Author's Notes: Hello everyone! Here's my revitalized PMMM-Psycho-Pass Crossover project, back to life after so long! This is a story I'm writing in tandem with The Goddess of Sibyl quest in Sufficient Velocity, so check it out if you wish! Also, since this is a relatively new project, feel free to leave a review and let me know what you think!

With that aside, welcome to the story and here's The Goddess of Sibyl!



December 8, 2108 - Evening

A shrill, muffled scream echoed through the speakers of the cold, dimly-lit observation room of the Hikari no Sono Rehabilitation Center as the tall, bespectacled Inspector Nobuchika Ginoza gazed through the room's one-sided window with a grim expression. At the other side of the mirror was the facility's processing center, painted and illuminated in blinding white where a wild, red-haired woman was restrained to an elevated chair, wrapped in thick leather straps that all but covered her violently writhing figure. The woman's hair was disheveled and what parts of her body that wasn't covered by the straps were blackened with dried blood - most of which was not hers.

A furious flame burned in the wild woman's eyes as she screamed at the top of her lungs, crying out some incomprehensible harangue to something or someone that wasn't there. The only other things in the empty, blindingly white room were the two medical drones that were fastening her restraints and the Sibyl System's standard hue scanner. The woman's burning eyes met the electronic retina of the scanner and then the woman fell silent.

Her violent expression had suddenly turned into a low, looming dread as a fit of brewing hysteria started to take hold. From behind the window, Ginoza adjusted his glasses as he looked down on the woman below. He then watched as one of the medical drones rolled over to the woman's side and drew a syringe.

"Now's our chance. Sedate her." Ginoza ordered, speaking to the face of a watch-like device he wore on his wrist. The Inspector's brow then crumpled as she watched the panic rising in the woman's now fearful eyes, "Hurry! Hurry before she goes mad again!"

The drone then did its duty, and the woman fell into a lull as her once fiery eyes went blank and the processing center fell silent.

Inspector Ginoza tore his eyes away from the sorry sight then lowered his head, letting the bangs of his hair cast a shadow over his brow. The twenty-four year old man shuddered as he recalled the events of the past few hours and the pains he and his colleagues took to take this red-haired girl into custody. As his spirits sagged, a mechanical prosthetic hand then gently patted his right shoulder and gave him a start.

"Are you alright, Inspector?" The husky voice of a much older Enforcer Tomomi Masaoka asked as he stepped beside the shuddering Ginoza, "This campaign dragged on longer than expected after all."

"I'm fine, Enforcer." Ginoza hissed coldly as he brushed off the Enforcer's hand and turned away, "And this campaign is far from over, so there's no time to be tired." The Inspector's glasses then shone as he turned to the one-sided mirror to the processing center and watched the sedated woman's eyes head droop to the side, "Besides, we're not done with her yet."

"Huh? What do you mean we're not done?" Masaoka's surprise spilled out to his tone.

"We're going to have a memory scoop done on her." Ginoza said with his back turned to the Enforcer, "The sooner we do it, the better."

"A memory scoop? In her condition?" Masaoka argued, turning his eyes from the restrained woman beyond the glass and the Inspector standing before him, "That little girl's not going to survive…"

"Did I ask for your opinion, Enforcer?" Ginoza's reply was sharp, turning the Enforcer's concerned expression into suspicion.

"Nobuchika…" The Enforcer started with a grave tone, "Are these orders from Chief Kasei again?"

The Inspector didn't answer the question and started walking towards the observation room's door as he gave his marching orders,

"Call headquarters and have Karanomori ready the machine. That's final, Enforcer."

Masaoka's brow crumpled as he watched the Inspector walk out the door. The Enforcer then stole one last glance through the one-sided window. He saw the beginnings of tears in the sedated woman's blank eyes and muttered with a sliver of compassion, "Poor thing."

He shoved both of his hands into his tattered trench coat's pockets and dragged his feet as he followed the Inspector out of the room.

The Goddess of Sibyl

File 01 - Reevaluation

The red-haired woman's eyes shot open in a panic. The sting of a phantom needle stuck in her arm roused her from her unnatural slumber, but she awoke to something much stranger. The blindingly white room where she had been held was nowhere to be found, nor were the drones that escorted her or hue scanner that watched her. In their stead was a hollow, black abyss that stretched out as far as the eye could see.

"Where… am I?"

The woman tried to speak, but the words in her mind remained thoughts. She was floating along in that dark abyss, unable to move as she felt her muscles still deep in slumber. Her senses too were dull, but she could feel the sensation of something like water against her back and she could feel the cold with strange clarity. It was as if an unseen current dragged the woman along like a river.

"Where am I going?"

The words, again, remained thoughts in the prison of the woman's mind. From the blackness of the ceiling, the black sky above, grey drops of water coalesced. The grey drops steadily grew then fell into the river of black, forming ripples all around her in a measured interval. With every drop that fell, the once serene river of black was disturbed.

Then, a sharp pain struck her mind.

The woman wanted to wince, but her numb body remained motionless in the disturbed waters. She wanted to cry out as the pain seemed to grow, piercing her head was being crushed. All the while, the drops from the black sky faster and faster, turning into a drizzle - then a downpour.

"What's going on?"

As the woman thought of this, a bright, blinding ray of light appeared from up above her, piercing the black sky and wrapping her cold, drenched body in warmth. The pain that had assaulted her was washed away by that light and her senses came rushing back to her. She was able to move again.

The unseen current of the black river came to a halt and the downpour of grey broke up. The woman brought herself upright in the water then looked up to the ray of light that had appeared. There was a figure there in the light - the breathtakingly beautiful figure of a young girl with long locks of pink hair clad in a radiant white dress and a merciful smile that warmed the woman's hardened heart.

For the first time in what felt like a long while, the a smile broke out on the woman's lips and she reached out to the figure in the light with both of her hands as it descended towards her. Then, as the figure approached, the ray of light brightened and the woman's smile widened into a grin.

She felt the figure's hands holding hers, followed by a kiss on her forehead and a tender whisper,

"It's okay now. All is calm. All is bright."

Then the woman's senses left her once more.

File - 02 - The Inmate

December 16, 2110 - Morning

The red-haired woman awoke in a daze, lying on her back on an uncomfortably hard bed. An unfamiliar grey ceiling with a lone fluorescent lamp greeted her from above to the tune of Bach's Air In G playing on wall-mounted speakers. She sat herself upright on the hard bed with a grunt and a lot of effort and then tried to figure out where she was. Left and right were grey anti-suicide cushions mounted on the walls that smelled of antiseptic and ammonia. Then straight ahead was a wide window of digitalized reinforced glass with a lone beeping powder blue light.

A wave of suspicion washed over the woman as she lowered her head and looked down to her hands. There was a thick, metallic device fastened to her wrist. She turned her arm to look at the back of her wrist and saw the symbol of the Sibyl System engraved on the device's frame.

"Shit." The woman cursed, a shadow forming over her eyes. She cast a distasteful glare at the blinking powder blue light then pushed herself off of her bed.

When she got to her feet, though, blood rushed to her head and she felt terribly lightheaded. She stumbled forward and very nearly fell, staying on her feet as she clung onto the anti-suicide cushions of the walls. The woman gritted her teeth as she gathered herself then willed herself forward towards the digitalized window.

Standing before the window, she reached out to the powder blue light and a panel screen appeared before her and spoke in an irritatingly cheerful and airy tone,

"Good afternoon Inmate 00558-KKRF-51088-P. You are looking well today!"

"Don't shit me." The woman lashed back, but the panel screen seemed to ignore her.

"Your Crime Coefficient today is 197.05 - that's an improvement of twenty basis points. Good job!"

"Goddamn it…" The woman lowered her head. The machine wasn't listening to her at all.

"Inmate, you have an appointment today." The panel screen then spoke, spawning a new window beside it, "The MSWB Therapist will be seeing you in an hour."

"A therapist… huh?" The woman repeated as she watched the windows dissolve before her eyes, "Fine."

To Be Continued