Hi There! I know it's been awhile. Had another go-round with the Hospital. I gained 40 pounds in less than a month. My doctor took one look at me and said you're staying! The next full week was fun for all involved. (Think Gene Wilder's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Remember the girl who ate something and turned into a blueberry? Yep. That was me except I wasn't purple. But the juicing room was no fun at all.)

Then I had a hurricane. Can you believe it! I live in coastal North Carolina. So we are used to this. However, I have never seen flooding like this one. Then to the loss of power was no fun. God Bless every emergency worker and utility man.

enough of me... Short chapter- but it sums up everything I wanted to happen. I will have another A/N at the end of the story explaining the next installment of this. As well as an Omake that you should see in a couple of weeks.

But first- and this is important. I normally respond to every review I get, but with the aforementioned issues, I don't know where I left off. Thank you for all of your reviews, both positive and negative. But I want to comment on a few of the constructive criticisms.

I was told even by people who know me that I was being too harsh with Percy. Because of your comments - you will see below that that will be mentioned but not highlighted. I have several thoughts about this- first) Read the author's note Chapter 1. It says this will have ADULT concepts in it. And it does.

2) Umbridge's treatment of Percy is not about sex. Both in my fic and JKR's it has always been about power. She could care less about Percy and how he dresses. This is about her being in control. she handles all the people- she is evil! While Fudge handles the politics. she is much more the villain than Fudge. He is an opportunist.

Please comment as you see fit.



The crowd thinned out while a faithful few stayed to wait for the champion. Everyone was talking at once about the last minutes of the tourney while Dumbledore and the other judges sat stoically waiting for their champion. Umbridge continued to whisper to her boss. Subtly telling him that something was wrong.

Mrs. Clearwater sat contemplatively. Apart from the other judges and his bosses but near enough that he was there if they called. That he was stunned was putting it mildly. Everyone knew how he had been treating Potter. He had even seen it both while at the scripted spontaneous pre-victory party when his father had brought young Diggory to the ministry, naturally proud of him. Cedric instead of acting with aplomb couldn't hide his disdain for Percy, not that he really tried. But Percy lately had been hyperaware of everyone around him. Whether due to the love of his life, or his constant attention to detail, or just growing up, he had seen it. It didn't hit him until he saw Cedric's face when he cursed Potter in the back. If the eyes were the window to the soul, in that one instant he got a glimpse of Cedric's. It was ugly. The malicious glee could be read at that moment if you were paying attention. Naturally, as soon as it happened he had turned to look at Hermione and Luna. As the champion's family they were seated close to the minister Just a row or two above ground level in the bleachers. He had turned quick enough to see them slump, and their friends catch them. The fury that was plain on the face of the Longbottom trio wasn't just limited to them. If the truth was told the disdain and anger was echoed on most faces and in the unkind words directed to Cedric. Mrs. Clearwater was surprised when the headmaster clearly left Potter's life in the hands of Fate. He also heard the anger as Lord Longbottom ordered as many elves as needed to ward Potter...Harry...Lord Potter-Black.

He now sat and watched the rest of the people there. Lord Diggory seemed to be as self-absorbed as his son. Chatting happily with the minister and Deloris. Mrs. Diggory's hand was clenched into a fist and she had put a few of her knuckles into her mouth. A mother knows, her knuckles were the only thing that prevented her from screaming and yelling at the two popinjays to find her son. Dumbledore, the other heads, and a few of the professors were talking quietly. The longer this took, the worse it was.

Percy felt someone slide in behind him. He didn't even need to turn before he knew who was there. The scent of cooking oils, meat and cheese carried on the warm soft breeze, but the same breeze carried the scent of her sandalwood shampoo. She leaned close and hugged him without saying a word. He saw Umbridge glance at her and smirk, the two have had a few floo calls over the past couple of weeks, further pushing Percy where he didn't want to go.

"I missed you," He said softly. "You've been busy."

"School's almost done. Things will cool off for a bit. But you wouldn't believe the amount of pizza these people eat. I'll be able to help more. I know that that bothers you."

"Not so much anymore." He turned to look at her. "I've seen...I realized... I had an epiphany," he said softly. Shaking his head at his own foolishness, "I've been wrong about so many things. My parent's. Ron, Ginny. Harry, I mean Lord everything else."

"What happened?" Her voice was as soft as his.

"I've been thinking it over anyway, but it culminated when Cedric cursed Harry in the back. He saved his life and then he was rewarded like that!" His whispers were urgent and looked over at the still joyfully chatting minister and toadies. "Everything Harry had said was the truth wasn't it?"

She nodded, almost afraid to break the spell. He was both wary of his surroundings and didn't want to be overheard, and then was captured by his memories. "Do you know what I regret the most is?"

"What?" She didn't want to ask but had to know. Was he back or was it the caricature that was known as Priss.

He focused and locked on to her eyes. "That I hurt you and almost lost you."

She had prayed to the gods she didn't really believe in for this moment. Marriages were meant to be equals, not this poor substitute. That tears immediately started to fall told her man how much she waited for this. "Come take me home. I've been waiting for my husband for a long time."

He shook his head, "I think we need to see Lord Potter and the others first. My father always told me to never put off an apology. Get it done and get it done right."

"Fine," she said in mock indignation. "But afterward you'll take me home and make love to me!"

"As my mistress commands."


The three champions sat together in the great hall. The headmasters and ministers had waited for another hour before Dumbledore had sent Fawkes to find Diggory. It was a sad and mournful Pheonix that had returned shortly later with a very dead Tri-Wizard champion. Both Diggory's were understandably sickened by the outcome. First keening the anguish, then their anger at Dumbledore, the ministry, and even the other champions. Eventually, some calming and then dreamless sleep potion enabled them to retire in guest quarters.

Like every other secret at Hogwarts, this was generally known almost as soon as it occurred. Everyone from the three schools ate with a minimum of communication. the clinking of silverware on the plates the loudest noise. Breakfast was normally loud with the promise of the new day.
It was a huge surprise when a gigantic head appeared in front of the head table. It wasn't quite translucent. And the two red eyes and almost no nose was disconcerting, to say the least. A few screams were heard. But Dumbledore took charge of the situation.

"You're back." It wasn't a question.

"I am. I just wanted to pay my regards to the current minister and of course to you, headmaster."

Fudge sat his mouth opening and closing as his face turned whiter and whiter. Umbridge looked back and forth looking to see if there was someone casting a spell that she could detect. Certainly, this couldn't be real.

"I also wanted to pay my respects to Lord Potter. I was sorry to have missed him last night."

Harry stood and walked to just in front of the giant head. Neville at his side, the ladies at his their rear.

"You really are pathetic Riddle. Do you know that? You surround yourself with incompetent help and think your self great after terrorizing people without the ability to fight back. Why don't you put on your big boy pants grab whatever passes for competent thugs that you branded and come and face my brother and me."

"Potter your time and Longbottom's is almost at hand. I'll deal with all of you shortly and then ..."

"Just shut up Voldie," Neville interrupted him while Harry and the girls snorted. "You're pathetic. Harry beat you as a baby and several times since then. Your biggest weapon is fear, but no one is afraid anymore. C'mon. Tell us where you are. Harry and I will pop over and end this incarnation just like he did the last."

You could hear a pin drop as Voldemort's eyes intensified in anger. "I will rend your life from you and your whores Longbottom! I will..."

"Shut up already," Neville said and he waved his hand ending the transmission. Harry was the only one, (and the bonded through the uniminds), who felt him raise the wards to the next level.

The hall erupted. Screaming, crying, a few ran out in fear. Dumbledore raised his wand and gave a cannon blast and waited for things to quiet before admonishing him. That was most unwise Lord Longbottom."

"Why? Everyone knows Harry and our ladies are targets. There is nothing we can do to change that. I would rather stand with honor than cower in a corner."

Several voices echoed, "Hear, hear!"

Both of the other schools had been scheduled to stay for another day and have a formal ceremony that night; as well as a formal ceremony for Cedric. Voldemort's visage preempted those plans. "Dumbledore," The half-giantess' accent was full on now that she was angry. "Ze Government du France will be making a formal complaint to your mishandling of the tourney. Your disregard for life, your actions in ze second task nearly began another race war! Your staff and students were poisoned, and it is rumored one of your staff was a Dark lord supporter!

Dumbledore did not look pleased, but there was little he could do. His star with the ministry was fading fast, while Deloris' seemed to grow brighter. Cany politician that he was, he knew that Voldemort would quickly be upsetting Fudge's applecart. While he mulled that over, the other headmaster used that as an excuse to leave as well.

"My government is also displeased. You need to fix your internal problems before you infect the world!" He said slamming his stave down on the floor to seal the point. Echoing their headmaster another thirty of his students did the same. Few even realized they had brought their "walking sticks" to breakfast. For most that was all they were. Few had the necessary power to channel magic through them. This statement brought more than one snide chuckle from those in the know. An ex-deatheater, even though few doubted that there could be such an animal; was telling Dumbledore and Fudge they're corrupt.

"I hate to pile on headmaster," Professor Trelawney interrupted. She stood on her chair next to her mates so she was seen by all in the hall. "When the Beaubaxton's contingent departs, I'll be departing with them. I had hoped to speak to you in private headmaster, but with them departing so soon and I wanted to tell all of my students farewell. I'll miss you all!" She finished tearfully and was immediately hugged by her two loves.

Hagrid's voice broke the susurrus conversations that had sprung up, which included more than one young lady crying over their favorite professor's announcement. "'t only stands to reason, I'll be seeing the students off on the express and then I'll be following me ladies, headmaster."
Which elicited even more conversation.

Dumbledore sat down at a moment lost for words. None of the pronouncements uttered by the professors was particularly surprising. In fact, he had already made several plans but it was the timing of announcements that stopped him. Anything except a perfect response could lose him more respect.

Not trusting the ministry, Fudge was already claiming it was a trick of Dumbledore's and Potter's; not realizing that everyone knew there was much enmity between the two. Harry had dispatched Dobby with a message to the Colonel that they would be guarding the Express as it made its way towards London and that he might want to have some heavy security at King's cross that day.


He didn't want to do this. All of the "girls" had gotten together and gifted her with mementos. The older mares had taken her from the others and had a long talk with her. When she had returned she wouldn't meet his eyes and tell him what was said. she would leave on the morrow. There would be a brief ceremony right at dawn, but then the two would make their way to the continent.

His thoughts were interrupted by Magorian's carrying voice. "And you Ronnie the Roan, will you be joining Aria? Would you prefer to stay here?"

"With your permission Lord Magorian," Ron had stopped staring at Aria and her fiancee and bowed to the leader. "While I appreciate your offer, I cannot do that. I have a... a... debt to pay. And with your permission, I would like to return to my people."

Ron had decided a while ago that he couldn't become a mare, although he thought it might be a fitting punishment of sorts. But it wasn't until now that he realized he wanted to go back and be among people again.

Magorian almost looked sad. "I'm afraid I cannot grant that request, Ronnie. Your mistresses left you in my care. Until such time as they decide to send for you. Had you decided to become a full member of the herd, then I could deal with you as my wont."

Ron received aid from an unexpected source. Olivander had been "resting" with the Centaurs for a week now. Everyone thought him 150 years of age, but he was much older than that. Those that were "Fey touched" had the ability if left to the natural progression of things, of living long lives. They not so much died as went the way of the Fey. Ollivander had lived long enough to read portents and times. He knew the next "step in the path" and hoped to help the young man. "Lord Magorian. The four ladies of power are known to me, and I to them. With your consent, I will take this burden from you and contact the ladies."

This was the perfect out for him. It placed the burden on the old human. Fey touched or not most humans were more trouble than they were worth. "Fine then. We will read the stars tonight. Should the sky remain unchanged then Ronnie the Roan will depart on the morrow."

Many more tears were shed that evening, Ron didn't even try to hide his either. He hung on Aria's neck and shed tears with the rest of the mares. He realized Magorian was going to let him go. The stars would have to spell out in bold letters "MAKE HIM STAY" for Magorian to keep him. He knew that because Olivander told him so, as they slowly made their way out of the deep forest. It took them a full day and a stay in the forest before they made their way to the Three Broomsticks and then to floo to the Leaky Cauldron.

Ron examined himself in the mirror closely. He had gotten several strange looks and a couple of giggles from some youngsters in the alley. At the appearance of the mannish woman.

"What? Did you think everything would fade in an hour or two? You didn't grow your breasts overnight, they won't go away overnight. You can cut your hair though."

Thinking of Bill and his longish hair and cool earing. "No, I'll keep it longer and maybe keep my earings. Maybe something not so girly though." He didn't realize, but already his thought processes were changing.

Ollivander put a damper on his thoughts. "If your mistresses allow. Don't forget until they say different, you are still a slave."

Once again Ron began to tear up, this time for a very different reason.


It was the last night. The six sat around their shared living space. The visiting schools had left. Fleur and Viktor both gave promises to write and visit. Each of the triads was sitting on "their" couches. Both groups would lapse into long silences with grins and snickers playing across the faces. Once or twice an hour one of the girls would make a playful slap at one of the guys. They only need for speech was to the other triad.

Harry brought it up first. "We've been avoiding this but we need to speak about it. We have appointments for our OWLS next week. Each of us could easily afford tutors if we want to study for NEWTs. And I know my girls do."

Hermione echoed her loves thought. "We, all of us, have been abused, threatened, hit, attacked, and why am I telling you? You all know."

Everyone's head nodded in acknowledgment. Neville shrugged and spoke for his ladies. They had spent as much time talking about as the other triad, both internally and audibly. "I don't see a reason to come back."

Tracy echoed the thought. "That will put us further out of the clutches of Dumbledore. We can concentrate on learning what we need and finishing up Riddle and his toadies."

The six "heard/felt" a keening cry of anguish. "No my Lords, My Ladies! That would very well end me!"

Almost as one, they responded, "My Lady Hogwarts?"

"Should you leave I'll surely die. Already the headmaster covets my power. He adds runes and sigils to the keystone, When the kind one leaves, there will be no one to interfere. I will not last until the students return and his command of the wards will be absolute."

Daphne spoke for the group. Lady Hogwarts, we would not leave you in durance vile. Especially if it means your demise. Our Lords will take action this very evening to secure your ward stone."

The relief was palpable to the group. "Thank you! My Lords and Ladies. One more thing I request of you..."

Harry sighed," C'mon Nev no rest for the weary." He looked to the ladies who suddenly found other things to occupy themselves with. "I don't suppose any of you ladies would like to help us?"

Luna wasn't sorry at all, "Sorry Harry. Hogwarts and we have to keep an eye on the headmaster. You know how tricky he is."

"Yeah, we figured. Someday soon, Luna, those dimples aren't going to be cute anymore."

"Are you sure Nevy?" She replied beaming at him.

"C'mon Nev. Before she hypnotizes us with that smile of hers."



In about 2 or 3 weeks I hope to have the Omake finished. It is how I wanted to end this but couldn't. It would have left too many unresolved issues. Then I plan on going through this and correcting the numerous errors and fixing the scene breaks. After that, I will write the sequel which will finish this completely. When I do that one it will be completed before I upload any chapters. As I mentioned, I have a couple of ideas for short stories based on these characters as they are. And also a couple of ideas for completely different plot lines. I hope you enjoyed this. As I enjoyed writing it. I'm sorry it took so long to finish.

bob t.