The Charmed Ones in…

Mortality Bites Back



"And you're sure that we have to do this?" Piper asked.

Prue and Phoebe both nodded.

"We can't let Phoebe die, Piper." Prue snapped.

Piper held up her hands defensively.

"I know that. It's just that Phoebe saw this premonition happening in 2009.

A lot of things can change in ten years." Piper said.

"A lot of things can stay the same too like Phoebe being dead." Prue said.

"Ok, can we please stop talking about me being dead please?" Phoebe asked.

"Let's just do this, ok? We've talked about it long enough." Prue said.

Prue and Phoebe stood opposite each other in a circle around The Book

of Shadows. Piper stood a few feet away from them.

"LEO!" Piper bellowed.

Prue and Phoebe both rolled their eyes.

"Seriously? You need a man to approve of your decisions?" Phoebe asked.

"Way to set women back fifty years." Prue added.

Piper rolled her eyes. Leo appeared shortly afterwards in orbs of light.

"What is it?" Leo asked.

"Phoebe saw a premonition of herself being killed in the future and

Prue thinks that we should go to the future in order to save future Phoebe

from dying. Is this a good idea or completely stupid?" Piper asked.

"I can't help you." Leo replied.

Piper rolled her eyes again.

"Leo? Why not? Don't tell me this is one of THEIR tests?" Piper asked.

"Ok, I won't tell you anything then. Good luck!" Leo answered.

"But-" Piper started to say.

Leo quickly orbed away. Piper groaned.

"Ok, so as we were saying…" Prue said.

"Okay, fine. You two win." Piper said.

She took her place in the middle of Prue and Phoebe and held their hands.

Prue took out a pen and wrote February 2009 on the page. When she

was finished, all three sisters spoke.

"Hear these words, hear the rhyme. We send to you this burning sign. Then

our future selves we'll find, In another place and time."

Phoebe and Piper disappeared in an orb of purple and white light. Prue

disappeared in an orb of black light.

Piper found herself in the manor dressed in a sensible, white blouse and

her hair was curled.

"Prue? Phoebe?" Piper called out.

"Mom? Mom?"

Piper turned around.

"Huh?" She said.

"Mom? Did you pack my lunch?"

Piper was stunned. There was a boy with blonde hair, looking at her

and smiling.


Piper looked around and saw a paper bag on the table.

"Here it is. Have a nice day, ah, honey." Piper said.

He smiled at her and walked outside where a woman and her son

greeted him. The woman waved at Piper. Piper waved back.

Piper scratched her head.

"I have a son in the future? I suppose that's a good thing. I really

should've asked him what his name was. That would've been helpful."

Piper said to herself.

Piper heard a set of footsteps coming down the stairs. It was

another boy but his hair was brown.

"Mom, Aunt Phoebe's on the news. Also, Melinda is sick." He said.

"I'll be up in a minute." Piper replied.

Piper went into the living room and turned on the television. The

picture quality was much nicer than Piper was used to.

On the television, a news anchor woman began speaking.

"Today is the day in which Phoebe Halliwell will be sent to death for

killing Cal Greene, a famous baseball player. She will be given the death

penalty for her crimes. I now take you to Nathaniel Pratt, who has a special

news bulletin." She said.

"Thank you. Let Phoebe Halliwell's death be a lesson to all you

witches still out there. We will find you and we will end you and your

evil, sinful ways permanently."

Piper switched off the television.

"Magic was exposed? What does this guy have to do with it? I need to find

Prue." Piper said.

Just then, someone orbed behind Piper. Piper jumped up in surprise.

She expected to see Leo but she didn't see him.

"Piper. We have to do something about this. I know the Elders won't

let us interfere, but we can't just let Phoebe die."

It was a woman. She was thin, pale and had curly, brown hair. Piper had no

idea who she was. Piper figured she'd play along since presumably her future

self knew this person.

"Yes, well. I don't know what to do about it. Did you see the news?

Witches are in danger of being killed. If we do any magic, we'll be in

danger." Piper said.

"I know. It's awful. I still can't believe this all started back in 1999. I

didn't even know you then. I can't remember a time where I didn't know you

and Phoebe." She said.

"Yeah, umm. Weird." Piper said.

"Mom, Melinda needs you."

"Hi, Chris. I can check on Melinda."

"Ok, then can you read me a story, Aunt Paige?" Chris asked.

"Sure," Paige answered. "I'll be back in a bit and then we're talking about

the Phoebe situation."

Paige walked up the stairs leaving Piper stunned.

Phoebe awoke in a prison cell. There was a half-eaten food tray on the

floor of her cell. She was dressed in a red and purple prison suit. She suddenly

heard a noise and looked up. Nathaniel walked towards the door of her cell

but did not enter it.

"I just came to give you one last chance to save your skin." He said.

"Nathaniel? Can you tell me what's going on? Why am I here?" Phoebe


"Funny. Real funny, witch. Tell me if there are any other witches in

your family. Is Piper a witch? Are her children witches?"

"You didn't answer me. Why am I in prison? What did I do?"

"Cal Greene is dead because of you." Nathaniel said.

"So my premonition did come true." Phoebe whispered to herself.

"I may be able to spare your life and even take time off your sentence

if you tell me if your sisters or anyone in your family are witches."

"I'm the only witch in my family. It's just me."

Nathaniel grimaced and groaned.

"You'd really die for them? They abandoned you. I've checked the

records. Neither of them have visited you in years. I even gave them the

chance to visit even though you're in a maximum security prison." He said.

"I'll bet that Cal Greene wasn't so innocent. I bet he did something

bad." Phoebe replied.

Nathaniel laughed.

"You have less than 24 hours and then you're dead. I'll be so happy

when that time comes."

With that last comment, he was gone. Phoebe took in a deep breath

and tried to absorb in everything that was happening. Piper and Prue hadn't

visited her in a while. Piper had kids and all witches were in danger in this

reality. She had also killed a baseball player but had no idea why.

"Okay. Your children are taken care of. Don't worry. I reminded them to

not use any magic, even in the house. You were right. It is way too risky." Paige


Piper nodded.

"Okay, right. Well, listen. I'm sure you're very busy and I'm actually

looking for someone so I should be on my way." Piper said.

"Piper? Why are you in a rush? Phoebe's going to die tonight. We have

to do something. I haven't been able to get myself to see her and I know you

haven't either. It's just too risky. I know it was stupid of me to orb here but

it was the only way for me to get to you in time. I've been asked to help

supervise some cases in San Diego." Paige said.

Piper had no idea what Paige was talking about.

"I just have somewhere I need to be." Piper said.

She quickly ran to the door but was stopped in her tracks when she saw Leo.

He was dressed in all black and looked angry.

"Leo? I thought the Elders wanted you for something." Piper said.

"What? I haven't worked with the Elders in three years." Leo said.

"Yeah, The Elders don't need mortals for anything." Paige said.

Both Paige and Leo looked at her suspiciously.

"Ah, look I really need to go."

"Where are you going? Stay with us and figure out a plan to bust out

Phoebe." Paige said.

"I'm going to Bucklands to find Prue." Piper said.

Leo and Paige both exchanged looks with each other.

"Piper? Come on." Leo said.

"What? I'm serious. She's still working there, right?" Piper asked.

"Piper, Prue died eight years ago. You know that." Paige replied.

Piper's heart sank into her chest.

"WHAT?" Piper yelled.

Prue woke up in complete darkness. She lifted her hands up but they were

stopped by a wall.


Prue waved her right hand and her entire body flew through the door

that had kept her casket inside. The casket broke and Prue dusted herself off

and stood up. She took in her surroundings and then turned around and read

a plaque. It stated: "Prue Halliwell – 1970-2001."

"I'm dead." Prue said.