Chapter 51: Final

On the 13th day, Shouyou rested, high on the affection of his teammates, and felt, for once, that he belonged somewhere, that place was none other than the Karasuno High School gym. He spent as much of his free time there as possible, reliving moments of earlier months, when he had first started high school, of when he still had family. His teammates joined him, sometimes, more often than not, he thinks. He's grateful for the company, grateful for the memories of before his time or for lives he's not a part of. Even Tsukishima had stayed a few times in those twelve days, sharing stories of his brother and parents after a little goading from Shouyou. His brother had changed universities to be closer to home, his father was promoted, enabling Tsukishima to spend more time with both of his parents now that his mother had quit her job. It was odd, Shouyou realized, knowing this information. Tsukishima was better after that, offering tutoring and just not being rude. He was easily becoming a friend to Shouyou. Unlike Kageayama.

Kageyama stayed late everyday after the time Shouyou had found himself cleaning and entire gym by himself. He'd wondered if he'd actually been alone and Kageyama was just watching him, hoping to pull a joke over him or something. Though he realized that Kageyama was not a joking type of man. The other teen glared at him every time their eyes met for more than a second, Shouyou felt that Kageyama, his partner in their God-Quick was angry with him, perturbed for reasons that Shouyou was too scared to ask about. He wondered each day, his nerve wavering each time his curiosity rose in his head. He missed the old Kageyama, before... everything, he supposed. Sure, they'd both gotten stronger over the past few months, but strength was nothing without a bond. Their's was in serious need of repair.

Naturally, he spent a lot of time with Daichi and Noya-senpai. They'd both share stories as well, Daichi's mostly revolving around work, and Noya's seeming more fictitious than truth, but he loved the company regardless, craved it late at night when he found himself on his aunt's couch, texting Kenma, going over the final aspects of the other boy's plan. The inter-high was coming up also, the week after Kenma was going to free him from the hurricane that is Oikawa Tooru.

On the 13th day, it was raining when Shouyou woke up. It continued to rain and Shouyou continued to rest, only opening his eyes to text back to Kenma and eventually, Tooru, who'd claimed he was bored at home and was insisting on visiting his favorite Chibi-chan. Which seemed to make Kenma pleased, for some reason.

"Ask him to wait until the evening." He did so without question, as he would with any of Kenma's instructions.

"Making me wait even more, you're so cruel, Chibi-Chan."

"Sorry Tooru" He responded, at a dead end as far as conversations went. They both seemed to be lying in bed and couch, respectively, and had already went over everything in their lives, Shouyou being incredibly honest and open, as is his nature, he supposed. He doesn't dare let Kenma's plan slip, though.

"Guess I'll kill some time..." Shouyou takes a moment to think of a response, though the words should have come more simply than they had.

"Doing what?"

"Watching a movie... without my Chibi-chan. :(" Shouyou laughs, despite himself.

On the 13th day, the sun set at 18:55, but it was too cloudy to actually tell when the sun's rays had been smothered.

"We're in Miyagi." Is what Kenma tells him at 19:12. Shouyou finds the energy to respond several minutes later, too exhausted despite not moving at all since he'd awakened.

"When can I see you?" He responds, starting to get hyped up. It had been too, too long since he'd last seen the other boy. He wondered if Kenma had redyed his hair, or if he'd grown any, or if he got new shoes or anything. It'd been near silent besides the customary good morning and good night texts they sent back and forth.

"Tell Oikawa to come to Miyagi." Shouyou did.

"Come over." Simple as that.

"Right." Tooru messaged back, clear of goofy faces that usually littered his text messages, not that Shouyou was an expert in the way the older boy communicated.

Following the instructions of Kenma, he traveled to the only train station in Miyagi, arriving thirty minutes before Tooru was expected to.

At 19:45, Oikawa Tooru stepped off the train and onto Miyagi Station. Shouyou was waiting there with an umbrella and a smile, shared them both with Tooru.

Shouyou checked his phone immediately, about to proudly tell Kenma about his progress, but seemed that Kenma had already known, could see them, somehow, and sent him further instructions.

"Head into the woods, there should be a lake." The woods? He thought, finally questioning this secret plan of Kenma's. It wouldn't do any of them any good to catch a cold before the Inter-High. Still, he relayed the idea to Tooru, as if it was something he'd just thought of.

"Tooru?" He asked, voice small and neck tense with nerves, suddenly.

The older boy looked down at him, smiled in a way that Shouyou couldn't describe, and finally responded, "Yes, my beautiful chibi-chan?" Shouyou's cheeks went red at the nickname, still affected by Tooru's charm despite himself.

"L-let's go for a-a walk!" He proclaimed with gusto, smiling creasing his burning cheeks. Tooru laughed, ruffling his damp hair. "In this weather?" Shouyou nodded, trying his best to give Oikawa the puppy-dog eyes.

Tooru hummed in response, then raised a finger in exclamation. "On one condition!" Shouyou shuddered, but found himself nodding, ready to give anything to make this plan succeed. "We get meat buns first, those are your favorite, right?" Shouyou chokes on his tongue, not expecting that in the least, and perhaps, a little touched that Tooru had remembered such a minute detail.

Shouyou finds himself agreeing, wondering if Ukai's store would even be open. His stomach gurgled though, announcing its thoughts on the condition. Shouyou agreed once more.

"Let's go then!" Tooru said, giggling, then, suddenly, was bending in front of him, pressing their lips together. Shouyou could feel Tooru's smile against his own shocked expression. Before he could consider pushing the older boy away, or maybe, even, possibly kissing back, the third year pulled away. Another laugh broke the static of the rain before Tooru started dragging them away from the station. Tooru navigated the rain like he'd done so a million times and was ready for a million more, Shouyou snorted to himself, wondering if his comparison to the older boy had been spot on.

On the 13th day, Shouyou found himself dripping water on the floor of Ukai's family's shop, standing alongside none other than Oikawa Tooru, third year from Aoba Johsai. The meat buns, Ukai told them, or more likely, Tooru, since he seemed to be the one paying, were made this morning, but he supposed he could microwave them if they were interested. Shouyou nodded along with Tooru, both of them smiling, grinning like sharing secrets with nothing but their eyes. Though, he supposed, they kind of were.

Ukai, Shouyou noticed, had a very strange look on his face moments before he disappeared into the back, presumably where the microwave is, but Shouyou made no move to comment or explain the situation.

Seconds after the microwaved beeped, they found their hands full of meat buns, with Tooru carrying a large bag of them in addition to the ones in his large hands. Shouyou thanked the old man before walking out of the store in a hail of old magazines and manga aimed at their heads.

They walked around for a long time, mostly around town, until they finished the entire bag of meat buns. Now, Shouyou thought, before deciding to make his move, the suggestion that he couldn't let fail. "Remember those woods?" He asked, suddenly, tilting his head in their direction, sending waves of orange hair topping over to one side. Tooru glanced towards the dark woods, a smirk twisting his face, the same one Shouyou was scared. He swallowed down a lump, "Want to go explore?"

Exploring, he thought, was a strong word, he knew exactly where this expedition was going to end up. Tooru agreed easily, silently and with a nod that Shouyou thought he might have to press more for. It was odd how easily Tooru agreed to him.

On the 13th day Shouyou led Tooru into the woods, into the dark, dark woods.

He wasn't afraid, though, for he knew that Kenma was in these woods and would be the one popping out, and that Oikawa couldn't scare him because the older boy was right next to him.

Shouyou did not expect, however, to find the pond glowing under the glow of the moon, for the entire sky had been covered in clouds. Pretty, he thought, musing over the sight. Tooru shared his sentiments, albeit outloud, tacking on, "But not as beautiful as you, Shouyou." Shouyou laughed, he was anything but, especially in the dark.

They shared this moment for a long while, an eternity even, before the plan was set into motion without Shouyou even being aware.

On the 13th day, Kuuro stepped out from behind a tree and approached them. Shouyou noticed him first, and almost screamed, until he saw that beautiful red. Kuuro stopped when he was right in front of them, or rather, beside them, with Shouyou between two captains of volleyball teams he respected greatly.

"Fancy seeing you here." Kuuro said, laughing softly. Shouyou's gaze snapped to Oikawa, who was still staring at the beautiful lake.

"Yeah." Tooru said, finally.

"We should talk." Kuuro again, louder, more commanding than Shouyou had heard him except for once.

Tooru chuckled.

"Stay away from the Chibi..." Kuuro continued, as if Tooru had actually responded. Shouyou saw him gulp.

"...And if I don't?" Oikawa responded, finally, voice flat.

It took Kuuro a long time to find his composure. Shouyou was surprised the other boy was even capable of speech, he seemed to be trembling as badly as Shouyou was, his tanned skin looking pale under the excess light of the moon. Kuuro looked terrified, as well as terrifying. In Shouyou's opinion, anyway.

He needed Kenma.

Shouyou took a step back.

A flash of moonlight whipped over his head, and he found himself stepping even further back.

On the 13th day, under the glowing moon of Japan, Oikawa Tooru was holding a large, large knife. His eyes seemed to be glowing along with the moon and Shouyou was terrified, but it seemed, in the split second that he managed to pull his gaze away from Tooru, Kuuro was seconds away from peeing his pants.

On the 13th day, Oikawa stepped forward, another whir of moonlight arcing from his arm, quick as his spike and a thousand times more deadly.

On the 13th day, Hinata Shouyou did the only thing he was good at.

He jumped.