Jekyll's gone. He's gone for good. I can't see him in the mirror. I should be happy that he's gone but I'm not. I thought I was going to be powerful but I'm not. I don't understand why I feel so empty. I feel like I'm missing something. Do I really need Jekyll to survive? I'm I going to die without him?

I can't bring him back because I killed him. I somehow overpowered him. I didn't mean to it just….happened. It hurts so much. I don't know what to do. I'm alone and scared. It's so quiet. He's always in my mind and I can hear is voice but now all I hear is silence.

Jekyll's envelope. I quickly run to the table it's on and I grab it. It's all I have left of him. What's written in this envelop is my story. Without this I don't exist. I finger the letters in the envelope. H-E-N-R-Y J-E-K-Y-L-L. I say each letter. I realize that I'm crying. I don't care because It hurts.

"See, Jekyll I have feelings too. I'm not just angry all the time. I'm human too. I'm not the monster you think I am. Please come back, Jekyll. I can't live without you. I don't feel powerful like I thought I would. I feel empty. If I had known it would be like this maybe we could have worked something out. Now you're gone and it's all my fault. I don't know what to do and I'm scared."

I hold the envelope against my chest sitting down against the brick fireplace. I don't think this helps. Nothing will. I need Jekyll but I killed him. What do I do now?