Chapter One.

The darkened evening sky roared in anger as lightning struck the cemetery ground, the pelting rainfall attacking the lone figure that stood shivering in the storm. Although her long raincoat protected her from some of the rainfall her pencil skirt left her lower legs bare, her high heels already sinking into the flooding ground. The female figure tugged at her soaked clothing, lowly murmuring unknown words. Her words were stuttered, the clattering of her teeth making her hard to understand as she spoke in a foreign language. Her bowed head finally raised, her unseen eyes no longer focused on the newly placed grave as she glanced to her right. She was silent for a few moments, her chanting forgotten as she intently listened to something.
"…I see…" she lowly spoke after a few moments in the English language, her teeth still clattering. She fell silent for a few moments again before speaking in response,
"Yes I can do that for you… What? Demons and Devils? That does not bode well". Her tone was soft and quiet as she spoke, the harsh wind that wrapped around her almost silencing her without any effort.
"…No… no, if they are as close as you say then I'll travel there now. The Mind Reader knows of my coming? Good… I need to protect the premises… You'll come too..? Yes, a wise choice though you should not linger for too long. Come, we must hurry" the female figure finally finished, turning away from the grave with a sudden burst of urgency.

It wasn't long before the female figure halted in front of a large mansion, her shaking limbs lessening as the wind died down slightly. She had been to this place many times before, the previous times welcoming but this time seemed much different, its unique charm lost. The rain continued to pour and the woman hurried forward, her figure no longer hiding in the shadows of the night as she stood under the lit porch, ringing the doorbell. Her five foot six figure continued to shiver as she lifted her arms, pulling down her soaked hood to reveal her features. Long golden blonde hair was tied in a tight damp bun as her lightly tanned skin glowed in the man-made lighting. Her soft golden honey eyes seemed welcoming at first glance but on further notice they were defensive, as if guarding away untold stories. Her body stiffened for a moment as she heard footsteps approaching the door from the other side, the woman rolling her shoulders to loosen herself up. The door finally opened with a creek, a dark haired girl she recognised coming into her vision. She was a pretty girl with her dark long hair and her bright green eyes, in her late teens if the woman remembered correctly, but she was timid and reserved for the most part, her upbringing an unpleasant one at times. Her name was Mika Anderson, granddaughter to a client Sienna worked for several times before. The girl gasped in shock, hastily beckoning the soaked woman inside before slamming the door closed.
"My god Sienna, you're soaked! How long have you been out there?" the girl exclaimed as she finally got a good look at the woman. Sienna merely laughed at her words, her eyes sparkling in amusement as she looked down ever so slightly at the younger girl.
"Well it is raining outside Mika… and quite some time it seems, I must have lost track of time" the woman replied to the teenage girl as Mika shook her head knowingly.
"You never change" Mika commented with a light sigh, the limited answer not concerning the girl Mika. Mika parted her lips to continue speaking but footsteps silenced her, the appearance of a tall, dark haired male with glasses sending her into a sudden panic. Sienna raised her brow as the male approached them both, a pleasant smile on his lips.
"…I… I can explain…" Mika hurriedly piped up, her brain working overtime in hopes of making up an excuse for his presence but the woman laughed, shaking her head.
"As amusing as it would be to see you try tonight is not the night. Greetings, it's a pleasure to meet you" Sienna butted in before Mika could speak her excuse, acknowledging the male for a moment.
"From what I've heard you're to hold an event of sorts for tomorrow night" Sienna continued on causing Mika to look at her in surprise.
"How do you know about that?" Mika asked, only receiving the phone call from her Father not so long ago. Sienna remained silent for a moment, her eyes briefly looking to the right before returning back to the girl.
"I received a call from your father this afternoon about it, he knew I usually took care of the events your grandfather prepared here so he thought I'd be the best person to call to help you. If he had called me in the morning I would have come much sooner but unfortunately I had no time to rearrange my meetings in the afternoon" Sienna explained to her, Mika accepting every word from her as she sighed in relief.
"You could have arrived tomorrow morning" Mika noted but the woman shrugged, wriggling her toes in her wet high heels.
"It was quicker to walk here than to walk home" she honestly told her,
"Plus I didn't want you worrying about it all night long… but it seems your friends have solved that problem for me already" Sienna continued on, the plural going unnoticed by Mika who merely yawned.
"You know me too well" Mika knowingly said making the woman grin, glancing up at the clock to the left.
"You should head off to bed, I can escort your friend to a room to change and rest for the night" the male finally spoke, his voice polite and professional. Sienna could feel the aura of power surrounding him, the woman glancing to her right for a moment as she listened to something before turning and nodding in agreement.
"Go and rest, we can catch up in the morning" Sienna softly spoke, her eyes shining in delight as Mika nodded in defeat, giving her farewells as she headed up the stairs to retire. Both Sienna and the dark haired male remained silent until they were both certain she was in her room and out of earshot.
"Damien mentioned something about your coming…" the male spoke, beckoning her to follow him in the direction of the dining room. Sienna followed without a response, halting in her stride when entering the dining room to witness four other strangers.

It was weird to know so much about these five people yet this was the first time she had ever met them. The 'old man' as they would call him had told her all about these people… or dare she say demons. She had played a part in their coming, creating fake ID's to match the photo's Mika's grandfather had given her. Why had she helped him? She owed the Anderson family a great deal plus Sienna was the only person the old man could turn to, Sienna was more aware of magic than the old man ever was. The tale of the five demons was well-known to her; they searched for freedom from the Abyssal Plains, the Human World the only place they knew to flee to. The woman scanned her eyes on them all, putting a name to each person. Firstly there was James, the eldest one of the group. He was the dark haired male that had led her into the room, his stance and attitude strong. It was clear he was the most educated one out of the group, his fate decided at birth – he was to take the throne in replacement of his father. Sienna grimaced at the thought, thankful that she never had to carry that kind of burden. The next demon she glanced across to was Erik, her gaze remaining on him longer than intended. He had sharp red hair and glistening purple eyes that were filled with charm but there was something else there… something she couldn't quite grasp onto. Her eyes remained on his for a moment too long, trying to figure out the answer but she remained silent as she finally turned her eyes to the next demon who snorted at their exchange. Sienna bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling, knowing only too well who the next two were. The one who had scoffed was Sam, the brute of the group who only knew how to attack rather than defend. A tactic she had seen too often and easily overcame. The second who stood next to him was nearly the opposite of him, his bright blue eyes soft as he gazed at Sienna in curiosity. Matthew was his name, a boy who wanted prove something to the world. She couldn't help but wonder if he was the target to teasing within the group of brothers, it wouldn't surprise her if he was. Finally her eyes fell on the final one, Damien. He was an odd demon for sure, his noble presence not as strong as the others and Sienna did her best not to shy away from his burning gaze.
"I should introduce ourse-" James spoke, breaking the silence that had formed but Damien silenced him.
"There's no need, she knows us" Damien pointed out making James frown. Sienna politely nodded to confirm that what he said was true, ensuring to clear her mind before speaking.
"I shall introduce myself properly later as I must get on with my duties. As you know I am here by request of the 'old man' as you call him though Mika believes her parents summoned me here… I know about a Devil that chases you down so I need to properly ward the premises with spells. Tell me, who exactly is this Devil you have angered?" Sienna openly spoke, getting straight to the point. The demons quickly focused their eyes onto Sam who flared with life, stepping forward.
"How do you know about that?!" he hastily questioned.
"Sam!" James warned, hoping his tone would silence him but it seemed to have the opposite effect on him.
"No James! How does she know about the devil? And what about spells?! How does a human know all of this? Wait, are you even human? Are you working for the devils themselves?" Sam hurriedly interrogated, Sienna remaining unfazed as James narrowed his eyes.
"Sam that's enough!" James snapped to the younger sibling who continued to ignore him. Sam parted his lips to continue shooting out accusations but Sienna raised her hand, the mere motion resulting Sam to pause in his actions and fall into silence. The demons looked between the two in surprise, knowing Sam wasn't one to follow orders but their surprise was soon forgotten as Sienna spoke, a gentle smile on her lips.
"I do not work for the devils; like you have already been informed I was sent here by the 'old man'. I am basically here to ensure that all of you remain safe here while this devil is about, especially Mika. The whole event tomorrow is my cover-up for making sure everything is in order… though I will help with the preparation of it and remain here afterwards until the devil has been dealt with" Sienna told them, her words nothing but the truth but the demons were quick to notice that she was very brief in the explanation, the woman intentionally missing out vital information as she danced with words.
"I see…" James murmured in thought, finally taking control of the conversation again now that Sam had fallen into silence.
"Malik… his name is Malik" James told the female who merely winced at the mention of his name before recovering her expression.
"Ah… I've crossed paths with him a few times before, as unpleasant as they come. I know his methods well enough, he won't give up searching for you easily" Sienna openly said, turning her eyes to the window.
"We covered our tracks the best we could" Matthew piped in but the woman shook her head,
"You were bleeding from what I've been told, there's only so much you can hide away… he will come with his followers…" she quietly murmured, turning her eyes away from the window and back to the others.
"You should rest, it's quite late and I fear that tomorrow will be a long day" Sienna lightly suggested, her eyes softening.
"And what about you? You must be freezing" Erik asked, his voice smooth but there was a lingering concern entwined with his tone. The woman glanced at the doorway behind her, sighing with a light hearted shrug.
"I need to go back out to ward and check the premises. I'll attend to my needs once I'm done" she replied, holding back a cringe at the thought of returning back out in the rain. The four remained silent for a moment and Sienna turned, believing it was time for her to leave.
"Why are you helping us?" Sam couldn't help but ask. Sienna kept her back to them as she took in his words, knowing what they truly meant. Her golden honey eyes bore into his own, the look unsettling Sam as he took a step back in surprise, his lips parted. He could feel something, something unnatural but yet he couldn't link it to anything.
"You're wondering why I haven't kicked you out and protected the girl, right? I… well to put the story short I owe the Anderson family a lot plus I kn..." Sienna responded but she caught herself in time, not voicing her final words as she shook her head.
"My reasoning is of no importance, I'll see you guys in the morning" she hurriedly said, leaving the house quickly. Erik frowned at her words while Sam suspiciously narrowed his eyes at her retreating form, Erik turning his eyes onto Damien in hopes of him knowing the words she failed to say. Damien shook his head, his brothers wondering if he didn't hear her thoughts or if he remained silent to respect her privacy.