Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and my OCs.
A/N: Hello to my new followers/ favorites: sesshomura'slover, , Teemitchie, HuntressForTheWolves, Gorange1, Katelynn Snow Fox, Alexa G. Salvatore, FarrahRiley3, Bronnie929, Haley-Belle, The-Kiwi-Lover, samantalu, AriSonMma, NoticeMeSempaii01, Rated-Rgurl89, ChibiSpyStuff, direworlf1829, LuCkY-StAr69, LucianLycan, and Em-x, . Thank you so much to my recent followers as well my other ones. Your support means the world to me And shout-out to Brookie Twiling who made three covers for my story! She is the best! Check them out at .com. And sorry for the long wait! I've been sick for the past two weeks which stalled my posting. I'm sad to say that this is the end of the story, but I will continue to write others. My new story will hopefully be up soon so keep a lookout for that! Hope you enjoy the end!
Ch. 13
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I´ve never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I´m loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn´t seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there´s no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I´ll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
~Come What May, Moulin Rouge
Thor and Aurora were peacefully lounging on chairs in one of the palace gardens, their children playing at their feet on a baby blanket. They leisurely sipped from their chalices filled with honeyed mead, Aurora placed comfortably in Thor's lap as they watched the twins. Holding the chalice in one hand, Thor's other hand casually slid along the bare skin of Aurora's back, her dress having a large slit in the back. The skin was warm and smooth to the touch, perfect in every way. Thor leaned closer in order to place a kiss on one of her shoulder blades before she moved back to lay her head in the crook of his neck.
Odin had agreed to think over the matter of Thor's divorce to Margarethe, favoring Thor's idea to peacefully set her aside and compensate her for her loss of title with a brand-new husband. Aurora and Thor would be married, their children legitimized, and Aurora would be crowned the new princess of Asgard. Odin was rather fond of Aurora and the babes although he worried about political disputes and the people of Asgard possibly voicing opposition. It was a slow process, but it would all work out in the end.
Rising gracefully from her position, Aurora spoke to Thor softly as she explained why she needed to departure. She wished to return to their chambers in order to get blankets. A chill had filled the air and she wanted to prevent the twins from catching a cold. Placing a quick kiss on his lips, Aurora left Thor with their children while she headed towards the east wing of the palace.
Walking through the halls, the many courtiers bowed in respect as she passed. Aurora nodded her head courteously to all, acknowledging them. Since Thor's announcement, the court of Asgard had begun to show their true colors. Most of them backed behind Thor and Aurora's pending engagement, agreeing that Aurora would be a much better future queen of Asgard than Margarethe. However, a few disagreed because of the old ways. They did not think a crown prince could set a wife aside no matter what the reason.
Leaving the courtiers behind, Aurora entered a deserted hallway. Hurrying quickly to complete her task, she did not notice the dark figure lurking in the shadows. As she a neared an archway, the stranger neared towards her menacingly. Just as she reached the staircase contained within the archway, the figure gave Aurora a forceful shove. Letting out a loud scream, Aurora fell forward and tumbled down the stairs violently, her body hitting the stairs as well as the walls during her descent.
As she hit the bottom steps, the perpetrator could see the damage that had been done. Aurora's dress was torn in several places, her arm was positioned awkwardly across her body, and her head held a nasty gauge, blood dripping across her forehead. She was also unconscious, her breathing unsteady as her chest moved up in dangerous intervals. Smiling at the work done, the figure disappeared quietly before anyone could spot him or her.
Hearing the commotion, one of the many palace maids came to investigate the noise. Spotting Aurora, she let out a cry for help as she dropped the sheets in her hands and ran to pull Aurora into her lap. Analyzing the damage done, others ran to see what was wrong. "Tell the crown prince immediately," she spoke when they reached her, "and fetch the physician." The servants nodded and one dispersed from their group in order to alert Thor while another went to find the palace doctor. The maid returned her attention to Aurora, pushing strands out of her face. "Who could have done this to her?" she wondered aloud. Whoever did this was about to face the wrath of Thor and if Aurora died from her injuries, there was no telling what would happen.
It had been a few hours since Aurora's accident, Thor pacing outside his and Aurora's inner chambers awaiting the news for the assessment of damage. Odin and Frigga were talking in hushed tones in the corner of the room, Loki gazing out the window in deep thought.
When Thor was alerted of what had happened, he began furiously barking out orders as he gathered his children in his arms to rush to his beloved. Upon reaching her, he deposited his crying children in the arms of one of the maids and ordered her to take them to their nursery and tell Inge of what had occurred. Falling to his knees, he carefully cradled Aurora in his arms. She looked a mess. Her arm was broken or dislocated, her body was likely to be covered in bruises, and the injury to her head was a cause for concern. He swiftly carried her to their chambers, placing her gently on the bed as he reached their bedchambers. However, he was quickly pushed out of the room as the physician arrived, needing absolute privacy as Thor's worrying would be quite a disturbance.
The door the bedchamber opened, the room no longer silent as the quiet creak of the door entered the room. The physician looked at Thor grimly before speaking. "She will be alright my lord. She took quite a nasty fall. Her arm is indeed broken and her body will be very sore for the next few days. I advise you to not let her hold her children as it will cause great discomfort and I urge you to not participate in any sexual activities. She has lost a great deal blood and her energy is little. Let her rest. I've left some herbs for the pain that she should take every six or so hours and some poultices for the bruising. You were lucky my lord. It could have been a lot worse." Patting Thor on the back, he departed the chambers.
Thor took no time in entering his bedchambers, rushing to Aurora's side. She was awake now as she laid on her side, her eyes following Thor's movements. Her arm was cast in a sling and a bandage had been applied to her head. Her dress had been changed into a more comfortable nightgown in order to accommodate her fragile condition.
As Thor neared her, he realized she has been crying. Red marks marred her cheeks and she reached for Thor eagerly. Placing himself according to her position, he sat down on the edge of the bed. One hand went to her forehead while the other settled on her waist. "I was so worried little one. You gave me quite a fright." Thor kissed her gently on the forehead as he spoke.
Aurora looked up at Thor cautiously. She was trying to tell him something, but she didn't know how. She let out a loud sob, Thor pulling her to him immediately after hearing the sound.
"What is wrong little one? You can tell me," Thor voiced.
"You won't want anything to do with me anymore," Aurora cried.
"Do not say that Aurora. I love you and I love our children. I will never leave you." Thor was surprised at her outburst, wondering what Aurora was about to tell him.
"I.." Aurora hesitated, "I lost my powers. For some reason, the damage to my body was too much. Something broke the connection. I had elemental powers Thor. I don't how, but I did. That's why Tavis was shielded from Loki when he examined me during my pregnancy. It cloaked him for some reason. I don't know. Maybe Thora did it. She could have the same power as me although she hasn't shown any signs yet. It's gone though. I can never do magic again. I just tried to a spell and nothing happened."
Thor looked at Aurora in shock. "You're an elemental? Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned.
"I don't know Thor. Loki told me I shouldn't tell anyone until I was ready to. My powers had not grown to their full potential yet and my training had to be canceled because of my pregnancy. He was protecting me. I was to tell you and the rest of your family when I came to my full powers, but now that will never happen. I can't do anything, not even a simple healing spell." She broke out in tears again.
"I am not angry little one. I just wished you would have told me sooner. You have a gift. I would not be mad at that." Thor rubbed Aurora's back soothingly as he talked to her in hushed tones.
"That isn't all. I told the physician that I wanted to tell you. The reason why I lost so much blood is because… because I had a miscarriage. I was with child and I didn't even know yet. It was still the early stages, but still, I lost him. I lost our boy. He said it was a boy. The physician said I would have difficulties conceiving, that my body could possibly have had too much damage done to it. He said it wasn't impossible, but that I could be prevented in having children for a while, until my body completely healed. He couldn't see the full extent of the damage." Aurora sniffled at the end of her sentence, anguish evident in her body language. All Thor could do was gather her closer in his arms and listen to her sobbing into his chest. No words left his lips. He said nothing. His brain froze as reality set in. A single tear drifted down his face before a look of rage took over. He would get to the bottom of this and whoever did this would pay for harming his love. He would make sure of it.
Meanwhile, Margarethe sat peacefully in her chambers as she brushed her hair at her elaborate vanity. She had heard of what happened to Aurora, but she did not care. She was the one who pushed her anyway and now that her sister could no longer have children, Thor would certainly return to her on his hands and knees and discard her bastard sister. She smiled gleefully into the mirror, happy with her work.
Rising from her seat, Margarethe was startled by the abrupt entrance into her rooms.
"You vile little slut." Margarethe was insulted by the words of her elder brother Hakon as he stepped into her rooms, closely followed behind by Rolf. He forcefully grabbed her neck and held it in his grasp as he pushed her against the wall.
Margarethe struggled against him, her air supply being cut off. "Let go off me," she muttered fiercely. "I'll have your head for this."
"Really little sister? I think no one will care what you say once I tell them it was you who I saw push Aurora." Hakon spat the words vehemently from his mouth, his eyes burning with anger. He released his grip on her throat and Margarethe slid to the floor gasping for breath.
"You wouldn't dare," Margarete replied. "You'll put everything in jeopardy."
"No, I'll put your position in jeopardy. You'll be tried, found guilty, and exiled. Aurora will take your place." Hakon spoke concisely as he stared at Margarethe in disgust.
"How dare you! That little wench can never take my place just her whore of a mother," Margarethe yelled back at him.
"You watch your words. I won't have you slandering my sister and my mother," Hakon responded.
Margarethe eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. "What?" she whispered. "It can't be. Her mother is not your mother. Your mother was father's first wife."
"Tis a lie little sister. She accepted Rolf and I as her own sons. She gave father permission to take a mistress because she was dying. She was happy for him and she loved him therefore she wanted him to be happy. Amora and her got along quite well actually, unlike your mother who acts all high and mighty and rejected Amora from the moment they met. Honestly, I wonder how father can stand her or you. You speak ill of my mother again and you won't live to see tomorrow."
Margarethe looked at Rolf for comfort, but all he gave her was a look of hatred. They were both against her and her downfall was now definite.
Dragged from her rooms, Margarethe was thrown into a cell with no food or water. The conditions inside the cell were horrific. The ground was covered in dirt and probably feces and the cell bed only held a small ratty pillow with a poor excuse for a blanket. She sat down in one of the corners of the cell, hugging her knees to her chest. She began to cry, realizing the reality of her situation.
For the next few weeks, she awaited her fate as she was put in trial after trial, both of her brothers testifying against her. Thor sat quietly with his parents at the head of the court, ignoring her with every fiber of his being. He hated her, that was for sure. He held no sympathy for her even though he was her husband. He had married her, shared her bed, and given her the title of princess, but now he wanted nothing to do with her. She knew he hadn't wanted to marry her in the first place. Now he was just happy to be rid of her. Loki was pleased as well, standing behind his brother and agreeing with his every word. Sigrid not once came to visit her in her cell, pretending to be ashamed of her behavior, and her father couldn't even bare to look at her during the trials, a look of disappointment in his eyes. He soon divorced Sigrid who was then left to her misery. Irene had shown up once, but only to berate her for her behavior. Margarethe was now alone, completely and utterly alone.
After the last assembly had taken place, the Allfather decreed that Margarethe and Thor's marriage would be declared invalid. She was to be put to death, but Aurora had intervened. She pleaded with the Allfather to exile her or at least marry her off to some aged infertile lord who would keep her away from court. Odin agreed. Margarethe was to be married off to the Lord Einar Ulfson, a sharp man who ruled his lands with an iron grip. He was too old to have any more children, his many sons and daughters older than Margarethe herself. He revoked his title and bestowed it upon his son who now ruled in his stead and attended the many council meetings of the court of Odin. Einar retired to the countryside and rarely traveled to court, therefore Margarethe would literally be sent away into exile. Einar's estate was at the most southern point of Asgard and would prevent Margarethe from returning to court. Odin was satisfied with the new arrangement, commending Aurora for her suggestion. Margarethe was then discarded, married, and sent away, never to disturb Thor and Aurora again.
Aurora stood in the middle of her chambers, admiring her newly made wedding dress. The dress was pure white and hugged her figure generously. It was much more modest than Margarethe's, but held its own alluring appeal. The entire body and train was a solid white with a sheer fabric over it. The dress was strapless but the sheer fabric created a sleeveless type of look as the material gathered over her shoulders. It was cinched in at the waist with a silver flower chain giving her a goddess like appearance. A simple diamond tiara was placed on her head and diamond studs graced her ears. Irene, Inge, and her many ladies sat around the room holding glasses of wine in their hands, giddy that Aurora was to be married that day. She had been waiting so long and now it was finally happening.
Loki then entered the room, Hakon and Rolf following behind. The twins were being carried in two of their uncles' arms, calling out for mama. They were now a year and half old, walking and just now beginning to form small sentences. Tavis definitely took after his father with his golden hair and bright blue eyes. Thora's fiery hair and slightly darker blue eyes represented her mother's side more. They were both true children of Thor though and were proved to be Frigga and Odin's grandchildren due to their signs of magic. Both had been caught levitating objects as well as themselves in the air and little flowers could be seen sprouting in the garden whenever they were playing out outside. They had not only inherited Frigga's powers, but Aurora's elemental ones as well.
Walking towards her children, Thor and Tavis reached their arms up to Aurora as she held them in her arms. "Hello my darlings. Are you excited for today? You get to walk with mama down the aisle. Won't that be fun?" Aurora placed kisses on their foreheads before smiling up at her brothers and almost brother-in-law.
Loki smiled gently at her, leaning forward and pressing a kiss on her cheek. "Well aren't you the most ravishing bride in all of Asgard? What do you all think?" He spread his arms wide and looked at the others within the chamber. The other guests in the room raised their glasses and cheered at his words. Aurora blushed and giggled at his comment, the twins also laughing even though they didn't understand what was going on.
The doors to Aurora's chambers opened again and a few of the Asgardian guards entered and bowed. "It is time my lady," one of them said.
Aurora breathed in a large gulp of air. It was time. She had been waiting for this for so long and now she was scared out of her mind.
Loki took her hand in his grasp and squeezed it comfortingly. "Come" he spoke to her, "All will be well."
Aurora nodded gently, cuddling her children closer to her. Placing them down before her, the twins each grasped a small portion of Aurora's dress in their hands, pushing themselves closer to their mother and making sure she would not go anywhere. Aurora smiled at the sight before placing her hand in Loki's. Her ladies all lined up behind her, Inge and Irene directly behind Aurora as they were her chief-ladies-in-waiting.
The company then proceeded through the chamber doors and into the halls of the palace, all the while being led by the palace guards. Their pace was slow as the toddlers were walking with them, but they did not mind. It was a sweet sight, seeing the crown prince and his almost wife's children walking next to their mother, grasping the fabric of her dress tightly in one of their hands. Thora held a bouquet of lavender in the other hand while Tavis was entrusted with a small box that carried his mother and father's wedding rings.
Soon the group reached their destination and Aurora's presence was announced. The doors to the great hall opened and Loki carefully guided Aurora down the stairs onto the main floor. She was graceful in her movements while her children each took one step at time because of their short legs.
Hearing them enter, Thor turned around at the end of the hall where he was standing with Odin and waiting for Aurora to arrive. His eyes lit up at the sight of her and the twins. She was a goddess, beautiful in all ways imaginable. Her skin was practically glowing and the smile on her face beamed so brightly it almost blinded him. His eyes roved up and down her figure, pleased at her dress selection. The dress was modest to him, but showed off her figure in all the right places without exposing too much skin. He chuckled as his gaze lingered on the twins. Each of them had pressed themselves closer to their mother's legs, making it hard for her to walk without falling. He nodded at Loki who led her and his brother's children down the aisle.
Spotting their father down the aisle, the twins burst out into a run, their chubby toddler legs moving as fast as they could. "Papa, papa," they cried out, laughing as they ran to him. Thor as well as the many guests present let out roars of laughter as the watched the spectacle before them. Kneeling, Thor embraced them and spun them around in his arms, making them giggle even louder. Placing them down at his feet, he came down to their eye level. "Now, you must behave like mama and I told you too remember." The twins nodded their heads up and down, noticing the serious tone in their father's voice. He smiled at them before raising himself up to his full height.
Aurora and Loki now stood before Thor and he reached his hand out to her gently. She released her hand from Loki's grasp and placed it in Thor's, blushing as he caught her eye and winked at her. Turning to face the Allfather, the ceremony began. It was now the beginning of new era, one where Aurora and her children would be accepted by the people and she would live happily with Thor as his princess and then queen. Thor of course would love her forever, until the end of time itself.
10 years later
Crouching in the tall grass, Tavis held his position on his toes before laying down on his stomach and crawling on the ground and away from Thora. He could still hear her counting, but the voice began to fade as he moved farther and farther away. Coming to his destination, he quickly sprung to his feet and behind a tall oak tree on his mother's manor. He held his breath as he waited for the game to begin. The counting then stopped. He could hear his sister's slow steps as the grass crunched beneath her feet as she searched the gardens. Peeking from his hiding spot, he saw her entering the hedges before disappearing. He let out a loud sigh. Thora had not seen him and she would not until he allowed her too. Turning back around, he let out a small squeak as he came face to face with his other younger sisters, Eira and Kristiina.
Despite the physician's diagnosis, Aurora had miraculously conceived again despite what he had told her regarding her accident. At ages six and four, these two girls were quite a handful compared to their older siblings. They were always making trouble by stealing food from the kitchens or disappearing before their daily lessons began. Often, you could find them in the stables brushing Whitefoot's mane and body and feeding him freshly picked apples from Frigga's gardens. Eira was a combination of her parents with blonde hair and golden eyes. She was a sight to behold, her parents' little angel. Kristiina was all Aurora though with her chocolate locks and bright shining eyes. Thor had nicknamed her "little foot" as she possessed the same tiny feet Aurora did. The two were inseparable, much like the twins until they had gotten older. Tavis was now training with his father and Odin lectured him in politics and diplomacy. Thora often took lessons from her mother and grandmother in the art of becoming a lady.
Tavis let a huge scowl appear on his face as he examined the younger girls. They were up to something, that much was evident. Both were smirking at him deviously. "Go find your own hiding place," he whispered at them. They didn't budge, but merely giggled at him. His frown deepened and he went to move to another spot before the girls tackled him to the ground. Thora then emerged from within the hedges, letting out a loud laugh before joining them. The girls had successfully pinned their brother to the ground and were relishing in their victory as their parents came outside to see what all the commotion was about.
Thor led Aurora out onto the terrace, his hand placed on her lower back as she held their newest babe in her arms. They both searched eagerly for their children with their eyes as they had heard their loud noises from inside the manor. Thor and Aurora had been blessed with a fifth child, their second son Vali. He too was an exact replica of Thor just at Tavis and possessed his father's thunderous temper as well.
Seeing what all the commotion was about, both parents let out little chuckles at seeing their children playing together. Tavis looked up from under the pile of sisters on top of him and gave them a glare. The girls all gave their parents cheeky grins.
"How about you let your brother breath for a moment, hmmm," Aurora murmured, a small smile gracing her features. Her daughters all complied, jumping off their brother and hiding behind their father's tall figure or their mother's long skirts.
Picking himself up and brushing the dust from his clothes, Tavis continued to glare at his sisters who were giggling at his behavior.
"Alright. Enough staring. All of you inside and get yourself ready before your Uncle Loki and Aunt Irene arrive with your cousins," Thor said. Loki and Irene had fallen madly in love soon after Thor and Aurora's wedding. They had two little ones of their one, eight-year-old Kari and three-year-old Tyr.
The four of them bobbed their heads and followed their father's orders before taking off into the house, Tavis chasing after his sisters with a fury while laughed and ran to their rooms.
Aurora and Thor followed, Thor pressing a small kiss to Aurora's forehead. "I love you little one," he spoke softly to her, gazing down with much adoration in his eyes.
Aurora locked eyes with Thor, a light blush visible on her features. "And I love you. Forever."
A/N: Well that's the end folks. Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end! Your support is what has kept me going and I cannot wait to continue writing for you guys! My next story will be up soon. Hope you guys like the movie Troy ;) Suggestions and comments are welcomed for any ideas or thoughts!