Here we go, number 14. Phew... Hopefully I won't have any more half a year writer's block. Up this time is an OC I made. Not sure what else to say this time, so... Yeah, let's hop to it! Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem or claim to, what I own is parts like this one I made up, and OCs of my own design, which does not include Alex, or Orinthia.

I groaned and twisted my arm in a circle. After the battle at Notre Sagesse I'd taken a chance to train on my own, though train wasn't perhaps the right term. Maybe more "work out my frustrations and confusion by utterly annihilating a forested area and turning it into a clearing full of toppled trees and ashes," so yeah. I was strong before I got here, but I think the physics of this world are different from home, cause when I compare my current strength to back home, I'm pretty sure I'm starting to be twice as strong as most people back there. Thinking about how strong Effie is, definitely makes more sense. Besides, I did knock over a metal portcullis with my head.

Course, still wore myself out. "Oy... Feels like I got in a scrap with Hinoka all over again..." Thinking about that just made me upset again. "Am I actually cursed...? No matter where I go..." I snarled and kicked a log nearby, sending it end over end to land a couple feet away, further proving the improvement in my strength.

"Ahem, if you're quite finished with your little tantrum, King Garon has requested I use my magic so he may speak with you." I whirled around, seeing Iago behind me. Just an illusion though, same as when he told us to kill the Sage. Shame, I'd have appreciated the chance to kill him without any witnesses. That'd undo, what, over half the damage he causes, including killing Lilith or making Elise sick.

"What about?" Iago scoffed. So, I'm not supposed to ask, just let my strings get yanked like a good puppet, like him. Fine. "Let's go. Anything I need to do?"

"Just shut up and hold still." Moments later I experienced the familiar sensation of my mind being split, though not in the normal way. The area and sounds around me faded, still there if I focused. But now it appeared as if I was in Garon's throne room, the madman just a few feet in front of me.

"Your Majesty." Ugh, the formal tone I used left my tongue feeling like it needed to be scrubbed with soap. I hate being formal. "Is there something you wish of me?"

"To quit playing and reveal your true colors. I know you're hiding your true self. Show it to me." I froze. How the heck does he...? How?! "Do it."

"Sure that's what you want? We have a saying back home, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. But what you want isn't always a good thing."

"I have no time for banter. Now!"

I sighed. "Fine, but don't come crying if I hurt your feelings or not pretend to care about bowing and scraping to you and your hot air."

Iago looked mortified. "How dare you?! Show King Garon respect!"

"Iago! Be quiet. This is what I expected."

I smirked and gave Iago a gesture that apparently extends across worlds, judging from his expression. "So, why'd you have your creepy blowhard bring me here? I'm not your puppet Garon, if you're wasting my time I'll make you pay for every moment with interest."

Garon actually seemed pleased. "Tell me, why do you hide yourself?"

"Makes people easier to manipulate. Still wondering how you saw through my mask. That scaly buddy of yours? What am I doing? Either tell me why I'm here or I'm gone and all bets are off."

"Very well. I suppose we can continue this when we have more time. I understand my son received power from the Sage before his death. Is there anything you can tell me that may benefit my campaign?"

"Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure the Sage forged his Yato? Not much. Gave me power too, something I'd convinced myself I didn't have. Said I have the potential to destroy this world. That, along with you seeing through the nice guy crap, is why you asked for me to serve you I assume?"

"Indeed. You will prove a formidable weapon against Hoshido. And after this war, I will reward you well."

"Then let's hammer out a few more details of our agreement. I want more than to just be a puppet regime over some new Nohrian province." Garon's gaze become more intrigued, and he gestured for me to continue. "I'll stay your ally as long as you hold up your end of the deal, Garon, but I'm not your servant. I know you have an alliance with Mokushu. You help me make my own kingdom, we'll be part of your empire, and we'll help you out if needed." Iago scoffed before Garon and I both glared at him. "Take or leave, Garon. If I don't get something out of this, there's no point making a deal with you."

"Very well." He caved way too easy... He's not the sort to readily relinquish power, even when it benefits him. I wonder what he has planned. I'll enjoy seeing his despair when any betrayal he has planned fails and I make him suffer.

"So is that all?"

"Not quite. Shortly after you return to my son's forces, Iago will appear before him with a new mission, to investigate and destroy an illegal arena near Notre Sagesse. Ordinarily I'd overlook it, but informants say many of the fighters seek to organize a resistance. Tear them out by the roots before they can spread." I smiled, but it wasn't a nice one.

"Do I have permission to spare or end them as I wish? That also applies to your son. If he chooses to spare someone, there will be no punishments whatsoever?"

"No, there won't. None of them are any threat, only if the arena stays open and they manage to gather allies. Do with them as you please." I smiled more widely.

A couple hours later I was with Nydaxa and a few others and had to pretend to be surprised when Iago showed up. He gave us the location and told us Garon had given permission to kill or spare as we deemed necessary. As we packed up, I ran through my thoughts. How had Garon known about my true nature? Fortunately he didn't realize I want nothing to do with that, but even so, it was worrying. That fake god of his, maybe? I just don't know. Either way, I'm worried.

Still... If needed, maybe this will give us a chance for new allies. New opposition we didn't meet in the game is popping up everywhere, and we need every hand on deck we can get.

"We'll camp here tonight." I looked at the area Nydaxa had picked and nodded. We wouldn't arrive before around midnight if we kept going, and that's assuming the growing dark didn't lead to any issues. It was a large clearing next to the road, with a clear path back to it and plenty of forest for firewood. "We'd best post a watch. We'll draw sticks." Everyone had to do it. There were several sticks of varying length, and we chose in four groups. Whoever drew the longest stick in each group didn't have to do any watching tonight, though they would have to gather firewood and clean dishes after we ate. I drew a short one in the second shift, roaming patrol around the perimeter. Great.


"Iago." The sorcerer knelt before Garon. "I have a quick task for you. Aadyn has a great amount of anger in him, buried deeply. Hurt his allies, and bring it out."

Iago smiled, a dreadful sight. "Gladly, King Garon."

(Aadyn's POV)

Everyone ate at the same time except the first watch. Somehow I got into a contest with Arthur and Alex over who could drink the most water, and hold it down. I won, in a big way. Alex drank way too fast and almost choked, but Nyx foresaw it I suppose and was there to pat his back and admonish him. Even drinking, I managed a teasing grin his way, which got me a glare. Arthur had it worse. Somehow his water got switched out with grease from the cooking. I think he was puking for a whole hour. Can't blame him. Just thinking about that makes me wanna hurl a bit...

Flora suggested those of us who were on the second watch set some plates for our friends coming back from their turn. When we traded jobs, they seemed to appreciate it, especially since Flora and I kept their food hot or cold, respectively.

I walked around, hand on my sword and glad for the bright moon. Only in the middle of thick groups of trees were there any deep shadows for something to hide in. As I got bored I talked to Calvin in my head, and stared at a huge owl until it took off for one stretch.

Part of my job was to also check up on the other members of the watch. I had to take Kaze's place for a minute because he heard the call of nature, to his embarrassment, but I pointed out that when you gotta go, you gotta go. Besides, it'd be hard to focus when you're worried about wetting yourself, and the phrase "caught with your pants down" exists here too. But one part I dreaded was Selena, who was in the same watch group.

I spotted her on my way, and she was brushing her hair of all things! I groaned and considered ignoring her and just moving along, duties or no. At least until I heard a branch snap. I turned back to face Selena, but she was in the same spot and it looked like she was also talking to herself, which would probably keep her from hearing whatever it was. Then, looming behind her, was a Faceless. I ran at them. "Selena, move you idiot!"

She noticed me at last and gave me a very impressive evil eye, face red with anger. "What did you just call-" I pulled out my sword as the Faceless lifted its fist, and the motion made her realize something was wrong. She jumped aside as its fist crushed the rock she'd been sitting on, but tripped over a log, her half drawn sword hurled away as she waved her arms trying to recover her balance. No luck, and she fell to the ground. I hurled my sword, piercing its gut to the hilt, but this one was enormous, several feet taller than I was. Either someone dug up a dead giant for this one, or they used magic to give it a size boost. It treated the sword like I would a thorn, simply pulling it out and tossing it aside before focusing on Selena again. One arm rose, then came down, the fist like a hammer ready to pound her deep into the ground like a tent post. Instead it struck an anvil, metaphorically speaking. More literally it hit my back as I curled up over her, knocking the wind out of me but not toppling me. She scrambled aside, going for her sword and I moved the other direction, pulling out one of my tomes at random and opening it. A spell I'd never seen before swirled in front of my eyes, runes and letters blurring together yet still understandable. I focused, words I didn't understand tumbling from my lips. For a moment the moon above seemed to glow brighter until it seemed well into the morning, then came back to night as a massive blast of moonlight tore through the Faceless' back and out the front, a gaping hole blasted through its torso. I panted before snarling and clutching my head. Ow...

A minute later, the massive reanimated corpse already mostly dissipated, my sword was laid down in front of me. I looked up at Selena and mumbled a thank you, standing back up and wincing as my headache flared before beginning to recover. I sheathed my blade. "Thank you. I guess I should apologize for-"

"Don't." I clenched my fist, the one that had torn her sword from my shoulder. She was trying to be sincere, I could tell, but it hurt, thinking about someone who'd inspired me, who I'd thought was like me, trying to kill me. "I looked up to you at one point, you know. You felt like nothing you did mattered because you were in your mother's shadow. But even though you felt like you weren't good enough, like I used to, you didn't let it beat you. You just used it as resolve to be better. To make people see you for you. I admired that, so much. Then I meet you, even better. I wanted to tell you both I knew who you were, so I could know the people I'd looked up to, who'd suffered so much but kept fighting. Instead you jumped to conclusions and... Don't waste your breath. I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you... It was easier with Odin, I didn't look up to him so much so it hurt less, and he was reluctant. But you... Just stay away from me, please." I walked away, knowing deep down it was wrong, but too angry to apologize, to take it back. She was just another piece of scum who'd broken my trust and tried to break me with it. At least, that's what I tried to tell myself.

Even as a quiet "I'm sorry." came from behind me. I didn't sleep well that night, after telling Nydaxa about the Faceless when my shift ended.

The next morning I forced myself out of my tent and started a fire, thinking about the magic I'd used the night before. Odin had told me something like that might occur, new, extremely powerful spells at the ready as I grew stronger. He'd insisted on me telling him when it happened, so he could teach me more he claimed. More likely so he could name them. He'd also said that while the spell would remain in my tome, it was possible it would be too powerful for me to use yet. Remembering how weak I'd felt after, this was one of those.

Then my thoughts went to the Faceless itself. One like that would take huge amounts of power to create. Even if I didn't know the magic necessary to create one myself, I'd learned enough to recognize a freakishly powerful spell when I saw one. The only person in our group who might have that much power was Nyx, the prodigy who'd been working magic and growing stronger longer than any of the rest of us had been alive. Only other Mage I knew of with that kind of power who would summon Faceless would be Iago. He's trying to get us again. Great! Next time I talk to Garon, I'll tell him either he calls off his dog or I'll put him down myself! I'll enjoy it, the despair in his eyes as I ignite my sword and drive it through his gut, my hand not holding the blade crushing his windpipe. The life leaving him as he's simultaneously strangled, run through and incinerated from the inside out. Too quick maybe, but far from painless, far from merciful. Just the thought makes me shiver and smile.

"Aadyn?" I glance over at Alex, mask already back on. "You OK? You were shivering."

I smiled, this time a friendly one rather than cruel, and wave it off. "Just a bit twitchy after last night. That Faceless hit harder than any hammer. Probably could've matched Effie for raw muscle."

"I guess that would hurt. Nydaxa told us about it when we took the last watch." I shrugged. "I can't believe how much you drank last night."

"I can't believe you haven't found a way to get some special time with Nyx yet. If you aren't gonna ask her out, find some other excuse to get some alone time." I chuckled as he blushed and glared at me. "What, too scared to fess up to your crush?"

"Just one more word, I swear. Just one!" Deciding I'd teased him enough, I stuck my tongue out and began thinking up ways to arrange for them to get some time together. Either Alex wins her over or he doesn't, but if he does nothing, he'll be mooning over her until even she starts looking older. He needs a push or two.

"Fine, new topic Mr. Moony Eyes. Any ideas?"

"Since you're so intent on teasing me, how about you? Anybody I should be teasing you about? A lot of the girls in camp seem to act different around you." I mentally groaned. Yeah, but not for why he thinks. That's just me and my big mouth.

"Nope. And believe it or not, that's completely unrelated. I'll admit, the girls in our army are awesome though. Lots cooler than back home." My mind flashed back through some of the girls I'd known, a few making me shiver, though this time from fear. "Back home some of them are just plain wrong..."

"Fine, then are there any you think you might have an interest in?" Oy. I know he's trying to get back at me, but why talk about girls?


He chuckled. "I know one girl who would be upset to hear that." Please, I didn't even fall for that when I was 12.

"Yeah, sure, and Effie's on a diet of bread and water. I know better, Alex. I'm ugly, dumb, crazy and have no redeeming qualities. There's a reason I never fell for that trick."

"I'm serious."

"No you're not. If you want me to believe you, prove it." That always shut them up back home, and based on how he's fuming now, guess it worked here too. "Well, we'd best get ready for marching today. Later, Alex."


It was a ways into the afternoon before we were back in town. Due to the nature of our mission, Nydaxa decided we needed to be more subtle with this. A large group including a prince, the princesses, several nobles and retainers all armed to the teeth would clearly state why we were here. I suggested we have a few of our fighters head into town separately, ones who didn't match any of the former criteria. We couldn't send any of our Hoshidan allies since the little information we had implied the person organizing it all was among those with an anti-Hoshido sentiment. That limited us to Nyx, who looked too young for this job, Stig, Alex and myself.

We would go to town at different times, and from different places. Once we were there, we make it clear we've heard about the arena and wanna fight. Stig and Alex are both mercenaries technically, so it's believable if they seem to need money. In my case, I'm fairly wild looking at times and, since it's true, can easily claim I'm always up for a good fight.

It took two days for me to get information. A bartender at the cheap inn I'd been hanging around saw me give some drunk who'd tried to steal my knife so he could buy more drinks a concussion without even getting out of my chair. At first he asked if I wanted to work there and keep his customers from causing trouble, but I said no, that I was looking for real fights, not just knocking a few drunks' heads together every now and then.

He got a thoughtful look and glanced around before gesturing for me to lean in. He was trying to whisper, but he stank at it, as did his breath. Phwew! Luckily for him, most had moved away from me except a sleeping regular snoring away beneath a nearby table. "Listen up kid cause this is kept really hush hush. Not far away from the city, just a few miles, there's a hidden arena. Lots of people like yerself who enjoy a good scrap, and good money too if the audience likes ye. Keep my name out of it, and I'll give ye directions. Follow them and ye'll have all the fights you want."

I nodded and got his directions, leaving moments later, what money I could afford left to thanks him for the info. As I went, I stopped at a tree that was luckily on the way. It was a special one, really. Kaze had carved it out so it looked like solid wood, but in reality a large section of bark had been carved off and the wood behind it carved out completely, leaving a small hollow that could be covered by the section of bark. I wrote a message, telling them the way, and replaced the bark before moving on. Kaze checked it once a day for messages from us.

A few hours later I was there. The arena was more of a massive cave, or a hole in the side of a mountain to be even more precise. Somehow a hidden river nearby had slowly worn away a gap at the base of the mountain, making it look like a large section was cut from the bottom. The person who'd organized it had built supports, keeping the ceiling up in case part of the mountain decided to obey gravity. Impressive, both on the work done by nature and of man.

Long story short, I was found by some people guarding it. Well, more like fighters from the arena serving as guards. They were a rough looking bunch, one guy I saw having scars all over the right side of his face, likely from a wild animal. He and another person lead me in after I explained I was looking for fights. They lead me inside, under the gap in the mountain, which reminded me of a similar scene from a book series I'd read, the Seventh Tower. Only, they'd been under a mountain held up by magic for a few minutes to retrieve a hidden magic book. I'd be staying down here, likely until we brought this arena down. Hmm, wonder if I'd survive a cave in... Be interesting to find out. No, not doing it on purpose. But if it happens to occur, I'll limit my complaints.

I was introduced to a recruiter of sorts whose job was to make sure new people actually had what it took. I did, quite a bit too. I surprised them and he began organizing a fight for me with one of their best. Perfect.

(Nydaxa's POV, that night)

I ducked under a slash from Hajime, trying to bring my practice sword in a "cut" across his stomach, but he leaped back, still steady footed. We'd been at it for hours, and I could barely get a hit in. Luckily I'd defended myself equally well, but it wasn't enough. "This is how samurai fight... And Ryoma's the best in all Hoshido..."

Hajime nodded. It had been Aadyn's idea. "We have no idea when we'll meet Ryoma next, or what the circumstances will be. Same with your other siblings. By luck, we've gotten three Hoshidans, each the same class as one on your siblings, to join us. You need to start sparring with them, as do the others. By learning their fighting styles, or at least what their styles are based off, we can put up a better fight. I'll be honest Nydaxa, few of us are as powerful as Ryoma and the others at our best. We have no idea how much stronger they're getting. We have to get every advantage we can, or we will lose the next time we fight them. Ryoma's the strongest, and we haven't fought him yet. Knowing our luck, we'll have to fight him soon. Start with Hajime, and learn everything you can from him. You may even implement some of the Hoshidans' style into your own." Despite what he thought, he was an incredible asset. And an even more incredible friend. Without him, we'd be much worse off.

"Being quick and light on your feet with it is a key aspect of our fighting style. Luckily you have those traits yourself, but you leave yourself open sometimes because you rely too much on power when you swing." I nodded this time. Most Hoshidan soldiers I'd met focused on agility more than power. A big difference from the Nohrian style, which was based on strength. Some of our classes, like fighters, often did nothing but swing as hard as they could and hope to hit something vital. Hans had been the same way. After surprising that first soldier at the canyon, he'd missed every attack, wildly swinging at the soldiers in the fort across the bridge but never connecting, all while they attacked him and archers filled him with arrows. He'd run before they could kill him, but... Gunter...

"Perhaps you should work with Madoka for a while. Aadyn suggested I work with Arthur. He's skilled, but he's not been trained to be accurate. That needs to be fixed. I'll tell her you're waiting."

"Alright. And Hajime, thank you. Not just for training us like this, but for siding with us in the first place." He grunted and left, pausing for a moment to bow to Kaze as he walked towards me. "You have a lot of respect from the other Hoshidans. Hopefully that will help convince more of them not all Nohrians are monsters."

"Perhaps, though being known as a traitor will reduce the chances of that. I come bearing news. Aadyn has found the arena, and is likely getting situated there as we speak." I chuckled. Of course he would be the first one there.

"Perfect. If Alex and Stig can't get their own information on it soon, we'll ask them to come back and wait for another message from him."

"I'll be ready to alert them." He stood there, as if debating something. "It's not just your family you will have to fight, Lord Nydaxa. Their retainers are a threat as well. My brother Saizo and another ninja, Kagero, both serve Lord Ryoma. I know how they fight better than any other. Please train with me."

"A pleasure." I stood up and grabbed my practice sword while Kaze gathered some blunted shuriken. When Madoka arrived, we were in the middle of it all, throwing ourselves at each other. She watched and waited. Eventually, I had to face her too.

I barely managed to climb into Felicia and I's tent that night before I was lost to the world.

(Next morning, Aadyn's POV)

I set my dagger aside in my quarters at the arena. Secondary weapons weren't against the rules, but I decided to leave it. Not all the gladiators, for that was what we were here, appreciated it when their opponent pulled out an extra blade hidden in a sleeve or something.

My opponent was one of the best, a woman nicknamed Hel. I wondered if that was in line with the other historical and mythological references always showing up in Fire Emblem, like how Nyx was the Greek goddess of night, or Siegfried some ancient king. Well, no matter. Named after a goddess of death or no, I'll win.

The noise as I walked into the main arena was staggering, making me stumble away with my hands over my ears. Have they never heard of sensitive ears?! I waited until they quieted down a bit before walking out, still rubbing my ears. Across from me, a woman around my mom's age in heavy armor was waiting, not pleased with the wait based on her expression. "If you can't handle a bit of noise then you'd be worse than useless on the battlefield. Same goes for here. Run home, little boy. Run with your tail between your legs like a good dog." I growled and drew my sword as she pulled out a large double headed battle axe from behind her back. Shows what she knows...

"Today's first battle is a crowd favorite, Hel, against a new fighter who did well in his trials. Will he crack under the pressure, or does he belong here?" I glanced up and saw a canopied box with some important looking people. A sweaty man in a stupid looking suit was the one shouting, an announcer. Still, pathetic as he looked, the short sword at his waist and way he was constantly looking around him said he would be a tough opponent. Shame. The more skilled fighters here, the more trouble we'll have taking this place down. "Today's fight is until one yields or dies, whichever comes first! Begin!" Death or surrender, huh? Interesting...

I ducked under a forceful swing, then had to roll aside as she changed direction faster than I expected. I have to get in close, or that thing will split me in half. Sheathing my sword, I got on all fours and hurled myself forward, loosening the chains. There was another reason I wanted to be here. I need enemies I can set myself loose on, learn some control without the chains. The axe came down, slow, so slow, before I barreled into her stomach, hurling her back despite the armor. She stayed on her feet though, and let go of her axe, pummeling my back and trying to take my sword. I snarled and leaped back, drawing my blade and rushing forward, slashing at her chest, gouging the armor but not penetrating. Crap. I hurled myself sideways, then grimaced as she picked her axe up. The crowd was loving it, the volume deafening. I could barely hear myself think. Hel charged at me this time, and I bolted, running behind her and trying to take off her head, the only spot not covered in armor. She turned, her pauldron taking the hit instead, before grabbing my sword with her armored hand and swinging with her axe. With no choice, I let go of my sword and ducked, then hurled myself back as she swung my sword before tossing it aside, far out of reach. I ran at her, and she swung from overhead, the blade coming down towards me. I let it almost reach me, then sidestepped, ramming my elbow into the flat side of it, throwing her off balance. She stumbled, and I head butted her, making her drop her axe again. I picked it up and stood over her, ready to swing. "Yield, or die. Your choice."

The crowd roared, half cheering for her blood, the other half crying out for her to yield and live. She looked at the box, and I remembered how it was often up to the ones in charge if the enemy lived or died. If I ignored their order, I could get in trouble. I glanced in the same direction from the corner of my eye. The sweaty announcer seemed to be gauging the mood of the crowd. People wanted to see blood, but Hel is clearly a favorite. He finally seemed to decide, making a motion with his hands. I didn't know what it meant, but Hel paled, and I knew what came next. "You weren't half bad, I'll give you that. If you have another weapon hidden, grab it." She glanced at me, then dug around in her armor, pulling out a dirk. "Shame to kill you, but... You fought well. I'll remember you as an opponent." She nodded, then closed her eyes, relaxing before I swung, the crowd being its loudest yet.

That night, I polished my trophy, the axe, and thought back. Hel was like me, someone longing for a fight, a challenge. I'd always idolized warriors from various cultures during my life. For some, it was a matter of honor to die with a weapon in hand, even required to enter the afterlife and not wander, bound to this world. I agreed with the honor side of it. I saw it, before she closed her eyes. Acceptance that she'd lost, respect for her opponent. She was a proper warrior. I'd have preferred to recruit her. This place was... "Even Garon would find this barbaric. Does he know that fights can be to the death? ...When we bring this place down, I'll be happy. As for the people in charge, I'll kill as many as I can. This place is sickening."

I set aside the axe and laid down in my bed, the room I'd been given for beating Hel a bit larger than the one I had in the Astral Plane. Apparently I now had quite the reputation, beating one of the best in my first fight. Wouldn't be long before I was a favorite they said. And crowd favorites get special privileges. Well, best take advantage while I can.

(Kana's POV)

"Papa, you're here!" I tackled Papa in a hug, and he grabbed me and spun me around.

"Whoa, you're getting big Kana!" My smile faltered before coming back. Of course I was, it had been several months for me, but perhaps only a couple weeks for my parents. I hated that Papa couldn't always be with me, Mama too, and hated the idea they might die while I stay here forever, never knowing what happened. But it wasn't their fault. They had a lot of people who needed them, and they wanted to protect me. No matter how lonely it makes me feel, I can't blame them.

"Almost big enough to leave the Deeprealm?" I had to ask, but he shook his head.

"No, Kana. It's much too dangerous, and you're still too young. If anything happened to you, your mother and I couldn't live with ourselves..."

I hugged him so he wouldn't worry. "It's OK, Papa. It won't be long before I'm ready." Not long for Papa and Mama at least. At least that means I won't be here for so long I miss out on time with them. They'll still be the same, ready for me to join them. And until then, I'll smile and count the days until I see them again, and make sure I'm ready to help them!

(Aadyn's POV)

"Come on Aadyn, do better than that!" I ducked under an axe swing, the force of it creating a strong gust of wind. I was sparring against Dirk, one of the champions of the arena. He'd been impressed I beat Hel, and in the week since, he'd viewed me as a possible rival. He wasn't a bad guy, but he was pretty bloodthirsty.

He was my age, now 17. I hadn't realized how long we'd been fighting this stupid war, keeping track of my own birthday was pretty much impossible. He was average height, and a bit shorter than me, but wider at the shoulders and built like Effie. He had bright yellow eyes and long black hair in a bowl cut. But what stood out were his scars, he was covered in them. He liked bragging about them too. But back to the sparring.

"Get real. Look which one of us is winning!" I grimaced as I realized I'd quoted Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, when he'd fought Riku in 358/2 Days, and yeah, I know the name's weird. "You're a good fighter, and you're strong, but you need to watch your balance!" As I said that I lunged forward, going right past him before turning and shoving him, knocking him to the ground. When he looked up, my blunted practice blade was hovering over the bottom of his neck. "See?"

He grumbled and let me help him back onto his feet. We were preparing for our fights later today. Most gladiators here have at least one a day. Luckily, none of mine had ended in a death since Hel. According to Dirk, the crowd had been in a really vicious mood that day thanks to a really bloody fight of his. Not sure if that was true, but I didn't blame him. It's not his fault, it was the people that called for Hel to die, and the ones who even let that be an option.

"I'm gonna go out of the arena for a while. Later, Dirk." He lazily gave his own farewell before turning towards a training dummy. As I made my way to the tree, I made sure I wasn't followed. The gladiators weren't closely watched by the security, but they were careful. Sometimes they would randomly observe one. Dirk said only an idiot wouldn't notice the people assigned to watch them, but I wasn't taking chances. I had enough information to tell Nydaxa and the others it was time to attack now. I would spend the next couple days getting some of the gladiators I trusted more on our side, while the others prepared to attack. Three days hence, this place will be nothing but a blood soaked memory. I placed my information, proposed strategies, and request to give me two days in the hollow, satisfied I wasn't being tailed, before going a bit further. There was a ravine nearby, and I liked to sit on one of the edges and look within.

To my surprise, someone else was there. He had armor similar to Leo's, so he was likely a dark knight, with dark gray eyes and short black hair. "Hello, Flameborn." It was my title among the gladiators, just as Hel had been the Dark Goddess and Dirk was the Wild Warrior. I'd gotten it after covering myself in fire a couple fights ago, melting my enemy's broadsword but leaving my own gear warm, but unharmed, as was I. The power the Sage had awakened.

"You would be?" It was no secret I came to this ravine before fights, but did this guy know about the tree? Or was my being a scout safe?

"Forgive me, I am Klaus. Once I was among Nohr's mightiest generals. My skill with both sword and sorcery was unmatched. It was I who made the mighty Cheve bend a knee to Garon, though I hear that with me having retired a few years ago many of their knights grow tired of this. I, along with a few others, created this arena."

My eyes widened and I stopped myself from reaching for my sword. I could feel it, he was stronger than me. If I attacked, I'd be throwing my life away. And if I managed to win anyway, I imagine I'd be revealed as an enemy and ruin everything. No doubt others know he's here. "And what do you want with me?"

"Long ago, Hel was one of my strongest comrades. I regret her death, but for you to best her, and do so without being wounded, is incredible. Beyond that, your fire. I can tell your magical power is great as well, though still not at its full potential. I offer to mentor you." He paused, waiting for a response.

"The catch? I'm not that easy a mark."

He smiled. "Good, you're not foolish. I seek to depose Garon and take his empire for myself once his armies have been ruined from conquering Hoshido. Already some of his finest generals have fallen in the battles. In exchange for my teachings, I would have you fight beside me to defeat him." So he's the ones Garon talked about. "I can teach you things you never imagined. Spells that could turn the tide of any battle. Would you like me to demonstrate one now?"

He's offering to teach me a spell that'll impress me, make me eager for more. Might as well learn what I can before we kill him. "Sure."

He smiled and began casting, me watching and ensuring I would remember how to use it.

When I got to my fight I was still shuddering slightly. That spell... I shook my head to focus. Dirk and several of the others were just warriors looking for the next challenge. They respected strength. I had to show them we could bring this place down to get any chance of help from them. I drew my sword, dagger at my waist. My opponent was a dark mage. His spells will go right through my armor. I need to be careful. I walked into the arena, sword held above my head as the crowd cheered, luckily more softly since it was better known how sensitive my hearing was. As we were told to fight I charged. Staying back would only aid my opponent. A blast of ice missed me just barely, and I saw some of my hair freeze and shatter. I dashed sideways suddenly, making another blast go far off, before doing it again, though I went further aside this time to avoid making a pattern. My mind flashed to playing Kid Icarus Uprising, fighting Twinbellows as they explained strafing. I kept it up moving forward but often moving to the side at random times, speeds and distances, occasionally just going forward so it stayed unpredictable. My enemy kept moving back, but eventually he hit a wall. He paled, realizing he'd doomed himself as I lunged forward, a blast of flame negating his next spell before I knocked his time from his hands and presses my dagger to his gut. He gulped, and I heard it. "Yield."

"I yield!" He yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, ensuring nobody could dispute it. I let out a breath and handed him his tome, leaving the arena. But before I went back to my room, I looked to where Klaus and the other organizers watched. He looked at me and smiled.

I didn't intend for this to get so major, but I got new ideas as I wrote it. I also thought of how the arena in the Astral Plane could work, by our opponents being former gladiators who joined up. I'll keep most of them generic, but I was thinking of five who we actually use as OCs. Dirk is one I designed, and initially this was going to be a paralogue just to recruit him, but now. I'd like you guys to suggest the other four. If you don't want to make a complete OC, then maybe just a class and a name? I'll reveal Klaus' spell next chapter when we attack the arena. Know this, we are not recruiting him. If it were an actual level, it would be like with Zola, where we had to beat several enemy commanders to win, AKA Klaus and the organizers. And I hope you liked the quick bit from Kana's perspective. Once we wrap up the arena, no more detours, we're going straight to Macarath, so don't worry about me getting too far off from the story. I just like adding on like this.

And good news, I got both Revelations and Warriors. Epic, yeah? But man, Warriors is way more difficult. It's fun, though. If you haven't gotten it yet, the battles aren't all moving people on a grid like before. It's more like in this story, actually. You move your character around and attack thousands of enemies. Often you have a time limit. And man can things drag on! It's rough but epic. You oughta get it once you can, everyone. Anyway, tell me what you think and see you next chapter!