Chapter 2

Time Skip-Junior

Cammie's point of view

I pulled into the Roseville High School parking in Roseville, Virginia. I finally decided that I needed to stop running from them. The only thing I remember about my past was what they did to me. You might be wondering who they is, they is the Circle of Cavan, also known as the terrorist organization that ruined my life. They kidnapped me when I was really young and tortured me for information I didn't have. I finally escaped but I had nowhere to run because they had killed my parents. I've spent the past 8 years running and training to be a spy, so they can never hurt me again. Sighing I pulled my mind away from my past and got out of the car as everybody turned to look at me. I was glad I wore what I did today, black running shorts and a blue tank top with black trainers. I kept my hair in a ponytail and walked in like I owned the place. Step 1:Always act confident.

"And here is your lock combination and schedule," the lady working in the office told me.

"Thank you," I replied and walked to class. When I got there, class had already begun so I knocked on the door and opened it. "Hi," I said to the teacher, Mr. Solomon as I walked in.

"Ah, our new student. Tell us about yourself please," he said as he sat down.

"Certainly. So my name is Cameron, but you can call me Cammie. I am an only child, both my parents are deceased, but I do move around a lot. I just moved here from Florida, but before that I lived in Germany, Italy, California, Paris, China for two weeks, and a whole bunch of other places. I love to play soccer, volleyball, go running, basically any sport. And I think that's it," I said as everybody looked at me shocked.

"What's your last name?" A girl that looked like in Egyptian goddess asked.

Morgan. Cammie Morgan." When I said this, three girls, three boys and Mr. Solomon all paled and a couple of others fell of their seats.

"It can't be," someone whispered under their breath so quietly that only a spy could hear it.

"It is," I replied glaring at the boy realizing his eyes were bright green, just like one of my kidnappers.