Whaaaaat? This is the last chapter? Yes, it is. Thank you so incredibly much to everyone for reading, but even more for following this story and putting it in your favorites and especially for reviewing. I hope this is a decent ending. :)
A special thanks to alicheriee for reviewing every chapter, also the last one.
The scene "tagged" at the end here is for batgirl, who asked for some sort of epilogue. The user itsallgleektome meanwhile asked for some prequel scenes a while ago - and out of that grew a whole prequel story with Jade being pregnant and everything. I will just proofread the first chapter one last time and then, that will also go up. If you like this story, I would really happy to also see you there. :) (It will be named "How they got there".)
Gosh. When I finish up long stories, I always get a little sad. That's definitely also happening now. I'm happy at the same time though. And satisfied that I was able to finish it this quickly and everything.
Now again many thanks to everyone and feel free to tell me what you think about this story. :)

Finals are close-by, when Tori gets the gig to sing the national anthem at the Northridge basketball game on the evening of Thursday.

The day before, she already wants to make sure, she knows all the lyrics – and finally understands them as it's so much easier to memorize them then.

Jade starts with it, saying she could mess up so easily, and suddenly, everyone is on her case and making her nervous. Yeah, because she needs that, because that won't make her really forget the lyrics. She hasn't considered that before; or at least hasn't been afraid of it, because mistakes happen, though she naturally also would want to sing the national anthem without any mistakes.

Now, she's nervous and afraid that she will forget the lyrics, and learns even more.

The lyrics aren't the problem in the end though. It's that damn mascott dog that drags her over the floor. She does her best to finish up the song, but she knows, even before she finally gets rescued, that everyone will laugh at her for ages.

Her mother takes her back home and they barely exchange a word. Tori is so embarrassed, feel immensely humiliated. It gets even worse though, when she walks inside the house and not only finds Trina sitting on the couch closer to the door, but Cat sitting on the other one, Benji standing next to her on it, and Andre, Beck, Jade and Robbie all coming up to stand behind it, when they notice Tori.

Gosh. Everyone except Benji says something semi-happy, as if to pretend everything went great, then Rex says though: "Haha. You got dog-dragged."

Robbie has sat him down onto the back of the couch. Benji promptly turns to him and grabs him happily. While usually, Robbie always makes Rex snap if someone handles him like that, Benji is always allowed to do so, is allowed to touch him roughly, to pull his arms, just to play with him, with Robbie having Rex react sweetly, like Robbie himself usually would.

But Tori doesn't care too much about it now. "Why are they all here?"

"Mom invited them," Trina answers, defending herself.

Tori turns around to her mother hopelessly, and she rubs her arms: "I just wanted your friends to be here to congratulate you and celebrate. I didn't know you would mess up the song."

She makes clear that she didn't mess up the song, only to have Jade then tell her that fifty people have already posted the video of that desaster online. Great. And Jade naturally is amused about that.

Cat meanwhile asks why she didn't finish singing the national anthem, before being dragged by the dog. Oh, Cat.

She lets herself sink face forward onto the couch as she finally says: "Oh, I must have looked so ridiculous."

"Well, here, I have it cued up on the DVR," Trina says. "Have a look."

"No, I don't wanna have," she quickly says but Trina has already put it on and she sees herself being dragged by that dog on TV. It has looked ridiculous. Gosh.

And Benji starts laughing. He has promptly turned to the TV as Trina has turned it on, and now he laughs about Tori in the situation, which makes Jade grin brightly and Robbie actually make Rex laugh, too.

Tori glares at them, which makes Rex instantly shut up, then say: "Tough luck."

Beck has meanwhile quickly pulled Benji into his arms and now whispers: "Hey, baby. Sh. Don't laugh. Look at Tori and how sad she is."

Benji does stop laughing, but only looks at Tori curiously and not like he's sorry at all.

Tori sighs, sinking her face back onto the couch. "I feel so embarrassed and humiliated."

"Well, this has been a great party," Jade says, sounding satisfied.

It's Cat, who has enough insight: "Guys, I think Tori wants to be alone."

"Yeah, maybe we should all go," Andre agrees and Tori is glad they are about to.

She feels them touching her, hears a few encouraging words. But she also hears Jade, talking to Beck: "You can directly take Benji home. I'll get a ride with Robbie."

Apparently, Benji sleeps at Beck's place at the moment. But why shouldn't Beck take Jade home?

"Me?" Robbie asks surprised, also hasn't known about this arrangement before.

"Yes," Jade just answers.

Beck also can't understand what's going on, but he doesn't ask further, instead: "Call me later, okay?"

"Sure," Jade answers and then suddenly: "Hey, you want me and Robbie to give you a ride home?"

Tori only knows that she is talking to Cat, when Cat answers, as she herself still has her face burried in the couch: "Yeah. You can just drop me off at school."

"School?" Jade asks sceptical and Robbie adds: "It's about to be nighttime."

"Wow. You sure know about time," Cat just answers and then, they must be out the door, with the other already gone. At least, Tori finally hears the door click close, before she feels her mother's hand on her back and hears her mother saying: "I'm so sorry."



Everyone in school makes fun of her the next day, including Sikowitz. She feels terrible. Until Andre and Beck walk up to her and show her a video of Chris Burm in his talk show, inviting her to show her talent.

Of course, she wants to go there. Beck and Andre say they don't trust him, but what does she care? It can't get any worse than this, can it?

She calls Burm's team and already gets invited for the next day, probably because they want to get her before the hype calms back down. They will tape in the morning and Tori is able to seat Beck and Andre in the audience. They insist to come with her to make sure nothing bad is going on.

She also tries calling Mason, but he's not in the office today. She's sure he wants to have something to say about in which talk shows she appears but... he also must be happy if she can rectify the embarrassment from last evening.

The talk show does go great, though Andre and Beck tell her afterwards that they are the ones making sure of that. Burms did want to humiliate her even more.

They tell her on the way to school, where Robbie, Jade, Benji and Cat are at it to pack Cat's things together above the Blackbox Theater.

They have to explain to Tori what's going on, that Cat moved here when her parents moved away with her brother for his therapy, that she didn't know where else to go, when she didn't want to stay with her aunt and uncle. She hasn't heard anything about that over yesterday, but she also has been caught up with her own things once again.

Beck and Andre have known, but Jade took care of it, has called Cat's parents and has made sure Cat was able to stay with her grandmother, she is close to anyway.

Apparently, they now have driven up to her, all while Tori has been at the talk show, have talked to her, and have driven back to get all of Cat's stuff. From school and from her aunt's and uncle's home where she was supposed to stay at first.

They all help now, Benji also carrying a few small things to the car, which always makes Cat hug and kiss him and squeal happily. Well, she hasn't been like this over the last few days. Something has been wrong. Tori understands that now and sees how relieved she is and how she's just her own self again.

Mason calls in between, in his office today, and talks to her about the dog-dragging and the talk show. He promises he also would've made sure that nothing bad would have aired by Burms. But now, they'll insist of him airing the song she did on the show, which is great.

She feels extremely happy, as she sits with all of her friends the evening of Saturday in Cat's grandmother's house, her having moved in, and all of them eating a great meal her grandmother has prepared for all of them.



It's on the Friday before finals that Sikowitz first asks them to do a play in a nasty bus and then under water. And when they all say they won't do anything like that, he calls them out for it. He even says, he's gonna quit then and naturally, he just pretends to, but when he says it a third time, Tori finally stops him and asks him what he wants them to do.

He says they are supposed to be more open minded and then dares them to say yes to everything they get ask for the rest of the day. Well... They can try.

Though as soon as the bell rings and they know, Cat is about to ask them if they also want a Pajelehoocho, she has bought 144 of for free shipping, they of course quickly run – only Robbie not being able to leave fast enough.

Trina is also in school today, but just to brag in front of everybody about the new TV show, she stars in. It's called Divertisimo and apparently only runs in Mexico. She hasn't even gotten a tape to show Tori or their parents, but naturally she comes back to her old school to tell everyone about her success. (Though Tori knows their parents aren't too convinced of that success and do want Trina to search for a real job or finally go to college.)

"Did she brag about it to you, too?" Tori just now asks Beck, when he mentions that he has met Trina earlier.

"You mean Divertisimo?" Beck says. "Yes, she mentioned it." Of course that must mean, she didn't say one whole sentence without mentioning that show; of course Beck easily remembers the name.

Tori just sighs and then changes the topic: "So, what are you doing tonight?"

Beck promptly smiles and says almost proudly: "I am going to trick my girlfriend."

"Trick her?" Tori asks sceptically. Beck wants to trick Jade?

"Well... Sorta," Beck says. "You know how she has to say yes to everything?"

Okay, Beck has been especially all over Jade lately, while she even uses the breaks by now to learn for finals. She still allows Beck to put his arm round her, but it's not like she actively wants him to do it like she otherwise mostly does.

And somehow, Tori's mind just... goes into that direction when she hears Beck say that, and she quickly turns around, walking to her locker: "I'm not sure I need to hear this."

Beck understands, what she's getting at. "No. No, listen," he says as he follows her and comes to a halt next to her. "You know how I love drag racing?"

"No," Tori answers because she so hasn't known that before.

"Well, I do," Beck simply says. "And Jade has always refused to go to a race with me. She says it's stupid."

"I am with Jade on this one," Tori says honestly.

Beck answers: "Don't care. There's a big race tonight and Jade's gonna go."

"Oh, because of Sikowitz," Tori says as she understands.

Beck nods: "She has to say yes. I had the tickets for a while and just waited for a good moment to ask. My parents are ready to watch Benji tonight, so... I didn't know a chance like this would arise, but it's perfect. I will definitely take her tonight."

"It worked out perfect for you," Tori admits, even impressed at Beck's luck but feeling sorry for Jade all the same. Because Beck hasn't been able to make her go with him until now, so she obviously doesn't want to, but she will go now because she never looses a dare.

But suddenly, Jade is with them and directly addresses Tori: "Hey, Tori. Remember when you asked me to come over to your house tonight to help you make homemade pizza?"

"Uh, no. Not really," Tori answers confused.

"You asked me to do that, don't you remember?" Jade insists though. "I want you to remember that. Will you please remember that?"

Has she overheard them? Or what reason is there for her to want to visit Tori of all people so badly? And... well... With her saying 'please' and that yes-rule in place...

"Yes. I remember that."

"Great. I'll be over at your house at seven," Jade decides and then, she turns to Beck, who seems stunned: "Benji is with you tonight again, right?"

"Wait," he finally says. "I have tickets for a drag race."

"You never told me," Jade says, sounding accusing, then she shrugs: "Well, then I have to watch Benji, I guess."

"My parents can watch him," Beck quickly says. He does want to take Jade out after all and has already asked his parents to take Benji.

"Great," Jade says once again. "Then, you can go to your drag race and I can go to Tori's."

And with that, she turns back around and leaves. Whoa. She really must hate drag racing if she rather visits Tori on an evening where Beck's parents will take care of Benji and she could have the time alone with her boyfriend. On the other hand... If she has overhead, she knows Beck wanted to trick her and that also can't sit right with her. Jade also does things out of protest and now not wanting to go to a drag race even more, after Beck almost got her there... Tori understands.

Beck seems disappointed and says that he has to go by himself then – obviously wants to safe face in front of Jade and his parents, so he also isn't going to stay home and take care of Benji now, just so he doesn't make an idiot out of himself. And at the time of the drag race, it will almost be time for Benji's bed time anyway, so it's not like he's missing important moments with his son then.

Sinjin steps in now though and Beck ends up going with him.



Jade meanwhile really does come over to Tori's and Tori makes pizza – only for Jade to order some then. Great.

Jade also has a few papers with her to learn for finals, but she doesn't get around to do much. Trina interrupts them to go tape her show again and needs to have her pimple popped first, which Tori manages Jade to do, which is amazing.

They finally agree, to turn on the TV, but they also can't agree on a program there because Jade finds everything stupid. Until they see, Divertisimo is actually on, though Trina has claimed it doesn't run in LA.

Naturally, Trina claims that, as the whole show is a big joke, how Jade and Tori now notice. This is the best! And of course, Tori is more than ready to drive with Jade to the taping, to catch Trina in the act of filming the show and making a little fun of her, after she has annoyed her for days with the show.

But instead of having a great time there, Jade gets Tori into that awful show, by forcing her to apply to Sikowitz' yes-rule. Tori does get her revenge and they both end up being in the show.

Afterwards, when they dress back into their own clothes, Jade calls her and Trina a lot of bad words and finally says: "I should have just gone to that damn drag race. Ugh. And that's it for the night both Beck and I have off. Great."



They all passed their final exams successfully and that's so awesome. Yes, Tori knows this also means that they will soon all go their own ways, that they won't see each other as often anymore, that this is an incredibly sad moment, but first, they want to celebrate and think about all the good moments, they had, about the great school they went to together.

It's before the graduation ceremony. They are already in their caps and gowns. Benji is with them. Beck and Jade plan to hand him over to one of their parents when they go outside and take their places on the stage.

Right now, they stand together in their group of friends, Jade with Benji in her arms.

Robbie, Cat and Andre are just now talking about how the ceremony will go, while Tori listens to Jade telling Benji: "Your parents are going to graduate high school today, huh? And then, we'll soon move together, all three of us."

Tori knows they actually have already found a small apartment. Beck has said that it's nothing much but better than the RV or a room in one of their parents' houses.

Benji smiles. "Good." Tori doesn't know if Benji has understood, he's still so little after all, but Jade smiles and kisses his cheek. And Beck smiles as well, watching the both of them.

Then, he suddenly pulls Jade into a kiss himself, which she returns without hesitation.

When they break apart, Beck draws Benji out of her arms and lets him down on the floor. "Why don't you run along to Cat?" he tells the little boy.

"Okay," he answers and does run to her and even stretches his arms up to her, so Cat also picks him up again, though Benji does walk and stand more and more on his own.

And Beck sending Benji away, suddenly also makes Cat, Andre and Robbie listen to him, as he tells Jade, taking her hands in his: "I love you, Jade."

Jade smiles and they share a short kiss, before Beck goes on: "I wanted to wait for a more special moment and didn't want to do it right before our graudation but... Well... I have to tell you: I have fallen in love with you during our first date when you got into a rant about how bad some popular actors are, and I have never stopped loving you, despite all the challenges life has given us. I don't think I will ever stop loving you. I don't want to. I want to love you all my life and I want to be close to you all my life."

Everyone knows what's coming. Tori feels her heart beat faster and can't believe this is happening. Is she actually standing right with them, while it does?

Beck drops to one knee and that also makes a lot of their classmates turn to them and fall silent.

"So, I'm asking you," Beck says with a smile, pulling out a small box from under his gown, opening it and presenting Jade the ring in it. "Will you marry me?"

He has planned to do it some time today, if he has the ring with him. This isn't some random idea he has had.

Tori holds her breath as she looks to Jade, who tilts her head. "Are you only asking me, because we have a child together?"

Okay, that hasn't been a yes. Tori expects Beck to jump back up and possibly panic, but he keeps on one knee and calmly says: "Why do you think I sent Benji away just now? Because with or without him in your arms, you're the perfect girl for me."

They look at each other for a moment, before Beck asks again: "So, will you marry me?"

And suddenly, there is a smile on Jade's face, so beautiful and honest. "Yes. I will marry you."

They are already in a deep kiss before Beck is back up his feet, and Beck puts the ring on Jade's hand while they are still kissing.

Wow. Has she just witnessed their engagement?

"Benji!" Cat squeals, the first one of them being able to speak again, while Beck and Jade still kiss. "Did you see? Your parents just got engaged! Oh, my god. You'll make such a cute flower boy. Or will he be the ring bearer? Ahhh! I'm so happy for you!"

And she sets Benji back on the ground herself to hurry forward and hug Jade tightly, when she just breaks apart from Beck.

"Congrats, man," Andre says, positively astonished like they all are, pulling Beck in a hug. Tori and Robbie of course then hug Beck as well. Only then, Cat breaks apart from Jade again and hugs Beck as well, while everyone else also congratulates Jade with a hug – with her even hugging back every one of them.

Beck already picks up Benji again, while Robbie is still hugging Jade.

Benji has just stood there, watching the happiness unfold. Now, Beck tickles him, making him laugh, and then asks: "Did you hear? She said yes."

"To what?" Benji asks curiously. He obviously hasn't understood what has just happened.

"To marrying me," Beck answers with an amazingly happy smile.

Benji shrugs. "What does it mean?"

"That means that your beautiful mommy will make me her husband. She said yes to all of me," Beck explains.

Benji tilts his head and then says brightly: "You're happy."

"I am," Beck agrees and kisses his cheek.

Jade is long with him again at that point and they kiss again, before Jade draws Benji out of Beck's arms.

"You're happy, too," the little boy notices. Yes, she is. Tori has barely ever seen her smile like that. Jade is truly, truly happy. Well, she's engaged to the boy she loves.

"I am," Jade also agrees with their son. "Your daddy and I will marry each other."

And they kiss again, Jade lying her hand with the new ring on Beck's cheek, then dropping it to his shoulder as they break apart again.

"When will you get married?" Cat now asks, clapping her hands excitedly. "Can I make Benji's tuxedo?"

She definitely has more questions to ask about this, but Jade already cuts through her: "Slow down. I don't think it will happen anytime soon. Will it?"

She raises her eyebrows at Beck, who smiles: "I don't think so."

They actually agree on this without needing to speak about it. They just got engaged, but both already know that that doesn't mean they will have a wedding tomorrow or something.

Beck continues, putting his arm around Jade: "But it's wonderful not to have to speak about my girlfriend anymore, with whom I by the way have a child. I'll be able to talk about my finacée."

Jade turns to him, looks into his eyes, smiles that beautiful smile. "Say it again."

Beck smiles right back. "You are my fiancée, Jade."

They kiss again, unbelievingly sweetly, even making Benji watch smiling, though he must be so used to his parents kissing.

"You are mine," Jade whispers.


It's after the graduation ceremony, that Tori also witnesses Beck and Jade telling their parents who seem surprised but also happy in the end.

Well, they are together for three and a half years now and have a two-year-old son together. They have stayed together against all odds and they do love each other. Why shouldn't they get engaged? Why shouldn't they get married soon?





They marry each other about two years later.

Beck doesn't finish college, but drops out half way through when he gets a job as a series regular in a popular show. Through that, he also does get other bigger acting jobs and is happy to do that full time – and not taking classes next to it, so he can't see his family anymore.

Jade meanwhile only takes on small jobs, gets a bachelor of arts and then even goes for a master, though Tori understands that that has been a big decision. That means more costs and probably still her mother paying for part of her life, which she doesn't like. But after having had a child with sixteen, she does also want to have a high education, to possibly prove to everyone, but also to herself that it's possible, so...

They are out of school for four and half years now, all have gone their own ways, but they still see each other regularly. Sometimes, Tori thinks their group could've broken apart without Benji. But with a child in the mix and all of them wanting to keep close to him, for him to not forget them...

It's great, to still have those friends, even if they all make new ones in their chosen paths.

Today, they finally all meet up together again, at Beck's and Jade's home. It has been Jade's birthday a month ago. Tori and Andre both haven't seen her since then, but give her her presents now and congratulate her.

Beck is still filming, not home yet, while everyone else is already there and catching up.

Benji is in first grade now and has of course a lot to tell. It's amazing that Beck and Jade have a child in school while everyone else still are neither married nor thinking about children of their own yet with 23 and 22 years of age. And it's so weird that Jade isn't even done with her education, while her son already started his.

Cat has just now caught them up about her brother's issues, which they haven't asked for, but it's then, that Benji suddenly turns to Jade: "When will I get a sibling anyway?"

Jade raises her eyebrows: "You want a sibling?"

"All of my friends have one or more," Benji says with a shrug.

And Jade says the things all parents seem to say at one point or another: "And if all of your friends jump of a cliff, you would, too?"

"Obviously, I would," Benji states calmly.

It's funny, how he's able to say that. He always takes everything his mother says, pretty calmly and mostly even amused, reminding everybody of Beck. But at the same time, he himself says such sarcastic things sometimes, unbelievingly dry for a six-year-old and so hilarious, much like Jade somehow.

Jade just looks at him and Benji says: "Come on. I'll be seven already in three months. And I'm still an only child."

"I was as well at that age," Jade calmly stated.

Benji narrows his eyes. "So, it's not important, what my friends do or have, but what you did or had at my age?"

Oh, wow. Tori can follow that argument. Benji always has stuff like that up his sleeve, thinks quick on his feet and... he's just smart, which is only natural with Jade and Beck as his parents. They are both smart as well.

Jade sighs. "How about you let me graduate from college before asking me to have another child?"

"You will graduate next year," Benji easily answers, of course also knowing that. "Come on, Mom. Promise me, you'll give me a sibling soon."

"Why do you want one so badly?" Robbie now asks, confused.

Tori also doesn't get it. For a moment she wants to mention Trina and say that sisters can be a pain in the ass, on the other hand... She loves Trina and Trina loves her and they always have each other's back in the end. Having a sibling can be great.

Benji scrunches up his face: "Because they always say that they want a second child one day, but I don't want to get a sibling when I'm 20 or like... already have my own children."

"Firstable," Jade gets started again. "You won't have any children for a long time, because I won't be a grandmother already in my thirties."

That makes Andre, Robbie and Tori laugh. Tori doesn't miss that Jade made, as far as she knows, her own mother a grandmother in her late thirties.

Jade continues calmly: "Second of all: It doesn't matter. You don't have a sibling to have someone to play or something. And you can be close to your sibling even if there's a big age difference. Look at your uncle Jasper and me."

Benji pulls a thoughful face and suddenly says: "Jasper is eight years older than me. I don't want to be eight years older than my sibling." Apparently, that's already an age difference too big for him, though Tori knows that Benji and Jasper are extremely close as well.

Jade rolls her eyes. "God, Benji."

"You know I'm right," Benji says confidently though – who knows about what. It isn't like he has just proved something to Jade, he has just said his opinion.

Jade doesn't get to give a comeback, as that's the moment, the front door opens and Beck comes inside.

"Dad!" Benji directly says, jumps up from the couch and walks up to him. He still almost always hugs his parents when he sees them after a few hours, which Tori considers beautiful.

They also hug now, with Beck saying: "Hey, everyone. Hey, baby!"

"I'm so not a baby anymore," Benji says, easily though, not like he actually calls his father out for it. He does let his parents still call him that mostly; not anybody else though. He has even glared at Cat a year back, when she has for some reason squealed what a cute baby he is. His glare already has been deathly at the age of five, learning from the best, his mother, of course.

Beck now also tells him: "You will so stay that forever for me and your mom."

He runs his hand through the boy's hair, before he walks up to Jade, leans down and kisses her.

Only after, Benji raises his voice again: "I don't think so. You will have a new baby soon."

Beck looks a moment to Benji, processing what he has said, then he spins back around, his eyes widening at Jade. Oh, Tori knows what he's thinking.

Jade does too and looks annoyed, as she said: "I'm not pregnant."

"God. I swear, this time I wouldn't have known how it happened," Beck says, obviously relieved.

Jade smirks and Tori also has to smile. Yeah, she would be freaked out as well, if she would've protected and still got pregnant. Beck and Jade both must feel the same, especially after they had Benji without planning to. They most likely watch closely since then to really protect.

"She isn't pregnant yet," Benji says though. "She just promised me I'll have a sibling soon." Which she hasn't.

"She so did," Andre says anyway, amused, which makes Cat giggle, Robbie and Tori grin and Benji smirk because of the support.

Jade glares at her friends and clearly states: "I didn't."

She turns back to Beck, who still stands next to her. "Though you know... We always only said we would at least wait until I'll graduate from college."

Beck looks back at her and finishes her thought: "Which you will be in less than half a year."

"I will," Jade confirms.

They keep looking in each other's eyes and Tori shortly glances to her friends, who all watch Beck and Jade closely, including Benji. Obviously, they now also all know that a big decision is being made. And they are all there for it.

"I have a stable job at the moment," Beck says, in a series that will very likely will get picked up again. "If there aren't any more costs for college, I could probably support a family of four."

Jade smirks, grabs Beck by his shirt and pulls him into another kiss. This time, they barely seem able to stop kissing. Beck sinks deeper and deeper onto the armchair, Jade is sitting on.

It's Benji, who interrupts them: "You don't always have to make out."

They break apart, both a little breathless.

Andre seems amused: "Oh, if you want a sibling, they absolutely have to."

Tori has to laugh, while Jade raises an eyebrow at Andre: "Do you want to have that talk with him?"

"No, thanks," Andre immediately says. Though Tori is pretty sure, Benji already kind of knows where babies come from. But that doesn't mean they should talk about it any more.

"Well, congrats to that decision," Robbie now says, grinning.

"I hope it will be a girl next time," Cat meanwhile says. "So you have both. Though another boy could also be cute. Maybe, you'll have twins."

"Imagine that," Tori says amused.

Andre is just as amused: "Yeah, three children with like... 24. Sounds like fun."

"So fun," Jade agrees dryly, before she turns back to husband and son: "Now don't keep standing there like idiots. I guess, one of you can sit with me if you have to."

Robbie, Andre, Cat and Tori all sit on the couch, where Benji has sat with them before. Tori guesses, they can also both fit on the couch with them, but it gets cramped then. Next to the couch, they just have that big armchair, Tori is sure doesn't get used, except by Jade as soon as people are over. Then, she probably likes to take a seat there to not sit too close to everyone else on the couch. She doesn't always like physical contact except with Beck and Benji. If they have more guests, they take the kitchen chairs to have them seated.

"I'll sit with Mom," Benji promptly decides and sits down, half upon her lap, half next to her with the room, still on the chair.

Beck meanwhile sits down on the couch.



They keep talking, Beck now involved as well, also catching him up to everything and him catching them up.

It's after a long while, that Cat suddenly asks, softly: "Has Benji fallen asleep?"

It's evening by now, but not too late. But when Tori looks over to Jade and Benji, Benji does look fast asleep. Jade is absent-mindly playing with his hair, that's still so much like Beck's, and he leans against her with his eyes closed.

"He has," Jade confirms and Beck also looks at wife and son lovingly, as he explains: "He had trouble falling asleep yesterday, so he had to be exhausted."

"He's still the cutest," Cat says and Tori has to laugh: "Gosh, I can't believe you still say that."

"Though it's true," Robbie says and... well, yeah. It's true. He's already six, but he's still such a cute child and not only that, but also smart and attentive and bright and fun.

Beck smiles over the compliment about his son, drowns his drink and then asks: "Does anybody want some more to drink?"

He stands up and they all answer, all actually wanting something more.

"Me, too," Jade then says, as he passes her, and he stops for a moment and leans down to her.

They share a kiss over their sleeping son's head, like they have done so often before. They are still so much in love.

And Beck now whispered, still clearly heard by their friends: "I also would've loved to sit with you."

Jade smirks: "Are you jealous of your own son?"

"Always," Beck claims and they share another kiss and another, both smiling.

Tori can't help but smile as well. They are still such a beautiful and amazing family, still so close to each other with Beck and Jade taking so much care of their little son. Tori knows, they will also be great parents for a second child. Like they have always been great parents for Benji.