I was wondering what would happen if Melkor made a ring of power. Well here's my story of what he did instead

Disclaimer: I do not own Melkor (thank goodness) or any other lord of the rings characters.

(Imagine Galadriel talking)

deep in the halls of Angband the dark lord Melkor was in secret creating a weapon of mass destruction. A sickness some would call it, that corrupts the hearts of electronic devices. Since he can not bring forth a new creation out of nothing he had to corupt. One side of this weapon was the the most annoying brat in all of middle earth. And the other was Bogath a once mighty star before becoming corrupted by Morgoth. These two beings were corrupted beyond all source of recognition. After this was completed he combined the two creatures and locked them away in a metal case with a glass screen. Then the dark lord sent this sickness into the hearts of all electronic devices. But something happened Morgoth did not intended. The elves with the help of the Istari managed to cast out this sickness into another world. This evil came to be known as Spell Check Of Doom. Someone would try to type one thing but instead it would spell something else. It started to drive people out of their minds. It would destroy friendship when a friend would send a message to another and something insulting would be spelled instead. To this day a cure as not yet been discovered leaving the hearts of men in chaos.

many bothans died to bring you this story. Don't let their sacrifice go to waist. Review for their sake.