Paris looks so different from up here. He thinks, as he floats, casting his eyes across the landscape below.

He watches as people he'd never met, going to places he'd never been, started doing things he'd never done.

Too late, now. He smiles, sadly.

"Fu, did you save me a seat?" A voice comes from behind.

"Hawk." Fu starts, and turns to him.

"Fu." He regards. Fu looks at the face of the man who used to be his best friend. Or maybe he still was.

"I know you can't forgive me." Hawk starts, but Fu then puts up a hand to stop him.

"We're finished, Hawk. No, Gabriel. It won't make a difference if I forgive you or not."

"But, everything I did, I..."

"It's okay. I'm stuck with you for eternity, I'm going to have to get used to you."

And Hawk, smiles, and so does Fu. For a moment, it's perfect.

"But seriously, did you save me a spot?" Hawk says, glancing around. There were entities everywhere, both all over and not there at all. They all either sat, stood, crouched. Alone, waiting, not in isolation, but simply in peace. They would be reunited soon.

Or they in groups, laughing with each other.

Some stood right at the entrance, with open arms to new people coming through, or waiting for a particular person to join them.

Each one of them looked as they had been when they were at their happiest during life. Some were young, some were old.

Fu laughed, but that sound was cut off when a feminine voice interjected.

"Nah, I saved you guys the best seats in the house." Both men whirl on the woman floating before them, wrapped in ethereal white cloth, her bare feet brushing the clouds.

She smiled, her eyes full of familiarity. "Haven't seen you two in far too long."

She holds her arms out, and Fu and Hawkmoth look at each other, before shrugging. They enveloped her tiny body into their tight hugs, and the three of the wrapped their arms around each other protectively. "God, I can't breathe." She complained, but she had started crying.

"You don't need to breathe." Hawk responded, and his eyes started welling up, too.

"You're both such sobs." Fu said, tears streaming down his face, before slipping through the clouds below.

Underneath them, a light sprinkle started. The people on the streets took shelter under awnings, and sleeping babies woke up to the sound of rain on their rooves.

"I've missed you, so much, Pea."

"I know."

"Me too, you know."

"I've missed you both, as well." She sobs. "I watched you, down there. Sometimes, I wondered when you were ever going to join me up here."

"Hah, all too soon." Fu teases. She punches him in the shoulder, before stepping back, wiping tears off her face.

"We have a job to do, you know." She smiles.

"What is it?" Hawk wonders.

"Our son." She says, to the both of them. "He found happiness. We are going to try and keep it that way until he joins us up here, okay?"

They look at each other, and then they look down. "We're going to watch over him. The three of us."




The three of them stood, shoulder to shoulder, as their son was dancing beneath them in the middle of a square, getting drenched in rain and spinning a girl with dark ponytails around with him. Probably against her will.

Then, the boy looked up, frowning, as if he felt something. Then he smiled.

Thank you. He mouthed to the wind.