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Chapter 4:

[lucy pov]

I wonder how this happened? I'm standing on top of a guy's face with my feet deeply in-graved in his face. oh that's right. Ace threw me. a settling crunch was heard when my feet hit him in the face.

"Heard you talkin bad about whitebeard! Ah, crap! sorry imotou!" ace shouted, the group of men who were with the man I'm standing on all fled when ace threw me leaving me on his poor idiot. Ace ran to my side and helped me get off that guy. I keep on wondering why ace isn't wearing any shirt and showed his… uh… muscular body…

"Ace? can I ask you why your not wearing any shirt?" I asked as ace lead me to an unknown place. I looked at his broad shoulders from behind and looked at the mark on his back, his so tall now… compared to me… who was shorted than him and I'm pretty sure luffy… his messy black hair shuffled a bit when he turned slightly to look behind at me with a grin.

"I'm showing my mark. The mark of whitebeard, my pride and joy." ace said as he pointed to his back using one hand. I smiled at him, not noticing the blush that settled on his cheek. We were walking in the hallway, the sunlight streamed through the windows that showed the next building and I slowly closed my eyes and basked in the sunlight slightly, it felt warm. What I didn't notice was the nose bleeding ace who was looking back at me and almost tripping three times.

"lu, I'm taking you to my dorm first" my eyes snap open, what? when I looked to the front, ace had somehow appeared next to me and was walking side by side with me. I looked at his… ehem… sculpted body… and huffed away, I'm definitely not supposed to think like this towards my brother!

"why, big brother?" I asked softly, which had ace thinking cute but not that I realize, I knew he was just making sure I'm safe but I want to meet luffy also…

"w-well, y-your clothes… I need you to change your clothes…" ace looked away with on hand on the back of his neck, not that I notice the blush that covered his face. while he was looking away, I used my point finger to go to his cheek and paused it there.

"Ace!" ace turned immediately at my call and my finger poked his cheek.

"hehe… your freckles look different ace!" I said childishly, we were still walking, not that I minded but that didn't stop me from lightly pinching his cheek for fun.

"lucy, stawph!" ace struggled slightly but playfully. I let go of his cheek gently causing him to huff. Suddenly ace perked up almost as if he remembered something.

"I forgot to tell you" I knew it "the dorms are co-ed, that means there's a chance your roommate is a guy" ace said with a grin as if nothing's wrong.

[third person view]

Ace watch as lucy processed the information then saw her face grew into panic, she latched herself on ace in a hug, at first ace knew this was coming because lucy used to hug him or luffy when she was scared or panicked. Yet there was one thing he forgot. When they were young, lucy didn't have any assets. And so he felt her body and since his chest is bare, HE ALSO FELT HER HUGE CHEST BEING SQUISHED AGAINST HIS. ignoring the blush on his cheek and the small line of blood on his nose, he hugged her back to calm her down.

"Don't worry about it. if you want, you can stay at my dorm or either luffy's dorm" ace said as he pat his sister's back. A few minutes passed then lucy let go off ace with a small pout. She grumbled as she walked next to ace with her arms crossed under her breast she huffed.

"why do I have to share rooms with a guy I don't know…" lucy pouted. Ace chuckled at his sisters antics and pat her head.

A stairway to the outside of the building appeared and they both walked down and had small talk, ace walked a bit further down around two more steps, when he reached the bottom he heard something.

"eep! Ace!" lucy's leg slip and she was falling forward, ace's eyes widen in shock. His reflexes moved extremely fast to save her from falling to the floor and possibly hurting herself. He caught lucy before she could reach down and gripped her back waist, he was embracing her with his chin on her head. Lucy's arms were around his back also. She thought she was going to fall straight into the hard stone floor. the light from above the stairway shone down to them and they looked like 'yes they were' embracing each other at the bottom of the stairway. Ace hiding her face in his chest as he held her protectively.

Ace looked down to her face when he finally caught her and his eyes couldn't help but widen, lucy's face was staring up to him but she had her eyes tightly closed. Her blond hair that was slightly messy from the fall only served to make her face more beautiful and her worried small and cute frown dealt him the final damage and he was yet again having a nose bleed. Not to mention how her body felt against him. Lucy slowly opened her eyes when she felt no pain but instead warmness surrounding her and saw ace looking down at her with a nose bleed.

"Thanks for catching me, Ace-nii!" lucy smiled brightly and ace was momentarily blinded by her smile. His head started to race with thoughts 'she's my sister! I shouldn't take advantage of her! lucy is my sister! Lucy…is… my… Lucy… is… mine'

He slowly let her go, making sure she's not hurt in anyway and even asked her if she was okay multiple times. Lucy was happy, ace was still the same over protective brother.

He walked together with lucy to the dorm and while they were walking, lucy kept on making cute comments and poking ace a few times and disturbing him. everything to make ace slowly lose his sanity because of her cute actions. She would suddenly try to pat his head but couldn't reach it so she would try to climb his shoulder and of course giving his entire arm a 2 minute heaven from being stuffed to her breast as she affectionately pat his head, she would suddenly hug him for no reason and start running again, she would randomly poke his face, his chest, his arms, his rib, mostly his cheeks, and she would say cute comments like 'ace your growing weird, but I like your kind of weird!' or 'ace, ace, ace, ace, huh? Why am I calling your name? oh, I just feel like calling your name'. he was slowly but surely starting to lose his sanity and blood.

While his brain was in a turmoil of blood loss, ace felt a tug on his arm. Ace turned to see lucy who was frowning at him with sad eyes. her blond hair slightly fluttering behind her. she might look like a kicked kitten but he didn't care about that, he was more worried about what happened to lucy.

"big brother… my leg hurts…" lucy said shakily with her cute frown growing. Her owlish brown eyes that once shined with happiness was brimming with sadness. Ace reacted immediately to this he immediately knelt down and started panicking.

"What?! did you get hurt? when did you get hurt?! is it your ankle?! Let me see!" ace rushed as he held her ankle and tried to look for what was wrong or what was causing her injuries. He fawned over her worriedly.

"n-no… I'm not hurt… it's just I've been standing for so long, my legs are tired…" lucy said, ace stood up and asked himself. "what do we do, does it hurt a lot?, should I get help?"

"what do you mean help? Its okay, I'll just hold it, so lets go! The dorms are right in front of us!" lucy smiled brightly, ace placed his hands gently on her head and ruffled her soft blond hair slowly.

"do you want me to give you a piggy back ride back to my room?" ace asked, lucy's smile brightens ten folds and ace again felt his going blind by the warmness and affection she was releasing that was directed to him. lucy shouted "Yes!" ace, turned his back to lucy and knelt down in front of her. "lu… come here" lucy jumped on his bare back with giggles and hugged his throat to stabilize herself.

"Alright!" both of the siblings shouted as ace stood up straight and ready with his little sister on his back. Ace felt her breast and her oh so perfect curves pressed against his bare back so he tried to think of something else while trying hard not to blush. They both headed to the dorm together with lucy snuggling into her brothers warm neck as her hands dangle on his broad and strong shoulders.

Someone was observing the two siblings, even though this person was far, they saw the interaction between the two and thought they were a couple, having a great distance gave the disadvantage of not hearing the conversation between the two. The person gripped their nail in the wall leaving cracks of jealousy as they stare threateningly at the supposed couple.

"Ace-senpai is not hers! ace-senpai is for everyone! Who does this blond bimbo think she is! Who even is she!" hissed the girl hiding behind the building, staring at the two, she followed them when she saw ace walking in the hallway but then she saw the blond girl was with him and followed them from a distance, she watched as the blond would make her ace laugh and blush, watching as the blond would suddenly and randomly touching her ace. hugging her ace even when ace hasn't hugged her! the girl let out a possessive growl and disappeared in the shadows as the two siblings entered the dorm.

[in the dorm]

"okay, sooo… my roommate is marco. As in the perverted marco that I need to kick out soon because he held your hand" ace grumbled thinking of a certain pineapple head that he need to kill. He held onto lucys calves that was around his waist to make sure his carrying her and not dropping her. he wouldn't face himself if he dropped her. ace and luffy are very possessive of their sister and they knew it. they just didn't want her to be hurt in anyway.

"but ace-nii… marco is a good person… please don't just kick him out…" lucy whimpered as she snuggled into ace's neck. ace was now going up the stairs towards his room. passing the destroyed front door and living room that was also destroyed. Ace couldn't kick marco out now. because lucy was being sad about it and giving him the sad voice. The sad voice compose of sounding like she's about to cry, making him feel like his kicked a small kitten.

"Grr, I'll make an exception for you… lucky punk" ace grumbled, he shifted as he walked straight into the messed up dorm that was supposed to be co-ed but looked like a place where trash was thrown in.

"sniff… sniff" ace froze right there. Lucy just sniffed him. LUCY JUST SNIFFED HIM.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING LU?!" ace shouted as steam burst out of his ears. he gripped her soft legs tighter as he tried to calm down. Sister, sister, sister, sisterrrrrrr.

"ne ace, you smell like fire. How? Did you eat a devil fruit? You smell nice" lucy ignored his question and continued to nuzzle her nose to his neck which caused him to flinch in embarrassment.

"I ate the mera-mera no mi, I'm a fireman. Pun intended" ace said with a chuckle. Lucy giggled softly but ace heard it anyway, she was giggling next to his ear which caused a shiver to his back. Her hot breath blowing in his ear.

"Wait, what do you mean I smell like fire? You can smell fire?" ace asked curiously. Lucy hummed sleepily. Her head tilted slightly and lean on ace's head as he continued walking.

"It's mmnn… my magic…" lucy said sleepily. Ace turned to look at lucy only to see her beautiful face so near his face. her blond hair somehow shine under the light they passed as her sleeping face seem so peaceful. He looked closely at his now asleep sister and notice how her face somehow looked heart shaped and how her pink lips looked so plumped and so… delicious... how her eyelashes grew longer and more feminine.

Ace grumbled with a blush as he brought lucy to his room to let her rest there. He manage to somehow open the door with lucy on his back. He shifted in and entered the room where he and marco shared. The room was the same as how lucy's room looked but only messy on ace's side. He trudge inside his room and gently placed lucy on his bed before walking to the kitchen and pass out on the floor of narcolepsy.

[timeskip][lucy pov]

My eyes flutter open and I stare at a black charred ceiling above me. I blinked and turn my head slightly and looked around in the room, it was night time judging from the night sky out the balcony. I saw ace asleep on the floor near the kitchen and the room was dark yet messy on my side. I shifted slowly and got up next to the bed. Didn't ace said he shared the room with marco? How long did I sleep? I need to get my bag… where is luffy? I looked at ace again and walked to him, I might not look strong but to tell you the truth, my strength can easily carry ace in one hand without breaking a sweat. Not that I'm letting him know this. I slowly lifted ace in a bridal style and walked back to the bed where I was asleep in.

As I put the blanket on ace, I realize I need to get my bag before my roommate returns to my room.

"w-well, y-your clothes… I need you to change your clothes…" welp, now I cant even go out of the room because I'm wearing my normal clothes(lets not add the tightness of the clothes). I look around the room to find at least some available clothes and not the ones around the floor until I see a closet… that… looks slightly crooked… who was I kidding? The closet was closed but it looked like it was about to burst open. I slowly walked to the closet making sure I don't wake my brother up. when I reached the closet, I was slightly scared of opening it… but I need to at least go outside… so here it goes! My finger grazed the closet door and BOOM! I'm covered with a whole pile of clothes I don't even know whose.

I got up from the pile and sucked in oxygen into my lungs. I COULDN'T BREATH! and looked downwards to the piles of clothes, there was random colours of purple and yellow and some pants I didn't know whose. But they all seem big for me, that's good right? I rushed to find a shirt and some sort of pants at least. And of all the things I could have grabbed, I grabbed a purple jacket like clothes and a black knee length short that looks identical to ace's. no time to run to the bathroom, I quickly threw off my clothes in a flash, leaving myself in my undergarments and generous white skin, I rushed to wear the purple mid sleeved jacket and the black shorts that I'm sure belong to ace. I threw my clothes next to the bed without looking and took a random hat that white with black panda ears above and shoved it on my head and used its tip to close my face slightly, okay all I need to do is look down the whole way! I rushed out the room leaving behind my brother.

[ace pov]

I have no regrets in my life, if I die today, I die a happy man. I just watched my sister changed in front of me and used the darkness in my room as an advantage. My eyes are still wide open as she ran out the door with a cute hat. Her. body. is. Engraved. In. my. Brain. Holy shit this is my sister, yet I couldn't stop staring. Stupid dumbass brain! That was lucy! stop nosebleeding!

[lucy pov]

I was just in the dorm… now I stand outside the dorm… where I don't even know where I am… I could feel the sweat drop on my head. I'm directionally challenged… =.= maybe I should just walk randomly then maybe I could find someone that could show me to the way to the dorm? Damnit why the hell did I choose to change! I'm so cold! i know I can easily prevent feeling coldness but still, I don't want to use my magic this early! I shuffle forward in the darkness, next to me is a unknown building and I couldn't see the dorm anywhere… HOW COULD I LOSE SUCH A BIG BUILDING. My slippers crunch the grass underneath my feet as I walk to search for someone. I pulled my large panda hat down as I walk. The purple jacket I'm wearing is a bit tight around my chest area and the black shorts seem to big for me and tend to slip down slowly and I have to pull it up.

"Oh, someone's nearby" I said to myself softly, I could feel the person's presence walking on the other side of the wall, I walked towards the wall in hopes of asking the person for help. CRAP.

[third person view]

"Ouf!/ Kyaaa!"

The sound two people colliding could be heard resonating. A panda hat and a top hat flew in the air at the impact. A ripping sound filled the air. Lucy recoiled in surprise, she didnt expect the person to accidentally hit her when she was appearing from the side of the building.

"ow…" lucy slightly whimpered with her eyes closed and her hand on her head to smoothen the pain of hitting someone by mistake. she heard a sudden sucked breath. she heard shuffling then a gentle voice rang out.

"are you alright, miss?" lucy opened her eyes slowly to see a very handsome man with short blond hair with a scar on his right eye. She didn't notice how his eyes widen slightly before returning to normal. He handed his hand to her to help her up like a gentleman. The man was wearing black and blue noble clothes.

"mhmnn… yes I am…" lucy softly said as she took the mans hand and pulled herself up, not noticing something important. The man's eyes widen yet again and this time lucy saw it. their hands were still connected laid forgotten.

"what is it?" lucy asked, the man let go of lucy's hand and started to take off his long jacket unexpectedly then covered her with it. lucy could only blink as she looked down to see the purple jacket ripped and was exposing her breast. Oh… that's why he's blushing so badly… was what lucy thought.

"t-thank you…" lucy said shyly as she pulled the long coat closer to her body. the man with blond hair shyly scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment.

[sabo pov]

"ouf!/kyaa!" kyaa? Who on earth did I hit to let out such cute voice? I remember walking towards the building to deliver my final report when I collided with something yellow that hit my chest. I felt my hat flying forward and the person fell down in front of me. a rip resonated through the air. I look down to the person who dared to hit me when I see a girl on the ground. Her knees were drawn together yet the oversized shorts were pulled down low and I could see her panties, her purple jacket was ripped from the hit and I could clearly see her slightly bouncing breast which I could predict around D to G, simply the biggest I've ever seen and bigger than boa hancock. Her blond hair seeming to shine from the moonlight laid on her shoulder and fan her back. Her heart shaped face looked so perfect with her. her eyes were closed yet I ask myself if she had beautiful eyes or not… is this love at first sight? I sucked my breath in surprise, What?!

"ow…" the small curvaceous blond whimpered and I realize I was staring at her to much. I slowly handed my hand to her.

"are you alright, miss?" the second she opened her eyes, I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock. Those milky brown eyes that glint were staring straight into my eyes. I quickly changed my gaze into my normal gaze to prevent her from knowing… she grasp my hand softly and I could feel how small and soft her hand was. for someone whose schooling in this school with such soft hands! Seems so impossible!

"mhmnn… yes I am…" she softly let out. I practically froze when she pulled herself up. firstly her voice is so melodious I thought I heard angels… secondly her breasts bounced when she got up. my eyes widen when I saw that.

"what is it?" the angel asked, I start to take off my long jacket and covered her using it. it satisfied me when I see her wearing that long coat and how it dwarf her completely making her look small.

"t-thank you…" the angel said shyly as she pulled the coat from inside over her enormous breast. I scratch the back of my neck. I somehow felt embarrassed when I help her, her cute face really is distracting me.

"my name is sabo, could I know your name, beautiful?"

The two hats laid forgotten on the ground as the moon shined upon the two blonds

To muntolove,

I took two days making this, just for you. I thought of leaving the story but you messaged me the same time I was about to ignore the story. Good work man.