I hadn't seen a story like this before for these characters so I decided to try and write one myself. If you know of some, however, let me know, and I'll check them out :) Will contain spanking so if you don't like that, don't read this. To be abundantly clear, I do not condone this type of punishment outside fiction and consenting adults.

This is a story about a girl who gets taken in by the Avengers to keep her in check until she is a legal adult and can take care of herself. She fights it as much as she can, while also wanting to become one of them. It's a lose-lose situation, as they will not take no for an answer, but make sure she gets the life they didn't have.

This story takes place just after Age of Ultron, and is about a year away from Captain America: Civil War. I will try to stay as true to the MCU characters as I can, but remember that this is fanfiction and anything can happen whether I mean it to or not.

Chapter 1

Steve Rogers was out at a coffee shop in disguise, enjoying the 21st century life. As much as he loved living with all the Avengers, sometimes he just needed some time to himself, and since everyone else was either away on a mission, with their families, in Asgard, who knows where, or had been given the afternoon off, he, too, could enjoy himself.

He was just finishing up and heading back to his motorcycle when someone crashed into him from behind.

Ever the soldier, he turned around and was ready for an attack, but what he saw was a girl about Wanda's age on the ground, pushing herself back up.

"Here, let me help you up." He said, extending his hand out to her.

Thankful, she took it, and was hoisted back up onto her feet. "Thanks." She said, looking towards his eyes, though she couldn't see them through his sunglasses. "Also, sorry. I didn't see you there. I'm in a rush, and was looking behind me when you stepped in front of me."

"It's all good, you didn't hurt me at all, just took me by surprise." Then he thought about what she said. "Wait, if you're in a hurry, shouldn't you be looking towards where you're going, not behind you?"

He didn't want to seem suspicious of her actions, although he was, as he wanted her to trust him. He would help if necessary.

"Yeah, but I was heading for the bus, and I was looking to see if it was coming. Which it is. I have to run. Sorry again." She said, and ran in the direction of the bus stop.

Steve thought that was an honest answer and watched her go, pleased to see she got onto the bus safely. It had already pulled away when three police officers came running from around the corner, barreling past him, similar to the young girl, except without hitting him first.

He thought that that was a little suspicious, especially when one of them said "she can't have gone far, she's only a kid!" but didn't pursue it any more. They were law enforcement officers, and could do their job without his help.

Sienna Montgomery was very glad she could get the nice stranger off her back before New York's finest could catch up with her. She had successfully kept under the radar for a good week and she didn't want to break that streak now. All she needed to do was make it a little over a year and then she would be free, and out of the foster care system.

Having been in it only about three years, she didn't know how people lasted their entire lives. She was at the age where no one would want to adopt her, and foster homes expected the worst of her, so she "lived" in a care facility. Legally, that was her place of residence, but she preferred the apartment she rented under the table.

It wasn't much - two rooms, one bedroom, and a living room/kitchen - and one bathroom, but it was all she needed, the care home be damned. Every now and then she would get picked up off the street, she didn't have the best rep and at this point almost every cop in town knew to look for her, and brought back to the home, where she would spend a week in solitary confinement (like she wasn't used to being alone in her apartment anyways) and then find a way to escape again.

Luckily for her, no one had been able to find her home, or else she would be screwed. Having been denied emancipation due to not having a job, though she did have money, this place was her safe zone until her 18th birthday. As soon as she turned 18, she would be free.

Until then, her small little apartment would have to do.

Unfortunately, they had spotted her halfway to her grocery store, and she couldn't get what she needed.

"Well Sienna, that's what you get. Looks like it's chinese food again tonight." She said aloud, looking into her fridge for last week's leftovers. When she had a coupon, like she did the previous week, she ordered the meal for two, which was really a meal for four, from the place across the street and kept it in her fridge so she could have meals at least half a week, or longer if she could actually get out to a grocery store.

It had taken over an hour to get back on the bus as people were starting to recognize her and she knew if she wanted to keep her place secret she'd have to grocery shop far away from her home so if she was caught, they wouldn't find it, and she was starving.

Having heated up the second last portion of leftovers, she sat down on her chair and picked up her favourite book, Love in the Time of Cholera, and read the night away. There's not much else to do when you're stuck at home, is there?

She still had her old iPhone, the last gift her parents got her before they were tragically killed in the battle of New York in 2012, but she couldn't turn it on for fear of someone being able to track it. She could go out driving, but that would require a full tank of gas and a place to go that wasn't the stop and go traffic of New York City.

So, reading it was. And that was just fine by her.

Thanks for reading! I will continue to write more, I'm just really tired and have to be up in five hours. A new update may come as soon as possible. Please review!