Raven looked around before fully landing. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

Changeling regained his human form. "Yeah."

She cocked her head at the dark red, unassuming building. "Are you ready?"

"Nervous?" He grinned.

"No!" She was lying.

"How hard are you repressing right now?"

She sighed. He was a goon. "Very."

He took her hand & pulled her to the glass door. "It's not gonna get any easier standing out here."

She groaned. Today was going to be a long day...

They went inside & were immediately in a spacious waiting room. There were dark grey plastic chairs with low white tables filled with magazines. There were even a couple of lower tables for children to play on.

Changeling pulled her to the front of the room where glass separated the waiting room from the receptionists. "Hi. Six o'clock for Raven?"

The woman smiled at him. "Yes. For Dr. Rosen." Changeling nodded. "You're all set. Take a seat & fill out these forms. She'll be with you soon."

Changeling took the clipboard & pen before tugging Raven to a spot to sit. He handed her the items. "Here you go."

Raven gave him a droll look. "Thanks."

He just gave a sunny grin before picking up a magazine.

She sighed & looked over the questions. There was a lot that she had no answer for. She didn't know her family history & she didn't have anything wrong with her. She checked a lot of "no" & "unknown" boxes.

After she was done, she looked it over carefully before looking at her boyfriend. "I didn't put my name down."

"Why not?" He barely looked over at her.

"I don't have a last name."

"Put mine." He shrugged before giving his full attention back to the magazine.

She rolled her eyes at his blasé response then did it. "What now?"

He didn't say anything.

"Changeling." She hit him with the clipboard.


"You're not that into that magazine & you know it!"

"I was so!" He rubbed his arm. "I was looking at this review for this restaurant that makes gourmet sandwiches!"

"Whatever." She huffed. "What do I do now? I'm done."

"Here. I'll take it back." He took the clipboard from her then muttered, "Mean!"

"I heard that!"

He hurried to the counter & returned the paperwork then came back. He sat down heavily & picked up the magazine.

Raven waited two seconds before she broke her own rule - she put her hand in his book. She wanted him to pay attention to her! She was nervous dammit!

Changeling looked at her like she was crazy before doing a double take. "Was that always there?"

"What?" She was confused.

"Nope." He leaned forward to pick up a candle. "So what are you feeling?"

"Confusion. Obviously." She took the candle from him.

"I mean before that."

"I don't know." He gave her a look. "Nervous."

"Well we know what nervousness does." He picked up an Asian style fan.

She traded him the candle for the beautiful dark blue silk fan with golden paint. It was exquisite. "It's so beautiful."

"We should tell Cyborg."

"Raven Logan?"

Both looked to see a short auburn haired woman in a lab coat standing by an open door.

"Yes." Raven stood & pulled Changeling to his feet. They walked to the woman.

She stuck out her hand. "Hello, I'm Dr. Rosen."

"I'm Raven & this is Gar." Raven said as her nervousness flared up & another fan appeared on the floor behind the OBGYN.

"Is this dad?" Dr. Rosen asked.

Changeling nodded. "Gar Logan."

"This way." Dr. Rosen gestured down the hall before turning.

As they walked by, Changeling scooped the fan up.

Dr. Rosen led them to a room. "You can get changed & I'll be right back."

Raven faltered at seeing the paper gown. "Oh. Okay." Dr. Rosen left. Raven picked up the gown then turned around. "Go away."

He started. "What? Why?"

"So I can change."

He stared at her. "Are you kidding me? I saw you naked this morning!"

"Shhh!" She waved her hands.

"They're going to know I've seen you naked, Rae. You're pregnant."

Raven realized he was right but it was still really personal to her. "Can you at least turn around?"

He huffed but leaned back & covered his eyes.

She quickly took off her sweatsuit & sneakers & put on the gown. "Okay. You can look now."

He only raised an eyebrow when he did.

She hopped up onto the table, fidgeting the whole time. More fans popped up.

"Rae! Relax!" He went around the room picking them up & closing them.

"I can't!" She willed herself to sit still.

He came back & put his hands on her shoulders. "Relax. Everything is going to be fine."

She breathed in & out slowly. "Fine."

"Yes. Everything is going to be fine. I promise."

She nodded, feeling calmer. "Thank you."

He kissed her soundly. "You're welcome."

"Ahem." Dr. Rosen smiled. They broke apart as she entered the room. "Okay, Raven. I'm going to have you step on the scale."

Raven slid off the table & stepped onto the fancy modern scale. It read 144. Raven's mouth fell open in horror. "But I'm 124!"

"Baby weight." Dr. Rosen nodded. She gestured to a strip on the wall. "Stand here please."

Raven stood back against the strip.

"You're 5'3 & three quarters."

Raven sighed. She knew she was short.

"Okay. Hop back onto the table & we can get started."

Raven climbed onto the table.

"You can lie back. How far along do you think you are?" Dr. Rosen slipped on rubber gloves after sanitizing her hands.

"A few weeks maybe." Raven laid back, her stomach beginning to knot up. She started when she felt something warm touch her hand but it was just Changeling holding her hand. She instantly felt better.

"Okay. I'm going to have to use a machine that detects the baby but it's invasive. I can talk you through it the entire time if you want."

"It's okay." Raven would prefer silence. "Just do it."

Dr. Rosen set up quickly then used the machine. "Good news. You are indeed pregnant. Greater news, I can use an ultrasound to determine exactly how far along you are."

Dr. Rosen put away the machine then changed her gloves. She pulled the ultrasound machine over & grabbed a bottle of gel used for the machine. "Can you raise your gown for me?"

Raven slipped her hand from Changeling's to raise the gown to her hips.

"Higher, honey."

Raven raised it to her breasts.

"Thank you."

Changeling took her right hand back.

Dr. Rosen spread the cold jelly over Raven's slightly rounded belly. She used the wand to spread it further before settling it above her bellybutton. A muted thumping was heard throughout the room. "Okay? Do you hear that?"

"Yeah. It sounds like the theme to Jaws." Changeling piped up.

Raven squeezed his hand for him to be quiet. "What is it?"

Dr. Rosen smiled. "That's the baby's heartbeat. It looks like you're about twenty weeks. Can you see this part right here?" Both nodded. "That's the head. This is an arm. & this right here lets us know that it's a boy."

"A boy?!" Changeling broke out into a happy dance.

Raven pulled on his hand. "A boy."

Dr. Rosen's grin widened. "Yes. Would you like pictures?"

"Yes, please!" Changeling sounded like a little kid asking for candy.

Dr. Rosen laughed as she turned off the machine. "Okay. You get dressed & I'll be right back." She stripped off her gloves before leaving.

Raven pulled the gown down before sitting up. "How are you feeling?"

"Me?! I'm happy as hell! I got a boy!"

Raven relaxed. He was happy so she was happy. She began getting dressed.

"How are you feeling? Wanna go somewhere? We skipped breakfast. We could go out."

At first, she was going to refuse but she realized they rarely went out. Her fault. She was a homebody & used Charlotte as an excuse to stay home. This might be the last time for them to go out alone before the baby came. "Yes. We can do that."

He smiled before kissing her gently. She melted into the kiss & a box of tea appeared.

"I'm glad I brought a purse." Her lips twisted.

He chuckled then backed away.

Dr. Rosen came back with an envelope & a slip of paper. "Okay. These are your pictures & this is a list of foods to eat, things to avoid & vitamins you need."

Raven took both items. "Thank you."

"Now it was a pleasure meeting you & I want you to gain some weight when I see you next."

Changeling quickly spoke up. "Um... I have a question."


"Um... well... I uh..." He stammered.

"What's wrong, Gar?" Raven asked.

"I'm green!" He blurted out. He began again in a more sedated tone. "I have unstable DNA. Is the baby okay? Is it going to change anything? What if he shifts inside of her?"

Raven's blank face paled. "I'm a half demon. Demon babies grow fast. What if he does do something inside me?"

"I've never come across this before." Dr. Rosen admitted.

"This is actually the first baby of its kind." Raven told her. "I'm rare & he's the only survivor of his disease. He's the only one with his powers."

Dr. Rosen nodded slowly. "If demon babies gesticulate faster than human babies, you may not be as far along as I believed. Let's have you come in every two weeks to monitor you until you give birth. I want to oversee this carefully."

"Of course." Raven nodded.

"I can't tell you about the baby having powers while in otero but I can say that I'll be available 24/7 whenever you need me. Here's my card. That's my private cell phone number. I may not know about demon babies or shapeshifter babies but I promise to answer any question I can."

"Thank you." Raven slung her black canvas bag over her head.

"Like I said, it was nice meeting you. Make your appointment up front. & I'll see you in two weeks."

Changeling ushered Raven out & to the front. The woman behind the glass smiled. "Hiya! What are you having?"

"Boy!" Changeling proudly stated.

Raven, who hadn't wanted to answer the chirpy receptionist, went on. "We need an appointment for two weeks from now."

"Okay. I have a six o'clock, a seven thirty, a ten o'clock & a two fifteen." The perky helper squeaked.

"Six o'clock."

"Okay!" She smiled. "Would you like a card?"


The blond quickly wrote down the information then handed over the card. "Here you go! Congrats on your little one!"

Raven tugged Changeling outside. She was close to having another headache.

"She was nice. I like her."

Raven's head snapped to her unsuspecting boyfriend. "Excuse me?"

"The receptionist. She was nice." Changeling repeated his death-wish.

Extra eyes opened on her forehead as flowers rained down from the sky. "She was vapid!"

Changeling looked around before whistling softly. He'd stepped in it. "Okay. She was vapid."

"& empty headed."

"& empty headed." He hurried to agree.

"& ugly."

"& ugly." She wasn't his type anyway.

The flowers stopped & her eyes resumed their violet hue. "Where do you want to go for breakfast?"

Happy that he was to live another day, Changeling pulled her in a direction. "Let's go to Monkey Bananas."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "A little sweet, isn't it?"

"You heard the doctor; you need to gain some weight."

"I weigh enough."

"Who's the doctor?"

She sucked in a breath. "Fine."

He grinned at his easy win before shifting into a bald eagle. She flew after him in the direction of the funky diner/cafe they were headed to.

Finally approaching the burnt orange, sunshine yellow & basil green bistro, the two landed. They walked inside & found a seat quickly.

"What are you going to get?" He looked over the menu.

Raven's top lip curled back in disgust. She wasn't much for sweets except her precious waffles, sugar cookies & jam. She loved her jam. Her eyes flew open when she read a particular item on the menu.

Changeling grinned when he saw her face. "Find something?"

"Hello! Welcome to Monkey Bananas! I'm Freddy & I'm ready to get crazy! What can I get you?" A hella chipper waiter in purple & green stripped pants & black suspenders with a million buttons stopped at their table to sing his delightful tune.

Raven turned to him. "I'd like the stuffed French toast with Raspberry Vanilla jam, extra jam; the two egg breakfast slam & a cup of hot chocolate."

"How would you like your eggs?"


"& your meat?"

"Bacon. Chewy."

"Anything else?"

"A little salt & pepper on my potatoes & cinnamon in my hot chocolate." Raven couldn't wait for this. As much as waffles were her go to, Cyborg had turned her onto stuffed French toast & this was made with her guilty pleasure, too?!

"& for you, sir?" Freddy looked to Changeling.

"I'd like the Banana Nut loaf with Honey Butter & the eggs scramble." Changeling said.

"The original, the meat lovers, the cheese lovers, the garden variety or the deluxe?"

"Garden Variety."

"Is that all?"

"I'd like to try the Blueberry Kale Rhubarb Smoothie. & a side of hash browns & tofu."

"Will do! Be back soon!" Freddy finished writing it all down then skated away on his white skates with rainbow laces.

"I want to see the pictures."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Here?"

"Why not? Nobody knows we're here or where we've just been."

Raven went to her bag & pulled out the envelope then slid it across the table.

He snatched it up happily & nearly ripped the whole thing as he opened it. "Yes! There's his arm."

Raven peeked over. "I don't think so."

"Even better!"

She rolled her eyes before pointing to writing on the bottom. "What's that say?"

"Happy Father's Day." He read.

"It does not."

"Yes, it does." He turned it. & he was right. In red script, it said Happy Father's Day.

"How many are there?"

Changeling went through the pictures. "Five. They all say different things. This one says Happy Mother's Day. This one says Hi, Grandma. This one says Baby Logan. & this one says I'm a boy!."

"Speaking of grandparents, we need to tell your parents." She did not know how his parents would react.

"I'll call Rita when we get back."

"What about Steve? & Clark?"

Changeling's mood soured & it showed on his face. "What about them?"

"I'm sure Clark will want to know Charlotte is going to have a little brother. & I think this might go a ways in helping you repair your relationship with Steve. You said he didn't understand Charlotte. This baby is yours."

"Charlie is mine." He growled. "& he made his choice. He said to leave him out of it so he's out."

She didn't want to make him angry-er so she dropped it & just flipped through the pictures.

"We should send this to Diana." He spoke suddenly.

She was used to the silence so she jumped when he did. "This one?" She held up the picture that said Hi, Grandma.

He nodded. "Yeah. That way Clark gets it, too."

"What about Rita? She might want a picture."

"Either we can copy the grandma one or give her the I'm a boy! one. I want to keep Baby Logan though. For a scrapbook or whatever it is Karen & Kori are doing for Chris & Cal."

"I'm doing it for Charlotte, too!" She was offended. She wasn't the best at knowing what to put in it but she did have a baby book for Charlotte.

"Badly." He scoffed.

She leveled a look on him but before he could quake rightfully so, Freddy returned with a large red earthen mug & tall glass with a red striped bendy straw.

He set the mug in front of Raven & the glass in front of Changeling. "Your meals will be right up!" He skated away.

Changeling eyed the purple blue smoothie with green flecks. "I hope this tastes good."

Raven eyed her mug. It was filled to the brim with the chocolatey concoction & topped with whipped cream. It had milk & white chocolate shavings on top with a reddish spice that Raven smelled to be her requested cinnamon.

They both took cautious sips at the same time. Both were pleasantly surprised at their drink of choice.

"This tastes so good!" He licked his upper lip.

She hummed lightly to herself, not knowing she had a dollop of whipped topping on her nose.

He looked at her & laughed before reaching over & swiping a finger down her nose. "That good?"

"Shut it." She refused to let him ruin this.

He laughed again but let the moment rest in peace. Both sat quietly for a moment before Raven felt something brush her leg. She kicked him.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Stop rubbing your leg against mine."

"I'm not!" He rubbed his shin.

Raven's eyes flew open & she hurried to set her drink down so she could look under the table. Bright blue eyes were twinkling back. "Aah!"

He jumped at her muffled cry then leaned over to look under the table, too. "What?!" His heart melted when he saw what she saw. "Aw!" He picked the fluffy bunny up. "He's so cute!"

"He looks like a chocolate bunny." Raven was still on edge. A mirror sat next to her mug. But it was true. The rabbit was a dark chocolate brown.

"Look at him, Rae! With his floppy ears & big feet & button nose &-"

"& this is a restaurant! Put him away!" She hissed.

"Where exactly am I supposed to put him?" He gave her a dry look.

"Here!" She reached for him. He gave the tiny furry creature up & she sat him in her bag then transferred her bag to the other side of her so no one walking by could see the small opening left open so he could breathe.

"Why you gotta lock him up?!" He whined.

She shushed him quickly before peeking into her bag. "You better not leave any surprises in there!"

"Keep scowling & you'll scare him into doing it."

She scowled harder at him. "Quiet you!"

He laughed. "What were you feeling for that little guy to show up?"

"I don't know!" She almost panicked. Almost. "I was thinking about how peaceful this was & how glad I was that we came…"

"So peace makes bunnies?"

"I sure hope not." She deadpanned.

"Maybe it's all woodland creatures? Or all baby animals? Or all-?"

"I get it, Gar." She said flatly.

He lifted a shoulder. "We gotta feed him."

"Feed him what?!"

"Here you go!" Freddy glided over with a large serving platter with plates of food. He set the plate with French toast in front of Raven along with her plate of eggs, hash browns & bacon & little bowl of extra jam then set down the plate of two slices of banana nut loaf in front of Changeling along with his plate of eggs, hash browns & tofu. He tucked the platter under his arm. "Call me if you need me & I'll be here in a jiffy!"

The couple watched as he nearly floated away. "He is odd." Both nodded.

Changeling shook his body before picking out a large chunk of bell pepper from his eggs scramble. "Here. Give this to Godiva."

"Godiva?" She looked at him like he was crazy.

"We gotta call him something." He lifted that shoulder again.

"No, we don't. Naming leads to keeping & we're not keeping." She still took the pepper & dropped it into her bag.

"What about Hershey?" He acted like he didn't even hear her.

"Not only are we not naming him, we're not naming him something awful!"

He laughed. "Okay, so the name's a work in progress. Let's eat before this gets cold."

Raven realized her coveted French toast was in front of her & took a deep breath. It smelled heavenly. She cut into it & spread extra jam on the piece she sectioned off. Taking another breath, she ate it.

Flavor exploded on her tongue. It was everything she'd been searching for her whole life! It was thick eggy Brioche cut at the sides for strawberries, mascarpone & strawberry vanilla jam, dipped in an egg, milk & brown sugar mixture. There was added mascarpone on top with blackberry jam & salt.

Changeling had a field day watching her expression, which switched through various emotions that all centered around happy. He chuckled as customers wondered where the boxes of tea were coming from.

He tucked into his eggs (not liking cold eggs) & was satisfied with the results. He'd only been there a few times so it was nice to know the quality of food hadn't slipped between those rare times.

Raven was halfway through her toast when she realized that she had bacon. Picking up a strip, she inhaled it then started in on her cheesy eggs. The omelet was cooked to perfection. She saw the hash brown log loaded with bacon & green onions & knew she had to taste that, too.

Thinking quickly, she piled her fork with a little bit of everything then washed it down with a sip of chocolate. Something brushed against her leg.

She twitched before looking down. A fawn laid its head in her lap. "Oh no!"

He looked under the table & laughed. "Kinda hard to hide him!"

"Not funny, Gar! What are we going to do?!" She was close to losing control over this. She was eating the best meal of her life & these cute animals were going to get her banned from this place!

"Take your ring off." He told her.

"What? Why?" She took it off.

"That way no more animals will show up. A broken lightbulb can't be pinned on you." He reasoned. "I'll put my leg up so he can't escape & you just feed him stuff to keep him happy."

She looked entirely distraught over that plan. "Why?!"

His lips twitched madly but he refused to laugh... yet. "I'm already sharing with Wonka."

"What? Who is that?"

"The Chocolate Factory in your purse."

Her eyes widened & she checked her bag to make sure the bunny hadn't left her any... chocolate. When she turned back to Changeling, he face was carefully blank. "Just give me something else to feed it."

He handed her a cube of tofu.

"Something he actually wants to eat."

He glared at her as he picked up a red bell pepper chunk. "M&M better be glad you like him."

"One, I do not like him. & two, M&M? What is that short for?"

"M&M's. The candy."

She sucked in a breath. "Gar."

"Work in progress." He raised his hands.

She felt something butt her knee & knew the deer wanted attention. She tore a bacon in half & snuck it under the table. The four legged creature ate it happily.

"This is nice."

She shot her gaze to Changeling, whose face was still blank. "You're enjoying this. I just know it."

He flashed his teeth.

She eyed him waspishly before going back to her cooling meal. It was still delicious & she quickly reverted to happy. Every once in a while, she'd feed the deer a piece of something (but never her toast) & Changeling had saved various mushrooms & peppers from his plate for the rabbit.

Soon all four were fed & full.

Freddy skated over. "How are we doing? Want a refill on anything?"

"Yeah." Changeling was up to eating more. "More hash browns."

"Another cup of hot chocolate." Raven told him. "Exactly the same. Thank you." She was going to savor this one.

"Alright! Let me just clear this up for you." Freddy took Raven's empty plates & cups & put it on his serving tray. Then he took Changeling's dishes.

Raven waited until he skated away before leaning forward. "How was your banana nut loaf?"

"Really good. The bread was creamy from mashing the bananas well & they put in pecans & walnuts." Changeling stuck his arm under the table & scratched the deer's head.

"The French toast was commendable." She tried to play it off.

"Commendable?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to make Cyborg make me that tomorrow." She admitted.

He laughed. "Better than waffles?"

"I would never say that..."

It didn't take him long to figure out what she was saying. Rather what she wasn't saying. He grinned. "I like that."

She smirked. "We were talking about telling Clark & Diana. Are we really going to send her a picture & have him find out that way?"

"I like it." He shrugged.

"It seems... hurtful. Like you're leaving him out."

"Why are you pressing this?" He wondered.

"I don't want you to push away someone that cares about you."

He snorted. "What made you think he cared about me?"

"He offered to be Charlotte's grandfather for your sake as well as hers. He could have offered to be my father but he offered to be yours."

He snorted again, sounding like a neighing horse. "More like he just wanted to boss the screw up around."

"You're not a screw up, Gar." She hated when he got like this.

"Can we talk about this later?" His voice was flat. Flatter than hers.

She sighed. "Okay."

They sat in silence for a while before he drummed his fingers on the tabletop. "We better put those pictures up before someone sees or worse, we leave them."

Raven hurried to put the pictures back in the envelope & tossed it in her bag. She checked to make sure the bunny wasn't doing anything but found him asleep. Wondering, she checked under the table to find the Bambi wannabe doing the same. "They are both asleep."

Changeling checked under the table then put his leg down. "Cool. Listen..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you or anything. If you want to call Clark or send him a picture, I'm fine with that."

Raven tilted her head & stared at him for a moment. "I think I have an idea."

"Here you go!" Freddy set down a plate in front of Changeling & an orange earthen mug in front of Raven. "If you want, I can bring your check over for you!"

Changeling stuck his fork in his new potatoes. "Yeah. That'll be a good idea."

"Okay! I'll be right back!"

"He is too happy."

Raven was surprised he said that. "Really? I thought you liked nice people?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I mean you liked the perky receptionist back at the doctor's."

He knew it. "I didn't like her like that. At all!" He concluded at her pointed look. "If we wanna go there, Freddy hasn't looked at me since he first took my order."

Her mouth fell open. "What?! No!"

His head lolled to the side as he pursed his lips & quirked a brow.

"He hasn't looked at me like that." She insisted.

"You never see when guys do it."

She sighed. "Can we not talk about this when he's coming right for us?"

Changeling heard the gravelly roll of his skates. But he didn't mind letting Freddy know he was on to him. "Why? Don't want your boyfriend to get scared?"

"Why do you have to be like this?! It's very unbecoming!" She hissed.

Freddy was unsure if he was at the right table. Of course he'd recognized the Titans but after seeing the blogs yesterday, he knew they were dating & thought they were getting along. "Here's your check?"

"Is she pretty, Chuckles?"

"What?" Freddy was taken aback. & seriously confused.

"My girl." Changeling nodded to Raven, who hid her face. "Is she pretty?"


"Is that why you can't take your eyes off of her?" Changeling sat forward with a glare.

Freddy gaped. "I'm not- I'm not-"

"Not what? Undressing her with your eyes?"

"I'm gay."

Changeling's eyes widened as Raven took her hands from her face. "What?"

"I'm gay." Freddy repeated. "& I'm shy. I try not to look at anyone too long."

Changeling felt like a heel. "I'm- I'm so sorry. Damn! I didn't mean-"

"I'll just go now." Freddy skated away sadly.

Changeling frowned as he looked at Raven's disapproving face. "I didn't know." The look didn't move an iota. "I didn't know!"

"You were a world class ass." She spat as she put back on her ring.

He sure felt like one. "Are you done? I just wanna leave."

She drank the rest of her cooled chocolate as he scarfed down his potatoes. "Yes."

He pulled his wallet out & paid then left a hefty tip along with an apology on a napkin.

She scooted out of the booth & put the strap of the bag over her head. "How are we going to get him out?"

Changeling peeked under the table before getting up & pulling the deer out. He tucked him under his jacket. "Problem solved."

She scoffed & walked out of the restaurant. Changeling followed behind. They walked a few blocks before he stopped her.

"We're going to have to fly & I can't hold him when we do."

She took the deer & took to the sky. He rapidly changed into a falcon & followed her. It was a quiet trip...


The doors to the common room opened & Changeling & Raven walked in. Everyone turned to view them. They'd been waiting since breakfast to find out how it went.

Cyborg was the first to speak. "How'd it go?"

"Fine." Raven walked into the kitchen.

"Can we get a little more than fine?"

"She's just mad at me." Changeling waved it away. "You wanna play-?"

"I am not mad at you. I'm ashamed to know you." She broke in.

He sighed. "I apologized!"

"We can never go there again!"

"What'd you do?" Nightwing demanded.

"It's not that bad!" Changeling swore.

"That poor man." Raven set her burden down.

"What is that?!" Jinx yelled.

"A baby deer." She replied as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"Don't forget to let out Truffle." Changeling snapped his fingers.

"That is not his name!"

"How about you come up with something?!"

"I like Hershey." She went into her bag & pulled out the rabbit.

"I said that!"

"I didn't like it then."

He growled.

"Did you just pull a rabbit out of your bag?!" Kid Flash laughed. "Awesome!"

"Where did the cute & cuddly animals come from?" Starfire flew into the kitchen to get a closer look.

"Rae's new powers." Changeling smirked. "We found out about peacefulness & nervousness."

"What did what?" Cyborg asked.

"Peace got us these little guys." The deer had woken up & stumbled to Changeling.

Raven reached into her bag & pulled out the fans & papers she needed. "Nervousness produces these."

Bumble Bee flew over. "Fans? They're so pretty." She opened a green one.

"What are you kicked out of?" Nightwing brought the conversation back to the one prior.

"We're not kicked out. I just put my foot in my mouth." Changeling still felt bad about it. "I accused a gay waiter of hitting on Rae."

It was completely silent as the others looked at him. Then there was laughter. Loud, long laughter.

"Okay! I get it! I flipped my lid."

"You just like lookin like a goon, don't you?!" Cyborg fell out.

"You're crazy jealous!" Kid Flash was right behind him.

"Wow." Nightwing intoned.

"That is most amusing." Starfire giggled.

"How's that foot taste, Changeling?!" Bumble Bee held her sides.

"Oh, C." Terra shook her head as she tried to stifle her laughter.

Jinx did no such thing. "Paranoid!"

"Alright! Alright! Shut up!" He growled.

They tried to get their laughter under control & mostly succeeded as Raven made a cup of tea.

"I apologized, alright. & I left a nice tip."

"That's going to help." She muttered.

He glared in her direction. "It's your fault! You had to bring up that stupid receptionist!"

"As long as you realize she's stupid..."

"So French toast!" He knew he wouldn't get her to budge on that.

Raven's lips turned up at the corners a bit. "It was delicious."

Cyborg gasped. "Not better than mine?!"

"You will have to do some fine tuning."

He bit his fist. "Ugh!"

Bumble Bee flew over & patted his back. "You're okay, you big baby. So how did the appointment go?"

Raven held out the envelope.

Bumble Bee took it & opened it. Then squealed loudly. "It's a boy!"

The other girls crowded her as they tried to look. The guys clapped Changeling on the back. "Congratulations!"

"Gar?" Raven called softly. "You have to call your mother."

"Oh yeah." Changeling had forgotten.

"If you're going to do it now, hurry up." Nightwing ordered. "We have training in ten."

Changeling jogged out to make the call.

"What are we to do with the animals?" Starfire asked.

Nightwing eyed the deer as it slowly approached him. "How hard is it to keep a deer & bunny safe?"


Changeling hung up from his call then headed for the elevator. He'd changed while talking to his mom & she'd been ecstatic over his news. He promised to send her a picture as soon as he could then told her he had training.

He stopped off on the right floor then ambled down the hall to the training room. He noticed Raven right away & made a beeline for her. "Still mad at me?"


He put his arms around her but she slapped his hands. "We have to tell Charlotte today. No more procrastinating."

"Got it."


The couple waited until they were putting the little girl to bed. "Charlie? Mommy & Daddy have something to tell you."

Charlotte looked at Changeling with impossibly wide eyes. "Yes, Daddy?"

Raven pulled out the sonogram saying Baby Logan & showed her. "You're going to have a little brother."

"A brother?" Charlotte repeated.

"How do you feel about that?" Changeling asked.

"When is he coming?" She turned it around.

"We don't know. Not for a while."

Charlotte digested that. "Will I have to share my room?"


Raven looked at him. He couldn't promise that!

"Will I have to share my toys?" Charlotte went on.

"Not all of them."

"Will I have to share you?"

Changeling knew this was tricky. "Yes. But we still love you. That won't ever change."

"Promise?" Charlotte stuck her pinky out.

Changeling took it then kissed her cheek. "Promise."

"Get some sleep. We're going down to the beach tomorrow." Raven told her.

Charlotte opened her arms for her hugs. Raven hugged her then Changeling did. Raven turned out her light (& the fairy nightlight came on). They exited her room & closed the door softly.

"That went well." Raven was relieved. "No tears."

Changeling leaned against the wall. "She's a good kid. I'm proud of her."

"I'm proud of you. That was a good talk." She stepped forward & pressed into him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist & said completely serious, "Does that mean I get to see you naked again?"
