(Hey there. My sister helped me with this one. And since she's "older" *rolls eyes* I let her do part of it. Yup. Expect more of her. Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale, it belongs to the great Toby Fox! :D)


Mettaton smiled and hugged Napstablook...well, he phased through him but still.

Napstablook frowned and apologized, "Sorry... I'm a ghost so you can't really touch me..." Mettaton shook his head and laughed it off, "Oh, don't be sorry, Blooky~! You should be happy, we're finally leaving the Underground!" Mettaton beamed.

Napstablook smiled smally, to say that he was happy too. Happy for the monsters that wanted to leave. Napstablook couldn't care less where he was, he was just a waste of space anyway.

Plus, his house was small -like his worth to the world- and was familiar with the places he needed to go. (Like, for example, the place he goes to buy ghost sandwhiches, go sleep at the ruins if he suddenly feels uncomfortable in his house, and... to be honest, that's all.)

"Blooky! Snap out of it, darling, we're so close. I can just hear the humans crying my name for when I'm famous up there!" The robot super-star said, stretching his robotic arms widely while striking a pose. Napstablook let out a small laugh, making Mettaton smile.

As they neared the shattered barrier, Napstablook suddenly stopped mid-way. "Hey... Mettaton?" Nasptablook called out, just an inch away from the outside world. Mettaton, who was already one step ahead, turned around and looked at him questioningly. "Yes, what is it, Blooky?"

Napstablook bit his non-existent lip and said, "Aren't you... scared?" He asked quietly, staring at his cousin. Mettaton rose his eyebrows, "And why would I be scared? There's a whole new stage out there, Napstablook. Where we can have world-wide tours!" Mettaton's eyes shone with eagerness.

His eager expression faltered when Napstablook just stared at him. Mettaton let out a nervous chuckle, "To be honest, darling, yes, I'm sorta scared. Anxious, I guess. But we won't know until we exprience it, right, Blooky?" Napstablook continued to stare at his cousin unti a smile crept up his face.

"I guess...you're right. Let's go then, Mettaton..." He still had his cute smile on, Mettaton couldn't help but jump of joy in the inside, he was making progress. He and Blooky were starting to be friends again.

The sun surprised both the star and the ghost. "HOW DARE THIS BALL OF LIGHT SHINE BRIGHTER THAN ME?!" Mettaton shouted, straining his eyes to glare back at the scorching sundown.

Napstablook had hidden behind the robot and whimpered, "T-That's the sun, right?... Dr. Alphys said that it was the brightest star ever..." Napstablook said behind Mettaton's back, "Brightest star? I see..." Mettaton mumbled.

"WELL THEN, I SHALL CONQUER YOUR PLACE, 'SUN', FOR WHEN I'M FAMOUS, I WILL BE THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE UNIVERSE!" Mettaton shouted at the sun, waving his fist in the air and mocking it.

Napstablook, who had adjusted to the brightness, whispered, "I think they can't hear you." Mettaton looked back at their cousin and nodded, "Well, I'm still conquering it." Mettaton replied and started to adjust to the brightness.

"It looks beautiful, huh, Mettaton?" Napstablook suddenly said, his usual sad eyes seem to reflect the sun's beautful light and a smile on his lips. Mettaton stared at his cousin and smiled as well.


"...it does seem to shine beautifully." Mettaton admitted and the two cousins sat down on the edge of the mountain -float, in Napstablook's case-. "But I'm sill going to be a brighter star!" Mettaton added, shaking his fist and his eyes shining in determination. Napstablook let out a small chuckle.

"It's peaceful out here, huh?"


(Welp. Another fic. It's random, I guess. My sister liked it though so I'll have to say I did too. Read and Review, thanks!)