"Hahahah!" laughed one figure on a cold, disturbing night.
"We will finally wipe away one Winx member out of the picture!" shouted the other one.
"And we will finally rule the Magic Dimension!" The last one finished.
Roxy POV
I wake up and I hear some people talking. I am currently staying with the Winx, well, I am part but I am in Aisha's room. I share a room with her so yeah. My days here ever since the first obviously has been fun until the third day. My mom died that time, she died as she was being carried, she was in my father's arms. She had a fatal heart attack. That really had a tragic effect on me and I stopped becoming the jolly Roxy I once was. None of the girls know yet. None of them even noticed my behavior I am struggling to act as. As I am one to keep secrets.
"Yipee!" We will spend some time at the White Horse!" Stella exclaimed as she busted through the door of her room which is part of one dorm which belongs to the 6 new members of the Company of Light.
"Woah! Stella! What has gotten into you?" Flora asked, curious about Stella's cheery behavior.
"Haven't you heard yet? The boys are coming!" Stella replied quickly. Looking outside every now and then.
"Oh, the boys are coming?" I said, breaking the awkward tension that was brought up just a few minutes ago.
"It's okay Roxy. We'll find you a boy." Stella assured, winking.
"I don't wan—"
"Nope, you're gonna get one." Stella interrupted.
"Listen, I don't want!" I implied.
"Well you wil—"
"Stella, Roxy, stop this. The boys are here." Bloom informed. Stella suddenly jumped out and rushed for the door.
"Typical….." I said, shrugging. The girls and I except Stella walk outside casually as they go towards their boyfriends and hug them. All eyes were on me. This reminded me of my mom and her final moments with my dad and I. My eyes became teary and I quickly rushed to the ship.
"Roxy? Is something wrong?" Flora asked, she noticed my saddened expression when I faced her. I decided that my secret will be out soon and wouldn't be worth holding. I decided to share it to Flora.
"Flora, can you keep a secret for a while?" I asked, getting teary-eyed as Flora comforted me.
"Yes, why?" She responded, sounding hesitant. "Does this have to do with you getting teary-eyed and you rushing to the ship?"
"Yes, well, it all started.." I began.
"Yay!" I thought. My mom was just released from the hospital after something terrible happened. It was so good to see her again.
I waited and waited for my dad and my mom to come home. I just realized I was a fairy because of Bloom and her friends. The so-called Winx, they saved me on multiple occasions. I was just looking outside when I hear a familiar car engine nearby. I recognize it to be my dad, Klaus. He parks his car by the house and carries my mom home. I exit my house to hold my mother again, suddenly, she stops breathing. We panic. We call 911 and an ambulance rushed her to the hospital.
A few days have passed and I had no news at all about my mother, I tried talking to dad when we came home, and calling him when he was at the hospital tending my ill mother. Suddenly, my phone rang and I pick up. A nurse is heard on the other side of the phone.
"Good afternoon Ms…." She greeted.
"Roxy, call me Roxy." I replied.
"Okay, I am very sorry for your loss." She began. I begin to cry. "But your mother, Morgana Tiere, has now died. I am very sorry." She finished as I quickly try to press the "End Call."
I ended the call and I was very shocked. I had no idea that this would happen to my mom. I only wish I was with her. I transform into my Believix and fly back to Alfea. May she rest in peace…
"Oh Roxy, I am very sorry." Flora apologized, squeezing my hand. She smiles but I don't return it. The girls and their boyfriends finally board the ship.
"Next destination is the White Horse! Buckle up!" Timmy announced from the cockpit. I turn my head around and see Flora talking to Helia.
"Maybe sharing my secret." I thought. She saw my eye contact and quickly gestured me to sit beside her. Making her in the middle of Helia and I. I was very quiet throughout the trip as the girls started to chat.
"Okay everyone! We are going to land in 10 minutes! Prepare yourselves!" informed Timmy through a mini intercom. I prepared myself as the rest are completely oblivious, well, not everyone. Exclude Helia and Flora for the whispered that I will just tag along with them so I won't feel alone. Well, me being me, I agreed. But I didn't want to talk to anyone after revealing what happened to me and my family.
We finally reached the White Horse. I ordered some drinks and that's all. The rest though, full on got drunk and stuff. I haven't been to the White Horse in a while and the last time I have seen it was when it was still a restaurant. Now, it is a bar. Like A BAR. This shocked the living daylights outta me.
Everyone got drunk and started making out, well, no sex, just kissing, passionate kissing. I hated this. It reminded me too much of my past. The past I wanted to forget so much. The past I dreaded every day and night. The past I said myself I was unlucky to have. They started to make me drink but in a different way. Since they were drunk, they tried luring me. I didn't buy any joke they did. Heck, even Flora and Helia got drunk!
I was so disgusted by their behavior and rushed outside. They quickly picked this up and rushed after me as well. I went outside where the lake which used to be connected to the White Horse before. The sun gave a spectacular view because it wasn't too bright that day. I was just relaxing and I see about 12 walking "zombies" going to me.
"Roxy….whas guin on? Why you sed?" A drunk Bloom tried to ask. She was repeatedly tapping my shoulder.
"Leave me alone..." I groaned. Seeing them is like a nightmare. This attitude towards me or them getting drunk only decreased their relationship to me.
"Roxy. Cman, till uz pleaz?" Flora tried to convince. Me? Didn't buy it. They repeatedly kept on asking me what was wrong. Suddenly, Helia came up to me.
"Don't start." I commanded. He calmly patted my back. I realized that he wasn't drunk at all.
"I thought you were drunk." I said, shocked.
"Oh, I only took a few shots. Don't know with them. Tell me Roxy, act as if I was your dad—"
"Don't try to act as if you are my dad!" I shot back. Don't know how don't know why, but that made the rest become not drunk, which was to my relief.
"Roxy? Why not?" Tecna asked, curious.
"Finally! You all are not drunk! I did not agree to come with you on the terms on TRYING to make me drunk and GETTING drunk! What is wrong with you all?! You!" I finally snapped. I pointed to Flora. "I told you my secret and another thing is that seeing all of you drunk makes me remember my past! So heed my advice, STAY AWAY FROM ME!"
I walked away seeing the shocked expressions on their faces, except Helia. He probably understood me. Well to be honest, I ran away feeling completely obliterated. I felt sad, alone, deserted. I kept running until two hands were on my shoulders. I stop and turn around. I see Bloom whose face looks completely destroyed. As if she just cried a waterfall, she immediately hugged me tightly. I was shocked but I returned the hug.
"Roxy…." Bloom sobbed. "I am SOOO sorry!"
"I didn't know that it would hurt you." She began. "I didn't know that you had a horrible past. I didn't know you had a rough life before. I am VERY sorry."
"I'll go back to the dorm. I need to cool down." I replied hesitant of my answer. I had no idea whether to forgive them or not. They did really do a big impact on me.
"Believix!" I shouted as I turn into my fairy outfit and head to Alfea. I never knew this day would go really really bad in a matter of minutes.
I arrive at Alfea and I quickly change. I then just go to my bed and just relax. I hear footsteps, multiple footsteps, so many footsteps! Well, maybe. I go outside and check, I then, my vision goes black. But before that, I see the Winx and Specialists running behind the people. THEN my vision goes black.
I wake up chained to a wall. Unable to move, I start panting, I begin to shake, to tremble, I think about the consequences my kidnappers will do to me if I attempt to escape. I begin sweating. My heart rate is faster than ever. I hear a voice nearby which makes me even more scared than before.
"Hello there…..Roxy?" a sly voice can be heard from the distance.
"Who are you?" I screamed, full terror in my voice. The other voice just cackled.
"You don't know? Who is that witch who froze Bloom before huh?" The witch hinted.
"Icy!" I exclaimed, fear is going through my veins. I suddenly feel a spark of electricity go through my spine.
"Arghhh!" I winced. "What do you want from—"
"Oh Roxy, we just want you to taste this little mixture we have. I want to call it Bebida Hazard." Icy explained. They fed me this little mixture and I felt so sick. I started having tunnel vision and felt like throwing up.
"Good luck on getting out." Icy teased. She left the door open. Little did I know it was all part of a plan. I started struggling despite the pain I am being put through. I finally escaped from the chains and started walking back to Alfea. I was about to faint due to the pain and I was really tired, maybe it was because of the little mixture. I then saw a group of people rushing towards me. It was the guys. I then fell into unconsciousness, unwary of what will happen next.
I woke up in the Alfea infirmary. The pain from yesterday has not yet subsided, it has actually doubled more. I see 2 familiar faces in the room I was placed in. It was Helia and Bloom. They were extremely worried about me. I had another headache and this was not the one from yesterday, it was a whole new headache. The pain has now quadrupled, I started to cry and wince in pain. They awoke from their little nap and started to call for help. They still have no idea what happened to me the day before. All they know is that I had gone missing for a couple of hours. That was at least what they said. I started to hyperventilate.
"Roxy! Roxy! Are you okay? Answer me!" Bloom shouted, making the others panic.
"Ye...yeah." I tried to answer. The pain from the electricity that I felt in my spine came back. But aside from that, my headache was worsened again, I started having tunnel vision. I started crying again and also started to wince. The rest came in and tried to calm me down. I felt like fainting.
"I...t….hu...hurts." I winced before I fainted again. Another day at Alfea ruined by me. Because I was kidnapped, this was going to be a bad year, I really hope not.
"What happened to me?" I thought…..