Karen Morrow


It listed her date of birth, and when she died, and there were some other things etched into the grave marker, as well.

The symbol for Halcydonia. The Dark Crystal. A flower, maybe it was a crocus. Probably it was, since there was a vase there at the foot of her headstone, filled with purple crocus flowers. Fresh ones.

At the bottom, Ogden had had it inscribed, simply, "My Oasis."

It was hard to look at, it was so personal. And yet, I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. I was a stranger to her. And yet, I felt like I wanted to pay my respects.

Kira had died when I was still a little boy, of course, and we'd never met. In the OASIS or anywhere else.

In a lot of ways, though, she was family to me. She'd been my teacher; my earliest memories all centered around the world that she and Og had created, for the children of the world.

Where would I be, without her? Where would any of us be? I'd have been another statistic, no doubt, if Kira and Ogden hadn't dedicated themselves to education.

Halliday had been right about Kira, of course. She was one of those rare people that wasn't happy unless she was helping. Like Arty. Again, I found myself feeling sad for him. No happy ending for him, either. Anorak and Leucosia had been over before they ever started.

Was I to share that same destiny? Not if I could help it. I remembered Halliday's last advice. It just made me redouble my determination not to fuck this up.

People had died so that I could have this. Daito. Halliday. Kira, even.

"Thanks," I said, patting the stone, warm in the afternoon sunshine. feeling awkward. "Thanks for everything."