I know. I have a LOT of other stories I should be posting and editing, but dear kamis this would NOT leave me alone after the idea was presented to me. This story is dedicated to tastybigsexy for giving me the idea.


Uzumaki Naruto was kneeling in front of the council. Shikamaru was frozen, Kiba looking utterly shocked, and of course Neji looked repulsed.

Naruto, however, looked resigned.

"You have five hours to get out of the village, monster," Koharu spat. Wood retracted from restraining Naruto. "The rest of you are on probation."

Naruto took off her hitai-ate and tossed it onto the table.

She walked out from her stunned ex-fellow shinobi.

Shikamaru wasn't the only one to see the individual tear falling down Naruto's face.

"With all due respect," Kiba said, stopping everyone but Naruto. "It wasn't Naruto's fault she got stabbed by Sasuke. If Kakashi-sensei had actually taught her jutsu, then she would've won! I lost Akamaru because the Sound Five tried to -"

"Kiba," Naruto spoke. Her voice was distant. "It's my fault Sasuke didn't return. Let me bear this punishment."

The Uzumaki opened the door and walked out.

Kiba bowed and stalked out of the room, Neji not even deigning to bow to the council, simply curling his lip at them and leaving in a dignified strut.

Shikamaru eyed the council, the earring in his ear hurting. He was a Chuunin now.

"Is there something you wished to say, Nara-san?"

Shikamaru looked at Koharu.

"I'm not sure you're right about Naruto being the monster," he said after a moment. Kind, brash, loud, smart-but-acting-like-an-idiot Naruto being a monster?

That was like calling a tame, non-Tora housecat a lion.

He left with a short nod to the council. Well, it was more like 2/3 of the council. Shimura Danzo hadn't attended, and obviously the Hokage wasn't there.

He didn't know what to do. This whole business left a bad taste in his mouth.


Asuma raised an eyebrow at his student's demeanor.

"Chouji will be fine," Asuma comforted his student. "He was awake when I went to see him."

Shikamaru nodded. "I know, I promised to visit him. But..." He paused. "That's not..." Shikamaru sighed. "The council banished Naruto."

Asuma blinked. He'd heard that someone had gotten banished... But why her? The council obviously didn't realize that the jinchuuriki was someone important to Konoha.

"They can't banish her." Asuma had heard his grandfather speaking on how the jinchuuriki of Konoha belonged to Konoha since he was a kid. "She belongs to Konoha."

Shikamaru looked at him.

"Naruto is a human being, no matter what she carries." Asuma stared at Shikamaru. "I think I'm going to go visit Chouji. I concede the game."

Shikamaru stood up.


Naruto kept a henge on her and she entered her home, taking a deep breath. She slowly started packing. Mr. Ukki was gone, a note, a scroll, and a blank hitai-ate on the top of it.


I heard about what happened. I was given this hitai-ate again - but I recalled a class where they burned the sigil with chakra into the metal. I was able to burn the layers down and create this. Well, I had Kakashi's help, so he gets half of the credit.

Until you return, I'll take care of your ugly little plant that you named Mr. Ukki, I think...

Drop the idiot mask, Naruto. Nobody outside of Konoha will blink at your seriousness.

I love you like a father, Naruto. Kakashi cares for you. Oh, and in the scroll Kakashi left you some personal items - DO NOT OPEN IT until you're out of Konoha. Don't spend all your money on Ramen, avoid becoming a pervert, and stay sober. Don't get involved with any yakuza to get money. And AVOID GETTING KILLED!

If you don't come back alive, Uzumaki Naruto, I'll hunt you down and kill you myself.

Sadly, the Council forbade me or Kakashi from seeing you off. But Kakashi left a ninja dog to see you off.

I love you, Naruto.


And below that...

Yo, my kawaii genin!

There's so much I want to tell you. How proud I am of you, how great I think you are... No, the last was NOT sarcastic. Also, I promised Iruka I wouldn't turn you into a pervert, so no Icha Icha for you!

I wanted to tell you about your father. This is what I can tell you.

He died the night you were born, sealing a great evil into a newborn child. His wife was a pretty redheaded woman with a demonic temper.

I'm not sure how much you already know, but I'd ask that bijuu inside you for the full details. Just tell him to spare you the sexy details, because I'm pretty sure you don't want to see your parents... Having sex.

Plus, I'm sure I traumatized you enough already.

My sensei woud be proud of you.

We shall meet again, Uzumaki Naruto. Be it as enemies or allies... We will meet again.

Hatake Kakashi

"Oi, gaki."

Naruto jerked and looked at Pakkun, who just now revealed himself.

She burst into tears and hugged the summon.

She stopped and apologized to the summon.

"I'm sorry," she told him. "It's just so frustrating."

Pakkun shook his head.

"You're pack," Pakkun said. "And pack is protected. Whether or not it's from sadness or not. Gaki, you have a gift. Use it."

He looked out the window.

"I'd hurry if I were you," the summon warned. "ANBU are approaching."

Naruto nodded, got up, and shoved the scroll, note, and headband into her pack. Kunai, senbon, and shuriken were stowed safely away. Her clothes were carelessly shoved in there, too.


Naruto turned, and Pakkun gave her a big grin.

"When you get a chance, wear a henohenomoheji."

Naruto beamed at him. "And I'll slant my headband over my left eye then, too!"

She bounced out before Pakkun could say a word, smile fading when she realized this was probably the last time she'd be here.

She removed the Uzumaki swirl from the door, thinking she was lucky she had the Uzu swirl attachment on her clothes.

She sighed and left the key there.

She started to walk, taking in the sights she'd never see again. She spotted Kiba in a crowd of people near a stall - the stall with the mask.

The man glared at her again.

"Come for the mask, demon?"

Naruto blinked at him.

Silently, she handed over twice the amount. The man's jaw dropped, then he swallowed.

"Take it," he said.

Naruto took it off the hook and kept walking, the glares and insults bouncing off of her.

She stopped at the gates and released a breath.

Kotetsu and Izumo eyed her with a small frown.

They never hated her, not even disliked her. Sure, she played pranks, but she wasn't cruel to the 'Eternal Chuunin' as some genin were.

"Bye, Kotetsu-san! Izumo-san!" she called. A little quieter, but still the chuunin could hear her, "Good-bye, Konohagakure no Sato."

She took her first solo steps out into the world.