Yu-Gi-Oh! owned by Kazuki Takahashi and KONAMI

Fan-fiction and characters with * by Emerald Sonata

Yu-Gi-Oh! (Duel Monsters):
Dark Magician Girl, ALICE



{Dark Magician Girl's Diary}

I believe in Master. Whenever he faces a bad ending, orget himself into a pinch, he always has this ability to turn it around. Most of the time, he loses, but his last minute turn arounds would always make his opponents swallow their saliva in anxiety. It's also the only time where Master would be super serious. He looks really cool whenever he believes he can win his enemy in a single move. I would always forgive Master whenever the opponent's stronger monster destroys me. Is his effort to use every card and tactic at his disposal to protect me is what matters.

"...Hold up... is that a Needle Sunfish in the river...Ah...YOU, SPIDER! GET THAT FISH!"


Jirai Gumo clicked her tongue before she quickly darted forward. Using the logs behind her as her shield, she would jump down the hill and towards the river that Jack O'Donnell was pointing to. She reached out her hand and she spat out a thread of web from her mouth. Biting onto the wiring, she would twirl her fingers around and tug on it.

In a blink of an eye, there was this large creature that was yanked out from the heart of the flowing river.

A Duel Monster, called Needle Sunfish. It was supposed to be a seawater fish, but maybe it befriended the local salmon and trout and accidentally followed it while it was returning from the ocean and into freshwater for a spawning run. It jumped like the salmon it was following, before a series of webs grabbed its body.

"Sadako! Is the Barrel Dragon still down!?"

"N-no. I-it's starting to get up! It-it snapped all of the wire and is charging at us!"

"Spider, get ready to fire."

"...With what?"

By the time the Spider Woman asked the question, her answer came with a point of the boy's index finger. At first she thought it was to her groin, which was rude considering she was a spider with a completely different anatomy. Then she remembered the Needle Sunfish that was jumping across dry land like a stranded flounder at her eight feet.




Jirai Gumo grabbed her threads and prepared to throw. That was when she saw the huge Barrel Dragon leaping over the lumber pile and onto them. With how it jumped, it was like a show dog clearing an obstacle. It lacked any finesse or grace, but it made up for its size. It would make even a walrus look good.



Throwing the fish out of fear than in self-defense, the Spider Woman swung her wire and launched the Needle Sunfish into the air at the enemy... Only for it to fall short and tumble on the ground. It gave a couple of flops across the dirt, its opercle cover flapping rigorously for water to draw oxygen into its covered gills.

And Barrel Dragon's foot stomped on it like a boot to an ant.


Unable to stomach this sudden act of violence, Jirai Gumo turned away and ended up throwing up. Regardless of the... gore, Jack O'Donnell didn't flinch. There was a light in his eyes that no one else could see, other than himself. His gaze never left the Barrel Dragon, as it gave a mighty roar and stamped that one foot (to erase this icky feeling under its sole).


"Pipe down, Spider woman. I can't think if you keep wretching your guts out."

"Th-that was too much! Th-that poor creature! I-it only wanted to be free, and-and swim with the fishes! Wh-what did it ever do wrong?"

"No. It's doing something right. By deducting 500 ATK points from the Barrel Dragon."

Needle Sunfish, a Fish class monster with 1500 ATK and 1200 DEF. Not a very strong creature, might not even be suitable to use on the frontlines unless the player has a Water, Mermail, Aquaactress, or Umi style deck play. However, it did have an ability to make up for its lack of power and support. If this card is destroyed by battle and is sent to the graveyard, it reduces the ATK of one face up monster on the opponent side of the field by 500 points.

500 points. Out of 2600, that would be—

"It's at 2100 ATK now. Jirai Gumo, hit it!"


Jirai Gumo was a monster with ATK of 2200 and it was still a Level 4. People would think that's cheating, but nothing in her card text ask for any requirement like tributing a monster to attack or paying life points every Standby phase. She was just... there.


So it made sense she would lunge at the large metal monster with all her fury of a hungry wolf spider!



"Wh-what is that? A f-flare!? Wh-why did it just come out of my belly button!?"

Something flew over Jiaria Gumo's head. It bounced off her skull, shocking her, and it flipped in the air. While it spun, Jack O'Donnell eyed it with a readied gaze.

"...F**k. I forgot about that side effect."

"Wh-what side effect? NuwoooH! I-is it going to make me shoot out a rainbow from my *ss!? I-I don't want it! Cancel! Cancel!"

A monster can't cancel an attack order, nether can the player. The coin flipped for a reason. Jirai Gumo truly did have a restriction with her over powering ATK score. Every time the player declares an attack, they have to flip a coin. Called it right, she gets to attack. Called it wrong - the player loses half of his Life points.


The coin bounced off a log on Heads. Jack O'Donnell smiled.

Only for the same coin to finish its landing on tails across the dirt. Jack O'Donnell cried.

"...Son of a b—"

If Player called it wrong, they lose half of their life points.



So it made sense as to why several of Jack O'Donnell's blood vessels exploded on half of his body.


Dark Magician Girl paled. The second she saw red splashed off of the boy's body, she tossed aside the Magician of Faith and the Silent Magician from her legs. Even in a battle, she ran out into the open. While the Barrel Dragon was down to 2100 ATK, it was still higher than her 2000 ATK. A lazy shot of its cannon could end her.

She didn't care... she only wanted to reach out and grab her Master's falling body. Painted in the spray of his blood, she tried to dive deep to grab whatever hand or shoulder she could touch... yet.


Her reach was too short. The boy fell out of her grasp. He fell into the river, and was swept away from her reach.


The scream of a heart broken maiden echoed in the forest of god knows where. All the animals that heard it fled in various direction, as if a natural disaster was coming. That... or what was about to happen, frightened them.

"... You... Stupid...Robot...B*stard! I'll...I'll...I'LL F**KING PULVERIZE YOU!"

The Dark Magician Girl turned to face her enemy, who had loaded up a triple shot. Before she could react, it fired a full volley of 30 cm naval shells. The girl simply squeezed onto her magical wand, and launched an attack of her own.


With all her might, she squeezed out three large ball of black light. They raced forward and intercepted the naval shells from the Barrel Dragon. They each exploded in the air, releasing a huge amount of smoke. At the same time shards of metal flew all over, and some of it cut deep into Dark Magician Girl's leg and arm.


It was still 2100 ATK vs 2000 ATK. Fortunately the gap was not too high, or else she would have been obliterated. But that wasn't what she was thinking about right now. She had a more important reason to stay and fight this one-sided war.


And that, is what a Level 6 Spellcaster said to a Level 7 Machine monster.