Not So Charmed Again: Part 2

"How can you be alive? And I don't have a sister? I don't understand." Paige said.

Paige stood up and backed away from Piper, but let out a scream when she realized

how close she was towards falling off of the bridge.

"I know it's a lot to take in. It was a lot for me too. Paige, your memories have been

erased. My sisters and I met you a little while back but your old Elder took your memories

away. You are our half-sister. We are all witches and me and my sisters make up a group of

witches called The Charmed ones. Since I died, I can no longer be a Charmed one. It has to be


Paige laughed.

"You're insane. Now just take me home."

Piper sighed.

"Paige, Prue and Phoebe need you. They need you more than you realize. I need you."

"What makes you think that I'm going to help you?"

"Because if you don't, you will likely be killed." Piper said.

Paige gasped. She walked up closer to Piper and pointed at her.

"You listen here, stay away from me and don't threaten me."

"Paige, I'm not threatening you. I know this is a lot, but demons and warlocks are real

and they are going to be after you now. You were safe before because you were the youngest

and your powers weren't activated yet. Now you can use your powers since Prue cast the call a

lost witch spell."

"Okay. Well, I can prove to you that I'm not a witch because I don't have powers."

"Oh, really?" Piper asked sarcastically.

Piper raced towards Paige. Paige gasped and held up her hands. A whirl of blue lights

appeared which froze Piper on the spot.

"Piper? Piper?" Paige asked.

Piper remained totally and completely frozen. Paige tried to get Piper's attention but

she did not move an inch. Suddenly, Piper unfroze.

"See." Piper commanded.

"What was that?" Paige asked.

"You have my old power. You can freeze time. I'll have to get used to experiencing that."

Paige took in some deep breaths.

"I don't know what you did to me, but take it back."

"It can't be undone. Look, all I can tell you is that you're goal is to vanquish Shax and

The Source of all evil. They are two upper-level demons. If you help Prue and Phoebe do that,

The Angel of Destiny will come visit you. He'll give you the chance to give up your destiny. You

may agree to it and you won't have these powers and these demons won't follow you


"Take me home. I want to be left alone." Paige snapped.

"I'm your whitelighter. It's my job to protect you and help you." Piper replied.

"So, what? You're just going to follow me everywhere." Paige commanded.

"No, but I am going to make sure you're okay. I'm also going to continue to

encourage you to help my sisters. Their lives and yours depend on it."

Paige rolled her eyes.

"Just take me home."

Paige closed her eyes. When she opened them, she found herself back in

her old apartment.

"Finally." Paige said to herself.

Prue dressed herself in one of the flashiest and sexiest outfits she could find.

She wore all black and put on dark eyeshadow. She stepped out of her room, ready

for war.

"Phoebe? Are you home?" Prue yelled out.

There was no answer. Prue walked up to the attic and grabbed the book of

shadows. She was just about to leave the attic when the door suddenly closed in

front of her. Prue gasped.

"Just so you know, I'm a very powerful witch. I can vanquish any demon's

sorry ass." Prue said with a strength that she wasn't feeling.

"I have no doubt of that." A familiar voice said.

Prue turned around. It was Andy.

"Andy?" Prue asked.

Andy smiled.

"I've been assigned as your whitelighter, Prue." He replied.

"What?" Prue asked.

"You need some help, Prue. You have to grieve for your sister, Prue. Only

then, will your powers return to you. In the meantime, it is not safe for you to be here. You are

in a very vulnerable position right now."

"My powers work fine. I'm fine. I don't need any help. How did you become a

whitelighter? This makes no sense." Prue said angrily.

"I can explain all of that to you, but you need to leave right now. I'm afraid the

seer's vision is entirely true. The source is coming. So is Shax. You have to leave. We

have to go to a place where we can't be tracked. Please come with me."

Prue remained stubborn and crossed her hands.

"I'm not going anywhere. What about Phoebe, or Paige?"

"Phoebe and Paige have their own whitelighters who will help keep them

safe. You need to protect yourself right now."

"I'm not going to do that." Prue said.

"Prue, please. We don't have much time." Andy replied.

"I've already decided. I'm not coming."

Suddenly, Prue felt another chill in the air. Same as before. She fell to the



"It's Shax. He's coming. I can't move." Prue said.

Andy reached out for Prue's hand and orbed her away from the Manor.

Just as they did so, Shax appeared. Frustrated that Prue had left, Shax vanished

in an angry huff.

"What you're saying is that we all have to come together." Phoebe said.

Wanda nodded.

"Yes. I know that it's hard but it's the only way. You, Prue and Paige as the

new Charmed ones. You have to vanquish Shax and then the Source together. If

you do so, you may choose to end your destiny as the Charmed ones if that's what

you want to do."

"I can't imagine that. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how this

could've happened to Piper. I wish we would've had that option sooner. These

powers mean nothing to me if I don't have Piper in my life."

"That's what's so impossible. You all have to figure out meaning to this

without Piper."

"How can that possibly be?"

"I don't know. I do know one thing, you have to find a way to bring together

Prue and Paige. You can kill the horrible demon who killed Piper. You can destroy

The source for all the evil you have faced. You can do so much good for so many


"I want to do that, I really do, but I'm not sure if Prue will ever be able to

mourn Piper. I'm not sure even I can, and Paige ran off. I have no way of contacting


"Time has a way of bringing people together. You'll see."

Phoebe was doubtful but she tried to keep hope alive, as much as she could.

Leo was still in Piper's room holding onto her pillows. He couldn't bare to move or even

speak. His thoughts were racing with anger and sadness about Piper's death and how he

couldn't save her.

Leo took in some shallow breaths and turned over. As soon as he did, he saw

Wanda standing in the room.

"Leo, you need to help your family." Wanda said.

"I can't do anything." Leo replied.

"You can do so much. You can earn your wings back and you can help them.

You can fight alongside of them. You are very much needed. Prue, Phoebe and Paige

all could use your help."

"They have their own whitelighters now. I can do nothing for them. I have

no purpose. Life without Piper isn't worth living."

"You're upset right now, Leo. You don't mean that though. You know that

isn't true. It just feels that way. You need to grieve for Piper's loss and then help

out your family. Please tell me you can try." Wanda said gently.

"I'll try." Leo replied.

"I'm proud of you, Leo."

Wanda disappeared. Leo sat down back on his bed. He didn't get up.

Leo stood up after a few moments and decided he would help out. However,

as he opened the door, he felt a blow to his head and he fell unconscious.

Paige screamed. Once again, Shax was after her. This time, he had found

her where she lived.

Piper appeared just in time to orb Paige away from her apartment. She took

her back to the Manor.

"What are you doing? What is this place?" Paige asked.

"This is the safest place you can be right now. See if Prue or Phoebe is here,

they can take care of you. I have to go."

"Wait, why?" Paige asked.

"It's forbidden for Prue or Phoebe to see me right now."

With that, Piper orbed away leaving Paige alone in the Manor. Paige looked

up at the chandelier and noticed a wave of blue lights. Something felt oddly right

and comforting about the light. Paige felt as if she was home.