Chapter One:
It began like any other day in the Shinjuku Ghetto. Ichigo Kurosaki was hunting hollows far afield from his home. Then the attack came, not on him, but on the people of the Ghetto. The Britannians came in their Knightmare Frames and began a purge of everyone in the area. Ichigo saw children gunned down in the streets. Their blood washing over barren stones. He saw an elderly couple machine-gunned as they sought to flee.
Worse still he saw their ghosts crying as they bore witness to the brutal slaughter of their loved ones. It was all Ichigo could do to control the spread of Hollows. They roared and emerged in full force, seeking the blood of the living and dead alike. He slashed through a Snake Shaped one, then carved down one in the shape of a bull.
And all the while more people died because of the Britannians. Why? What had occurred that had provoked this? It didn't matter. Nothing could justify this kind of action. He appeared behind two men with machine guns and cut their heads off. They'd been about to slaughter a wall of innocent civilians.
'Run!' He cried, forgetting that only the spiritually sensitive could see or hear him. He turned to where three other Britannian hit squads raised their guns and descended on them in fury. When the blood had drained from his eyes they were in dozens of pieces.
He turned to the spirits of the Britannian soldiers and slashed through each in turn. As his blade was wetted with their blood, the gates of hell opened to receive them with hungry desire. Their shrill screams echoed across the cityscape. Unheard by all save those who were spiritually sensitive.
As the civilians fled he saw a lone Glasgow, red-haired and furious destroying a tank. Ichigo quickly leaped past her and descended on the spirits of those within the tank. He sliced through them, sending their souls to hell to join their comrades in the abyss. Then he returned to begin slashing through Hollows that were even now forming. Some he noted, went to hell, while others passed on in peace. He had no time to ponder any of it.
Just to keep doing what he was already doing.
He kept on fighting Hollows and Britannians with all his heart. As he did so he caught sight of the Red Glasgow retreating away from two Southerlands. The Glasgow leaped up onto the train tracks, then onto an oncoming train. One of the Southerlands stopped to halt the train, while the other pursued, only to be gunned down from afar. The other Southerland leaped up onto the train. It looked up to where a third was standing, shrouded in shadow.
The Glasgow charged, and the Southerland ejected. Good, so someone else was fighting the Britannians as well. That made his job of slaying hollows and consoling souls a good deal easier. He could hardly stand to look at the bloodied spirits of children as he consoled them. Nor could he bear to say any words of comfort, or one-liners. All that mattered here was being efficient. If he wasn't there would be a feast of innocents for twisted spirits.
He fought as hard as he could, for as long as he could. Until finally, he found himself in an abandoned warehouse, looking at a single hollow. Its hands were like nooses of wire, its eyes were burning red and it surged at him, slashing and tearing. Ichigo leaped back and in his weariness stumbled. At that moment a blue arrow appeared from nowhere and obliterated the hollow.
Ichigo looked up and saw a white-clad blue-haired boy his age approaching. 'Kurosaki, you're getting sloppy.'
'Shut up Uryu!' Snapped Ichigo, in no mood for banter. 'People! Are! Dying!'
'Not anymore,' Said Uryu, as he unsummoned his bow. 'someone rallied the resistance group and got them armed with Southerlands. He directed them to destroy the Britannians through superior tactics. I came here trying to find out where he came from.'
'You mean he came from here?' Asked Ichigo, looking at the bodies. 'How do you figure?'
Uryu walked past him and kneeled by a subway stair. 'He came up to this point, and lay here in cover, doubtless while those men.' He glanced to the Men lying dead around the stair. 'Were busy killing those people over there.' He motioned to the bodies further away.
'How can you be so calm?' Asked Ichigo in accusing horror.
'I think I'm in shock.' Admitted Uryu, tone taking on a slightly unsteady edge. 'Though it might be that I'm more accustomed to death than the average person. Maybe both,' He kneeled down by the bodies. 'they cornered him and were probably going to kill him. Then seized by sudden grief they killed themselves.'
'Are you making jokes?' Asked Ichigo, feeling fury coming into his tone.
'It was merely an observation.' Noted Uryu. 'I think that whoever stood here developed powers of their own. They then used them to force those men to kill themselves.'
'That's… that's kind of sick.' Said Ichigo, though the men had certainly deserved it.
'It was self-defense.' Replied Uryu. 'Whatever the case, it's obvious that he somehow got his hands on an enemy Southerland. The train was only stopped thanks to his use of it. This means that he must have encountered a Britannian machine. Then convinced its pilot to come out.'
'Uryu, even I can't chop up Southerlands that easily, and I've had my powers for months.' Said Ichigo. 'Also, I fell unconscious for a few hours after I got mine. Besides, a pilot operating on a kill on sight policy wouldn't give a Japanese person time to-' He halted. 'You think he's Britannian?' The realization came quite suddenly.
'Precisely,' Said Uryu 'it is at this stage irrelevant. Let's go.'
'Go where? We've still got Hollows to fight.'
'To kill Prince Clovis.' Said Uryu, still calm. 'I'm sensing that his guards are few and far between. Which means that now is the perfect time to dispense some justice.'
'Good point.' Conceded Ichigo.
They walked in grim silence through the Ghettos. As they did saw a White Blur rush over the landscape. It was attacking the Southerlands with brutal efficiency.
'Is that some new kind of Knightmare?' Wondered Ichigo.
'Whoever he is he's not in any position to tell anyone about us.' Said Uryu as they reached the G1, having run faster than a normal human would be capable of. They found a single Guard standing at the entrance with a dazed look in his eyes. They took cover behind a series of ammo crates before he could spot them. All of a sudden a black haired boy, thin as a reed departed the G1. He had violet eyes and was holding a gun.
'Did everything go as planned sir?' Asked the guard in a friendly tone.
'Quite,' replied the boy before raising his pistol and shooting him in the head. The Guard fell backward, blood spewing all over the pavement. 'Sorry, but I can't afford to leave any witnesses.' He walked off away from everything with an easy gain. His gun was bloodstained. The guard's spirit meanwhile arose and stared at himself.
'What happened? Why did I let that guy pass, I knew he wasn't a Britannian authority, didn't I? It was like-'
Ichigo whacked him over the head with the back of his sword and sent the man onto the next life. Surprisingly he didn't warrant hell. Ichigo and Uryu walked on through.
'So would it be a safe bet that he's the guy behind all this?' Asked Ichigo, as they made their way through the halls.
'Fairly safe, but not assured.' Said Uryu, finding a door and opening it. 'He might have been Britannian black ops. In which case he could have been making a direct report to the…. Prince…'
They entered the throne room. Prince Clovis was lying against his throne, as though he was resting. But his head had a giant bloody wound in it, gushing with blood that stained his blonde hair and violet outfit. His Spirit stood some ways away, his chain of fate broken.
'I… I'm alive?' He asked 'But I'm over there.'
'No, you're dead,' Said Ichigo as he stepped into the room, veiled in shadows. 'and have just finished life by murdering innocent men, woman and children for no reason.'
'No…' Said Clovis 'You don't understand, I had no choice! If word of her got out- my reputation- I'd be disinherited!' Ichigo stopped in horror.
'A mistress?! You butchered an entire town over a mistress?!' Roared Ichigo, drawing his sword. 'You deserve this.' Then he stabbed Clovis through the chest. For a moment the Prince stared at the weapon. Then it glowed red, and two great skeletal gates appeared behind him.
'No! NO!' Screamed Clovis as thousands of chains wrapped around his body. A sword pierced his heart and he was dragged down into the depths of hell to pay for his sins.
Ichigo sheathed his 'sts go Uryu. We'll make one more pass over the Ghettos, then check somewhere else.'
'Right.' Said Uryu, nodding.
It took an extensive amount of time for a single pass. They didn't want to risk any sudden hollowfications. They found that they had missed a number of ghosts who had not been purified on their way through. Weeping and cries of anguish could be heard from the survivors. Uryu did what he could to help the living, bandaging a few cuts and helping to unbury some from the rubble.
Ichigo had far more work than Uryu.
It was a day to mourn and forget. And when it was over, Uryu screamed.
Authors note:
There have been several attempts at a Code Geass, Bleach crossover. They've had varying degrees of success. For my part, this idea was going to feature the Code Geass characters getting powers from the get go. But that didn't work out too well.
It may still happen, however.
I have no idea where this story is heading, actually, so it may crash and burn. The idea of having Ichigo Kurosaki play Ishmael to Zero's beginnings, however, was too good to pass up. Especially given the kind of effects such a purge would have with Bleach rules. Including Uryu was a whim, and I hope they didn't seem too out of character. Remember that these characters have had different life experiences.
This is, overall, an experiment.
Wow, I was just looking through my old stories, and I found this document lying around. I guess I figured I'd post it and see if anyone liked it, before I decide whether to continue writing it. Tell me what you think in the review sections, if you don't mind. I love hearing what people think of my stories.
I'm just impressed that I managed to cover three episodes of Code Geass in a less than two thousand words.