstered your pistol and pulled out your knife as to not look suspicious. You pressed it against her back with enough pressure to draw a small stream of her toxic blood. You grabbed her dagger by her boot and threw it to the ground then made sure to remove both her gauntlets, the one for the poison and the one for the grappling hook. You began your trek through the base

Typically you would have been at least slightly nervous to walk past the enemy while holding one of their own hostage, but you were filled with so much rage at the moment that you felt like you could take on the entire base single handedly. As you walked Widowmaker through the base, you kept her on a metaphorical leash. If her gaze drifted to a soldier as if to signal help, you dug the knife deeper into her back and twisted it. You stood close to her back so that the weapon was concealed and no soldier looked your direction. It could be the sneaky placement of the knife, or it could just be that the soldiers never looked at you out of intimidation

What seemed like a lifetime, you made it to the shuttle with the many ships. What concerned you was that instead of the narrow corridors, this was a wide open space where people roamed with vision of all angles. Luckily there was a pilot close by the entrance and he just so happened to be the one that was piloting your ship in Russia. It appeared he was running some sort of diagnostic on his aircraft. He noticed you two and stopped whatever it was he was doing. You pressed the knife against Widows back more and leaned closer

"Don't speak" you told her as you approached the man

"Ahh Widowmaker, (your name). What are you doing here?" He said wiping off his hands with a cloth

"We're ready to go for the mission" You spoke for the two of you. You were practically standing behind her, which might appear a little odd, but you needed to keep that threat there on her back

"Mission? What mission?" He said a little concerned.

You shook your head and scoffed "For fucks sake you people are amateurs here. Do you listen to anything anyone tells you? I've been here for 2 months and I already have it down to a tee where I'm supposed to be and when. How long have you been here?" You said berating the pilot

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't hear anything about a mission"

"Sorry? You're lucky I don't tell Bradshaw about this cluelessness"

"No no no no. You don't have to tell him anything. Look look I'm ready to go now if you are. I'm sorry"

"Yes let's go. What are you waiting for?"

He nodded and scurried off to the control panel of his ship, immediately preparing for takeoff. The whole time you were having that conversation, you dug your knife deep into Widows flesh and sliced up, down, left, and right slowly so she was too focused on the pain to speak up. You shoved her into the ship and forced her to sit down. Before you did so, you grabbed a couple of zipties near the pilot's set of tools that he might have needed for any quick, on the go adjustments.

You tied her wrists together and through the handrail with multiple zipties. You did the same with her feet to the chair. Then you put one in her mouth that wrapped around her head so she wouldn't speak. The pilot was too focused and nervous on the flight to look back and notice the restraints

As you were finished, you noticed that Bradshaw entered the shuttle and was walking toward your ship. You quickly hopped through the ships opened doors to confront him since the ship was not ready for takeoff

"Where the hell are you going?" He asked you

"Mission" You said with little hesitation

"What? I didn't hear anything about one?"

"I don't know what to tell you. Direct orders"

He narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly "Uh huh" Immediately you knew you made a mistake in your choice of words. Bradshaw gives orders to you and everyone else at this base. He's the only one in the surrounding area that communicates directly to the directors of Talon. And those directors are the only ones who talk to the head or heads of the organization, no one knows which it is. Bradshaw recognized this odd scenario as he stared deep into your soul. You had to strike first

You quickly threw a jab at his jaw which he countered, he was expecting a fight. He then threw his own series of quick blows that you somehow managed to block and dodge. Both of you were evenly matched, which was a bitch because you had to get on that aircraft before it takes off. The dumbass pilot wasn't paying attention to the surrounding area so he'll go whenever the ship is ready to.

Your plan was to fight passively until you heard the sound of the aircraft take off. Let Bradshaw tire himself out until you had to leave. So you blocked each punch and kick, sometimes countering them to gain space between you two. Bradshaw only got more frustrated as he couldn't punish you for any move you did, which only made his form grow sloppy.

You heard the whir of the engines grow louder and louder, and you took that as a sign. You waited for the commander to throw another punch, slow punch at that, the you grabbed it, twisted it around, then swept his legs causing him to fall to the ground. You still had him in an arm bar as you knelt on his back. You pulled out your knife and stabbed him in the upper back then ran to the ship.

Just as the ship was taking off, it got about 5 feet off the ground, you jumped up and hurled yourself into it just before the doors shut. You looked out the window and saw Bradshaw slowly standing up and staring at the ship. He reached around his back and pulled your knife out and threw it to the ground. He made no attempt to call for help or sound any alarms. Most likely due to the fact that he was exhausted, but it's possible there was a deeper reason

You boarded the ship and began to catch your breath. You stared over at the restrained assassin and pulled out your pistol. You sat in the seat adjacent to her and merely watched her every move

"Sir, where are we go-" The pilot turned around to ask for the dropoff location, but was stunned at what you were doing.

You quickly stood up and aimed your pistol at him, to which he immediately turned around and focused on flying. "You fly until I say stop" You told him

"But sir, I didn't fill her up with fuel. We can't go on forever"

"I don't care. Just keep flying South"

The flight was tense. You paced around the ship alternating glances between the pilot and Widowmaker, who to your surprise has made no attempts of escaping. Perhaps she knew she was beaten. Regardless, it was silent above the clouds. The only sounds were that of the engine. No radio signals from the Talon base, not calls, nothing. Excellent. It appeared you were free. For a split second, you rejoiced and felt some feeling of happiness, something you haven't felt in a long time, but you immediately disregarded the feeling

How long have you spent without Lena in your arms. That's all you want, you didn't care what you did or where you were, you just wanted her with you. All of this was for her, the slaughter of allies, and it was completely in vain. Just the thought of the complete sham of a deal you agreed to filled you with anger. There was nothing to do but look forward, but what was forward?

You were back to square one. The only person who created such technology to bring a human back from a distant reality was gone, and there was no one there to help. Why would Overwatch help you? Surely Angela let everyone know you were a traitor. But you had to go back. That's the only place you truly felt at home...home, how do you get Lena back to her home? There was only one way: you had to create the accelerator yourself

"Uhhh, sir!" The pilot yelled to you. You snapped out of your trance and walked up to the dashboard "We're empty, I have to put her down" He told you

"That's fine. Where are we"

"Chile. Just North of the strait of Magellan. I don't see any civilization anywhere"

"I don't care. Put the ship down"

He obeyed and the aircraft began descending into an open plain surrounded by forest and mountains. When you touched down, he shut the plane off and walked over to you "Now wha-" You didn't even give him a chance to finish his sentence before shooting him in the skull.

You searched his body and found a tactical knife. You used it to cut the restraints off Widowmaker. You did so and hopped out of the ship, looking around at the landscape. Widowmaker followed and stopped when you did

"Now what do we do?" She asked rubbing her wrists

"We? No there is no we?"

"What are you talking about"

"What? You think I'd just forgotten about everything you've done to me and Lena? I saw what you did. I saw the bruises, the cuts, the streams of blood, everything! Hell You carved a W into her neck! You were gonna change her into a lifeless monster just like yourself. You kept me at Talon to kill for you. All because of a lie! I'm right back where I started, except this time I have nothing and it's all your fault! You think that walking me to an aircraft was enough to repay me for everything you've done?! There is nothing you can do for me now"

You pulled out your pistol. You aimed right at your metallic arm. You emptied an entire clip into it except for one bullet. The arm began to spark and it was disabled enough for you to rip it off with your other arm. You tossed it in front of Widowmaker who remained motionless. Then you aimed the pistol at her

"You've made my life a living hell and what can you say for yourself...Just What I thought. Nothing. You feel nothing, no remorse for anyone. Now I didn't know who Amelie Lacroix was, but I sure as hell know who Widowmaker is. And I know that the world would be better off without her living in it…" There was so much controlled anger in your voice as you spoke. You aimed your pistol away from her head and shot her in the thigh, causing her to drop to the ground. You walked over to her slowly "I want to kill you, believe me...but you don't deserve a quick death. You shouldn't be granted the pleasure of having your worthless life taken away from you. Now I don't know if you'll make it out of here alive, but I don't care. If you ever come anywhere near my team...my family, you will wish I would have just shot you in the head"

Without any more words, you turned around from her and walked towards the setting sun. You never looked back, never cared to see her reaction. You slowly walked into the forest, only looking forward, because forward is all you have now.