Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, but here's the continuation of Beck's part. Honestly, I don't know if I'm going to continue with this fic since it has been getting quite a poor response from the readers, so I don't really want to write something that is deemed bad. Besides, this story can actually end with this chapter but it'll be a cliffhanger. I had plans to get B&J together... Anyways, thank you to everyone that has supported me so far!

Warning: A few curse words here and there. Beck might act a bit OOC but to me, his change in demeanor indicates his breakdown.

Lastly, enjoy!

The following day was gloomy, with dark, ominous clouds blocking the golden rays of the sun. The sky threatened to crack and unleash its torrent upon the lives below. All in all, the weather matched Beck's mood perfectly, he thought. He had arrived to school earlier than usual to avoid the oncoming storm. There was a good half an hour before class starts and with nothing else to do, Beck sat at the staircase near his locker. His mind then started running. The first thought that came up, that kept him from sleeping last night, was; does he really want to get back with Jade? These past couple of months without her was….relaxing, to say the least. No shouting, no anger, no fights; but at the same time, it was empty. He was empty. There was no fire, no spark, no passion in his life because Jade was all that. Was he willing to get burned again just to have that fire back?

"Hey Beck!"

Startled out of his thoughts, Beck looked up to find Cat beaming down at him, bouncing on her toes. He managed a weak smile back at her. "Hey, Cat."

"Whatchu doing?" she sang.

"Nothing, just sitting here, thinking about stuff," he replied.

"Oh, can I join?" squealed Cat, a bit too loudly in Beck's opinion. He really wanted to be alone, content to mull over his thoughts without interruptions, but Cat was pouting at him and he didn't really have the heart to deny her.

"Sure, you can join," he sighed. Cat squealed again before dropping unceremoniously next to him.

"So whatchu thinking about?" she asked as she rummaged in her pink backpack.

Beck sighed again and rested his chin on his palm. "I don't really want-" Beck started but movement from the corner of his eye stopped him. He observed as Jade and Andre strode in through the door, together and laughing as they struggled to close an umbrella. He felt that rage flared up inside him again.


Turning to the girl next to him, Beck began to question. "Do you think Jade and Andre are dating?"

"What makes you say that?" she retorted.

"I mean, just look at them," he fumed. "They're always together now all of a sudden. He even give her rides to and from school!"

Cat shrugged as she opened her compact mirror and started applying lipstick. "Well, they have to go to school together since they live in the same house and all."

Beck felt his blood froze and stomach dropping to his feet. "What did you just say?" he croaked.

Cat gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes wide with guilt. "Um, I mean, no, they're not living together!"

"Cat," warned Beck as his eyes narrowed. The redheaded girl squeaked in fear. "I have to go now! I need...to feed the parrot!"

She started to rise, ready to bolt but Beck was quick to latch onto her wrist and pulled her back down onto the stairs.

"Cat, stop fooling around," insisted Beck. "What do you mean they're living together?"

The girl huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Jade has been staying at Andre's house for a few days now," she mumbled.

"What? Why?" Beck felt like throwing up the cheerios he had an hour ago. Had Jade really moved on from him?

Cat shrugged, playing with a lock of red hair that fell over her shoulder. "Jade won't tell me but she said she's gonna stay over my house next week. Isn't that exciting?" she giggled.

Beck was confused for a while. Why was Jade hopping from one house to another? Could it be that she was running away?

Dread then settled in the pit of Beck's stomach. Jade wouldn't seek help from anyone unless it was really dire. What had happened to make her run away from her home? Numerous situations then rose up in his mind. Did her father get physical with her again? Did one of those slimy bastards her mother kept bringing home touched her? Beck was worried, but also a little hurt. Why didn't she come to him for help?

Because you dumped her in front of all of your friends, idiot!

The bell rung and students rushed to their respective classes. Beck felt Cat tugging on his arm, urging him to stand.

"Let's go to class, Beck. We have Sikowitz, remember?"

Beck was silent but he let Cat lead him down the hall. His eyes were locked on the African-American boy who was walking in front of him, oblivious to the glares he was receiving. One way or another, Beck was going to get answers. He smiled deviously.

Andre and Beck were in P.E class together during the fifth period when Beck decided to corner him. He knew Andre had a habit of not locking his lockers ("I'm too cool to be bullied," he had scoffed) so Beck had waited until the boy was in the showers before he grabbed Andre's clothes and stuffed them inside his bag. He then sat on a bench to wait.

Andre strolled in, whistling to himself, once again oblivious to the brooding boy at the end of the room who was silently watching him. Beck snickered when Andre began panicking as he opened his locker to see it empty.

"Looking for something?" Beck spoke up. Andre froze, color draining from his face. He slowly turned around to face Beck.

"B-Beck? What the-where's my clothes, man?" sputtered Andre while clutching at his towel. Beck got up and slowly made his way towards the other boy.

"You give me answers, then I'll give you your clothes back," he said simply.

Andre's fists tightened on the towel around his waist. "What answers?"

"Why is Jade staying with you?" Andre's eyes widened.

"Uh, we're not, she's just carpooling-" He stuttered, much to Beck's annoyance.

"I'm not an idiot, Andre!" he barked. "Cat told me she's staying with you. Why?"

Andre closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, as if to compose himself. Beck frowned, growing more and more irritated the longer he had to wait for answers.

"It's not what you think it is. Jade came to my house, saying she got kicked out, so I gave her a room to stay in. That's all, no funny business going on." the boy answered calmly to appease Beck.

Beck visibly relaxed upon hearing him. So they weren't dating then. But then, he stiffened back, why was she kicked out?

"Wait, why was Jade kicked out of her house?"

Andre groaned. "Man, I don't know. She just popped up at my house, all wet and with a black eye, and didn't say anything."

"Black eye?" Beck choked out. "Who would-?"

"I told you, I don't know. She didn't say anything," Andre cut him off. "Now please give me my clothes back. It's getting really cold in here."

Beck still had so many questions but reached inside his backpack nonetheless to give Andre back his clothes. Time had run out and the bell that signifies the start of another period rang. Andre snatched his shirt and pants away from Beck's hand, shooting him a dirty look in the process.

"Never knew you had an evil streak in you," he grumbled darkly while pulling on his pants. "It's like I don't even know you."

Beck turned on his heels and swiftly left the locker room.

Nobody knows me. Not like Jade does.

The conversation, or rather the ambush, kept replaying in Beck's mind throughout the rest of the day. He was called out multiple times by teachers and students alike but he ignored them. He was lost in his own mind. Suddenly all of Jade's attitude seemed clear as day to him now. She was hurting so she lashes out as a way to cope. She had been extra aggressive and brutal this week; rampaging throughout the school, destroying anything and anyone that dared to cross her path. Jade was a force of nature, Beck mused as he looked at the storm outside, a beautiful disaster. She was fire, burning with life and passion and each day she grew brighter and hotter until Beck had no choice but to let her go and shield his eyes. He was relieved to be away from the fiery heat and blinding light that is her but the darkness that accompanied was engulfing. Within time, he craved for the flames again.

"Beck?" For the second time that day, Beck's musing was cut short. He averted his eyes from the window next to his desk, to the girl standing in front of it.

"Sup Tori?" he said absentmindedly.

"I don't know if you realized but class is over, Beck," she laughed. "Daydreaming much?"

Beck swiveled his head around and was surprised to see that the classroom was empty. He quickly stood up and gathered his belongings. "Yikes, sorry about that. I just had a lot of things in my head," he sheepishly admitted.

"Like?" Tori prompted as they walked out of the room.

"Like…" Beck trailed off when his eyes caught the sight of Jade exiting the toilet. "Jade," he murmured before shooting off after her.

As soon as he got within reaching distance, Beck's hand shot out to grab Jade's wrist. She yelped in shock, hair flying everywhere when she turned around.

"What the hell, Oliver?" she hollered.

"I need to talk to you," Beck said as he dragged her towards the janitor's closet. Jade protested loudly and tried to pull her hand away.

"No! I don't want to talk to you! Let go of me! Kidnapper, help!"

Her shouts were muffled when the door closed and Beck made sure to lock it as well as situate himself in front of it. Jade had stubbornly crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"Jade, what's happening at home?" he asked slowly.

Beck watched as she stiffened and turned her angry eyes at him. "There's nothing going on, now let me out," Jade hissed.

"Nothing? So that black eye was nothing too?" Beck pointed. Jade's face flushed red with anger.

"Who told you?" she screeched. "That good for nothing traitor! I'll rip her hair out!"

Beck inched closer to her while she was ranting and gently grasped her shoulders. "It doesn't matter who told me. What's going on, Jade?"

Jade's mouth snapped shut when she realized their proximity. Her eyes shot up to his and for a second, Beck could see the grief clouding those beautiful blues. As quick as her guard was let down, she hardened herself again and slapped his hands away from her.

"Why should I answer you? It's none of your business," she fumed. Jade attempted to side step him but Beck was quick to block her path. "I'm worried for you! I know how your family can be!" Beck exclaimed.

Jade pulled at her hair and groaned frustration. "You wanna know so much? Fine! My mom kicked me out because I had a fight with my dad when he called me a useless kid. Happy?" she smiled sarcastically.


She pushed him out of the way and tore open the door. "Now stop acting like you care."

Beck chased after her, ignoring the curious eyes and murmurs that trailed after them. "I still care, Jade! I-I still love you!" he blurted out loudly. Several gasps resounded as the hallway grew silent. Jade halted mid flight and spun around, her eyes flashing with anger.

"Don't you dare throw that word around, Beck Oliver!" she warned furiously as she marched up to him.

"I do love you," he insisted.

"No! If you loved me, you wouldn't have humiliated me in front of our 'friends' time and time again!" Jade cried out.

"If you loved me, you would have never kissed Tori Vega in front of everyone as they cheered for you!"

Jade paused as her face contorted with anguish and tears suddenly cascaded down her cheeks.

"If you loved me," she sobbed out. "You would have opened that damn door."

Beck could only watch as Jade flee from the school, from him, and into the rain outside. The mumbles and whispers of the student body were deafened to his ears by the pain in his chest. He hated her then, for being right, for making him feel this way. He hated himself the most for being such a fool. The pain was getting stronger, the longer he thought of her words. With a roar, Beck drew back fist and slammed it against a locker, eliciting a few screams. Against the same locker, he slid down until he was sitting on the cold ground and promptly broke down in front of everyone.

Now we're even, Jade.

TBC? Fin?