She hadn't been able to tell him.

She'd wanted to save the biggest, most important news for last. If she had just spit it out, maybe he would still be here. Maybe he would've stopped before the car hit him. She could've saved him if she hadn't been so stupid.

Now it was too late. Danny was gone, and he'd given up his one chance to come back. She knew why, completely understood. If she'd been in his situation, she would've given the life back to the child that she'd taken as well. She'd thought he was strong and selfless for being able to do that. But that didn't mean she wasn't heartbroken.

She didn't know what to do now. It had only been a few weeks, but she knew she couldn't keep this hidden much longer. It'd be obvious soon enough - she was already two months along. The bump wasn't really there, and through strategically placed bathroom visits at school and purposefully splitting off from the Doctor during adventures, she'd been able to hide her morning sickness so far. But soon enough, it wouldn't be such an easily kept secret.

Pacing through her apartment, she let out a sigh and glanced out the window. She couldn't help but think it would be easier if he was still here. He'd convince her not to be scared. Give her the strength to tell the Doctor. That had been the part to concern her the most.

Her dad would probably take the news well. He'd just be happy that she wouldn't be alone once he passed. And the kids at school wouldn't mind. The nicest of them would likely just congratulate her and she'd leave once it was time to.

But the Doctor...her Doctor. She couldn't tell him.

Placing her palm on the glass of the window lightly, she stares out into the rain. It was always pretty rainy here, but it had been especially stormy recently. She wasn't exactly surprised, spring was coming, but she couldn't help but miss the sun and its warmth. All of the warmth in her life, really.

She'd loved Danny. He'd been important to her, and a great boyfriend. Dinner and kisses during prep hour at school, runs, movies on the couch...they'd done it all. If she had been able to tell him, he probably would've been happy and supportive. It was just the person that he was.

But Danny wasn't the only one she'd loved. He wasn't the one she'd loved the most, either.

The sound of the oven timer ringing pulled her out of her thoughts and she made her way to the kitchen. She'd never stopped trying, and she still hoped she could get it right. But she never let her hopes get too high as she'd never succeeded.

Maybe this would be the one. The soufflé to survive her awful cooking skills.

Grabbing her oven mits, she took a deep breath and opened the oven. Squeezing one eye shut and squinting the other, she peered down at that soufflé.

Flat, fallen, ruined.

She let out a sigh and pulled out the failure, dumping it into the trash before sinking down against the counter. A ruined soufflé, made by a person with a ruined life. What a coincidence.

But she'd spent her time crying about it. She'd had her fair share of laying in bed sobbing, letting herself shrink down in the shower and those spontaneous moments of sadness. Not that she was done grieving - she wasn't even close - but she knew she needed to act quickly.

The Doctor wouldn't take very long to figure out. He was the smartest, most observant man she knew. That anyone knew, really. And because of all the time he'd spent on Earth and the human companions he'd had in the past, she figured it was safe to assume he knew the signs. He would know before anyone else she could tell, and she needed to tell him herself instead of letting him figure it out and be hurt that she said nothing.

But the problem was..she couldn't. She couldn't tell the man she loved that she was pregnant with someone else's baby.

Maybe it wasn't the same for him. Hell, he might even be happy for her. Or as close as happy as the grumpy man could get. She'd never assumed he loved her in return, even with the flirting when he had the chin and the hair. She knew he cared about her, but it wasn't likely that he loved her like she loved him.

That wouldn't make it any easier for her, though.

Danny and the Doctor were two different worlds for her. Danny was Earth and school, dinner dates. The Doctor was adrenaline and adventures and the TARDIS. The thought of mixing them again after what had happened last time...she couldn't.

The only times the worlds had merged, it had caused disasters. Danny being angry with her for not telling him about the Doctor, the kids being put in danger in the forest...Danny becoming a Cyberman. If she did it again..anything could happen.

Maybe it'd be alright. Maybe he would take it well and support her through it - the helpful friend he'd been since the beginning.

But maybe it would cause some sort of tragedy. Disaster. She didn't really know what, but she knew she couldn't be held responsible again and live with herself.

Clara Oswald was pregnant, in love with the Doctor, and had no clue what to do.