Hey lovelies, I'm going to post a few chapters that are going to take place in Flash Point before we start the main story!

" Ms.-Ms. Reynolds? "

A young secretary hesitantly knocked against her office door, before opening it just a few inches. The woman cleared her throat nervously before continuing.

" Mam, it's the same man as before, would you like me to tell him to leave? "

Mila sat comfortably at her desk, her face twisting for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say. The secretary swallowed hard and averted her eyes to the hard cross tile floor. She looked extremely uncomfortable, and didn't wait for her boss to answer her question.

The secretary closed the door, and within moments of leaving, Mila could hear an exchange of voices. At first they were quiet, but slowly, steadily, they became louder. It wasn't until there was a massive rush of energy and her office door being forced open, that she finally realized who was trying to contact her.

That Kid again..

The papers on her desk flew up and into the air, and she was left speechless, as a meta human rushed into her office. He was pretty thin, and had a pained expression slapped across his face. Mila didn't flinch or move, and before she could get a word out edge wise, the man was quick to speak.

" My name is Barry Allen, and I need to speak with you.."

The man seemed adamant about getting his point across, so she quietly listened while remaining seated at her desk.

" I've been looking for you for almost three months.. " The young man paused before leaning over the front of her desk, in what she could only believe, was an attempt to show his seriousness. However Mila was rarely intimidated, especially by some fast moving punk.

" Listen Jerry, I have no interest in hearing any more of your plans or-whatever.. "

" Jerry.. "

The man seemed insulted and spoke quietly under his own breath.

" You're going to leave this office, or I'm going to force you to leave."

Mila began to stand up, but immediately hesitated. There was a deathly serious look on her face as she briefly glanced down to her lap, where normally her legs would be visible, however for right now, there was a very large pregnant belly in the way.

She wasn't in the condition to be fighting some meta-jerk, but if this little prick wasn't going to leave, then she was going to have to, persuade him.

Reyna pushed herself from her chair and placed both of her palms onto her desk. Almost immediately the man fell back, aghast. He nearly fell over while trying to keep his footing, and eventually ended with his back against the door to her office.

" Listen, you rude little man.. I am beyond done with your bullshit. I'm exhausted and angry with how my day is currently going, and now you think as a stranger, that you could come into MY office, and order me around? "

Reyna spoke in venom at the man, but what happened next completely surprised her.

" Oh my god, Reyna, " His voice seemed to lose its strength as he took another step towards her, " You're pregnant?! "

The man's voice softened so much that it brought her to a standstill. She looked on at him with confusion and suspicion.

" Don't call me that.. "

The young woman's lips curled slightly with the mention of a pet name that a nameless man had once affectionately called her.

" Right, sorry.. "

The man shook off the insult almost effortlessly, and Mila looked on, a little confused with how comfortable this stranger was around her. He was handsome, with thin lean features and deep brown eyes.

" Man-man, Cisco must be through the roof.. "

The man's infectious smile and positive ambiance would have normally lifted her out of her shit mood, but right now he just brought on more questions. Like how the fuck did this little dink know that Francisco was the father?

" You little creep, who sent you? "

Mila's blood was beginning to boil as she placed a free hand onto her very pregnant stomach, and stared on at him with intense anger.

Apollo's presence allowed her to sense the energy of the beings from around here, and she could tell that this man was good down to his core. But still, he was a stranger.. A stranger that knew more about her than she was comfortable with.

" I- I need your help, and all of this is going to sound absolutely nuts, but I know who you are, because we were friends in another time. "

Mila's face twisted some, as her face turned into a sour glare.

" Drugs? "

She spat simply and coldly, as she eyed him wearily. Almost on cue he ran an annoyed hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and tried to explain himself. He cleared his throat and took another step forwards.

" My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive.. "

He paused again, and Mila gave him a moment to explain himself further.

" In my time, you're dead.. you were killed by a meta human from another Earth, called Zoom.. I ran back in time to save my mother, and possibly you.. " With another deep breath he continued his story.

" I need to fix what I ruined, this time line, it's not right, and I need your help.. "

Mila stayed quiet for a moment. She straightened her posture, not hesitating to leave a lasting hand on her unborn child, her eyes seeming to stare straight through him.

" Is it true.."

Mila spoke loudly to herself, and Barry looked on confused, all the while Reyna stared out into the quietness of her office, as though she was awaiting an answer from an invisible man. Slowly, her stern eyes began to soften as she looked back up and to Barry. She'd gotten her answer.

Apollo revealed only what was needed, not wanting to infect this timeline with any more unwanted knowledge of what could have been or could be. The only thing she needed to know was that he was who he said he was, and that he needed their help.

Mila walked from her desk, and over to where Barry was. Her harsh expression softened some, as Apollo explained that this man was a close friend in another life, and that in order to restore the balance of the Time Line, she needed to work with him.

" What do you need from me, Barry Allen.. "

" Wally Bear.. "

Mila affectionately sweet talked up from a curb that sat right next to a busy the street, cat calling the young speedster from his second story apartment. Both her and Barry were standing down on a side curb in Central City, trying to get their crew together. Barry had asked for help finding a few people, but little did she know, those same people were the ones she was closest to.

Wally and Iris West had teamed up with Mila a few years ago after the City started to go to shit. There were too many villains to keep up with, and eventually they had found each other. She'd grown to love them like her own kin.

" Hey beautiful I'll be down in a minute! "

The handsome face of Wally West poked out from the apartment buildings window, smiling down at both Barry and Mila.

" Wally bear.. "

Barry repeated what she had said and Mila shot him a half cocked look.

" We're close. "

Mila shook her head, shifting her eyes from Barry and back up to that window.

" Little too close by the looks of it."

Barry spoke quietly to himself, but not quiet enough. Mila shot him a hard glare and took a deep, building breath.

" I'm obviously pregnant with someone else kid, so keep your rude comments to yourself. "

Mila pointed and waved down at her baby bump, where her stomach was heavily protruding. Barry was caught off guard and had to look away as his face began to redden.

Iris and Wally were down within the next few minutes, and Reyna was surprised to learn that Barry and Isis had already met. Apparently Barry had been following her to the same coffee shop ever day and had managed to get a date.

" Look who's creepy now.. "

Mila quietly spoke at Barry after learning what a good stalker he'd become.

Barry didn't have much time to rebuttal, as Wally was quick to greet her. Reyna's face quickly lit up as he didn't hesitate to reach out and hug her. Reyna's stern expression melted away as he embraced her for a moments. Giving her a few fleeting seconds of peace.

He pulled away and kneeled down, bringing both of his hands up and placing them onto her stomach. He glanced up to Mila only once before he began to speak to the unborn child.

" Hey there, little guy.. Uncle Wally's here to say good morning.. "

Wally smiled from ear to ear, as everyone in the group was quiet for a few moments. There was a tension that Barry wasn't sure of. He looked around, almost worried as both Mila and Iris looked at each other, containing their smiles.

" Yo-no way, " Wally smiled up, his hands shifting against the fabric that covered her stomach.

" He's kicking. "

Wally looked up to Iris and Mila with a surprised grin.

" Yeah.. " Mila spoke, sounding a little uncomfortable.

Iris didn't hesitate either, reaching forwards and down now, letting her palm rest against her stomach as well. Mila looked down at them and she began to laugh. She felt like a magic 8 ball or something.

" Barry come on, " Iris motioned to the speedster, and Barry hesitantly looked up at Mila. She smirked back at him and nodded. Iris and Wally moved up and out of the way, letting Barry stand directly in front of Mila.

He looked up at her hesitantly, unsure of where he should place his hands, but Mila was more than happy to guide him along her growing stomach. Barry's hands froze and almost instantly a large, boorish smile crested his lips.

He seemed to be out of breath for a moment, as his eyes constantly shifted between Mila's eyes and her stomach. His large palms shifted with the moments of the kicking, and Mila began to feel a deep nostalgic tug in her gut.

Mila knew this man, she knew she did. Obviously not until just recently, but she could feel in her her soul, that this man was close to her. He was a good person. He was he friend.