Cold - Part 6


I ran through a grove of trees that hid the grand lake from view. They were spindly and barren, their leaves buried beneath the snow under my feet. I listened to the soft scrunch of my footsteps in the white powder, the only other sound accompanying me being that of the wind. I didn't have to travel far before I reached the bank of the river. Across the lake sat a pavilion on the water, which was outlined in tiny blue lights and sparkling with frost. I took a careful step onto the ice. Once I was sure it would hold, I took off skating. My arms pumped at my sides, my feet propelling my gliding. I looked straight ahead when suddenly, something caught my eye. I gasped and quickly unsheathed my sword, jabbing it into the ice to stop my forward momentum. Before me was a long, smoky wall of dark clouds. It hovered just above the ice, and from it, small pairs glowing eyes opened, glaring at me. I looked back for a way out and saw that the black smoke formed a wide circle around me. I was surrounded, and the Knights of the Underworld were ready for a duel.

I removed the tip of my sword from the ice, which had cracks splaying from where it had been. I knew right away that there were far too many monsters for me to fight, but that wasn't going to stop me from trying. I got in a fighting stance, my sword at the ready. The Underworld Knights charged at me, on the offense. I spun my sword in my grip so the blade faced downward and stabbed it deep into the ice, sending out a shockwave of wind that made my cloak fly up behind me. The force of the blow in the ice caused wide cracks to form, spreading from the break like ripples, splitting the ice into large chunks. The grounded dark Knights slipped and toppled into the freezing cold water while the flying ones disappeared in the cloud of smoke from whence they came in order to avoid the spray of ice shards and snow. Knowing I could fall in at any moment, I leaped from the crumbling surface I stood on to a larger chunk of ice. Unfortunately, the sinking and slippery foothold made me mistime my jump.

Edited Tumblr A/N's - Oooh, intense! And only 6 parts in! 6 of 80. This is going to be a very intense fanfic, I promise. It'll be much darker and bloodier than the actual game. There's DEATH. There's VIOLENCE. There's SWORDS. There's SPOILERS. ONWARDS, MY FRIEND! TO THE GREAT ADVENTURE LEAD BY I, THE HOLY SWORD EXCALIBUR!