"You're fine. This is fine. No reason to panic," you muttered quietly to yourself as you gently tugged a black ankle high onto your foot. It was already time to go, but there was no denying the nervousness you felt swiming through your very veins. Your father was pacing behind you while occasionally looking in your direction. He understood that you were old enough to go where you wanted to go and choose who you wanted to be with, but he was worried about you. He didn't want to see you hurt.

"I don't think this is a good idea. Why didn't you just tell him when you saw him at his work place?" your father finally spoke up watching for a moment as you finally pushed yourself up from the floor.

"I don't know, dad. I just…I panicked and ended up asking him out to dinner instead…can I just get the keys, dad?" you said simply as you grabbed a light jacket from the coat rack beside your door. You tugged it on before looking down at your appearance to make sure everything looked good. Your skinny jeans were tucked into you black boots, your white shirt was billowy and stain free with a long and pretty chain necklace hanging over it, and your black jacket was pulled snugly into place with your hands placed into its pockets.

"Fine, fine, but promise me you'll tell him first thing. No joke, sweet-pea, the moment you sit down you tell him if only for my sake. And you better call me by ten if you don't plan on coming home tonight," your father spoke up before tossing you the keys to his truck. You could see that he was worried about you and wanted you to stay with him, but he was doing his best to treat you like the adult he knew you were. Freshly turned eighteen and graduating in a couple of months, but still an adult and he knew better than anyone that trying to tie down an eighteen year old kid would only push them further away from you.

"I promise, dad," you spoke up before catching the keys he had tossed to you. You smiled happily toward him before finally turning to leave. You were seriously lucky to have a dad like him. He'd always been so understanding toward you even if he was a bit rough around the edges.

The cool night air gently caressed your face as you made your way over toward your father's truck, but the nervous heat from your body made it difficult to enjoy. Maybe tonight would be a night for the windows down? You smiled at the idea as you easily stepped into the driver seat of the car and rolled down the windows…at least the drive to the restaurant should be enjoyable.

Unfortunately, the wait at the restaurant was far less enjoyable, the only comfort you found being in the fact that this little restaurant actually allowed you to drink. When you finally did spot your date walking in though you about bolted to the back of the restaurant to hopefully find some backdoor in the kitchen. He wasn't dressed up nicely which was a good thing since you hadn't exactly put much effort into your look either, but the grey sweater and dark blue jeans looked good on him and you couldn't believe you were about to practically turn this man down.

It wasn't long before the blonde male finally noticed you and gave a friendly thanks to the hostess whom handed him a menu. He slowly made his way over toward you before taking a seat across from you.

"You sure your allowed to be out this late?" he quietly joked, but only laughed when you gave him something of a frustrated look that just oozed the words "are you serious" at him.

"I may be young, but you do know I'm eighteen, right? …I'm still an adult," you responded before grabbing your cup of vodka and tonic and taking a quick sip of it. You mentally frowned at yourself though since you had just casually dropped that you were legal…as if that was ever going to be a worry for him; after all, once you told him this tattoo was fake he was bound to leave. You suddenly remembered the promise you had made with your father and in the next second your drink was gone. You were probably going to regret drinking that whole thing as quickly as you did later on, but for now you really felt like you needed the liquid courage.

A silence soon ensued between the two of you, but it was quick lived thanks to the waiter who soon came by offering you a refill and taking Ukai's drink order the older male ordering some kind of pale ale you hadn't heard of before. That wasn't saying much though since you had never been much of a beer drinker yourself. The waiter soon disappeared from your table though and the silence was quick to settle itself between you both once more.

You were thankfully the first to speak up since you had a feeling Ukai had something of his own to say too.

"So uh…I made a promise to tell you something the moment you came in…" you spoke up softly unconsciously scratching at the back of your head in a bit of nervousness.

The blond male simply nodded his head in return to let you know that he was listening, but you rather wished he wasn't since this wasn't exactly some easy thing to say.

"I hope you won't think less of me for this, but as an adult I need to own up to my mistakes even if it's difficult…" you trailed off and tried to ignore the sound of your own heartbeat strongly pulsing throughout the entirety of your body. "My tattoo…it's…fake…" you said quietly, but you knew in the corner of this quiet little restaurant that he had definitely heard you.

There was a long pause and you couldn't help biting down onto your lower lip and dropping your hands into your lap to fiddle and play with them there. The sound of your own heartbeat was strongly ringing in your ears and it wasn't helping with your nerves at all. You wished you knew what he was thinking or that he'd just say something…anything…even if it was just to yell at you.

And then finally after what felt like a stretched out eternity…he spoke…

"How?" he asked quietly just as the waiter came over with your drinks. The well-dressed man setting them on the table immediately understood the tension in the air and let you both know he'd be back in a bit to take your orders. It was almost funny how quickly you and Ukai both grabbed your drinks and drank as much as you could in one sitting.

"My father used to be a tattoo artist and I asked for it when we moved out here…a fresh start, you know? One where no one judged me for not having a soul mate…" you said slowly and quietly all while mentally thanking him for keeping his cool. This reaction was the one you least expected, but you couldn't explain how happy and somewhat relieved you felt over this. Was this that adult maturity your father was always saying your high school peers were lacking whenever you were teased back then?

One question down though and who knows how many more to go, but you'd make sure to answer every one as honest as possible.

"Why my name? I'm pretty sure we haven't met before…" he asked while silently wondering to himself if maybe it had all just been one huge coincidence; in which case, that was just about the same odds, if not more so, than just him finding his actual soulmate.

Funny how fate and destiny seemed to work in ridiculous ways.

"I had heard the name once from a coach at my old school and thought it had a nice ring to it. It sounds like a stupid reason now, but at the time…it had made me really happy…" you spoke up simply before slowly going back to nursing your glass with something of a small blush on your cheeks, but you were unsure of where that blush was from.

"Why did ask me out instead of just telling me before?" he asked and this time he watched as you sucked in a sharp breath obviously having dreaded this question more than the rest. You had resolved to tell him nothing short of the truth though and so while gently gripping at your glass you slowly began to explain to him your thought process at that time.

"I just…I had panicked. When I saw you again at the corner store I had every intention of telling you, but then…you laughed and it sounded nice and I just…wanted to pretend you actually were my soulmate even if it was just for a little bit," you muttered quietly before quickly removing a hand from your glass and wiping away any unshed tears from your eyes. You refused to start crying over something as mundane as this. You'd gone through worse than this before and didn't cry…so why did it hurt so much to admit something like this to him?

The sound of him clicking his tongue in a bit of annoyance caused you to look up at him and for a moment you felt like someone had just smacked you hard in the stomach. All the air seemed to leave your lungs at once and you were struck into silence at the sight of him blushing slightly while looking away with a bit of annoyance plastered on his face. It was more than just a bit cute.

Before long a quiet sigh escaped his lips and you watched as he turned toward you with the same annoyed expression still on his face. As if this whole thing was a pain to him, but he wasn't leaving yet and that was a plus you supposed.

"Wanna keep pretending then?" he asked suddenly and you were almost positive your eyes almost fell out of their sockets with how wide they got in that second. Out of everything you were expecting to hear from him today…that was….well, that wasn't even on your list of possibilities. "Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty annoyed by all of this since I had thought I'd finally found my soulmate, but I had already come to terms with never meeting my soulmate so it's really no skin of my back. Plus, your confession was kind of cute," he spoke up quietly while turning his annoyed expression away from you. The small blush on his cheeks was kind of cute though and you couldn't help the smile that spread on your lips despite everything.

"Are you saying….you want to keep pretending to be my soulmate?" you asked quietly with something akin to hope in your voice, but you were sure that it might have just been closer to desperation than hope.

"I guess…" he said simply while bringing up a hand to gently scratch at his nose as if to give him something to distract himself from this strangely endearing situation.

"I'd really like that," you answered while smiling happily toward him and then finally finishing off the drink you had been nursing for a minute.

"Well…I guess now that that's over with…we can move on with this date?" he asked while eyeing you through the corner of his vision, but still not fully looking at you.

"Yeah, that sounds great. This nervous feeling is kind of killing me," you said laughing a bit just as the waiter finally came back over toward you both to take your orders.

Unsurprisingly, your first date with Ukai ended with you a little on the tipsy end. You weren't drunk and still able to walk in a perfectly straight line and think straight, but you definitely didn't feel safe driving your dads truck back home like this. It was dark out though, the parking lot was empty, and you knew the restaurant behind you was closing up. Would it be too much trouble to ask Ukai to hang out with you for a bit?

"Hey Keishin, would it be too much of a hassle for you to hang out with me for a bit?" you asked quietly while walking by his side.

"Yeah, sure, but don't think I'm letting you off the hook. You may be an adult, but your still not legal age for drinking," he spoke up, but only frowned when he heard you laugh at his comment. No matter how many times you told him that most of Japan didn't care about people your age drinking it didn't matter. He was set on following the rules despite his delinquent like appearance and the contradiction from appearance to actual personality was kind of funny to you.

"Ah, here we go," you said finally stopping by a dark red pickup truck near the back of the parking lot. You slowly pulled yourself up and climbed into the bed of the truck before gesturing for Ukai to do the same. You didn't wait for him to pull himself up before you sat yourself at the back of the truck bed propped up against the cool metal of the truck. You watched with mild curiosity as Ukai finally climbed in with something of an exasperated expression.

The night sky was clear and the stars were twinkling above. The cool air wasn't uncomfortable, but the breeze that tickled your cheek from time to time caused you to lean as close to Ukai as you could without actually touching him.

"You know….I never thought I'd have a soulmate," you said laughing quietly to yourself before looking over toward Ukai, but your breath got stuck in your throat at the look he was giving you.

You were feeling pretty good…and maybe that was because of the alcohol in your system, but if someone else asked why you felt this good right now…you'd definitely say it was because of this man whom was currently sitting in the bed of your father's pickup truck with you. The look in his eyes wasn't something you were used to seeing; at least, you weren't used to seeing that look directed at you. He wasn't making any moves toward you, but you just knew that he was waiting for you to make up your mind about something. You were young and he was still about a decade your senior even if he wanted to do nothing more than scoop you up and kiss you right now…he just wouldn't do it. He wasn't going to try putting any kind of moves on you, he'd go as far you wanted to go and follow your lead; which honestly, was probably more nerve wrecking for you than just having him take the lead. The cards, the chips, the game, everything was in your hands…you may as well have been the dealer and him the player, patiently waiting for you to start the next round.

You slowly swallowed down a bit of nerves that had somehow formed in the back your throat before you slowly moved a bit closer to him. Your cool hand made contact first by gently placing it on top of his own larger one.

"I…I may be reading the signs wrong here, but could you…maybe just…can I…I don't know…can we…kiss?" you asked softly, but your eyes were closed tight in nervousness. You wanted to just grab his stupid blonde hair and pull him into a kiss, but even with his eyes settled on you like that you were still just so afraid of rejection. If you had actually been watching him you would have noticed the way his eyes had widened a fraction in surprise before the inevitable smile pulled his lips upward.

Then you felt it, the gentle touch of his lips against your own and you felt yourself relaxing into his chest almost immediately. The eyes that you had tightly shut slowly loosened until your eyelashes were just barely kissing your cheeks. Ukai unsurprisingly tasted a little bit like a cigarette; however, surprisingly his lips were soft against your own. You found yourself melting even further into his kiss when you felt a large hand gently place itself against the back of your head. You both stayed like this for a brief moment before he slowly pulled away, his forehead pressed against your own, a small blush splashed across his cheeks, and his lips pulled upward in a grin.

"Was that okay?" he asked quietly while secretly enjoying the view of your painted cheeks though the view didn't last long since he soon found you closing the small gap between you both.

This time his eyes widened more than just a fraction and he couldn't help being reminded of how bold of a girl you actually were. It was like the shy high school girl asking for a kiss just disappeared all at once as if she had never really existed and the bold woman who asked him out was back with a vengeance. You gently ran a tongue over his bottom lip before smiling to yourself when you suddenly felt his hand in your hair tighten slightly. You pushed a bit closer into him when you felt his lips part for you. In the next moment, his tongue was gently coaxing you further into his mouth as if begging you to come and explore.

You were more than happy to oblige though.

You could admit, this wasn't how things were supposed to end up, but you weren't about to complain…not to mention, he wasn't giving any complaints either. The way your mouth worked against his own was not something either of you were going to complain about. The feel of his tongue running along your own was enough to send you off to heaven especially since you had never even thought about kissing another...the lack of having a name tattooed on your wrist tended to do that. It made people think that there was no one out there for them, but that was just a lie…it had to be a lie because the way Ukai gently ran his fingers through your hair just had to be the truth. You refused to admit that what you felt was anything less than the truth.

"That was better," you spoke up in something of a low tone and your voice seemed to tremble with something you weren't accustom to. Your hands were gently pressed against his chest now and you noticed you had moved yourself into his lap somewhere between the start of the first kiss and the end of the second. You weren't too bothered by it though and chose to even further ignore it as you felt him gently pull you back into him for another kiss.

The third kiss was just as desperate as the second and you felt like you could be easily swallowed up by this man in a heartbeat. The only thing that could ruin this moment was the feeling of the truck bed digging somewhat painfully into your knees. You tried to shift you position a bit to find a bit more comfort, but only succeeded in rolling your hips against his own and feeling something hard rub against your clothed sex. You pulled away slightly in a bit of surprise at the new feeling and looked toward him with something of lust and surprise in your gaze. You knew exactly what you felt, but to say you hadn't been expecting it was an understatement.

"Sorry, 'bout that…" he muttered quietly before gently pulling his hand out of your hair. "We should probably stop here though," he finished quietly before gesturing for you to get up. You quietly obliged while contemplating what was going to happen now. "You seem to be better now," he spoke up simply before slowly exiting the bed of the truck. He waited for you to do the same and even helped you jump down. "You drive home safe, okay?" he asked while waiting for you to give a response wondering if he might have scared you a bit with his hard on, but honestly, in that kind of situation would anyone blame him? He sighed quietly before turning to leave, but was stopped when you gently grabbed the hem of his sweater with a look of contemplation.

"I um…can help with that…" you spoke up quietly before using your free hand to point at where his crotch would have been had he been facing you.

He froze up at your words wondering for a second if he had actually heard you right, but before he could even fully comprehend what was going on you were grabbing his hand and gently pulling him along back toward your truck.

"Wait, wait….are you sure about this? I mean….you really don't have to force yourself to do anything," he spoke up carefully while eyeing your backside as you opened the backseat to your truck. He really didn't want you to do anything you weren't comfortable with, but he'd be damned if he actually turned you down for any reason other than that. If you really wanted to help him with the problem in his pants then he wasn't going to try and truly force you to stop. You didn't answer his question though and instead just hopped up into the truck and waited for him to enter after you.

He only gave an exasperated sigh before finally entering the truck behind you. He shut the door before awkwardly taking a seat beside you. He gave another sigh before crossing his arms over his chest and staring rather intently at the seat in front of him. It smelled like cigarettes in here and the smell was causing his bad habit to rear its head, but he chose to ignore his need for a smoke.

"Listen, you really don't have to force yourself especially if you're only doing this because of our age gap," he spoke simply, but his words only encouraged you a bit more. The way he spoke was rough, but you could hear the understanding and care in his voice.

You moved a bit closer to him before reaching out a delicate hand to gently place against the somewhat obvious bulge in his pants. You heard him suck in a bit of breath either from surprise or your gentle touch you weren't sure. You felt him relax a bit more into the seat only gently throwing his head back against the seat when you started rubbing the palm of your hand gently against his bulge. The quiet grunts and moans escaping his lips spurred you forward enough that you found the courage to actually slip yourself between his legs. He didn't try to stop you this time and instead only watched you with a curtain of lust clouding his normal clear brown eyes. It was quite the sight to behold. There you were hands fiddling with the button his jeans, on your knees between his legs, and a look of concentration and lust on your face.

In the next few seconds you had finally succeeded in pulling Ukai's jeans down just enough that his bulge was released and tenting his boxers. A slight moisture had formed at the tip and you could see the stain in his boxers with ease. You slowly looked toward him with something of a nervous look and he was just about to ask you again if you were really sure about proceeding any further, but the words got trapped in his throat as he watched you lean forward and kiss the darkened spot of his boxers.

"I uh…I know I talked pretty big, but I've never actually done anything like this…" you spoke up quietly before gently pulling his cock out and this time placing a kiss against the unclothed tip.

You felt him shudder against you before a quiet curse from him filled your ears. You smiled at the fact that you actually got that kind of reaction from him before growing a bit bolder and actually shifting slightly to run your tongue against him from the base to his head.

The curse he spoke got a bit louder and the grunts and moans increased with the action of your tongue.

You slowly tasted a bit more; licking here and there without actually ever putting him fully into your mouth. It wasn't long before you finally heard him speak; asking if you were planning on teasing him until morning came. You laughed a bit at that and chose to ignore the annoyed huff he gave you in exchange before finally placing the head of him into your mouth. The sound of him taking a sharp breath once more filled your ears, but you chose to ignore the delightful sound in exchange for focusing on other things.

You gently pushed yourself further down until you realize you probably couldn't take anymore of him in without choking. You slowly, almost experimentally raised your head while gently tightening your lips around him and then in the next motion you went back down. You felt his hand immediately grab at the back of your head, but the grip wasn't painful or even too tight. He slowly helped guide you along as you gently bobbed your head up and down. At one point though, he seemed to get a little too overzealous; if the sounds coming from his mouth were any indication of that, and accidently pushed your mouth too far along his cock. You immediately felt yourself choke and gag against him before quickly pulling up from him.

You took in a few quick breaths and quickly wiped away any tears that formed in your eyes. He seemed to be in a bit of a daze, but his mind quickly caught up to what happened.

"I'm sorry…I got-," he started to explain, but you simply raised a hand upward and pressed it against his chest until he fell back against his seat.

"It's fine…it was actually kind of hot," you said slowly only causing the both of you to somewhat light up at your bold statement.

"Well, if that's what you're into then I'm not stopping you," he muttered quietly watching with a bit of interest as you slowly lowered your mouth above him once more.

"You sure about? What if I accidently hurt myself, coach?" you asked with something of a seductive ring in your voice. You felt your pride swell a bit when you watched his cock twitch though you had no way of knowing if it was from the fact that you had referred to him as coach, gave him that seductive tone, or the hot air of your breath against his tip. You didn't ask about it though and instead once more brought him to your lips and swallowed as much of him as you could.

Your head gently went back to bobbing up and down along his cock once more though this time when his hand found the back of your head you felt him being a bit more aggressive with his 'guiding' antics. Was it because you said it was hot or was it because he was getting close? You didn't have much time to question though as you soon found his motions to be a bit more desperate.

"Shit…I'm going to cum," he spoke up giving you something of a warning, but instead of pulling away you just continued bobbing your head up and down and gently rolling your tongue against his head whenever you could. It only took a few more vertical motions from your mouth before you began tasting something thick and salty spill into your mouth. The hand on the back of your head squeezed a bit tight, almost painfully so, for a few seconds before he finally released you.

You took that moment to quickly pull yourself away from him and swallow whatever was left of his load. You wanted to lick you lips and try to pull some sexy stunt you were sure they did in porn, but instead you simply made a face and then went to grab a water bottle in the front of the truck.

"That tasted gross," you muttered quietly while taking a seat beside him. He was currently fumbling to pull his pants back up, but despite your words you knew you weren't adverse to the idea of doing it all over again.

"No one told you to swallow," he muttered quietly before successfully buttoning up his jeans. He turned toward you, but in the next second you both proceeded to laugh at each other.

Once you both came down from the high of your laughing fit he slowly looked toward you once more.

"You really didn't have to do that though," he spoke up before reaching up a hand to gently push a few strands of your lose hair behind your ear.

"Well, I wanted you to owe me one," you said grinning toward him.

"Want me to pay you back at my place then?" he asked returning your grin with something of a sultry one of his own.

"You'll have to let me call my dad then. He likes to know when I'm not coming home," you said laughing a bit when you saw a look of horror flash across his face. He had clearly forgotten that you were actually still rather young and living with your dad.

"Actually….maybe you should just go home," he said quickly since he honestly didn't want your dad's first impression of him being something so perverse.

"Don't worry, my dad's pretty cool. He'll just be happy to know I found my soulmate"