Title: I love you so much that it hurts my head
Fandom: Sons of Anarchy
Pairing: Jax Teller/Tara Knowles-Teller
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Genre: General
Summary: A smile lights up her face and maybe it's because of the warm weather but she's glowing.

Author's note: After Jax's accident and Tara never died.

Your head aches and you squeeze your eyes at the pain. You stumble out of bed and step over some clothes lying haphazardly on the floor. Your feet pad across the carpet as you make your way to the bedroom door. A yellow sticky note is tacked on it. You squint your eyes at the neat handwriting.

Your name is Jackson Nathaniel Teller. You prefer Jax. I'm your wife, Tara.

You narrow your eyes and scratch the stubble of hair on your face. You shrug and think nothing of it. You're not sure what is going on or what to do. You shake your head and walk to the bathroom. But you glance at the piece of paper every second on the way there. On the bathroom mirror is two more.

We met in high school.

As of two weeks ago we've been together for four years and we have two precious sons, Abel and Thomas.

Sadly you won't remember any of this because a couple months ago you were in a bad accident. But we love you so, so much.

You put the note down and lean on the sink for support. You're left for words. Is this really happening?

You turn the faucet on and splash water onto your face. You pad your face dry with a small cloth before switching the light off and entering the hallway. Picture frames hang on the wall but you don't bother to look at them. That is until another bright yellow sticky note catches your eye. You peel it off from a flower vase.

We're outside in the backyard, come join us?

You stand in front of the door leading to the backyard. Your hand hovers over the doorknob as you chew on your bottom lip. You take a deep breath before gaining confidence and opening the door. The sun has you shielding your eyes and through blurred vision you barely make out three figures.


A tiny high pitched voice shouts and you feel weight being thrown over your waist, the sudden force catches you off balance.

"Thomas be careful, daddy is still a little weak."

"Sorry mommy," the tiny voice apologizes.

Your body freezes. You think your knees are going to give out on you because they start to buckle. It's refreshing to hear that voice again. You don't know why because you have no clue where you have heard it from but it's refreshing to finally hear it again.


You croak out her name. A smile lights up her face and maybe it's because of the warm weather but she's glowing.

"Good morning, Jax."

Let me know your thoughts!

I don't own Son's of Anarchy.