Ponsbourne Park Hotel


Friday 16th May


Rolling over, she slipped out from under the covers, picking up clothes that lay haphazardly across the floor. He watched her as she pulled on her knickers, dropping the rest of her clothes on the bed. Picking up her clutch, she took out her cigarettes and lit one, offering him the pack. He shook his head, watching as she took her lit cigarette and pulled the balcony door open, perching herself on the seat that ran along the balustrade. He marvelled at the sight of her, smoking topless with no hint of inhibition or self-consciousness. Padding over to the doorway, he leaned against the frame, removing her cigarette from her fingers and taking a long drag before returning it.
"What are we doing, Granger?" he asked, ruffling his hair.

She smirked around her cigarette, flicking the ash before answering, "I should think that's obvious, Malfoy."

"Apart from that," he stated, an eyebrow raised.

Hermione smiled.

"I am serious," he told her quietly, watching as she put her cigarette out before heading to the bathroom. She ran the butt under the tap before throwing it in the trash. Just to be extra sure it wouldn't burn the hotel room down. Or worse, litter the place.

She grabbed her clothes from the bed, pulling them on as he watched, making no moves to clad his own naked body. She glanced at him as she snapped her bra clasp.

"Let's not make this complicated. It was just sex," she stated, bending to pull on her skirt, well aware of the view she was giving him.

Draco frowned. "You said that last time."

Hermione buttoned up her blouse. "And I meant it. Two adults are fully capable of just having sex," she stated.

He laughed dryly, "Even when those two adults are in the middle of a divorce?"

Hermione chucked before cupping his face with her hand as he closed his eyes. "Yes."

When he opened them, she was gone.


Bad Faith Industries

Fitzrovia, London

Friday 16th May 2008


"...You are being utterly ridiculous," she fumed, eyes blazing.

He examined his fingernails nonchalantly.

"What my client means, Mr. Malfoy," her solicitor gave her a look that said "let me handle this" before continuing, "Is that she provided much of the funding for Bad Faith Industries, and that to insist on her retaining you as a member of the board would represent a conflict of interest."

"And what I am pointing out, Mr Lucus, is that as a majority shareholder, I have a vested interest in the company."

"You were only a major shareholder because you were my husband," she yelled, slamming her open palm down on the table. "The company is mine."

"And the name is mine," he told her calmly. "Look," he began, turning to her solicitor. "It is quite simple, she can divorce me personally, but business is business." He turned to Hermione, still addressing her solicitor. "I will be professional if she will."

Hermione snorted, looking away.

Draco stood. "I think we are done here for today. Send the draft of our divorce to Theo to look over for me," he stated before leaving the conference room and heading for his office on the top floor.


Bad Faith Industries

Fitzrovia, London

Friday 16th May 2008


He sat at his desk overlooking the proposals for various projects as the elevator pinged. Without looking up he knew who was standing over his desk.


He suppressed the smirk that caused the corners of his mouth to twitch as he pretended to be engrossed in his work.

She slammed her hand down on his desk.

He looked up at her fuming face. Fuck, she was sexy when she was mad, and Merlin, did his cock know it. He shifted uncomfortably.

"What the hell are you playing at? And what the fuck was that last bit about?"

Draco's stoic face masked his emotions as he stared at her, sitting back in his chair.

"Argh," she huffed, throwing her hands up in the air. "You are insufferable," she yelled, turning on her heel and marching back towards the elevator.


Malfoy Manor


Friday 16th May 2008


Crossing from the atrium as the green flames died down, he loosened his tie and placed his briefcase on his desk inside his study. He heard the roar of the floo followed by the familiar sounds of the small child who came running in giggling.

"Look Papa! Grandma Molly said I could have it!" he cried, thrusting the dragon at his father.

Draco bent to lift his son up into his arms, kissing him on the forehead.

"It used to be Charlie's apparently."

Draco turned to see Hermione standing in the doorway, smiling. Striding over to her, he bent to kiss her, frowning as she turned. He planted the kiss on her cheek.

"Say goodbye to your Mother, Scorpius," he instructed the child, as she deposited his overnight back on the wingback chair in front of the desk.

"Bye Mama," Scorpius cried, before clambering down from his father's arms and racing off in the direction of the kitchens.

"Don't let the houselves spoil your dinner," she called after him, laughing.

Draco looked at her, opening his mouth to speak but she cut him off.
"I should go, I am having dinner with Theo."

Draco frowned.

"Relax, it's not a date, it's business."

Draco walked away. "You can date whoever you choose, Hermione. You left me remember?" he stated, nonchalantly.

Hermione winced momentarily, before deploying the infamous Malfoy Mask that she had learnt to perfect during her five year marriage.

"I'll see you Sunday then."

Draco hummed his response.

The Runnymede-on-Thames Hotel and Spa


Friday 23rd May


Crashing through the door, they were a mess of limbs, lips, tongues and teeth as they ripped at each other's clothing, desperately trying to gain access to flesh underneath. He tore off her blouse, slinging it behind them as she pulled at his tie. He grunted as he fiddled with her skirt, sinking to his knees as it pooled at her ankles. She tore the tie over his head, tossing it to one side as he ran his hands up her stocking covered legs, the feel of the silky fabric causing him to moan into her crotch. She closed her eyes as the vibrations that fell from his lips reverberated through her, dampening her knickers. He tore them to one side with his teeth as her fingers found their way into his hair. Keening, she tried to remain upright as he lathed her slit with his tongue. She tightened her grip on his hair as he brought her to her release, coming undone as he held her up. In one fluid motion, he was on his feet and had her in his arms, carrying her over to the bed. He deposited her unceremoniously in the middle, climbing up, eyes on her like a hunting animal with it's prey in its sight.

He growled, as she coyly closed her legs, giving him a sultry look. She mewed as he reverently ran his hand up her right leg, bending it at the knee with gentle pressure, before parting her. Thumbs to her core, he opened her up like a ripe peach, ducking his head down to lick up, his tongue flat to her as her head lulled back, eyes rolling back into her head. He bit down, hard, on her clit, causing her to scream with pleasure and pain, before coming up, his hand cupping her breast as his mouth found hers. She moaned as his tongue devoured her, tasting herself on him, increasing her own arousal. She loved the way she tasted on his tongue. He hooked her leg up over his hip before sinking down into her, burying himself to the hilt. She met his thrusting, rocking her hips as he leant back to watch her fingers circle her clit. "That's right, Mia. Make yourself come for me," he whispered, feeling her clench deliciously around his cock. She hated when anyone called her Mia. Except Draco. It sounded like liquid gold dripping from his lips. He watched her intently as her back arched, moaning his name as she came apart a second time. Three more thrusts and he was saying her name like a litany as he shuddered to his own climax, crashing down next to her.
