Pain. Even after some weeks, Nick Wilde's life still focused around pain. The damage to his torso's musculature was substantial; including that along his spine, so even sitting upright could be agonizing if he wasn't careful. Not as bad as it had been earlier, and the application of heavy medication had kept him oblivious through the worst of it.

The other pain, of a hollow life without his mate ten years on, and the turmoil of emotions of a failed suicide where another matter.

Now he was weaning himself off the meds, as they had become more a drugged refuge from his wider predicament than a palliative to his physical discomfort. The prospect of some kind of future had given him some little hope, but in the meantime he still hurt.

He ever so carefully leaned back into his powered wheelchair, enjoying the soft cacophony of the various mammals in the hospital cafeteria. That he missed the racket of others was a bit of a surprise. He had prided himself on his social independence heretofore, but had to admit that, other than his brief times off shift, he was constantly surrounded by the population of the city. The enforced isolation of his hospital room had made that all too obvious.

As well as the soothing sounds of life around him, he could interact with others. He still enjoyed some small celebrity as half the Wilde/Hopps Saviors of the City as well as his new heroics, but it was his indefatigable charm that brought smiles to most anyone he met.

"You done with that, sir?" The bus beast, a young wallaby asked.

Nick stirred from his reverie to respond. "Oh? Oh. Here you go." And he deftly stacked his plates and cup and gave the table a quick wipe before surrendering the collection. Seeing the puzzled expression on the fellow, he explained. "Known too many others who do this kind of thing to make it any more difficult for you."

"Thank you, sir." The Joey smiled and nodded to the elder fox.

Nick was of two minds about the youngster's reactions. The Joey clearly didn't recognize him, not a surprise in that Nick's most famous period was likely when he was still in-pouch. All glory is fleeting and all that. On the other paw, some anonymous courtesy never hurt.

Chief Kamatti's words still made his teeth grind though. Suggesting he was anything but the bitter, cynical old dog that he was. And that fool of a Hopps, suggesting he spend his waining years in the 'Burrows.

Thinking of which, Doctor Jeremy was threatening to come and visit today. Meeting here meant there'd be witnesses to anything that happened. That was a joke of course, but one he couldn't help but think.

And where was he? Jeremy, like all Hopps, took pride in their punctuality.

As he thought it, he caught sight of that tall Rabbit, Jeremy was unusually tall for a Hopps Bunny, and combined with the heavier set like his parents, made him look even larger. Judy had been taller than average herself, doubly so with her atypical ears, but always maintained a leaner athletic build.

Jeremy caught sight of him and waved, and in that Nick could see he'd brought some other bunnies with him. Who caught his eye was the dark Doe at his side. He'd heard that Jeremy had finally found a mate now rather late in life, and as Nick was aware of his early conflicted early love life, was happy for him in that.

What he was not expecting were the two little bunnies trailing behind them. Apparently just toddlers, twin little Does, favoring their Mother's color if he guessed right.

"And this is all the fluffle you threatened me with?" Nick announced in stern disappointment.

"Would you really want to face the entire cohort in your current condition?" Jeremy countered, pointing at Nick's chair.

At that, Nick recoiled in mock dread. "You've got me there." Recovering, he regarded the unfamiliar family before him. "And who are these dark beauties?" Nodding to the three Does. "Certainly no one that would have anything to do with the likes of you."

"You'd think." Jeremy laughed. "But there is no accounting for taste, so Angela married me. Angela, my wayward brother-in-law Nicholas Wilde."

The Dark Doe gave the old Todd a critical look and a smirk, "Kind of scruffy to be the much vaunted 'Fluffy One', don't you think?" Oh, she was a sharp one and Nick liked her in an instant.

"Well, that was back in his prime, before he became such an old frost-muzzle." Jeremy explained.

Nick theatrically blinked and went slack-jawed in shock. Then, "What would your Mother say about you disrespecting your elders like that?"

"I suspect she'd let that pass, considering what she threatened when she can finally get her paws on you."

Nick had a flicker of real dread at that, though out of guilt, for his neglect of the dear old Doe. Then, focused on the two little ones, definitely twins, in matching outfits. They had been watching the interplay of the gown-ups in curious attention, and now returned his gaze in obvious delight.

Jeremy knelt down to face to face with them, "Girls, this is you Uncle Nick, the Fox I've been telling you about. And like I told you, while he loves little bunnies, right now he is a bit hurt, so you can't get up and fluffle him for now." He turned to Nick for confirmation, who had to sadly nod and shrug at that.

Standing back up and ushering them forward, Jeremy then presented the two. "My daughters," And he caught himself, giving Nick a little apologetic cringe, "Nichole and Judith."

Nick was surprised that it didn't hurt to hear those names. Instead his face lit up in real joy. "Nikki and Judy?"

The two little ones beamed at the recognition and their parents subtlely relaxed a bit seeing his positive reaction.

Nick considered a moment, then, "Tell you what. If you two are very gentle with me, I've love to have you up in my lap for just a little fluffle." And he glanced at the parents for confirmation.

The Twins looked up to their parents as well in unspoken pleading.

"Aright, but you have to promise you won't gobble them up." Angela warned.

"Normally, that would be a prudent demand," And Nick wiggled his brows,

"But at the moment, I'd be more worried about them nibbling on me or breaking something."

Jeremy lifted up one of the kits, "Here's little Nichole," He then paused and gave her a closer look, "Or is it Judith?"

"Da! No!" The little one squirmed.

"You are the most awful Father!' Angela huffed as she picked up the other one, only to give her a little once over too. "Or, uhm... Here!" And she thrust her Daughter towards Nick, though very carefully set her on his lap.

The Kit in turn gazed up at the old fox and proudly announced, "I Judit!"

Nick glanced over to the other and motioned her over. "And you must be Jabberwocky!"

As Jeremy set her down besides her sister, she huffed, "I Nikle!"

"Of course you are." And Nick pulled them close, trying to not show any discomfort. Seeing both parents noticing his reaction, he explained. "Got to take the bitter with the sweet." He then nuzzled the two who giggled and cooed at the attention.

In that, all the memories of his time back at the 'Burrow, being the "Fluffly One" to Judy's kin and the genuine love he felt from the collected bunnies came back to him. The Judy parts still stung, but not so much as to avoid the recall.

Nick looked back to Jeremy and Angela and the three shared a bit of shared joy.

Finally, Nick relented. "Okay Doctor Bunny. I can see coming home could be a real thing." The use of the word 'home' was not lost to all of them, and there was a more teary eyed shared expression between them. Nick had to, of course, spoil the mood. "But you realize you'll be stuck with this stinky old Todd. Especially as normal bathing will be a bit problematical for a good while."

Angela gave Nick a rather predatory look. "I wouldn't count on that, as I suspect there would be any number of Bunnies who'd be very interested in keeping you clean and particularly well groomed."

Nick looked to the Husband in shock. "Cheese, Jeremy! What has the warren come to?"

For his part, Jeremy could only shrug and hold out his paws in helpless supplication. "When has anyone been able to keep a pack of determined Does in line?"

Nick knew that the threat was not nearly as sordid than it sounded, and moreover, found himself actually looking forward to the prospect of getting an attentive groom from a loving family. He gave the kits another nuzzle then leaned back to enjoy the moment.

A part of him did flicker back to that fateful day, and how terribly different the outcome could have been, not only for him but everyone else. He honestly hadn't considered that anyone cared back in the 'Burrow, that he was simply old business best forgotten.

"I'm so sorry." He finally said. "And thank you."

Jeremy simply cocked his head in a half shrug. "Hey, it's what we do for family." But Nick could tell that he knew what he was thinking and was all the more grateful for it. "And thinking about that, any requests for you bedroom decor? Mom was threatening a soft desert peach."

Nick had to make a face, then thought. "How about a nice light warm grey."