Dark Shadows of the Court

By Razial

Disclaimer: I don't own the Elder Scrolls Skyrim or any of the characters or storylines connected to it, they all belong to Bethesda Game Studios and whoever else owns the rights to them.

Pairing: Kane/Elsif

Notes: An au version of Skyrim starting close to the beginning of the solitude section of the game with flashbacks showing some of the backstory and earlier missions of the game. The main pairing will be between Kane (the Dragonborn) and Elsif the Jarl of Solitude, however there will be other minor ones. Once Kane hits Solitude things may diverge from game cannon.

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Kane is on a journey to save the world from destruction at the hands of the dragon Alduin, but along the way he finds himself becoming embroiled in the politics of Solitude and falling in love with the beautiful Jarl who rules it and seeks to become the new High Queen of Skyrim.


(Outside Solitude)

Kane rode hard across the open ground towards Solitude the capital city of Skyrim, home of the Imperial Legion and one of the contenders for the throne. He knew little of Elsif except that she had been married briefly to the last High King of Skyrim Torygg, before he was murdered by Ulfric who now fought to claim the crown. He had briefly met Ulfric when he had almost had his head cut off by the imperials back in Helgen. He had sensed a dangerous and hungry appetite for power from the man and that had made him wary of him and his followers.

Oh Ralof had tried to paint the man in a favourable light, but his instincts had never let him down, thus he had ended up following Hadvar during the escape after the black dragon had attacked Helgen. Hadvar had been a likeable and easy going guy and he had quickly begun to think of him as a friend. The fact even his uncle and aunt had welcomed him into their home had made him like Hadvar even more. Granted he still couldn't help but recall how beautiful Hadvar's aunt Sigrid had been, it had been a while since he had been so taken with a woman.

It was then to his advantage that he overheard an argument between Sigrid and her husband Alvor during the night, it seemed their marriage had hit a rocky patch and she had stormed out in anger and he had followed her out of the town and towards the nearby river. There he had played the concerned friend and gotten past her weakened defences and made his move, thankfully Sigrid had been very receptive and they had made love right there by the river hidden from view by the trees and hill side. For the next twenty minutes his whole world had been nothing but pleasure as he explored and played with Sigrid's wonderful body. He recalled finally reaching a joint orgasm which forced Sigrid to bite into his shoulder to stop from screaming out her pleasure. He still had her teeth marks in his shoulder. They had lay together for another few minutes before moving into the river to wash before heading back. Before he had left the next day for Whiterun Sigrid had told him should he ever visit again she would welcome another intimate encounter.

Slowing his horse down as Solitude came into view he had to marvel at how big the city looked even compared to Whiterun. He hoped Hadvar had done as he had said and he had gotten here first to put in a good word for him. He didn´t look forward to being arrested again, especially for something he didn't even do. Hell his only crime had being in the wrong place at the wrong time when Tulius had launched his ambush on Ulfric and his small accompanying force. He had been heading to Skyrim to find some work and maybe settle down somewhere. He had grown tired of living in Cyrodil the great capital of the Empire and had chosen to return to his native Skyrim, just like any true Nord there was no replacement for the place of their birth, Skyrim.

Once he reached the stables he dismounted and paid for the care of his horse before turning and heading up the long path to the giant doors, which lead to the capital of Skyrim. He paused as the guards stopped to question him a little about his purpose before they seemed to relax and allowing him to enter the city.



Solitude was a huge city and much bigger than Whiterun or Falkreath, although Markarth was comparable in size but not in sight. To him Markarth was dull and cold whereas Solitude was bright and warm, however the sizable crowd watching what clearly became clear was an execution stopped him short.

"What the hell is going on?" he whispered to one of the watching crowd.

"You must be new to Solitude stranger or you'd know that this is Roggvir, formally one of the guards who protect this city. However, he was accused of allowing Ulfric Stormcloak to escape after he murdered High King Torygg," the man next to him informed him. "He been seen opening the gate he was guarding as Ulfric fled the city. He tried protesting stating Ulfric had beaten Torygg is true combat, but as we know that isn't true," the man continued with a shake of his head. "Ulfric was caught murdering Torygg using the power of the voice by Torygg's widow Elsif and other guards and the king's champion hence there was nothing he could say that would prevent his arrest and now his execution," he stopped for a few seconds as he contemplated the scene playing out as Roggvir was pushed to his knees and forced to bend and place his head on the chopping block. "Sad thing is Roggvir was a good man, with a promising future ahead of him with lots of friends and a family who loved him and he threw it all away as he got caught up in Ulfric's rebellious idealism," he added with a sad shake of his head.

"Damn, I heard about the murder back in Riverwood and having met Ulfric myself I have to say I have no sympathy for the man who helped him get away with murdering our king," Kane couldn't help but say in response.

"You actually met Ulfric and survived?" the man asked in surprise as Roggvir tried one last time to state his version of events.

"Yeah back in Helgen before a black dragon destroyed the town and inadvertently helped Ulfric and his men escape. I didn't like my impression of the man and thus I have no trouble in believing he didn´t face Torygg in honourable combat and instead chose to murder him," Kane explained.

"You survived Helgen? You must have the blessing of the Divines to have made it through such wanton destruction," the man said in awe as the crowd shouted in both support and anger at what Roggvir had said. "My name is Sorex Vinius, my father runs the Winking Skeever," he said introducing himself.

"Kane Navvik," Kane responded as the axeman finally raised his axe and prepared to cut Roggvir's head off.

The crowd went silent as the axe came down and Roggvir's head was removed from his body. No one moved as they watched as the Captain who was overseeing the event pushed the headless corpse off the block with a shake of his head.

"Justice is done and our king has been avenged on the accomplice of the murderer of our High King, but true justice will never be complete until Ulfric is finally brought to account for murdering him," the Captain stated. "Let this serve as a warning to all who would even think of aiding Ulfric Stormcloak, murderer and pretender to the throne," he added in a dark brooding tone.

The crowd murmured before they began to break up. One or two, Kane noted, stayed and stared at the headless corpse before they too turned and left. The guards picked the corpse and head up and carried them away, the Captain again shook his head before he turned and left.

"Damn shame, but Roggvir made his choice and now he has paid for it," Sorex mused before he turned and began to head for the large building closest to the gates to the city. "Oh damn, I still have to deliver that bottle of saurian brandy to Falk Firebeard. I don't suppose you'd mind doing me a favour would you?" he asked turning back to Kane. "He is the Jarl's Steward and a friend, but I really don´t like going to the palace, plus I have duties to attend to at the inn so I would be grateful if you would deliver it," he inquired.

"No problem as I planned to stop by the Blue Palace and introduce myself to the Jarl's court anyway," Kane responded as it was not exactly a big favour.

"Excellent, just wait here a second," Sorex said with a large smile as he quickly turned and ran into the inn and returned a minute or two later with a large bottle he handed over which Kane placed in his backpack. "Thanks a lot, tell Falk I will see him next time he has some free time. If you need a bed, I'll make sure my father puts one of the rooms on hold for you in payment for doing me this favour,"

"Thanks Sorex, I think I will take you up on that deal," Kane decided with a nod of his head. "See you later," he said before turning to head to the Blue Palace.

"Oh by the way be careful of Thane Erikur, the man is not to be trusted and I'm sure he has designs that are not of any benefit to Solitude and especially to Jarl Elsif," Sorex told him causing Kane to turn back to him. "Something about that man puts me on edge, and since Torygg was murdered he has been trying to get closer to Elsif and become her closest advisor even over her own steward," he warned.

"Thanks for the warning Sorex. I've already run afoul of court politics in Markarth during my time there and I have no wish to go through something similar again," Kane responded with a groan before he turned and walked away wondering just how bad this Thane Erikur was going to turn out to be.

Solitude was a big city with a large market close to the church and the graveyard behind it, there were quite a few houses clearly for the residents and he knew the Bard's college was here somewhere as well. He could also make out the castle he was certain Hadvar had told him about where the Imperials had their headquarters, but he had no intention of going near it just yet. So far he had stayed neutral in the civil war, not out of fear but because he believed the dragons were the bigger danger. Dragons could lay waste to this city just as Alduin had done to Helgen. He had managed to stop the dragon that had attacked Whiterun and the same with the one that had tried to strike at Markarth and the one that had gotten close to Falkreath although granted he hadn't been totally alone in those engagements. He had also fought two other dragons since his journey had begun, but he knew even with these successes that didn´t mean he would always come out on top and that people would not lose their lives because of that failure. Continuing his movement towards the Blue Palace which lay at the very end of the city, he could see the banners hung high on the walls and soon he could see the many guards on patrol close to the entrance to the palace itself and he knew gaining an audience with the Jarl was not going to be easy.

"Hold, state your business," the lead guard shouted as he finally approached the gates, behind him the other guards turned to regard him.

"I'm here to request an audience with the Jarl. I'm a warrior who is here to offer my services in helping fend off the threat of the dragons," Kane told him as he pulled his greatsword off his back and offered it to the head guard even as the guards behind him reached for their own swords, but stayed their hands when they realised what he was doing.

"We've seen no dragons around here and I doubt one would dare attack such a large and well defended city," the lead guard mused. "If you wish to aide our Jarl join the Legion and help us defeat Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebels," the guard suggested.

"The civil war, while dangerous and destructive to Skyrim, it is not my biggest concern right now. The dragons however are," Kane responded tightly. "They have already attacked three other holds and I barely managed to stop them. Many lives were lost each time and whiet this city is large and well protected that doesn´t mean a dragon won't choose to attack as they don´t fear us or our weapons," he explained. "They are a menace who once subjugated our entire race, and if we don't stop them then nothing else will matter, not even this civil war," he stated.

"And what would you know about the dragons and why are you so interested in fighting them?" the guard inquired.

"That, I'm afraid, is information I can only give to the Jarl, it is not something I'm comfortable just telling anyone," Kane replied awkwardly. "Considering one of your number or former number was just executed I think you can understand that not everyone can be trusted especially at this point in time," he pointed out with a shrug.

"Sadly true, alright hand over all your weapons and I'll take you before the Jarl, but whether she will deem to hear what you have to say or not is not up to me," the guard responded after a few moments of deep thought.

Kane nodded and handed him the greatsword before also handing over his daedric sword and the dagger. The guard checked him over before turning and leading him into the palace, but he was aware he was still being watched by the other guards.


(Blue Palace)
Once they were inside he looked around and took in the well-lit hall filled with pictures and plants, there were also torches placed all over the place giving the hall its well-lit glamor. They ascended the stairs and came to a stop before the throne of the Jarl, where a meeting was already underway.

Kane's eyes strayed straight to the beautiful woman sitting on the throne. This had to be Elsif, the widow of Torygg and now Jarl of Solitude and if the Imperials won the civil war she would ascend to be the new High Queen of Skyrim. She had long dark blond hair and startling green eyes which were currently focused on the farmer in front of her explaining something about a cave. He couldn't help but take note of how the loose fitting robe she wore showed hints of the beauty he believed her body held, he could see the outline of her breasts which were quite large. Shaking his head he tried to refocus his thoughts away from such naughty things as he had more pressing problems at the moment, finally the farmer finished his tale before turning and leaving after bowing to the Jarl.

"My lady this warrior wishes an audience with you to offer his service against the threat of the dragons," the lead guard said while stepping forward before anyone could say anything. "He turned over all weapons to show his good faith."

"Greetings and welcome to Solitude," Elsif said with a small smile.

Her first sight of the warrior instantly made her want to trust him for reasons she didn't truly understand, but his eyes were a very warm blue. He had an untameable long style of hair which didn't block his vision as it was tied into a ponytail. He was quite tall and clearly powerfully built. She wondered what his story was that had brought him here.

"Thank you my Lady. I´m Kane Navvik, Thane of Whiterun and Markarth," Kane said as he introduced himself and didn´t miss the looks of surprise as he declared himself a thane of two other holds both loyal to the Imperial cause.

"And we are supposed to just take your word for that?" a smallish man inquired with a dark frown marring his features.

"And you would be?" Kane asked although he already had a good idea thanks to Sorex's warning.

"I´m Thane Erikur of Solitude and advisor to the next High Queen of Skyrim," the man told him while puffing up his chest to look more important.

"You are but one of my advisors Erikur and I would thank you to not sound so dismissive of our guest, especially if he is of equal rank," Elsif cut him off before he could say more and glared at the man.

"My Jarl, it is my duty to help protect you and all we have is this man's word that he is a Thane of two holds, and in this time of uncertainty we can't trust just someone's word," Erikur argued.

"I have both my rings given to me by the Jarls of those holds," Kane spoke up and raised his hand to show two rings on his fingers. Both were gold but one had a red gem and the other a green gem. However, what was more important were the small etchings of each hold's symbol on the gold bands which held the gems.

"These are real Erikur," a tall man stated after moving in for a closer look. "I´m Falk Firebeard, the Jarl's Steward. I can tell that these rings are real my Jarl thus he is what he claims to be and I doubt we have much to fear from him," Falk stated. "Both Whiterun and Markarth are firmly in the Imperial camp since the war heated up and Stormcloak tried to seize Whiterun," he added.

"I was at that battle, I fought in it even though I have tried to stay neutral, but they attacked not only my home but a hold I truly have come to like as I have great respect for Jarl Balgruuf and his calm and tempered leadership," Kane stated, his tone darkening.

"How can you be neutral at a time like this? We are at war against a usurper who killed our High King," Erikur spat in anger.

"That I know Thane Erikur. I had the displeasure of meeting Ulfric and from that brief meeting I know he is not a good man," Kane admitted. "He may have fooled many into believing he is in this for the good of Skyrim, but I believe he is just in it for power, but at the moment my greater concern is the return of the dragons," he explained.

"May I inquire as to why?" Elsif inquired, cutting off whatever Erikur was about to say with a glare.

"Before becoming Thane of Whiterun I was sent on a mission to Bleak Falls Barrow to retrieve a tablet relating to the return of the dragons. Once I returned I was asked to help combat a dragon that was attacking the west watchtower close to Whiterun itself," Kane answered. "The beast was huge and powerful, it's breath a blazing inferno of fire, but we managed to kill it. Once it was dead I seemed to absorb its spirit and I was able to use the power of the dragon's shout also known as the Thu'um," he explained before being cut off with no surprise by Erikur.

"What kind of fools do you take us for? No one can use the power of the dragons," Erikur spat before he was forced into silence by Elsif's glare.

"Actually Erikur there are legends of people being able to use Dragon Shouts known as the Dragonborn including Tiber Septim and his entire bloodline and let us not forget Saint Alessia was also purported to be Dragonborn," Falk stated calmly. "Also that is how Ulfric killed our King although there is no way in the darkest pits of hell he is Dragonborn," he added bitterly.

"Indeed I know those legends well. Are you claiming to be Dragonborn Thane Navvik?" Elsif inquired with great interest as she leaned forward somewhat.

"At first I didn't know what I was until I was summoned by the Grey Beards to High Hrothgar and taught how to control my power as well as learn why I have gained it," Kane replied with a smile. "So yes my Lady I'm indeed Dragonborn and it is that point that makes me focus more on the dragons than the civil war," he continued. "However I will state before you and your court I´m loyal to the cause of Skyrim. Which means I recognise you as the next High Queen and I will do all I can to ensure you ascend to the throne as is your right as you were High King Torygg's wife and thus his natural successor since his murder," he vowed with a short bow.

"My Jarl, I must protest you putting any trust in this man. We know nothing of him or his claims," Erikur butted in once more.

"I can prove my status as Dragonborn, but we will have to step outside or we'll make a mess of your palace," Kane said quickly, becoming very irritated by Erikur.

"I think I would very much like to see this," Elsif mused with a smile as she stood up. "If you can prove your status I will listen more to your offer of aide and a demonstration of your power which I´m sure be enough even for Erikur to accept your presence. Right Thane?" she said turning to the annoying man who was glaring at Kane.

"I still say trusting him until we can verify what kind of person he is could be dangerous," Erikur muttered.

"I'm only dangerous to my enemies Thane and the Lady Elsif is not one of them," Kane swore with his own glare. "Nor are the people of Solitude, why you seem to view me as a threat is most perplexing. But we can discuss that later between ourselves," he mused with a cold smile. "Now I believe the Jarl wishes a demonstration so shall we stop delaying that and give her what she wants?" he said as his smile got wider before turning and heading for the exit.

Elsif wanted to laugh at the annoyed expression that crossed Erikur's face before he regained control of himself although she could see it was with great effort. She wasn't naïve enough not to know that the man had designs that were not in her interest hence his more forward personality and his efforts to become her lead advisor even over her own Steward. She quickly controlled her features as she headed after Thane Navvik, her housecarl Bolgeir BearClaw quickly followed along with a group of guards including the one who had brought Kane to her. Both Erikur and Thane Bryling followed as did Falk Firebeard, however she noted her court wizard Sybille Stentor didn't follow and instead headed back to her room. This was not a surprise to her as she knew Sybille had little interest in things that didn´t fall into her realm of expertise. She knew the woman would take her word of what happened in the courtyard as she had proved to be a loyal friend and advisor to her since her husband's death.



Once outside the guards took up positions around them while BearClaw kept close to Elsif ready to defend her should he need to. Kane noted he was all but surrounded not that he was surprised by this. It, at least, showed that the housecarl and the guards were competent and ready for any threat, this pleased him. As for reasons beyond him he felt compelled to protect Elsif and he had just met her. He didn't understand this feeling that was engulfing him, yes he found her beautiful but there was something else, something he had seen in her eyes. Yes, that was it. She had an innocence about her that he found intriguing, her smile had also made him feel somewhat weird, but in a very good way.

'Oh this was not good,' he couldn't help but think, crushing on the Jarl and next High Queen was just going to get him into trouble and big trouble at that and what was worst, was that he had only met her what, ten minutes ago? "Please step away from the wall so I don't catch you in the blast range," he said aloud to the few guards standing near the far wall. They looked to the Jarl who nodded at them to move. They did so, but kept their hands close to their swords. "FUS RO DAH," he suddenly shouted and watched with a smirk as the blast of unrelenting force struck the wall and actually shook the wall, but didn't bring it down as he had toned down the power of his shout.

"By the Divines," BearClaw whispered in awe.

"The legends are indeed true. He is Dragonborn," Falk stated turning to a very impressed Elsif who stepped closer to Kane.

"That was truly an impressive demonstration Thane Navvik," Elsif said with no little awe in her voice.

"Please my lady, call me Kane. While I accepted the titles granted me by the Jarls of Whiterun and Markarth sometimes I still feel uneasy with them, especially when I reach a new city," Kane replied.

"Yes I can understand that feeling Kane," Elsif responded smiling at his easy going attitude. "You have proven you are who you say you are, and I can see now why the dragons trouble you more than the civil war. Due to your role as Dragonborn it is your destiny to stop them, is it not?" she inquired as the guards began to relax somewhat.

"Indeed it is, although how I´m supposed to fight the black dragon that started all this is beyond me," Kane said almost without thought as his gaze grew distant as he recalled his first sighting of Alduin when it attacked Helgen just as his head was almost removed from his body.

Elsif quickly took note of the faraway gaze that suddenly seemed to fall across Kane's features and she wondered just what had happened when he'd seen this black dragon, clearly whatever it was it hadn´t been a good thing and had affected Kane deeply. "Are you okay Kane?" she inquired hesitantly.

"Yes sorry, just a bad memory," Kane replied shaking his head. "Anyway so far the dragons have attempted assaults on Whiterun, Markarth and one came close to Falkreath, but I managed to stop them, although I had help for two of those fights. But it shows they don´t fear attacking a city of any size," he explained. "That is why I´m more focused on the dragons. Should they strike at Solitude it would have serious repercussions for our country," he said in a warning tone.

"Yes I believe you are correct. I guess we have been a little too distracted by the war," Elsif mused with growing horror as she realised just what kind of damage a dragon attack could do to her beloved city and more to the point her people.

Behind them Erikur watched with growing anger as the newcomer got friendly so easily with Elsif, something which he still was having trouble getting close to. Since the death of the High King he had quickly seen a potential advantage that could see him rise to become High King if he could manage to gain Elsif's affections and convince her to marry him, then he would be the most powerful person in all of Skyrim. He had quickly started to try and become an invaluable advisor and maybe something else, but so far Elsif had been quite reluctant to see him as such, yet now she was quickly lowering her defences with this newcomer for reasons that were beyond his understanding.

"So he is a Dragonborn and a Thane, but that doesn´t mean he is on our side. My Jarl, I must insist we check his background," he couldn't help put speak up as he didn´t like what he was seeing of this Kane Navvik and his quick connection to Elsif. "Perhaps send messengers to Whiterun and Markarth and see just what they think of his actions in support of their holds," he suggested, gaining frowns from Falk and Elsif while BearClaw and Bryling nodded, seeing the sense in the move.

"Please be my guest, I have nothing to hide Thane Erikur," Kane said now really getting fed up of the man's instant dislike of him. "If it makes your Thane feel better than please send those letters. I don´t mind as it is a prudent move in such troubled times and I would rather you have full knowledge of my abilities and past exploits before we discuss how I can help Solitude against the dragons"

Elsif wanted to shout at Erikur for being so angry with Kane and for reasons she believed hadn´t anything to do with the safety of the city, but Kane's assertion she should do as the man had suggested made her want to smile all the more. He clearly didn´t feel he had anything to be worried about in his past. Thus she would do as he suggested however even putting off their discussion about the dragons, perhaps he would be willing to help her discover what was going on with Wolfskull Cave and the rumours of strange lights and disappearances close to it from the villagers of Dragon Bridge.

"Very well I will have Falk send messengers out to Jarl Balgruuf and Jarl Igmund to see what kind of warrior you are as Erikur requests. However, in the meantime perhaps you would be willing to help us with another problem?" Elsif inquired hopefully.

"I´m at your disposal my Lady," Kane responded with a smile which she couldn't help but return.

"Then talk to Falk about Wolfskull cave and the rumours from the villages of Dragon Bridge. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of what is going on there and spare anyone else from vanishing," Elsif instructed. "I hope to see you when you get back, have a good day Kane," she added before she turned and headed back into the palace with BearClaw, Erikur and Bryling while the guards went back to their normal duties except for the lead guard who moved over and handed him back his weapons which he accepted with a nod of his head.

"You've made an impression on the Jarl so I will be watching you closely from now on though not because I doubt your honesty, but because it is my duty to protect the Jarl from all threats," Falk stated as he rubbed his beard thoughtfully.

"I hope that includes Thane Erikur," Kane couldn't help but mutter causing Falk to chuckle briefly.

"It does indeed. I´m not blind to the man's ambition or what I perceive to be his goal now that our king is dead," Falk admitted. "I fear he sees your easy acceptance by Elsif as a threat to his plans. You will have to keep your eyes and ears open as I doubt he will try and discredit you no matter what those letters from the Jarls of Whiterun and Markarth say," he warned.

"You are not the first to warn me of him which reminds me I have something for you from Sorex Vinius," Kane told him, remembering the favour the man had asked of him. Reaching into his backpack he withdrew the bottle of Saurian brandy and handed it to Falk who suddenly smiled.

"Ah excellent I've been waiting for this delivery for days," Falk said pleased to see it had finally arrived. "I take it Sorex still feels uncomfortable coming to the palace," he mused aloud.

"He does, but I was coming here anyway and it has gotten me a room booked at the Winking Skeever which is where you will find me should you need to reach me," Kane informed him.

"I will remember that, now as for Wolfskull Cave there has been rumours coming in for days of strange lights around the entrance and people it seems have vanished when travelling close to it," Falk explained, quickly turning serious. "We need you to enter and investigate the cave and if needs be stop whatever it is that is going on there," he continued.

"I can do that no problem," Kane agreed with a nod of his head. "I should be back in a couple of days. If you would be so kind as to mark the location down on my map, I'll get started on this once I check into the Skeever," he added as he handed over his map which Falk quickly took and marked the cave's location he was heading for before handing it back.

"Well I will hopefully see you back from a successful journey in a few days, thanks again for the delivery and I guess I best get writing those letters. Oh you'll be paid a good sum for your troubles so if you want to hire some help then you may do so," Falk said with a nod of his head before he turned and headed back to the entrance to the palace.

Kane turned and headed back the way he had come exiting the Palace's compound and back toward the Winking Skeever. Hiring some help may be a good idea he thought and decided to see if there were any sell swords at the inn when he arrived.

The End?