Ok so those if u that have been itching for s new upload here it is sorry for the wait I had baseball tryouts every night until now

POV first person Nick

There were several enemies on the roofs all armed with guns and one with an RPG I don't think they saw us until someone on the radio said "shoot at will." I aimed at the guy with the RPG and with one shot he was dead but two more hit him before he fell down. Enemies started shooting without thinking hitting buildings giving me time for me and the guy in the jeep behind me to shoot them all but a truck starting rolling towards us. Jerry yelled "shoot the tires it's a bomb" I did as instructed and it came to a stub and a few seconds later the hood blew at least 20 feet in the air then the truck exploded. Metal shards pelted me all over but my googles and masked stopped them from doing any damage.

"You see you never let your guard down" Jerry said. "Yea that was close" I said. All the sudden Finnick said "Nick you okay I got pelted too" "yea I'm fine" I responded. All the sudden a whistling sound started out of no where. "What the hell is that" I said. "An indicator there's a sand storm coming, which means make sure your goggles are on properly" Jerry said pointing at the blue flare behind us.

I could see the sand moving in. It looked like a tsunami except it was brown and moving much faster. We were moving at about 30 mph, but the storm caught up in no time. The sand felt like being pelted by pebbles except much faster and was constant. Each minute it got worse and worse until my fur was turning a dark brown and I could feel it on every part of my body. Even with the thick clothes it went up my sleeves and I could fell it rushing down my legs like water but solid. Now it felt like rocks and not pebbles. All the sudden a big rock hit the metal plate on my face and my vision blurred and I was disoriented for a sec then I said "Oh fuuuuuuck". Right then Finnick yelled "what the hell happened". "Rock hit me" I said turning around and looking at Finnick. "You have a big dent in in your plate" Jerry said. "How big" I asked feeling around my plate to fell a big dent. "About the size of my fist" Finnick said. I looked back at Jerry to see his mask and goggles off revealing that he was a grey fox.

"Hey nick I never got to ask but why were you on the street about to starve anyway...I can understand if it's not the right time though I just figured since we're out here and all" Finnick asked.

20 years earlier

It was a normal day until a bunny pulled up at the door. The door flew down then bullets went everywhere then the table exploded. I woke up a few minutes later. "Mom... dad" I yelled. I stood up and to see them both dead. I screamed and cried until I could breathe. I realized that the police would be there soon and realized that they would put me up for adoption. I wasn't going to to let them control me. I grabbed a few canned foods and a sack and booked it. A few days later I found Finnick. I still remember how we were both the same age and how you would feed me until you got your van and when we were older we started conning.

"Jeez Nick I'm sorry for asking" Finnick said in a low voice. "Oh it's fine you and Jerry are the only ones that know now and I'd rather keep it that way" I responded. "It's safe with me" Finnick said. "Ok grab your guns were here" jerry said.


It has been 4 days since they simply disappeared. I was in my cubicle just looking at the case and ready to start the day. "Hopps there is some one waiting for you outside" chief said. "Did they find him" I asked anxiously. "Sort of" he said. "What does that mean" I asked. "Ask the man outside" he said. I got up and started walking to the front door and saw a wolf soldier outside still in his armor and fully loaded. "What has he done now" I said to myself. First he gets shot, then I threaten to shoot him, then he shoots me. He probably is in the mental hospital I said to myself. I finally managed to get to the soldier. "Where is he" I asked.

"Why so fast" he said. "Sorry" I responded. "Oh it's fine" he said. "So what has he gotten himself into now" I asked. "Well if you must know he will either be back in two years or dead" he said. "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN 2 YEARS OR DEAD" I yelled. "We offered both him and Finnick a home and a clean criminal record" he said. "And in return" I asked preparing myself. "They will be spending two years overseas fighting against terrorism with one of our elite squads" he said bracing himself. "WAIT WHAT ARE THEY STUPID, WHERE IS HE NOW SO I CAN KILL THEM" I yelled. "Sorry but they are already deployed and I am sorry but I have to go" the soldier said walking away. "What have I done I should've listened now their good as dead" I said holding back tears