Summary: you wanted it, here it is. actually had this done for a long while and I just never posted it. Sorry. Anyway. I hope you enjoy it.

If anything could be said about this reunion, it would definitely be the word private. When Wonka first opened the gates of his factory, there was a full crowd a full two hours before anything started with press as far as the eyes could see. Either the newness of Wonka's factory had worn off on people, or Mr. Wonka (or in this case more likely Charlie) made sure to keep a tight lid on things.

When Veruca came to gates, she noted that they opened with a relatively easy push. It was weird honestly, the first time she came, this felt grand and important. Now, something about this felt a lot more casual. No huge competition was taking place, no big prize to be won, this was more like a high school reunion or some strange get together .

The young woman could see in the distance a group of what appeared to be three other people. Standing in a sort of huddle. Running had not been the best decision she made especially in the brisk cold air. Lord help her had she still had been rich and wore high-heels. By the time she caught up with the rest of the group she was completely out of breath.

"Sorry… I'm…late."

She then flashed her golden ticket. "I'm in the right place right?"

Everyone began to flash their tickets almost as a way to affirm to each other they were all there for the right reason. Veruca looked up to see the kids now turned adult it appeared that they had all changed drastically, but from the looks of things, she could tell who was who. aside from gain in weight and height from most of them, they all seemed to have a more mature look about him. Augustus went from looking like a piggish boy with chocolate all over his face to a very professional looking man who appeared to come from a family a wealth. Knowing the way she was back then, had her child self-came in contact with him, or even had been able to seen the future and know what Augustus would grow up to become, she might have actually flirted with him. But from the looks of things, he was obviously taken and the last thing she wanted was to be taken for a gold digger.

It was a little harder to notice Violet's changes at first for the simple fact that she was blue even her eyes which at one time had a green hue to them were now a deep shade of blue. Though it appeared as though her hair was a lot longer, and she appeared to be a bit chubbier, though Veruca had to give the woman credit. She seemed to have curves in the right places. Veruca then remembered the joke she made to Violet's mother about putting her into a county fair. If Veruca miraculously received a nickel for every time the phase "If I knew then what I know now," popped into her head, there was a good chance that she would have received back her family fortune with interest.

"Hello Violet," Veruca said with a friendly nod… you're looking colorful." Violet visible took a step back and started to snicker.

Violet could not exactly say the flight to England was the best. The passengers tended to be rude and most of them just spent the whole flight staring at her. Before she knew it, she found herself she had not done in years as she began popping gum in her mouth .

Looking at everyone again felt crazy. For some odd reason, seeing Veruca the way she was probably shocked her the most. Frankly she had expected to see a fancy dressed woman with high heels, sparkling shades and a purse dog. Instead what she saw was a young woman with a long ponytail, a plain T-shirt, a pair of jeans and some dark red flip flops. It didn't make her look poor by normal standards, but it was certainly different from the posh brat from nearly a decade ago. On top of all that, she was actually nice.

"You look…well." She said back to Veruca.

She was able to recognize Augustus right off the bat, if nothing else his girth gave him away. Seeing that he had a girlfriend was a bit of a shock. The first thing that came to her mind upon seeing the woman was that she looked like a circus fat lady. Surly in some alternate universe these two would have met in that county fair that Veruca had teased about. Rather than make any comments however, Violet introduced herself.

"Hello I'm Violet Beauregard."

The young woman gave a warm smile and shook Violet's hand

"Francesca, Francesca Boagarth. Augustus told me a lot about you."

"So if you don't mind me asking, are you Augustus fiancé or wife or…"

"Oh we are not married yet, we hope to marry in the spring though."

"That's wonderful."

Augustus's POV

The flight from Germany to London wasn't exactly the most comfortable. One of the most obvious difficulties was getting a seat that could fit the two of them. It was only by a manner of squeezing together that the two could fit, Francesca also wanted Augustus to wear a beard for the occasion on account it made him look more mature. he had also packed snacks in case anyone got hungry for something besides chocolate. It was weird seeing everyone again, so many years later. Nearly a decade ago he had remembered hating both the Violet girl and that wretched Salt but now? Now he had more important things to worry about petty squabbles a certain amount of decency and respect was expected to be maintained even then though, he had to admit something that he knew everyone was thinking. No one had expected this to happen. While the girls did try to give small talk. Mike was the one to say what was on everybody's mind.

"Ok let's all be honest here," Mike Finally said amongst the awkwardness. "Let's be honest here. How many of us when we exited out of the factory for the first time thought to ourselves I am never going to see these people again as long as I live."

Everyone's hands shout up in the air quickly and unanimously.

"And yet here we all are." Veruca interjected.

Well I suppose the least we could do is all reintroduce ourselves . " Francesca said.

All eyes wen to Mike for some reason.

"Ummm…Hello my name is Mike Teevee, you guys probably remember me as The Incredible Stretchy Boy. I now work as an independent game designer and I do Let's Play on Youtube under the channel TeeVeeTime.

Sara came out from behind her uncle.

"Um this is my niece Sara."

Everyone said Hi to Sara as she shyly waved.

"Didn't you used to be about 3 feet taller and a whole lot thinner? Veruca asked.

Mike let out a sort of deflated chuckle

"Yeah let's just say the months after leaving the factory were not fun. " He spent the next ten minutes explaining what happened. The others nodded in a sort of empathetic way as they all had their traumas that they had to deal with. it was the Veruca's turn to speak.

"I'm Veruca salt. You guys probably know me as the squirrel girl, or the bratty one. At one time my family owned one of the biggest Nut Companies in London but something's happened and it no longer exist."

Veruca then went in to detail about all the things that happened after the factory from the nut business closing down to the death of her father to her mother cutting her off out of spite.

"Dang," Mike interjected. "Sounds like you got hit the worst out of anyone."

"I don't know. You might want to talk to Blueberry girl over there."

All eyes turned to Violet whom let out a snicker.

"My turn now? Um well. I'm Violet, I'm known as Gum Chewing Girl or Blueberry Girl."

Everyone looked surprised when she told about how the juicing turned out to only be a temporary measure and how she still inflated at some of the worse times.

"Wait a minute," Veruca interjected "You mean to tell me you're basically a living fruit?"

"Pretty much yep, one that can turn into a giant juicy blueberry"

Veruca snicked. "Wow I bet you have quite the following on the internet."

Violet blushed though it was hard to tell considering her blue skin.

"I…I don't want to talk about it."

"How do you get the juice out?" Sara as

Violet once again blushed "Eh when your old enough you'll understand."

Everybody was introduced and got settled. The only question now was where was charle. Frankly they were afraid to know, all things considered