Special thank to M. for reviewing every chapter! You are amazing, and your reviews always make me smile!

AN: Last chapter!


Z had been giving Bridge CPR for the last five minutes. She could not give up on him, but this time was different. He did not drown, he was hooked up to a machine that stole his energy and then electrocuted him to death. She wanted to believe she could bring him back, but she was losing hope fast.

The other rangers did not want Z to give up; they could not bear to watch Bridge lying so still. This could not be it, Bridge could not be dead. No one wanted to believe it, but as the minutes went by, it was becoming more and more like the truth.


Bridge had almost given up hope. He could feel himself dying. His energy was fading out. There was nothing he could do anymore.

"Please Bridge. Come back to me."

Bridge could barely hear the sound of Z's voice, but he still heard it. She was calling to him, just like he asked her to. He needed to reach her, she was his last hope of ever getting out of there. Bridge had almost no strength left, but scraped up what he could and tried swimming up. He felt like he was just treading water; darkness began to trickle around his eyes. He was not going to make it.

The weariness had crept in, and all Bridge wanted to do was close his eyes and be done. Just as he was about to give up, he felt something touch his bare hand. He felt a warm energy encompass him. The energy was leading him to the surface of the water, he was floating back up.

"Come on, Bridge." Z's voice was getting louder.

The rangers all watched as Z begged Bridge to come back to the living. She held his hand tight. This could not be it. The others watched as all of a sudden Z perked up. She looked at his hand, she felt it twitch.

"Bridge?" Z looked at him for a minute before trying CPR again. Maybe there was still a chance.

She let go of his hand and began pressing on his chest. She then blew air into his lungs. She knew she felt him. Z kept trying until she felt Bridge's entire body tremor. It reminded her of when she brought him back after drowning, but instead of coughing up water, this time Bridge began to cough up blood.

Bridge coughed and gasped, and he made a desperate attempt to get air back into his lungs. He could taste thick copper, and his whole body burned. Bridge shook, as he tried to breathe.

"Bridge, it's okay, just take slow breaths, alright?" Z rubbed his back as the boy gasped for breath.

Bridge was still gasping, but he managed to look up at the others. He looked at them all funny, he was having trouble seeing. Bridge reached out for Z.

Between rasps he spoke. "Such a warm orangey, yellow." His eyes rolled back into his head, and he passed out.

Z caught him before his head hit the ground. She was still worried, but her tears had turned into that of joy.

Sky let out a sigh of relief, and noticed why Bridge had looked at them all strange. "His gloves, where are they?"

Syd began to look around, until she spotted the discarded gloves on the ground. "Here." She came over and put them on. "That should be better."

Jack took out his morpher and composed himself before calling Kat. "K-Kat. We need a medical unit now."

"Is he okay?" The voice on the other line was filled with worry.

"I think he will be, but he needs checked out."

"There's one on its way, just sit tight."

The rangers waited until the medical unit arrived. Z continued to hold Bridge's head in her lap. His breathing had evened out, but he had not stirred since he passed out.

Once the medical until arrived, the rangers followed them back to base and waited on edge for news about Bridge. Kat had come out of the infirmary after an hour with him.

"He's going to be alright." Kat stopped the rangers as they all ran up to her. "He needs rest more than anything. Physically, he'll be okay."

"And mentally?" Sky knew how his roommate could get on his bad days, he could not imagine how Bridge was right now.

"Right now he is too out of it for a proper exam, but I think he's in for a bit of a rocky road to recovery. In time, and with all your help, I think he'll be just fine." Kat seemed sure of this.

"When can we see him?" Z gave pleading eyes to Dr. Manx.

"Like I said he needs rest, so he does not need any visitors right now." The rangers started to complain, but Kat cut them off. "However, if you want to sit with him one at a time, I would allow that."

The rangers were disappointed, but understood. They agreed to take turns watching over the Green Ranger. They all argued as to who would be first, but Jack decided since he was Red Ranger her could go first. That led Sky to argue being blue let him sit in second. Each ranger stayed for a few hours, and then switched out. Bridge was going to be asleep for a long time, but when it came to Z's turn, she hoped she would be able to see his blue eyes again soon.

Bridge seemed so still in the bed. She was happy that there was no more blood; that was an image permanently burned into her brain. He looked so vulnerable in his sleep. He looked young too. Granted he was the youngest of all of them, but only by a year or two. Bridge always had a child-like innocence to him, but looking at him now, she hated to think about everything he had been through. On top of being so still, Bridge had several tubes and wires attached to him. He had an IV for the pain, and to keep him hydrated, and wires to monitor his body. No one wanted to see the Green Ranger in such a position.

Z was falling asleep in the chair she was sitting in when she heard a small moan come from Bridge. Z perked up, and leaned towards him. She watched as his eyes moved under his closed lids. His eyes began to creep open. At first he needed to adjust to the light, and then Z noticed that glazed over look she had seen before.

"Hey there sleepy head." Z put a hand on his arm.

Bridge flinched a little, but then realized where he was. "Z?"

Z smiled. "I'm here."

"I don't feel very good."

"Shhh, it's okay just go back to sleep."

Bridge shut his eyes and was back to sleep soon after. Z sighed. She supposed his acknowledgment of her was a good sign. Z waited a little longer before switching out with Syd. She wished she could have stayed until Bridge woke up again, but she knew that was not fair to the others. All the rangers ended up camping out in the rec-room. None of them wanted to miss news on their fellow ranger. Syd came in soon after the sun came out, and one after another each ranger got the sleep out of their eyes and turned to her.

"He woke up again, but Kat kicked me out so she could run more tests." She flopped down on the couch and grabbed a pillow. "I'm really worried."

"Did he say anything?" Jack rubbed his eyes.

"Bridge babble mostly, but he didn't seem too confused. I didn't get much time before Kat came in."

"He'll be okay." Sky had to believe that.

About an hour later Kat came in and smiled at the group of worried teens. "Bridge wants to see you all."

"Are sure that's a good idea?" Z was worried about that many people being in the room.

"He said it would be alright, in fact he can feel your worry all the way from there, so putting your minds at ease will probably help him rest easier." Kat left the room and the rangers followed.

When the rangers got into the room, they found Bridge in a lot better shape than he had been before. He was sitting up and alert, but they could all see the weariness in his eyes. He smiled as his friends entered.

"I wasn't sure I'd ever get to see you guys again."

"You gave us quite a scare back there." Jack smiled at the Green Ranger.

"You okay?" Z was afraid of the answer.

Bridge took a deep breath and blinked a few times. "I have a lot going on up here, but yeah I'll be okay. Especially if you all stop worrying so much, you make it hard to get any sleep."

The others laughed, but seeing Bridge joke did help the uneasy feelings they were having.

Bridge squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. "Okay, I'm going back to sleep now."

He laid back into his pillows more and the rangers took that as their cue to leave. They were all a little more relieved after seeing Bridge. Sky came back a few hours later to sit with him. Bridge stirred a little and woke up. He blinked a few times before turning his attention to Sky.


"Hey." Sky smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Confused mostly."

Sky laughed a little. "Well there's nothing new there. So these spirits or whatever, their gone?"

Bridge nodded. "I think so. I closed the door they were coming in through, and since I'm not being thrown across the room I think we're in the clear now."

"Good." Sky was silent for a moment. "That really scared me Bridge. I thought..."

"I'm not. I'm mean I was, but not anymore. Alive and well…well maybe not all well, but getting there."

"You shouldn't have gone alone."

Bridge smiled a little. "It was the only way to get rid of those things and not get the city blown up."

"You almost got it blown up anyway."

"You guys listened. You saved me."

Sky shrugged. "There was no other option Bridge, of course we saved you. We would have no matter what."

Bridge smiled. "Hey, have you talked to Dr. Thomas?"

Sky laughed. "Yeah, I don't think you can ever get near her again. She thinks you're insane."

"I hope she doesn't try to get me off the team." A flash of worry spread across Bridge's face.

"None of us will let her do that. Most of all Cruger. Don't worry about that stuff Bridge, you'll be back on the team as soon as you're ready."

Bridge stayed in the infirmary for a few more days before being released. He tried to act like everything was fine, but the others could tell he was more off than normal. Z found him looking out the window in the rec-room.

Z sat down next to him and punched him in the arm. Bridge jumped and rubbed his arm where she hit him.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"For dying twice in the same week. That was two more times than I ever wanted to see you like that."

Bridge gave her a small smile. "Oh, sorry."

"I'm glad you're okay."

"I have you to thank for that." Bridge sighed. "Before I was just floating in this darkness, I was about to give up, but I heard you calling for me. I would have never made it back without you."

"I wasn't sure I could get you back." Z held back tears.

"But you did, and that's all that matters."

Z smiled a little, before asking Bridge was she had wanted to since he woke up. "What happened to you in there?"

Bridge looked at the ground. "Probably one of the scariest moments of my life. When those spirits went into me it was like I was all of them at once. I saw their whole lives, their whole deaths. None of them died naturally." Bridge shuddered. "They were pulling me, and I couldn't get back, and now I remember everything, and it's hard to keep track of what's my thoughts and what's theirs."

"Oh, Bridge." Z put a hand on his shoulder. "Look anytime you need help sorting out your memories from whatever is floating through your head, I'm here."

Bridge smiled. "Thanks, I may need to take you up on that."

"You'll be okay."

"I know, it's just going to take some time, but I know you're here to help."


Bridge smiled. He felt so lucky to have such amazing friends in his life. He knew that no matter what happened in the future, they would all be there for him no matter what.


AN: The End! Thank you all so much for reading, I hope that did not disappoint!