Prologue Part One: The City, 18 Years Before Birth

"Your Ozness!"

The Wizard stuck his head out from behind the curtain, immediately recognizing the voice. He nodded at a guard to shut the doors to the throne room. "Madame Morrible. I didn't expect to see you until the semester was completed."

"The matter at hand required haste, your Ozness. I hailed a carriage and came here immediately. I've had a premonition." The woman's hair was graying, and she swiped at some of the silver and black strands that had fallen from her bun.

He chewed his lip for a moment. Mortia hadn't had a premonition in years, something that troubled her greatly. She had once had premonitions at least once a month, and they had always come to pass. When they had slowed and eventually halted, she'd confided that she worried it meant her power was weakening at the age of forty. "What sort of premonition?"

At this, she stopped. "I'm not certain you'll be pleased."

"You came all this way not to tell me?" He had no time for her games. There were plans to make, meetings to have. "Get on with it."

"I saw a child, a boy. He will be a threat to you."

"A child?" The Wizard could not believe any simple child could pose any risk to him.

"Behind him were thousands of people, people of East and West. They were uniting, your Ozness. And they were uniting against you."

"The Vinkus? And Munchkinland?" The Wizard scoffed. "They have nothing in common. How could a child change that?"

"Because he will be the child of both lands, his parents powerful representatives from those communities."

The Wizard paced the room. "And did your premonition tell you who they might be?"

The woman shook her head.

"Is the child born yet? Do you know?"

"He is not."

"And you are certain? A mere child more powerful than I?"

"Don't misunderstand me, Your Ozness. While the boy will have powers, it's what he represents that will defeat you. He will unify the country against you."

The Wizard sat for a moment. "Then we'll have to make certain that child is never born."

"How do you propose we do that?"

"You forget I'm the ruler of Oz now, dear Mortia. I can do whatever I please. I think perhaps new sanctions are in order…" He sighed heavily. "You said his parents would be of importance in their respective states?"


The man grinned. "Then it's simple. We forbid anyone, noble or above, from marrying outside their ethnicity. The child will never be conceived."

Author's Note: The PROLOGUE has 3 parts. You'll understand why when you see each part. I'm only posting this one tonight.