A/N: Sorry I haven't been very active lately. I've been pretty ill for a while, but I'm back now with the final chapter of The Butler, In Waiting. I hope you enjoy it. The final part might be a while, depending on how many assingments I have and such. The next update will probably be 'The Light Which Casts Shadows', then 'The Passage of Time'. They should be coming pretty soon, so stay tuned! As always, thank you for all the favs, follows and reviews. It means a lot! -RR13

The Butler, Finalising

"SEBASTIAN!" Daphne cried. The butler jumped in front of Daphne, and kicked the Bizarre Doll that had once been Astoria back. It staggered back into the crowd, knocking a few of the frailer ones over. Daphne rounded on Undertaker. "How many?!" she said, a dangerous tone in her voice, her fists shaking. "How many other bodies have defiled with this dark magic?". Undertaker chuckled.

"Come now, my young lady. You should know as well as I do that there's no such thing as dark magic." he grinned at her. "It's all about intent."

"Intent?" she screeched. "Look at them!"

"Beautiful, are they not?"

"Beautiful they are not!" she cried. "You created them with the sole purpose of setting them on unsuspecting muggles! That counts as some pretty dark intent in my book!"

"They're just hungry." replied Undertaker. "Everyone's gotta eat. Are you willing to do it, my young lady? Are you willing to destroy an entire new sub-species to save a few muggles?". Daphne glared at him.

"Ignore him, young mistress!" Tracey yelled. "He's trying to trick you! They're already dead! They have no cognitive functions! They're not alive in any sense of the word!". Daphne took a few deep breaths to compose herself.

"Sebastian. Tracey. This is an order. Kill every single Bizarre Doll on this ship."

"Yes, my fair lady." the two chorused. They launched themselves into the growing crowd of Bizarre Dolls. Tracey slashed with her blade, slicing the dolls in two. Sebastian began tearing off limbs, crippling the lumbering abominations. He reached into the inside pocket of his tailcoat, and pulled out a handful of fine silver knives.

"These are the finest goblin made knives. They have been in the family for generations. Please, do take care of them." he smiled, launching them at a gaggle of dolls before him. The knives sailed through the air, embedding themselves in the rotten flesh of the creatures. Several of them collapsed to the floor. Sebastian launched himself at the ones that were still standing and grabbed the knives, then slammed them into their skulls. The remaining creatures fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Tracey swiped with her blade in a curving arc, and decapitated the remaining dolls. The housekeeper turned her blade to Undertaker.

"Where are the rest of the Vanishing Cabinets?" she snarled. Undertaker merely chuckled to himself.

"Now, now my little turncoat. That would ruin the game.". Tracey had finally lost patience with the man, and swung at him. Undertaker dodged under her strike, and reached into his flowing black robes. When Tracey's blade swung back, it was met with a large demonic looking scythe. "Now, isn't this fun?" he grinned. Tracey merely growled in annoyance.

"Young mistress, I believe that Tracey is capable of handling Undertaker. We should search for the other Vanishing Cabinets."

"Agreed." Daphne nodded. "Let's go."

Daphne and Sebastian ran through the corridors, checking each and every room, closet and nook and cranny they could find for any of the Vanishing Cabinets. So far, they had found only one, which Sebastian had dealt with by sealing it before it could open, and throwing it out of a window. "Sebastian." Daphne called, stopping to catch her breath.

"Young mistress?"

"This is hopeless. We'll never find them all in time."

"What other choice do we have?"

"Simple." Daphne panted. "We sink the ship."

"Sink the ship?" Sebastian frowned. "What about the people on this ship?"

"Evacuate as many as possible, then, we send this thing to Davy Jones' locker. Sebastian, this is an order. Evacuate as many people as possible, then sink the ship."

"Very well, my fair lady." said Sebastian, bowing. The butler scooped Daphne up in his arms and ran along the corridor, towards the elevator. He pressed the button, and whilst the elevator made its way to them, snapped his fingers, conjuring a flame at his fingertip. He held it under the smoke detector, which caused the alarm to activate, then launched a small orb of fire into one of the adjacent rooms. He had charmed the flame to be resistant to water, so even if the sprinklers activated, they would have no effect on the flame.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?"

"Evacuating the ship, young mistress." the butler smirked.

"A likely story." came a voice from behind them. Sebastian turned around, to find Molly Weasley, and Tonks pointing their wands at him. "Looks more like arson. Drop the girl." Molly snarled.

"My apologies, but I'm currently running an errand for the young mistress. I'm afraid I don't have time for you today."

"Drop the girl, we know you're planning some sneaky dark magic attack." Tonks spat.

"Sebastian, leave them. We have bigger things to worry about than two borderline squibs."

"Borderline squibs?" Molly gasped. "How dare you! You filthy snake!" Molly cried, shooting a cutting curse at the girl. Sebastian leapt to the side, and kicked the red headed woman in the ribs. The Weasley matriarch fell to the floor, coughing. Tonks shot a stunner at the two, which Daphne reflected with ease.

"For an auror, you're pretty lackluster." Daphne smirked at the older woman. Tonks snarled, and fired off a series of stunners, curses and hexes. Daphne merely chuckled at her futile antics. "Sebastian." she said simply. Sebastian leapt out of the way of the barrage, turning his back to the Order loyal witches, protecting the blonde in his arms from stray spells. "Finish this. Now." she said.

"Yes, young mistress." Sebastian nodded. The butler dashed forward, circling Molly and Tonks a few times, before coming to a stop before them. He readjusted Daphne to carry her with just one arm, and withdrew one of his silver knives from his tailcoat pocket. He drew his arm back and quickly launched the knife forward. It sailed through the air, and embedded itself in the ground between the two witches.

"You missed." sneered Tonks.

"Actually miss, I hit the target perfectly."

"The floor?" Molly cackled.

"Exactly. The floor you are standing on has been severely weakened, the knife in the ground is currently the only thing keeping the floor you are standing on from giving way." Sebastian smiled.

"That's nonsense!" Molly snorted, grabbing the handle of the knife. As soon as her finger came into contact with the knife, the floor beneath her and Tonks creaked, and collapsed. The two shrieked in fear as they plummeted through the floor and into the maintenance shaft. They hit the floor with a sickening crack and both lay motionless.

"Are they dead?" asked Daphne, craning her neck, trying to get a glimpse of the two witches below.

"I don't believe so, no." replied Sebastian, turning and heading towards the elevator. "But they should be out of our way now."

"Over here!". Crew members were calling passengers over to the life rafts. A storm was raging. The wind roared, and rain beat down on the passengers assembled on the deck, as they clung to their loved ones. Sebastian ran over, and deposited Daphne into one of the boats, and lowered it into the water. The crewman in charge marched over to him. "Hey, buddy!" he yelled. "What the hell are you playing at?! You can't just put your little girlfriend in a boat and sail her out! I'm in charge here!"

"My apologies, but the young mistress' life outweighs your authority, and the lives of the rest of the passengers."

"You don't make that call." the man yelled, stepping closer. He was now shouting directly in Sebastian's face, spittle spraying the butler's face. The butler rolled his eyes, and firmly pushed the man in the chest. The man flew back, and toppled over the railing, falling into the water below. Thankfully, no-one appeared to notice. Sebastian wiped the spit from his face. "My, my. So classless." he muttered. "Now then, to dispose of this ship."

"Mr. Butler!". Sebastian turned to see Tracey running over to him.

"Tracey? What happened to Undertaker?"

"I don't know. When the fire reached us, he began cackling and vanished in the flame. He wasn't in the dimensional tunnel. I guess he's found some new way of travelling."

"At any rate, the young mistress has ordered me to dispose of this ship."


"Simple, sink it."

"Everyone will drown!" Tracey exclaimed, looking around at the people queuing, hoping for a spot on the rapidly dwindling number of boats.

"I assume some of them can swim." Sebastian shrugged.

"We're miles out to sea!" yelled Tracey, hitting his arm. Sebastian frowned.

"Why the sudden humanity?" he asked. "If memory serves, you've always shown a particular fondness for death and destruction. You stabbed me in the back just to view my memories. You decapitated Dumbledore. With gusto at that."

"Do you have any idea how much paperwork I'll have to fill out if I let them die?"

"You're going to try and stop me? Compromise the young mistress' orders to avoid a little paperwork?"

"I have no choice. If I have to fill in one more of those forms, I'm going to go crazy.". Sebastian merely raised an eyebrow. "Shut up.". She adopted a fighting stance. "Come on then, Mr. Butler."

"Tell me, Tracey. Can you swim?"

"What?" she frowned.

"Can you swim?"

"Can I-? Yes, of course I can swim!"

"Good." the butler smiled, and pushed her, like he had the crewman. Tracey toppled over the railing and hit the water below. He looked over the railing at the girl, who responded with a rude hand gesture and some choice words. "Charming. Now then.". He ran into the control room, and began flipping switches and pressing buttons. When he was asked about it later, he told Tracey and Daphne that he knew exactly what he was doing. In all actuality, he had little to no clue. "This is getting me nowhere." he sighed, then punched each of the machines. A human would have broken every bone in their hand doing so, however a punch from him had destroyed each of the machines. Satisfied with his work, he ran to the front of the ship, and leapt of the edge. Just before he hit the sea, he stopped himself, and floated in the air. "This is much easier than the Dark Lord makes it appear." he thought to himself. He drew his fist back and punched the front of the ship, leaving a sizeable hole. He continued this until the hole was enormous and the ship was taking in water at an incredible rate. The ship was now noticeably sinking, and fast. He waited for the bow to the ship to lower, then leapt up, and plummeted into it with tremendous force, whilst simultaneously pushing himself off. The ship rapidly sank and crashed into the ocean floor. Sebastian flew over to Daphne's boat and landed gently. The girl jumped in surprise as he landed.

"Sebastian? I didn't know you could do that."

"Nor did I, young mistress. However, apparently I can, and one mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth, no?"

"Yeah, whatever. Where's Tracey?"

"I believe she's close." Sebastian smirked, nodding at a point ahead of them. Daphne turned to see a girl in the water, splashing madly.

"Tracey… Do you only know how to doggy paddle?"

"Doggy paddling is swimming!" the girl yelled. Daphne rolled her eye's and pulled the girl into the boat.

"Take us home, Sebastian." she sighed.

"Yes, young mistress."

"The Nightmare Queen vanished, young mistress." said Tracey. "She must have apparated to shore when the Bizarre Dolls were released.". Both Tracey and Daphne were sat on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, and nursing hot drinks. Sebastian had found it hilarious that Soul Collectors could still get sick, though he had kept this hidden, and behaved as a butler should.

"Why? Surely she'd want to observe their effectiveness up close?" Daphne frowned.

"I believe she was a trap, young mistress." said Sebastian, topping up their drinks. "She allowed, or even instructed Undertaker to disclose the information on her whereabouts tonight, knowing that we'd come after her."

"And be killed by the Bizarre Dolls?"

"Yes, young mistress." Sebastian nodded. Daphne sighed, and rested her head in her hands.

"Looks like the Nightmare Queen's won this round. We lost our best shot at finishing her."

"Not so, young mistress. Now I have a rough idea of what her magical signature feels like, it should be simple enough to track her, even through the Fidelius Charm."

"When we find her Sebastian… I want you to tear her goddamn heart out. That's an order, understood?"

"Very well, my fair lady."

"If she's even got one." Tracey huffed.

"Quite." Daphne nodded. "On the upside, if she thinks we're dead… Then we have the element of surprise on our side."

"I agree, and we must not waste it." said Sebastian. "For now though, you are both ill-"

"No thanks to you!" Tracey snapped.

"Indeed. You need your rest. Come now, you need your sleep.". Daphne placed her empty cup down, and lifted her arm. Used to the routine, Sebastian picked her up and carried her to bed.

"Thank you, Sebastian."

"I, quite literally, live to serve you, young mistress." he replied. Daphne smirked.

"Yeah, I guess you do."

On returning to the living room, Sebastian found Tracey still sitting on the couch. "Tracey? Why aren't you in bed?". The girl looked up at him.

"What? Daphne get's carried, and I've got to walk?"

"You don't own my soul."


"Very well." he sighed. Tracey copied Daphne's movements, and like before, Sebastian picked her up, and carried her to bed. Tracey's room was like the rest of the servant's quarters. Basic. A bed, wardrobe, dresser, chair and a desk. Only, her desk seemed to be covered in a mountain of paper. Thousands upon thousands of folders were stacked along the wall. Sebastian placed Tracey in her bed, and tucked her in as he would Daphne.

"Thanks, Mr. Butler."

"You're quite welcome, sleep well." he nodded, making to leave.

"One last thing."


"See all this paper, and these folders?"


"They have to be filled in black ink."

"Very well. Why are you telling me this?"

"Have them done by Tuesday." she smiled smugly. "This is the paperwork I was talking about. I was the only reaper present at an unscheduled mass death, so I got lumped with the paperwork. However, I explained the situation to the high-ups, and they agreed that it's your responsibility. Obviously the young mistress can't be expected to do all this… So, I hope you got each of their names, dates of birth, exact cause and time of death and additional notes.". Sebastian just stared at the mountain of paperwork waiting for him. "Y'know." smirked Tracey. "I'm suddenly feeling a lot better."

Elsewhere, Voldemort was stood on the balcony of Riddle Manor, overlooking the Death Eaters in the courtyard below. "Father.". The Dark Lord turned, and saw Hermione stood behind him. He smiled at her.

"My dear girl. You have done well."

"The Bizarre Doll experiment has been a complete success." the girl smirked. "The Campania sank, I doubt Greengrass or those beloved servants of hers escaped.

"Excellent work, my dear." the Dark Lord smiled. "Very soon, this world will be ours. Very soon, this world will quake in fear at our names."

To Be Concluded in The Butler, In Closing.