+Flora's POV

After Brandon had left to go check up on Stella, the rest of us stayed at our dorm thinking of what we should go do.

"How about we go to the dance club?" Layla suggested
"Oh I'm way to tired to go dancing" Tecna said
"How about we go for a walk?" I suggested, everyone glanced at each other nodding their heads
"Yea that sounds fun" Bloom said as we all got up

We were making our way to the front of the school when we were stopped by Headmaster Saladin, and our professor Cordatora.

"Good Afternoon girls, can the Headmaster and I have a word with you?" Cordatora asked as the guys stepped away
"Is there something wrong?" Bloom asked as the headmaster and professor looked at each other
"The boys have said you girls are progressing quite well with them as your teachers.." Cordatora explained
"So we would like to ask if you girls want to move to the higher level class, with all the other specialists?" Headmaster Saladin asked, we all smiled
"We would be honored to!" I said in excitement
n well talk more about training tomorrow during class, see you then!" Cordatora said as they made their way back to the main building

We held in our excitement until they were gone, we were jumping up and down we couldn't believe we actually made it to a higher level. We walked over to the guys who were waiting for us to come back.

"So what was that about?" Sky asked as we continued on our walk
"We were moved up to intermediate classes" Musa explained
"Wow, congratulations!" They all said as they gave us hugs
"Yea you girls are going to do great!" Helia said
"Yea but I wish Stella was here to hear the great news!" Bloom said sadly
"She'll hear sooner or later" Tecna said as we walked

We walked for about an hour, sadly the guys had to go they had a weapons course soon. So we made our way back to our dorm and when we got there Stella was on the couch, I think she just got back right before we did.

"Hey Stella we got some good news to tell you" Musa said as we walked to the couch
"What?" Stella said as she sat up
"Saladin and Cordatora moved us up to the intermediate level classes with the other specialists, we start tomorrow!" Bloom explained
"Really, that is great!" Stella exclaimed
"We should tell Miss Faragonda about our success!" Stella also said
"Yea, she will be happy to hear this" Tecna said as she pulled out her laptop, she called Miss Faragonda who answered immediately

"Hello Winx!" Miss Faragonda said
"Hello Miss Faragonda!" We all said excitedly
"How is training going?" Miss Faragonda asked as we looked at each other
"Actually it's going great!" Bloom said
"I'm glad to hear that" Miss Faragonda said happily
"It's going so good that Saladin and Cordatora moved us to the intermediate classes!" I said excitedly
"Well done girls, I am very proud at the progress you are making!" Miss Faragonda exclaimed
"We are glad that you sent us here, we are becoming much stronger from training here" Layla said
"I am very glad you are all happy, but I have to go now there is a new group of freshman fairies that are little excited!" Miss Faragonda said with a laugh
"Ok we'll see you soon Miss Faragonda" Tecna said
"Good Bye girls" Miss Faragonda said hanging up

"Girls I'm kinda hungry" Bloom said holding her stomach
"Me too all this working out is hungry work" Musa said laughing
"We don't have much to eat though" I said
"Maybe we should order out?" Stella suggested
"Sounds good to me, but what should we order?" Layla asked
"How about pizza?" Bloom said
"Pizza it is!" Tecna said

We got our pizza and we were celebrating our transfer to the intermediate classes, but it got serious because Stella wanted to talk to all of us.

"Girls I've got to tell you all something, especially you Musa and I don't want you to get mad" Stella started
"What is it?" Musa asked
"You know how i've been training on my own the past two days?" Stella asked
"Yea" we all said
"Well I've been getting help.. from Riven" Stella said and it went quiet
"Riven?" I asked
"Yes I would ask one of the other guys but Riven isn't afraid to tell me that well I'm horrible, and I needed the help" Stella explained
"I'm glad you told us" Bloom said
"Musa?" Stella asked as Musa looked at her
"I'm glad you told me, I'm just mad Riven didn't" Musa said
"Don't blame Riven I asked him not to tell you, or anyone" Stella said
"Well I can't be mad, you girls are my best friends and the whole reason we're here to celebrate us!" Musa said as we all did a group hug
"I'm really glad you girls aren't mad because with Riven's help I've gotten really good!" Stella exclaimed
"Good because you're going need it for our new classes, we're all going to need it" Layla
"You're the one to talk you always have been good at sports" Tecna
"Just think about it Tecna, we can all be horrible together!" Bloom said laughing
"I think we should get to bed early we have our harder class tomorrow, plus we did a lot today" I suggested
"Yea I'm super tired" Stella said yawning
"See you girls tomorrow" Bloom said as we all went to our beds

I just laid in bed I was so worried about tomorrow, I've never been good at fighting especially other people, I just don't like the fact that I'm hurting other living things. I know the other girls were worried, but they were only worried about not being good at hand to hand combat. I sat up in my bed, the one thing that always made me feel better were plants. I got out of bed quietly grabbed a jacket, and I went outside

"Red Fountain has some amazing plants" I whispered to myself as I sat near some plants, I saw a little flower that seemed to be dying so I pointed my finger, a little green light flew from my finger making the flowers' appearance look healthier.
"That's better little one" I whispered, I felt a lot better so I made my way back to my dorm and finally fell asleep

Before I knew it our alarm was going off to get up for our first day of our intermediate classes. I hesitated to get out of bed, but I knew I had to sooner or later. I walked out of my room and I guess the other girls' alarms haven't gone of yet because I was the only one out there. I made myself breakfast and ate, but still none of the girls were up, so I went into their rooms to see if they were still sleeping. I went into Blooms room and she was awake but still sitting in bed.

"Oh Bloom you're up!" I said as I went into her room
"Yea I'm up" Bloom said kinda worried
"Oh Bloom what's wrong?" I asked as I sat on her bed with her
"Oh nothing Flora, it's just first day nerves" Bloom explained
"Bloom I am worried too, I was so worried I got up in the middle of the night I went out and just sat with some plants!" I said with a laugh
"Well Flora, we shouldn't be nervous we'll be doing this together, plus we've had the best teachers!" Bloom said as we both got up and got ready

We all ended up getting ready, but we were running a little late because Stella wanted to look her best for our class with actual specialists. But finally we got out and made our way to our class, I guess Cordatora didn't tell the specialists about joining their class because as soon as we got there they started whispering. The girls started looking worried.

"Girls don't worry we are going to do fine" I whispered as we walked in
"Good Morning girls!" Cordatora said as we all got in
"Good morning" we all said
"Are you ready for your intermediate courses?" Cordatora asked
"We are ready!" I exclaimed when a small group of specialists came over I believe their names were Dylan, Noah, Ethan, Logan, and Daniel
"Are you sure you fairies are ready for courses like this?" Noah said as he and his friends laughed, I can't stand when anyone is rude to my friends. So I decided they needed a little taste of their own medicine, I pointed my a little pink light shined from my finger hitting those boys, and their specialists uniforms all turned pink.
"Flora!" Bloom whispered with a laugh
"Good color choice boys it really goes with your attitudes" Stella said as we all laughed, they looked at there uniforms and they were furious, but before they could say anything class was beginning.

"Alright specialists and Winx, today we will be doing one on one battles" Cordatora started as we all got in a line
"First to battle is Noah.. and Stella" Cordatora said, both Stella and Noah walked to the center of the room and while that happened the guys walked into the room to watch us in our first class, before Cordatora said for them to begin I heard Brandon whisper something

"Stella is fighting Noah? He is one of Cordatora best intermediate fighter" Brandon whispered to the guys and they begun to look worried, but not Riven
"Are you two ready?" Cordatora asked them both
"Ready" Stella said confident
"Oh I'm ready, ready to beat a fairy" Noah said with an evil grin
"Alright begin" Cordatora said backing away

Noah started to fight right away, and Stella was losing for a bit

"Come on Stella you got this!" I yelled as Stella was knocked to the floor

Stella got up and Noah was just laughing, so were his friends. I guess that training Riven's been giving to Stella was really working because before Noah could stop laughing, Stella did a triple back flip kick and Noah was on the floor, the room went silent.

"Woohoo wait to go Stella!" Bloom said and we all cheered
"You showed him Stella!" I said
"Congratulation Stella" Cordatora said
"You girls are becoming some great fighters, too bad your stay here isn't for much longer" Cordatora said
"Not much longer? What do you mean?"Bloom asked
"Headmistress Faragonda had requested you girls to enroll back at Alfea when we see fit" Cordatora explained
"So when do we go back?" I asked
"You girls will return at the end of the day tomorrow, you have all excelled greatly while here!" Cordatora explained
"But sadly it must come to end, you will learn and thrive much more at Alfea" Cordatora said
"Well I guess we won't be seeing you girls as often" Sky said as they came over
"Let's just hope you don't forget about us and move on to some other fairies" Stella said with a laugh
"Oh princess you know that would never happen" Brandon
"Yea I know, no one is better than us!" Stella said as we all laughed
"I'm sure going to miss you Flora" Helia told me
"Oh Helia I'm not leaving forever, I'll always make time for my favorite guy!" I said as I hugged him
"Well this has been one interesting experience, for all of us!" Musa exclaimed

I'm sorry on how this story ended, kinda weirdly and suddenly. But I am in the making of anther story possibly a sequel to this one, I know I haven't made a sequel to Magical Mission but this story has had better feedback, so this will probably be getting a sequel! I hope you enjoyed this story