Yup. Fucking called it. I fucking knew it that this would eventually happen. So, thing is, while I was writing a Chapter for my other story, this Idea pops out of no where, and no matter how much I want to dismiss it, thinking it's completely "stupid", Let it be known again that Delrich (me) is an idiot (I mean observer of this Story. Hooray for 4th Person Mode!).

Meh. Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale and FoZ Period. End of story. (Once again, if I did, changes would've been made to FoZ)

Review. It helps me and fills me with Determination. (You want lov- er, More Chapters don't you?)

Sans was just having a normal day in the Underground, nothing strange or exciting was happening. In fact, everything was just peaceful... Too peacefully. Bored. That's one way to describe the Face of Sans, or, whatever was left of his face. Sans was a skeleton. He wasn't the only oddball in the Underground. Actually, Underground is home to oddballs. When Sans is compared to some of the others, he would be a bit more mundane than some Monsters. Sans then stood up from the grass he was lying on.

"Right. Frisk planted these about a year ago" He muttered, inspecting the condition of the Grass. He was currently at the Ruins, at the "Cliff" as Frisk dubbed it. It was where the Humans fell and where the Monsters would be set free... Someday.

While the other monsters gave up on that thought, Sans couldn't. He believed that Frisk would somehow lead them out, and into the placed named "Earth".

Yes, he was aware that If Frisk really set them out, time would reset again.

Yes, he was aware that Frisk could become Chara, a bloodthirsty demon.

Yes, he is cursed with an Ability. The ability to remember Memories even when time itself reset.

But still... He believed in the child, believing that She could find a way to lead them out to the world, without time itself resetting again. The word processed in his mind like venom. He would also find a way, but so far, his attempts are futile. What was there to discover when you only know the shadow of it?

A Void. That's what.

An empty void. That's what he literally saw in his Research, but how it resets the Timelines? He'll never know. Not on this timeline anyways.

A small beep from his Phone shook him out of his thoughts. He looked at the caller.


He answered almost immediately, being met with the voice of the child on the other end of the phone.

"Sans" Frisk's voice from the phone said, directly addressing the recipient.

"Yeah Kid? Anything ya need?" Sans said, thinking about all possibilities on why Frisk called him.

"Sans, You need to come here. Immediately. No time to explain, just come here" A frantic voice from the other end said. Toriel. He couldn't Warp his way to their house. It was rather strange. He lost his ability after the last reset, along with his Gaster Blaster ability. But the Bones were still faithful to him. All of Sans' master plans lost important pieces on them. Similar to a Chess match where you lose your Queen and Rooks. Sure, he had his Bishops, but those could only do much.

But, focusing at the task in hand, He immediately started to walk. His mind filled him with Knowledge on where he would go. Toriel's house it is then, then Sans ran at full speed, To anyone, all they could see is a Blue blur. He then jumped and set a Giant Bone at his feet. He landed on it and used it as a Hoverboard.

"Sans?" The voice from the Phone indicated he forgot to hang up. "Sans? Where are y-" The voice was cut off, from Sans arriving at Toriel's house. A quick look around his surrounding tolds him that whatever this was, it was very urgent. Everyone, including the some of the Boss Monsters were present.

He heard a click afterwards from his Phone, indicating that Toriel hanged up.

"Erm, Um... What's happening right now?" Sans asked. He was actually lost in this. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he did know that someone would inform him of the situation. Frisk most likely.

"Sans" He felt a tug at his Hoodie. He saw Frisk tugging. "Portal"

"Hm? A portal you say? No wonder you called for Sans. He knows the most about Portals" Asgore said.

"B-But I a-also know m-much about those t-things..." Sans heard Alphys' silent muttering somewhere in the room. Indeed she may have, if he didn't have the curse of remembering timelines. He just thought of Studying timelines to understand it more, and he happened to stumble to Portals over the course of research.

"Sans" He felt tugging again. "You know much. Right?"

"I don't know kid," Sans said. "But I'm going to give it my best at researching about this Portal"

"Now that's the Spirit!" Undyne said as she pounded her Fist into her other palm. The motion created a sharp clap sound that occured in the living room. Possibly throughout the whole house itself.

"-s? -an y- he-r u- S-ns?" The ringing was still present at his ears, covering most of what they said. Still, he understood what they said. They are asking if he could hear them. He nods. He wasn't sure about them, but he knew he was affected most.

"Sans?" Frisk said once again, tugging his Hoodie to get his attention. "There's a portal in the Door"

Sans looked at the Door, and sure enough, there was a Portal there. It was green in color and oval in shape. This one looks basic compared to the Portals he's seen before, but it was still a Portal nonetheless.

"Okay then, don't approach it, and don't go anywhere near it" Sans said as he raised a small door of Bones to block them from the Portal. Sans then whipped out his research camera and recorded it. There was a small hole to allow him to record it. The camera's quality was very high. It ensured that nothing would be lost in the recording and everything within the camera's field of vision would be sharply detailed. Even at the Edge of the screen to either left or right.

The Portal shortly disappeared afterwards, making Sans pause the recording. He wouldn't stop it just yet, incase that it would return and he would unpause it again, for more evidence.

Ten Seconds passed.

Twenty passed.


Yet, no sign of the Portal. Sans sighed and finally stopped the recording.

"I suppose that the recording would be all you need?" Asgore asked.

"Yes. It should be better than Memory alone, as our Minds tend to remember the minor details, but not the important ones" Sans replied. "I'll also be going home now, as I have to research about this" Sans opened the door to the basement and felt the temperature drop considerably.

As Sans descended the stairs, he heard steps, abeit slow behind him. He sees a fellow scientist.

"I-I'm going w-with you" Alphys said. She probably want to help him, afterall, Two heads were better than one.

"Yeah. Okay then." Sans said. The Royal Scientist following him closely. The pair have arrived at the Door. The Door that connected Sans and Toriel. It started with a promise that he made for her. Now was not the time for that. Shaking that thought off, Sans reached out to open the Door. When he opened it, a freezing gale hit him. Of course, Sans lived through winter all his life. Lives he might say, considering he lived through different timelines. Alphys however, accustomed to Beach-level heat, much to Sans' surprise hid, no. Cuddled behind his back for protection against the unforgiving cold.

Sans felt heat rise up his cheeks. Then, almost at the same time, Alphys realized just what she did and immediately left Sans' back. He also saw a blush form at her cheeks too. While walking, neither did any of the two speak or look at each other in the entirety of the journey. Sans, however, finally cooled down and breaked the ice.

"Alphys?" Sans said to his companion, hoping to get a reply from her. What he got was worst than a reply.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes?" The way she stuttered was absolutely the worst Sans had heard. Sans' look on Alphys was a Simple one. A fellow Scientist and one of his best friends.

Saving the Underground from being doomed by Chara. Check.

Killed something that can erase the entire world and considered "Invincible". Check.

Ready for anything. Ch- Wait. Nope. He wasn't ready for anything romantical.

Let it be known, that the Judge who killed an "Undefeatable" monster countless of times, also, Let it be known, that the Hero of the Underground, be not ready for romance in his lif- Lives.

Sans heard a faint ring and saw Alphys picking up his Phone. She answered the call and immediately, a voice yelled from it.

"Darling! I saw you and Sans out there. You two make a good couple!" Mettaton said from the phone. Sans facepalmed. This was not a good time that Mettaton was checking on the Cameras.

"S-S-S-Stop-" Alphys faints from sheer Embarassment. Sans moved quickly in time just to catch her before she fell into the snowy ground.

Let it also be known, that the Judge's strength is almost next to nothing. I (as the observer) wonder how he became one anyways... But he does possess great Intellegence and a Reservoir of Mana so much it's not even funny. Provided with a Magic that allowed distortion of time, he can probably stop time for about 10-20 seconds before running out of mana. Sans made a cart out of bones and placed the fainted Alphys there. He then summoned another Bone Hoverboard, and set course to his and Papyrus' house.

"Sans? Is that you?" Papyrus asked. His voice coming from the Kitchen.

"Yes" Sans replied. "And I believe that we have a Guest today." Sans stated while carefully setting down Alphys on the sofa. He was actually adapting to this rather quickly, that boys in anime harems they don't want to be part of (the harem) would become jealous to. He was becoming more Oblivious. Personally, something I don't want to happen.

"Sans- Why is Alphys here?!" Papyrus asked. Well, more of yelled, but he still asked.

"She fainted while going here" Sans answered, not bothering to include the little scene.

"Well..." Papyrus examines Alphys. "She is used to hot weather, and surely exposing her to the cold would no doubt make her faint"

"Yes... Her temperature is hot... She'll have to rest today" Papyrus said as he takes his hand off her forehead.

Sans knew. Health is very important to one's self. She would have to help on the researching later, both when she recovers physically and emotionally.

Days passed, and Sans haven't slept for the sake of researching. Yes, sleeping wasn't a need, but Sans has a hunger for sleeping. It usually activated every night (The Night is at it's highest peak), but sometimes however, It also activates while he's doing his Sentry duty. Out of all the things that Timelines can let him keep. It had to be this Hunger.

Yes. Sans is a lax and a lazybone.

But, he can possess some twisted form of Determination.

Ignoring the "Hunger", Sans finally compiled the unfinished work unto his Desk, where Alphys would no doubt notice should she enter inside Sans' Laboratory. For now, he just really need the sleep.

M-nd get-i-g hea-y...

C-a- F-h- ag-i-st S-ep...


And those where the final thoughts of Sans as his twisted Determination finally stopped fighting against the "Hunger".

Sans' dream was a wierd one. Sure, he had some "a god becomes a tentacle monster" dreams before, and while not really worth it, they tend to whack his head for a good reason, trying to decipher them in the morning. Currently, his dream was about Humans, but more specifically, just this one person. She had Strawberry-Blonde hair, which is a shade of pink, abeit bright. That wasn't the wierd thing. The wierd thing is that she summoned something. And, was it not similar to Sans? Yes, Sans might as well try and decipher this is the morning, along with my Mysterious voice as I (The observer) guided him through the dream.

Yes. Sans thought that everything would set to their aligned slots once he figured out what was happening. The dream, as Sans tried to analyze it, sent a crackle of magic at him. It wasn't much, but it was painful. Over the last month, he had managed to train his way, Increasing his HP and Def, even if that was only a small change, compared to the others, But a big change in his opinion.

Yes, It was enough to absorb a hit from Frisk with her Worn Knife.

Sans saw a small blur of orange around the Corner. He already knew who that was from the start.

"Alphys, I know you're there" Sans said, not bothering to look up at her.

"A-Ah Yes. S-so h-how was t-the research?" Alphys asked, her gaze not leaving the floor. A blush evident on her face, abeit faint.

"It's good" Sans replied. "I just found out where atleast the Portals come from. But not h-"

"I'msorryitwonthappenagainiswearpleaseforgiveme!" Alphys somehow managed to said without stuttering and rapid. Very rapid.

"Hmm... I understand," Sans began. "You did it out of reflexes, and since you're accustomed to hot places, you're instincts told you to grab something warm to protect yourself" Sans deduced calmly. A bit too calmly.

"S-Sans?" Alphys asked.


"P-promise me something" Alphys said. Sans immediately wondered about what the heck happened to her.

However, before he could ask why, A portal appeared beside Sans, sucking his left arm.


Sans tried everything he could to not get sucked by the portal. He tried pulling his arm free. He tried shooting Bones at the Portal, but to no avail, as the portal just distorts before sucking in the Bones as well. Alphys tried pulling him out (To her embarassment) but also failed. His Warp ability would be really useful now...

Yes, after struggling, The Portal finally sucked Sans in. Erasing his existence (but not the other's memories of him) from the World.

It's a beautiful day outside. That would probably be the first thing that Sans would no doubt notice, should no smoke obscure his vision. All he was seeing was smoke all around. Let it be known, the Sans had turned officially into a Human, which is a Nice touch for me when he is summoned to another world. After awhile, the smoke finally dispersed. Letting Sans scan his surroundings.

Humans. This was the most Humans Sans ever saw in his Life. Eight Souls were just a small fraction of the amount of people here.

However, there was a Girl, which appeared in his dreams a while ago. No doubt she caused the Portals. Sans scanned around again.

There was a Old man, carrying a staff. Why would people carry staves nowadays? Unless they were Mages. Sans heard of Human Mages before. Humans capable of Magic. Sure, their Magic system might be inferior to theirs, but with their Determination and Teamwork, they could essentially take down some Boss Monsters in the War.

"You!" The pinkette said, rather rudely. To add the rudeness factor, she also pointed at him. Sans frowned. Frisk was much, much more respecting than that. The pinkette, while older than Frisk, looks just a few years older than Frisk, yet, she was rude. Very Rude. She also gestured a "Come over here!" with her finger. Much more rude than all Monsters combined in the Underground.

"You should learn manners my friend" Sans said, lacing the word 'friend' with venom. Said pinkette immediately flinched a bit, unexpecting the reaction from Sans.

"W-Why you...!" She growled. Hostility was very much present at the atmosphere. Anyone faint hearted would probably suffer a Heart attack right now.

"Yes, seems I've mistaken Humans all along as respectful beings. They act like Animals nowadays..." Sans said, uncaring of whatever the pinkette will say.

"That's Enough!" A strict voice said, coming from the Old man, teacher Sans deduced. "I will no longer tolerate any of hostility from you two! Just finish the Contract Miss Valliere"

"B-but sir-"

"No buts" At this time around, the Girl, now identified as Valliere, sighed and stomped over to Sans' position.

"Feel lucky for this Commoner. You'll only experience this for once in a lifetime" Before Sans could ask why, she grabbed his Woolen Jacket and kissed him. Not really a kiss, but just a brief touch of their lips.

Again, before Sans could ask why she just kissed him, His Right Hand hurted. At first, it was just a small prick. But, after a few moments, it felt like Lava was being poured on his hand. Before Sans could react, he fainted.

Wow. I think this world is both Cruel and Rude. Not even letting Sans speak out his mind.

However, there were now Strange Markings, Runes should I say, located on Sans' Right Hand. Yes... This is rather familiar... like I've seen it sometime ago, but I just can't place it... Whatever, thoughts should be later. Adventure should be now.

And thus, I see Sans being carried over inside the giant Castle-like building.

And thus, luckily, Sans isn't killed by the Pain. It just left him with 1 HP out of his 20 HP.

And thus, I end fhe Chapter for now.

Holy's Shizes. I just wrote that Longer-than-usual Chapter. It's about 2.8k words (Not including Author's Notes). Anyways, for those who Wants Sans' human appearance, just search in Google "undertale sans human". Meh, all of them almost hafe the same appearance. Give or take. I may or may not also suck at romance.

Review. It fills me with Determination.